Ethiopia Repatriates 27,000 Citizens from Saudi Arabia

Addis Ababa: More than 27,000 Ethiopians repatriated from Saudi Arabia over the past weeks, Ministry of Foreign Affairs revealed.

Briefing the media today, the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Nebiyu Tedla highlighted the government’s commitment to repatriate Ethiopians in difficult situations abroad.

It is to be recalled that Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced plan last month to repatriate 70,000 Ethiopians from Saudi Arabia.

Accordingly, a national committee composed of various government agencies was established to facilitate the repatriation process.

The Spokesperson said, the established national committee has been working with pertinent stakeholders to return the Ethiopians and providing shelter upon their arrival in Addis Ababa.

The government has so far repatriated over 27,000 individuals from Saudi Arabia, Nebiyu added.

He reiterated the government will continue repatriating its citizens by conducting three flights a day for four days every week.

The Spokesperson
also explained about the major diplomatic activities carried out in the last few days.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Deputy PM Holds Discussion with Pertinent Actors on Nation’s Food Systems, Seqota Declaration

Addis Ababa: Deputy Prime Minister Temesgen Tiruneh held discussion with officials of pertinent institutions on the nation’s plan in the implementation of food system, Seqota Declaration and health insurance.

Deputy Prime Minister Temesgen wrote on his social media that the work so far done in these areas is encouraging as it has been elevating the benefits of the community. ‘Ethiopia commences to share its experience to other African countries in this regard.”

According to him, an agreement was reached during the discussion to strengthen concerted efforts of the federal and regional governments, stakeholders and the public as these activities need the collaboration, support and diligence commitment of all.

The participants of the discussion have also highlighted the need to strengthen support and close supervision of the implementation process of the aforementioned areas as they have strong linkages with other national programs such as the Ye Lemat Tirufat’ (Bounty of the Basket) and ‘Clean Ethiopia’ Camp
aign, Deputy Prime Minister underlined.

It is to be recalled that in 2015, the Government of Ethiopia made a high level fifteen-year commitment to end stunting in children under two years by 2030.

This commitment, known as the Seqota Declaration, is being implemented through a multi-sectoral program involving nine different sector ministries.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Ethiopia’s Candidate Re-elected to UN Committee on Rights of Child

Addis Ababa: Ethiopia’s candidate, Professor Benyam Dawit, has been re-elected to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child at the 20th Meeting of the State Parties held today in New York, according to Foreign Affairs Ministry.

The Committee is the body of 18 independent experts that monitors the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and monitors implementation of the Optional Protocols to the Convention.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Gov’t Entities, Educational Institution Highlight Integration of One Health into Education

Addis Ababa: Government entities and educational institutions highlighted the importance of integrating One Health (OH) into secondary education.

One Health (OH) is a collaborative, multispectral, and trans disciplinary approach that recognizes the interdependence of human, animals, plants, and other shared environment with the goal of enhancing health outcomes at local and global levels.

A workshop was held in Addis Ababa today to validate a guideline designed for the integration of OH into education and research.

It was indicated on the occasion that the world faces a persistent threat from pandemics, food safety issues antimicrobial resistance, all of which strain ecosystem health.

One Health approaches and principles have been long advocated as a critical strategy for preventing the challenges at the intersection of human, animal and environment manifesting across the globe.

Speaking at the occasion, Deputy Director General of Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI), Getachew Tollera said the instit
ute plays a pivotal role in coordination and implementation of One Health program across the country.

EPHI efforts in this area have been instrumental in enhancing the country’s capacity to detect and control outbreak, prevents the spread of infectious diseases and combat antimicrobial resistance, he added.

“Ethiopia encounters a multitude of health challenges that require comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach by incorporating the principle of One Health into education system research endeavor, we have paved the way for more sustainable and the resilient healthcare systems that benefit both human and animal.”

In Ethiopia, where agriculture and livestock play a vital role in the economy and livelihoods of many communities, the concept of OH holds significant relevance, the deputy director said.

By integrating one health into our education system, we can ensure that future health care professionals are equipped with knowledge and skills to address this complex health challenges that arise the human a
nimal interface, Getachew added.

WHO Country Preparedness Officer, Fikadu Adugna said One Health approach which means to optimize the health of people, animals and ecosystems sustainably and in a balanced way is among the key concepts that was included in teaching curriculum.

The risk of spreading of zoonotic disease has been increasing by interaction between human, animal and ecosystem due to the exponential growth in human and livestock population and other factors.

“WHO believe that Ethiopia is on the right track to implement the One Health initiative, notably by establishing a coordination mechanism and rolling out important key activities,” he said, pledging WHO’s full support for the implementation of the initiative.

The officer expressed his belief that integrating one health into education and research will significantly enhance the country’s endeavor by producing advocates and professionals for the implementation of one Health.

Chief Executive Director at the College of Health Sciences, Addis Ab
aba University Andualem Deneke said antimicrobial is going to be a disaster for our planet because the mechanism of producing it is being exhausted.

There is no enough funding especially for the developing countries like Ethiopia and most of African countries to work on One Health approach, emphasizing the need to work together to implement the initiative in coordinated manner.

The guideline was developed with the support of Capacitating One Health in Eastern and Southern Africa (COHESA) project to integrate the approaches and its principles into secondary education.

The project aims to ensure an inclusive research and innovation ecosystem by building capacity in 12 eastern and southern Africa countries, to provide solutions to global health threats affecting people, animals and the environment using a One Health approach.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Security threats halted development projects in Galim in 2023, Council Authorities say

By Stephen TADAHA

GALIM, Cameroon (CNA) – Security threats in the localities of Bamenyam, Bamendjing, Bati, and Bagam in Galim Subdivision of the West Region have negatively impacted development projects in the area in 2023, council authorities said.

Development projects funded by the public investment budget were only 60.61% executed, despite an increase of FCFA 10.6 million in the budget compared to 2022.

This information was disclosed during the council’s ordinary session held at the council premises on Wednesday, May 22, under the supervision of David Dador Dibango, Senior Divisional Officer for Bamboutos. The session, chaired by Mayor Tsouongang Elie Saker and attended by all 23 councilors, included several deliberations, one of which authorized the Mayor to obtain a loan for constructing a modern council building.

‘Despite the security threats, notable achievements include the rehabilitation of the bridge at Haussa Quarter, the rehabilitation of Mbeve II, Menfoung, and several other secondary roads,
and the construction and equipping of two classrooms, including the Headteacher’s office,’ Saker said.

To overcome these security challenges, the population was urged to intensify collaboration with security forces to advance the locality’s development.

The area, which borders the crisis-hit North West Region, has suffered from separatist incursions, including an attack that resulted in the deaths of nine people at the Bamenyam market square.

Additionally, road infrastructure problems have been a significant challenge for the population, who primarily depend on agriculture for subsistence. However, local authorities have been progressively improving the roads.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

RASCOM Board of Directors convene in Yaounde to shape future of Satellite communications in Africa

At their 74th Board of Directors meeting launched in Yaounde, Cameroon on Wednesday 22nd May 2024, the Regional African Satellite Communications Organisation (RASCOM) member states and key strategic partners are set on shaping the future of satellite Communications in Africa.

‘This meeting will be a crucial milestone in shaping the future of satellite Communications in Africa’, the Acting Director General of RASCOM, Timothy Ashong said.

The three-day gathering will provide an opportunity for members states and key stakeholders to delve into the latest developments and trends within the satellite space.

Organised under the auspices of Cameroon’s Ministry of Communications, and supported by Cameroon Telecommunications (CAMTEL), the event will foster collaboration, address challenges and explore opportunities for growth and partnership within the telecommunications sector.

‘This board meeting is being held in a very important context, given the events of March, when the submarine cable was cut. Today, the sa
tellite solution presents an opportunity and a redundancy that will enable all countries to be connected at all times, whatever problems we may have with other communications systems such as submarines’, the General Manager of CAMTEL, Judith Yah Sunday emphasized.

As the meeting unfolds, the collective expertise, insights and shared vision of the participants are poised to pave the way for a brighter future of satellite Communications in Africa – Connecting Africa, empowering futures: together with RASCOM.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

Noluthando Sigudu: From cleaning tables at Spur to an Admitted Attorney

Noluthando Sigudu is an inspirational Admitted Attorney of the High Court of South Africa and Director of Noluthando Sigudu Attorneys. She started of working as a waiter at Spur while pursuing her LLB degree.

After obtaining a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) from the University of Limpopo and doing her Practical Legal Training at the University of Pretoria. She didn’t stop working just because she was now a graduate.

She continued working as a waiter and cashier, while busy applying to law firms, she even went on to work for Pick n Pay Clothing as a consultant, until she got her dream job that is related to her qualification.

‘I did what I had to do to get to where I need to be. I’m forever grateful for where God has placed me before and where I am right now,’ said Noluthando.

From cleaning tables at Spur, to working at Pick n Pay Clothing to an Admitted Attorney of the High Court of South Africa and Director of Noluthando Sigudu Attorneys.

Noluthando Sigudu is surely an inspiration, she didn’t let the pride use

Source: Cameroon News Agency