Victory of Adwa Proudest Moment to Impart to Upcoming Generations: Amb. Kumarasiri

The commemoration of the Victory of Adwa is a proudest moment of Ethiopian history that should be imparted to the upcoming generations, Sri Lanka Ambassador Theshantha Kumarasiri said.

In an exclusive interview with ENA, the Sri Lanka Ambassador to Ethiopia said history reflects what your forefathers did for your country.

The Victory of Adwa is a history, but it should be transformed into positive energy towards the economic development of the country, he added.

With the vast experience in Africa, something you transmit is this victory to a positive direction towards economic development.

The ambassador does not believe that any Ethiopian hates Italy. ‘You have gained much from Italy and also still collaborate with Italy, Italian Government, Europe and European Union and all.’

This is what happened in the past, and how you create the future for positive direction and energy is what matters, Ambassador Kumarasiri explained.

‘I believe it’s a victory for the people of Ethiopia for positive development. I
am very optimistic of the direction that you have taken, and also transmitting this past energy to the future generation; for them to sustain and also with that to succeed more engagement with the outside world.’

According to the ambassador, Africa is so diverse and divided by many forces bringing them together is a challenge.

‘But we should do it with the dedication of Adwa victory and bringing a kind of positive energy to work together.’

The Victory of Adwa is a hard won battle in 1896 during the reign of Emperor Menelik II against Italian aggressors.

Today the annually commemorated victory was colorfully celebrated across the country.

Moreover, Ethiopia has recently inaugurated Adwa Victory Memorial Museum to honor those who fell at the Battle of Adwa.

The memorial honors the bravery and resilience of Ethiopians in the face of colonial powers who labeled Africa as the dark continent.

In addition to its historical significance, the Victory Memorial also serves as a symbol of pride, unity, and resilie
nce for the Ethiopian people and Africa at large.

It is a place of remembrance, reflection, and education, preserving the memory of the Battle of Adwa and its enduring legacy for future generations.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency