Parceria da Layout International com a Viabiliza a Automação Total da Produção de Impressão

A união do NewsPublish da Layout International com o mecanismo inteligente de IA e ML da reduz o tempo do processo de impressão para apenas alguns minutos

TORONTO, June 11, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A, uma suíte de ferramentas de otimização, previsão e automação alimentadas por IA desenvolvida pela The Globe and Mail, fez uma parceria com a Layout International, uma fornecedora de tecnologia empresarial de ponta, para transformar a produção de impressão. A Sophi fornecerá a tecnologia IA/ML inteligente para automatizar totalmente o fluxo do trabalho de produção de impressão de ponta a ponta para economizar tempo e dinheiro para os editores e permitir que eles se concentrem na criação de conteúdo de alta qualidade.

O laydown de impressão tipicamente é um processo longo e árduo, envolvendo vários editores e designers de páginas e levando horas para ser concluído. Sem as restrições rígidas de um modelo, os clientes da Layout International agora têm a oportunidade de criar um papel indecifrável pronto para impressão a partir de um papel preparado pelos designers de páginas, e todo o processo leva apenas alguns minutos. E para os mais de 200 clientes da Layout International, essa parceria significa a integração perfeita da Sophi ao seu fluxo de trabalho editorial NewsPublish atual.

“Estamos muitos contentes com o fato de o nosso trabalho com a nos permitir oferecer aos nossos clientes novas capacidades de ponta na forma de uma solução de impressão automatizada de ponta a ponta que aumenta drasticamente as eficiências. Nossos clientes poderão executar mais de uma vez seu papel de impressão em apenas alguns minutos, sempre que quiserem, tudo dentro do sistema de gerenciamento de conteúdo NewsPublish Enterprise que eles já usam diariamente”, disse Jean-Michel Habis, CEO da Layout International.

O conjunto de ferramentas Sophi foi projetado para identificar o conteúdo mais valioso de uma organização (não o conteúdo mais popular, mas o conteúdo que gera conversões ou retenção ou a métrica que mais importa para essa organização) e colocá-lo nos lugares mais valiosos das suas entidades digitais ou por trás de um paywall quando a receita com a assinatura supera a receita com publicidade prevista. Além da NewsPublish, com a, a Sophi fornece automação de sites, um paywall totalmente dinâmico, em tempo real e personalizado, e soluções analíticas para editores em todo o mundo.

“O laydown de impressão é um trabalho enorme”, disse Greg Doufas, Diretor de Tecnologia da The Globe and Mail. “Essa parceria com a Layout International proporciona para os editores a liberdade de se concentrar na criação de conteúdo e nos elementos de design específicos onde os designers de páginas querem gastar sua energia. A melhor parte é que a NewsPublish acionada pela está ficando melhor e mais inteligente a cada dia, por isso os clientes da Layout International estão sempre na vanguarda da tecnologia com esta solução.”

Para mais informação, visite ou envie um e-mail para

Sobre a Layout International
A Layout International ( atende às crescentes necessidades tecnológicas do mercado, fornecendo soluções empresariais altamente personalizáveis. Ela atende mais de 200 clientes, fornecendo tecnologia de ponta que permite que eles aprimorem o seu trabalho. Com ela, muitas organizações podem transformar, migrar e integrar seus processos digitalmente, permitindo o trabalho em uma única plataforma.

Contato com a Mídia da Layout International
Ghassan Halawi
Vice-Presidente de Vendas, Layout International
+961 70 855685

Sobre a
A ( é uma suíte de ferramentas de otimização e previsão com base em IA que ajuda os editores de conteúdo a tomar decisões estratégicas e táticas importantes. As soluções Sophi variam desde a Sophi Site Automation até Sophi for Paywalls e Sophi Analytics, um sistema de suporte à decisão para editores de conteúdo. A Sophi foi projetada para aprimorar as métricas que mais importam para sua empresa, como retenção e aquisição de assinantes, engajamento, recentidade, frequência e volume.

Contato com a Mídia da
Jamie Rubenovitch
Dirigente de Marketing,
The Globe and Mail

Huawei Digital Power cherche à créer une communauté de partenaires mondiaux compétents pour un avenir vert et brillant

SHENZHEN, Chine, 12 juin 2021 /PRNewswire/ — En se concentrant sans relâche sur la réussite de ses partenaires, Huawei Digital Power a récemment organisé le Sommet des partenaires de l’écosystème 2021 afin d’explorer la manière dont on peut créer un système de partenariat compétent pour un avenir vert et brillant grâce à des solutions compétitives sans carbone pour tous les cas de figure, un service de qualité et une stratégie de partenariat innovante. En raison de la Covid-19, la série d’événements virtuels, avec des sommets en Asie-Pacifiqueen Amérique latine et en Europe rassemble des partenaires de 81 pays.

« La neutralité carbone est devenue l’objectif commun le plus urgent au monde, ce qui provoque une révolution dans la production et la consommation d’énergie et accélère également la modernisation du secteur. La transformation énergétique est porteuse de nombreuses opportunités industrielles et commerciales. En intégrant les technologies numériques et d’électronique de puissance, Huawei Digital Power fait progresser la révolution énergétique et s’associe à ses partenaires pour construire un avenir vert et brillant », a déclaré James Li, membre du conseil de surveillance de Huawei et président du marketing, des ventes et des services de Huawei Digital Power dans son discours de bienvenue.

M. Li a ajouté que la stratégie d’écosystème est au cœur de la stratégie de développement de Huawei Digital Power. Le secteur de l’énergie numérique est essentiellement un écosystème industriel. Nous nous engageons à faire ce qu’il faut pour apporter de la valeur à nos partenaires, partager les bénéfices avec eux et améliorer leurs capacités. Nous unissons nos forces à celles de tous les partenaires compétents et ambitieux pour construire un avenir vert et brillant grâce à la stratégie d’écosystème coopératif multi-niveaux et multi-entreprises.

Le secteur de l’énergie numérique a besoin d’un écosystème, et c’est pourquoi Huawei Digital Power a mis au point la stratégie d’écosystème « 3-4-5-6 ». « Nous répartissions les services des partenaires en trois domaines – photovoltaïque intelligent, centre de données et installation sur site, et domaine interne à Huawei – pour permettre à chaque acteur de se concentrer sur ses points forts. Lorsque nous coopérons avec des partenaires, nous adhérons aux quatre principes suivants : rentabilité, simplicité, habilitation et écosystème. Dans cette optique, nous mettrons en œuvre cinq mesures majeures cette année – la création d’un système de partenariat centré sur le secteur de l’énergie numérique, l’optimisation des plateformes informatiques, la promotion de la normalisation, le renforcement du marketing et de l’image de marque et l’augmentation des ressources – afin d’aider les partenaires à améliorer leurs six capacités en matière de vente, de service, de marketing, etc. », a souligné M. Li dans son discours.

Le sommet annuel des partenaires de l’écosystème, conçu pour présenter les ressources et les outils dont nos partenaires ont besoin pour accroître leur rentabilité, intervient alors que Huawei intensifie ses efforts pour construire une société intelligente et sans carbone. Lors du sommet, Zhou Taoyuan, président des produits et solutions de Huawei Digital Power, a présenté la solution zéro carbone de Huawei pour tous les cas de figure, qui comprend « 5 technologies de base + 4 scénarios d’application + 1 cloud ». La solution couvre le générateur photovoltaïque intelligent FusionSolar 8.0, l’alimentation résidentielle verte 2.0, l’alimentation C&I verte 1.0, les solutions d’alimentation en énergie hors réseau (suppression du combustible), le cloud énergétique, le centre de données à zéro carbone, le site à zéro carbone, le réseau de charge intelligent et l’alimentation modulaire.

Les représentants des partenaires de l’écosystème venus des quatre coins du monde ont partagé leurs idées sur la stratégie de marketing pendant la pandémie, la stratégie d’expansion du marché, la croissance de l’entreprise, entre autres, lors du sommet virtuel. 72 partenaires les plus performants au niveau mondial ont été sélectionnés pour être récompensés pour leur dévouement à la création de valeur en 2020. En quelques années, certains des partenaires ont étendu leurs activités à plus d’une douzaine de pays, grâce à la coopération avec Huawei. Comme l’a dit M. Li : « Huawei ne pose pas de limites à ses partenaires, alors rêvez en grand et réalisez de grandes choses »

Si vous voulez aller vite, allez-y seul. Si vous voulez aller loin, allez-y ensemble. Huawei Digital Power se concentrera sur notre stratégie d’écosystème et unira ses forces à celles de nos partenaires pour construire une planète plus verte et plus durable qui est la nôtre.

À propos de Huawei

Fondé en 1987, Huawei est l’un des principaux fournisseurs mondiaux d’infrastructures de technologies de l’information et des communications (TIC) et d’appareils intelligents. Nous comptons plus de 197 000 employés et nous opérons dans plus de 170 pays et régions au service de plus de trois milliards de personnes dans le monde.

Notre vision et notre mission sont d’apporter le numérique à chaque personne, foyer et entreprise pour un monde entièrement connecté et intelligent. À cette fin, nous favoriserons une connectivité omniprésente et l’égalité d’accès aux réseaux ; nous apporterons l’intelligence artificielle et le Cloud aux quatre coins du monde pour fournir une puissance de calcul supérieure là où vous en avez besoin, quand vous en avez besoin ; nous créerons des plateformes numériques pour aider tous les secteurs et toutes les entreprises à devenir plus agiles, efficaces et dynamiques ; nous redéfinirons l’expérience utilisateur avec l’IA, en la rendant plus personnalisée pour les individus dans tous les aspects de leur vie, qu’ils soient à la maison, au bureau ou en déplacement. Pour plus d’informations, visitez le site Web ou suivez Huawei sur les réseaux sociaux :

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Huawei Digital Power Looks to Build a Competent Global Partner Community for a Green and Bright Future

SHENZHEN, China, June 11, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — With a relentless focus on partner success, Huawei Digital Power has recently hosted the Ecosystem Partner Summit 2021 to explore how to build a competent partner system for a green and bright future through competitive zero-carbon all-scenario solutions, quality service and an innovative partner strategy. Due to Covid-19 the virtual event series, with Asia Pacific, Latin America and Europe summits, is bringing together partners from 81 countries.

“Carbon neutrality has become the world’s most pressing common goal, which stirs up a revolution in power generation and consumption and accelerates the industrial upgrading as well. The energy transformation brings abundant Industrial and commercial opportunities. By integrating digital and power electronics technologies, Huawei Digital Power is pushing forward the energy revolution and joining hands with our partners to build a green and bright future,” said James Li, Member of the Huawei Supervisory Board and President of Marketing, Sales & Services of Huawei Digital Power in his welcome speech.

Mr. Li added that the ecosystem strategy lies at the heart of Huawei Digital Power’s development strategy. The digital energy industry is essentially an ecosystem industry. We will be committed to doing something right to bring value to partners, share benefits with them, and improve their capabilities, and join forces with every competent and ambitious partner to build a green and bright future through the multi-level and multi-business cooperative ecosystem strategy.

The digital power industry needs an ecosystem, and that’s why Huawei Digital Power has come up with the ‘3-4-5-6’ ecosystem strategy. “We divide partner services into three domains — smart PV, data center & site facility, and Huawei-inside domain — to allow every player to focus on their strengths. When cooperating with partners, we adhere to the following four principles: profitability, simplicity, enablement, and ecosystem. With this in mind, we will implement five major measures this year — building a partner system centering on the digital power industry, optimizing the IT platforms, promoting standardization, ramping up marketing and branding, and increasing resource inputs — to help partners improve six capabilities in sales, service, marketing and so on,” Mr. Li emphasized in his speech.

The annual Ecosystem Partner Summit, designed to showcase the resources and tools that our partners need to drive profitability, comes as Huawei’s stepping up efforts in building a zero-carbon and smart society. Presented at the summit, Zhou Taoyuan, President of Products & Solutions, Huawei Digital Power, introduced Huawei’s All-Scenario Zero-carbon Solution, featuring “5 core technologies + 4 application scenarios + 1 cloud”. The solution covers Smart PV Generator FusionSolar 8.0, Green Residential Power 2.0, Green C&I Power 1.0, Off-grid (fuel removal) Power Supply Solutions, Energy Cloud, Zero-carbon Data Center, Zero-carbon Site, Smart Charging Network and Modular Power.

Ecosystem partner representatives from different corners of the world have shared their insights into marketing strategy during the pandemic, market expansion strategy, business growth, among others, at the virtual summit. 72 top-performing partners globally were selected to be awarded for their dedication to value creation in 2020. Within a few years, some of the partners have expanded their business to more than a dozen countries, thanks to the cooperation with Huawei. Just as Mr. Li said: “Huawei doesn’t place limits on our partners, so dream big and achieve bigger.

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. Huawei Digital Power will focus on our ecosystem strategy and join forces with our partners to build a greener, more sustainable planet that we call home.

About Huawei

Founded in 1987, Huawei is a leading global provider of information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure and smart devices. We have more than 197,000 employees, and we operate in more than 170 countries and regions, serving more than three billion people around the world.

Our vision and mission is to bring digital to every person, home and organization for a fully connected, intelligent world. To this end, we will drive ubiquitous connectivity and promote equal access to networks; bring cloud and artificial intelligence to all four corners of the earth to provide superior computing power where you need it, when you need it; build digital platforms to help all industries and organizations become more agile, efficient, and dynamic; redefine user experience with AI, making it more personalized for people in all aspects of their life, whether they’re at home, in the office, or on the go. For more information, please visit Huawei online at or follow us on:

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Layout International Partners with to Fully Automate Print Production

Combining Layout International’s NewsPublish and’s smart AI and ML engine reduces the hours long process of print laydown to just minutes

TORONTO, June 10, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —, a suite of AI-powered optimization, prediction and automation tools developed by The Globe and Mail, has partnered with Layout International, a supplier of cutting-edge enterprise technology, to transform print production. Sophi will provide the smart AI/ML technology to fully automate the end-to-end print production workflow to save publishers time and money and enable them to focus on creating high quality content.

Print laydown is typically a long and arduous process, involving multiple editors and page designers and taking hours to complete. Without the rigid constraints of a template, Layout International customers will now have the opportunity to create a print-ready paper that is indecipherable from a paper prepared by human page designers, and the entire process takes just minutes. And for Layout International’s over 200 customers, this partnership means seamless integration of Sophi into their current NewsPublish editorial workflow.

“We’re excited that working with enables us to offer our customers cutting edge new capabilities in the form of an end-to-end automated print solution that dramatically increases efficiencies. Our customers will be able to run and rerun their print paper in just minutes, whenever they chose, all within the NewsPublish Enterprise content management system that they already use daily,” said Jean-Michel Habis, CEO of Layout International.

The Sophi suite of tools is designed to identify an organization’s most valuable content (not the most popular content, but the content that drives conversions or retention or the metric that matters most to that organization) and place it in the most valuable places across their digital entities, or behind a paywall when the subscription revenue outweighs the predicted advertising revenue. In addition to NewsPublish powered by, Sophi provides site automation, a fully dynamic, real-time, personalized paywall, and analytics solutions to publishers across the world.

“Print laydown is a massive undertaking,” said Greg Doufas, Chief Technology Officer at The Globe and Mail. “We see this partnership with Layout International giving publishers the freedom to focus on content creation and the specific design elements that page designers want to spend their energy on. The best part is that NewsPublish powered by is getting better and smarter every day, so Layout International customers will always be on the cutting edge of technology with this solution.”

To learn more, please visit or email

About Layout International
Layout International ( meets the growing technological needs in the market by providing highly customizable enterprise solutions. They serve more than 200 clients, supplying them with cutting-edge technology to improve the way they work. They enable many organizations to digitally transform their processes, migrate and integrate to work on a single platform.

Layout International Media Contact
Ghassan Halawi
Vice President of Sales, Layout International
+961 70 855685

About ( is a suite of AI-powered optimization and prediction tools that helps content publishers make important strategic and tactical decisions. Sophi solutions range from Sophi Site Automation and Sophi for Paywalls to Sophi Analytics, a decision-support system for content publishers. Sophi is designed to improve the metrics that matter most to your business, such as subscriber retention and acquisition, engagement, recency, frequency and volume. Media Contact
Jamie Rubenovitch
Head of Marketing,
The Globe and Mail

Coppel Mexico choisit VoltDB pour alimenter les profils des clients

BEDFORD, Massachusetts, 10 juin 2021 /PRNewswire/ — VoltDB, la seule plate-forme de données d’entreprise qui répond aux exigences des applications modernes en matière de données en temps réel, a annoncé aujourd’hui que Coppel, le plus grand magasin national du Mexique, utilise désormais la plate-forme de données VoltDB pour créer un système unifié pour les profils des clients.

« Volt a vraiment changé la donne pour nous », a déclaré Robert Gil, directeur des technologies de Coppel. « Nous pouvons désormais disposer d’une plateforme unifiée pour gérer l’ensemble des données de notre portefeuille de 13 millions de clients, ce qui se traduit ensuite par une expérience client bien meilleure et un retour sur investissement bien plus important pour nous grâce à une meilleure fidélisation de la clientèle. »

L’un des principaux actifs de Coppel, les portefeuilles de clients, présente également un défi de taille : disposer d’un profil unique en ligne et à jour comportant toutes les informations relatives au client et faire en sorte que ce profil soit actif dans un environnement omnicanal afin que les clients puissent accéder à leurs informations sur les frais, les crédits et les versements (soldes) en temps réel, sans compromettre la vitesse de traitement des transactions au sein du portefeuille.

Coppel a choisi VoltDB parce qu’elle avait besoin d’une plateforme de données qui puisse lui permettre de :

  • Conserver les informations en ligne en un seul endroit
  • Être insensible aux défaillances grâce à des schémas aux différences finies (DRP) répartis et optimisés sur plusieurs sites.
  • Analyser les informations en temps réel grâce à des tableaux de bord
  • Collecter les données en temps réel
  • Effectuer des analyses de fraudes sans compromettre les performances de la base de données

« Tous les tests réalisés avec Volt ont dépassé les attentes en ce qui concerne les performances en termes de transactions par seconde », a déclaré Gil.

Coppel prévoit d’étendre l’utilisation de Volt à divers cas d’utilisation des centres d’appels et du service à la clientèle.

Pour obtenir davantage d’informations sur les raisons pour lesquelles les entreprises de tous les secteurs d’activité choisissent VoltDB pour alimenter leur fonctionnement, visitez le site à l’adresse suivante .

À propos de VoltDB

VoltDB est la seule plateforme de données conçue pour prendre en charge les applications télécoms à l’ère de la 5G. Nous combinons le stockage de données en mémoire avec une faible latence prévisible et d’autres fonctionnalités principales pour alimenter les applications BSS/OSS, de gestion client et d’assurance des revenus qui doivent agir en quelques millisecondes pour générer des  revenus ou éviter les pertes de revenus, sans compromettre la précision des données. Pour plus d’informations, visitez le site

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Coppel Mexico Picks VoltDB to Power Customer Profiles

BEDFORD, Mass., June 10, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — VoltDB, the only enterprise-grade data platform that meets the real-time data requirements of modern applications, announced today that Coppel, the biggest nationwide department store in Mexico, is now using the VoltDB Data Platform to create a unified system for customer profiles.

“Volt has really been a game-changer for us,” said Coppel CTO Robert Gil. “We can now have a unified platform to manage all of our 13 million customer portfolio data, which then feeds into much better customer experiences and far bigger ROI for us thanks to improved customer loyalty.”

One of Coppel’s main assets, customer portfolios, also present a big challenge: to have a single profile that is online and up-to-date with all the customer’s information and for this profile to be live in an omnichannel environment so that customers can access their information on charges, credits, and installments (balances) in real time, without compromising the speed at which transactions are processed within the portfolio.

Coppel chose VoltDB because it needed a data platform that could enable them to:

  • Store online information in one place
  • Be fault tolerant through distributed, multi-site optimized finite-difference (DRP) schemes
  • Analyze information in real time with dashboards
  • Do real-time data collection
  • Perform fraud analysis without compromising database performance

“All the tests we carried out with Volt exceeded the expectations with respect to performance in transactions per second,” Gil said.

Moving forward, Coppel plans to expand its use of Volt to various call center and customer service use cases.

For more information on why organizations across all industries are choosing VoltDB to power their operations, visit

About VoltDB

VoltDB is the only data platform designed to support telco applications in the age of 5G. We combine in-memory data storage with predictable low-latency and other key capabilities to power BSS/OSS, customer management, and revenue assurance applications that need to act in single-digit milliseconds to drive revenue or prevent revenue loss, without compromising on data accuracy. For more information, visit

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Moonbug Entertainment’s Hugely Popular Kids Shows come to the BBC

Programs Including Global Hits CoComelon, Go Buster, Little Baby Bum And More Are Now Available

LONDON, June 10, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Moonbug Entertainment Ltd., one of the largest digital media companies in the world, today announced its fun, relatable and enriching kids shows are now available on the BBC. All available episodes of hugely popular titles, including CoComelon, Digley and Dazey, Little Baby Bum, Go Buster and Playtime with Twinkle can now be enjoyed by families across the UK on BBC iPlayer.

Moonbug x BBC

“Our collaboration with the BBC marks the first partnership with a public service broadcaster. A real quality stamp for our creative teams!” said Nicolas Eglau, Managing Director EMEA & APAC, Moonbug. “BBC is known worldwide for its engaging programming for preschoolers, and Moonbug is excited to enter a partnership with such a renowned organization.”

Moonbug’s programming introduces universal themes that children can relate to via colorful animation and compelling storytelling. Whether it’s eating veggies or getting ready for bed, Moonbug’s playful animation and catchy songs supports children’s development and learning.

About Moonbug Entertainment
Moonbug Entertainment is an award-winning global entertainment company providing values-based educational programming for children. Its popular kids lineup includes global sensations CoComelonBlippiLittle Baby BumMy Magic Pet MorphleSupa StrikasGo BusterPlaytime with TwinkleGecko’s GarageARPO and many more which are available in 27 languages.

In just two years, it has become a kids programming powerhouse with a library of more than 550 hours of content, which is distributed on more than 100 platforms globally, including YouTube, Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, Sky, Tencent, Youku and Roku. In May of 2020, Tubular Labs named Moonbug one of the leading digital kids’ entertainment companies in the world based on the total number of minutes watched worldwide.

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