CryptoDATA Tech torna-se acionista maioritária e estratégica da RNF MotoGP Team

CryptoDATA Tech becomes RNF MotoGP Team majority and strategic shareholder

RNF Racing Ltd. is pleased to announce a new majority shareholder with CryptoDATA Tech, a blockchain-applied technologies pioneer and developer of hardware and software cybersecurity solutions. This strategic investment marks a significant milestone and a beginning of a new era for the fifteen months old RNF MotoGP team.*Ovidiu Toma – CEO CryptoDATA Tech (left), Carmelo Ezpeleta – CEO Dorna Sports (left-center), Razlan Razali – Team Principal RNF MotoGP Team (right-center), Bogdan Mărunțiș – Global Strategy CryptoDATA Tech (right).

BUCARESTE, Roménia, Nov. 22, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A CryptoDATA Tech, pioneira em tecnologias aplicadas à blockchain e no desenvolvimento de soluções de cibersegurança para hardware e software, tem o prazer de anunciar a aquisição de uma participação maioritária na RNF Racing Ltd. Este investimento estratégico constitui um marco importante e o início de uma nova era para a RNF MotoGP Team que nasceu há 15 meses e para a empresa-mãe romena.

Após anunciar que a empresa de segurança cibernética seria a Parceira Oficial Premium para as três últimas corridas da temporada, a CryptoDATA tornou-se numa parceira que partilhava a mesma paixão e valores, reconhecendo o valor potencial de uma equipa de MotoGP a longo prazo.

Com a CryptoDATA como acionista maioritária, a visão e a estratégia é ir além das corridas e expandir os negócios e serviços no desporto motorizado, principalmente no MotoGP, e assumindo o controlo dos aspetos comerciais e da imagem de marca da equipa. A RNF MotoGP Team continuará a participar como equipa independente na primeira categoria do Campeonato Mundial de MotoGP da FIM. O diretor da equipa Razlan Razali continuará aos comandos, centrando-se nos aspetos desportivos e técnicos da equipa.

Juntamente com a última corrida da temporada e para assinalar o início deste marco histórico, a RNF MotoGP Team e a CryptoDATA irão apresentar um novo design exclusivo no dia da corrida, no Grande Prémio de Valência.

Razlan Razali, fundador e diretor da RNF Racing Ltd,
 referiu: “Assistimos hoje a um marco histórico para a equipa. Gostaria de agradecer à CryptoDATA por confiar em mim e na equipa para o futuro.”

“Em pouco tempo, as conversações evoluíram para um compromisso a longo prazo. Estendemos a nossa parceria e, como afirmei anteriormente, esta é uma colaboração fantástica. A união das duas empresas permitirá reforçar o rendimento da equipa nas corridas, mas também expandir os aspetos empresariais da mesma, e é aí que ambas as partes unem esforços para partilhar conhecimentos e experiências. O meu principal objetivo é garantir que a equipa luta pelo campeonato, enquanto a equipa da CryptoDATA, composta por indivíduos jovens, inteligentes, inovadores e ambiciosos, desenvolve estratégias para fortalecer a nossa posição para além da pista.”

“Com base nos nossos sucessos anteriores, no mesmo grupo forte e dedicado da nossa oficina MotoGP e uma sólida equipa de pilotos, estamos prontos para um regresso competitivo com a CryptoDATA na próxima temporada.”

Ovidiu TOMA, CEO e fundador da CryptoDATA Tech,
“Temos o prazer de estender a nossa parceria e nos tornarmos acionista maioritário da RNF MotoGP Team. O Campeonato Mundial de MotoGP é uma montra exclusiva e internacional, um universo especial onde a grelha de partida é um palco para heróis em que a CryptoDATA encontrou o seu espaço, partilhando os seus valores e objetivos. Tornámo-nos a primeira empresa romena a patrocinar um Grande Prémio de Motociclismo na pista da Red Bull deste ano. Agora estamos mais entusiasmados e motivados do que nunca por nos tornarmos o acionista maioritário da RNF Team. Isto representa não apenas um marco histórico para a CryptoDATA, mas também um novo começo e um incentivo importante.

“Olhamos para 2023 com otimismo e confiança, pois a nossa equipa é liderada por gestores qualificados, sérios e experientes. Faremos o nosso melhor para apoiar a equipa a atingir os seus objetivos e o seu potencial máximo no MotoGP.”

Bogdan Mărunţiş, Responsável pela Estratégia Global e fundador da CryptoDATA Tech:
“É com grande satisfação que anunciamos a nossa parceria com a RNF Team e estamos confiantes de que podemos ajudar a equipa a definir metas estratégicas para a próxima temporada e metas de desempenho de longo prazo, tanto dentro como fora da pista. Queremos iniciar a transformação da equipa num negócio de sucesso que proporcione experiências únicas aos nossos fãs e parceiros, promovendo os valores da nossa marca na categoria principal do motociclismo.”

“Como representantes da CryptoDATA, seremos responsáveis pela gestão estratégica do negócio e trabalharemos para garantir a estabilidade e fortalecer ainda mais a posição da equipa no mundo do MotoGP e no mundo dos negócios.”

Carmelo Ezpeleta, CEO da Dorna Sports S.L:
“O acordo que Razlan Razali celebrou com a CryptoDATA permite-lhe manter a viabilidade e a presença do seu projeto no MotoGP. Estamos muito satisfeitos por ver um novo patrocinador a apoiar uma equipa, especialmente uma que a Dorna trouxe para o campeonato. Ficamos felizes com a associação com a CryptoDATA no Grande Prémio da Áustria. A empresa pretende desenvolver e acertar as agulhas com a Aprilia no próximo ano, que é a estabilidade de que o MotoGP precisa. A CryptoDATA é muito bem-vinda ao MotoGP. O facto de não estarem apenas a limitar a sua participação à área do patrocínio, mas a toda uma equipa, mostra a importância do desporto motorizado e do MotoGP em particular. Sabemos que Razlan tinha muitos pedidos e acreditamos que ele escolheu a melhor opção para o futuro e para consolidar a sua estrutura.”

Sobre a RNF MotoGP Team

Um novo começo, uma colaboração que vai além das corridas. A RNF MotoGP Team estreia-se na primeira categoria da grelha do Campeonato Mundial de MotoGP da FIM de 2023 como a primeira equipa satélite da Aprilia, com o piloto português de MotoGP e vencedor de cinco corridas, Miguel Oliveira, e o promissor jovem espanhol e vice-campeão mundial de Moto2 de 2021, Raul Fernandez.

A união de esforços entre a CryptoDATA e a RNF MotoGP Team traz sustentabilidade dentro e fora da pista, pois dita o ritmo para desenvolver e melhorar ainda mais o desempenho na próxima temporada. A equipa irá colaborar em duas missões, com a equipa da CryptoDATA a conduzir os negócios, enquanto a RNF MotoGP Team se concentra nos desportos em si.

A nossa paixão partilhada em prol do desempenho, inovações e tecnologia trará um valor novo e único ao mundo dos desportos motorizados.

Sobre a CryptoDATA Tech

CryptoDATA Tech é uma embaixadora global na promoção da importância da segurança dos dados e da privacidade digital em todo o mundo. A empresa foi pioneira no desenvolvimento de serviços e produtos baseados em blockchain que permitem uma comunicação privada e segura, satisfazendo os requisitos dos seus colaboradores e de utilizadores de tecnologia em todo o mundo. A Wispr, um dos seus principais produtos, é uma aplicação de mensagens online que permite aos fãs do desporto motorizado trocarem mensagens sem restrições a partir de qualquer lugar do mundo, alimentando assim a paixão e a determinação da comunidade do desporto motorizado.

Dados de contacto:
Cosmin Bidileci
Telefone: +40750803241

Foto deste comunicado disponível em

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000768263


The world’s favourite private aviation brand achieves a Guinness World Records™ title in celebration of football’s greatest show on Earth.

Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Nov. 18, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Jetex, an award-winning global leader in executive aviation, sets a new Guinness World Records™ title at its private terminal in Dubai, where it unveiled the world’s largest fiberglass sculpture of a sphere (supported) which resembles a giant football.

The flagship Jetex VIP Terminal is buzzing with fans from all over the globe who use match day private jet shuttle service between Dubai and Doha. Seen from afar, the iconic 10-meter-high football structure welcomes international travelers as they drive up to the terminal.

“Together with fans from all over the world, we share the excitement and thrill of football. Over the past months, we witnessed tremendous demand for private jet travel between Dubai and Doha, which prompted us to go above and beyond to ensure that all fans enjoy a spectacular football-themed travel experience, which starts well in advance of the actual game,” said Adel Mardini, Founder & CEO of Jetex.

 Jetex VIP Terminal also houses the world’s most fascinating pop-up football field right in the heart of the terminal, where all travelers can practice their skills and create unique memories with their families and friends. Customer experience has also been adjusted with football fans in mind, with Jetex brand ambassadors wearing distinctive football uniforms and surprising travelers with football-inspired souvenirs.

The record was validated by Guinness World Records officials at Jetex VIP Terminal, Dubai.

The giant football installation will remain at Jetex VIP Terminal until late December. After that, it will be either presented to one of the local football clubs or sustainably recycled.

About Jetex:

An award-winning global leader in executive aviation, Jetex is recognized for delivering flexible, best-in-class trip support solutions to customers worldwide. Jetex provides exceptional private terminals (FBOs), aircraft fueling, ground handling and global trip planning. The company caters to both owners and operators of business jets for corporate, commercial and personal air travel. To find out more about Jetex, visit and follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Press Enquiries:
Oleg Kafarov
Director of Portfolio Development & Corporate Communications
T: +971 4 212 4900   Email:


Oleg Kafarov - Director of Portfolio Development & Corporate Communications
+971 4 212 4900

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8700252

Impulse Dynamics Announces 100th Implant Milestone in China for CCM® Therapy

Experience Continues to Show CCM Therapy Addresses Clinical Need in Treating Heart Failure

MARLTON, N.J., Nov. 16, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Impulse Dynamics, a global medical device company dedicated to improving the lives of people with heart failure, announced the 100th implant in China, signifying the opportunity for its innovative Optimizer® system delivering CCM® therapy in markets around the world. Cardiologist Prof. Guo Tao, Executive Director of Internal Medicine, Fuwai Cardiovascular Hospital, Yunnan Province, performed the 100th procedure and emphasized the role of this therapy in providing an option and hope to patients living with the debilitating reality of heart failure.

“It is quite a coincidental milestone for us that the 10th patient implanted in our center also happened to be the 100th patient treated in China. I have paid very close attention to CCM therapy for more than 20 years now, but it wasn’t until recently we could clinically apply this technology. Under close clinical observation, our 10 CCM patients have improved even more than we anticipated. All the CCM patients in our center improved both symptomatically and on various objective indicators, which made both us and our patients very happy. Therefore, it seems from our experience that CCM is performing exactly as described in the foreign research — specifically, by modulating the exchange of calcium ions and thereby enhancing contractility of the myocardium in the acute period, then normalizing the expression of contraction-related proteins, which leads to reverse remodeling of the heart. Based on these results, we are now planning to expand the application of CCM normatively and actively while continuing to closely follow our implanted patients to obtain more clinical evidence of CCM to optimize its application so more Chinese patients can benefit from this latest innovative treatment.”

Prof. Zhang Shu, Chief Physician of Fuwai Hospital of the National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases and the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Honorary Chairman of the Electrocardiology and Pacing Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, Director of the Cardiology Committee of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, and former President of the Asia-Pacific Heart Rhythm Society further commented “Currently there are almost nine million patients with heart failure in China, and many of them have not been optimally treated. Heart failure has also become the leading cause of death among cardiovascular and other major chronic diseases in China. I believe CCM will bring good news to Chinese patients. These successful initial experiences provide our doctors with good prospects of bringing hope to the patients they care for.”

“We are proud to see the growing acceptance of this technology in markets around the world,” said Mateusz Zelewski, MD, Impulse Dynamics´ VP International. “In reaching this milestone, we have connected with physicians, patients, and their families. We are inspired by the benefits of this therapy to our patients and continue to reinforce our commitment to address the immense need for advanced heart failure options for patients around the world.”

CCM therapy was approved in China late last year, and the first implant in the country was announced on November 1, 2021. The Optimizer system delivers CCM therapy, which consists of electric pulses applied to the heart between heartbeats and serves to enhance the performance of cardiac muscular contraction, making the heart work more efficiently without increasing the heart rate or the oxygen consumption of the cardiac muscle.

To date, CCM therapy has been used to treat heart failure in more than 7,000 patients worldwide and is available in 44 countries across the globe. The therapy has been studied in almost 2,000 patients and has appeared in more than 100 peer-reviewed journal articles. Ongoing studies are also underway to examine the safety and efficacy of CCM for patients suffering from heart failure with a left ventricular ejection fraction between 40 – 60 percent.

About Impulse Dynamics

Impulse Dynamics is dedicated to helping healthcare providers enhance the lives of people with heart failure by transforming how the condition is treated. The company is focused on delivering its proprietary CCM therapy, which is delivered by the company’s Optimizer device, the CE-marked, and FDA-approved treatment verified to improve the quality of life for heart failure patients. CCM therapy is a safe, effective, and minimally invasive treatment option for many heart failure patients who otherwise have few effective options available to them.[1] To learn more, visit, or follow the company on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.

Forward-looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements. All statements other than statements of historical facts contained in this press release are forward-looking statements. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by terms such as ‘‘may,’’ ‘‘will,’’ ‘‘should,’’ ‘‘expect,’’ ‘‘plan,’’ ‘‘anticipate,’’ ‘‘could,’’ ‘‘intend,’’ ‘‘target,’’ ‘‘project,’’ ‘‘contemplate,’’ ‘‘believe,’’ ‘‘estimate,’’ ‘‘predict,’’ ‘‘potential’’ or ‘‘continue’’ or the negative of these terms or other similar expressions, although not all forward-looking statements contain these words. Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements concerning potential benefits of CCM therapy, and the absence of risks associated therewith; the ability for CCM therapy and our products to fill a significant unmet medical need for patients with heart failure; and the short-term and long-term benefits of the Optimizer and CCM therapy in patients with heart failure, as well as to the physicians treating those patients. These forward-looking statements are based on management’s current expectations and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause our actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Other important factors that could cause actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from those contemplated in this press release include, without limitation: the company’s future research and development costs, capital requirements and the company’s needs for additional financing; commercial success and market acceptance of CCM therapy; the company’s ability to achieve and maintain adequate levels of coverage or reimbursement for Optimizer systems or any future products the company may seek to commercialize; competitive companies and technologies in the industry; the company’s ability to expand its indications and develop and commercialize additional products and enhancements to its current products; the company’s business model and strategic plans for its products, technologies and business, including its implementation thereof; the company’s ability to expand, manage and maintain its direct sales and marketing organization; the company’s ability to commercialize or obtain regulatory approvals for CCM therapy and its products, or the effect of delays in commercializing or obtaining regulatory approvals; FDA or other U.S. or foreign regulatory actions affecting us or the healthcare industry generally, including healthcare reform measures in the United States and international markets; the timing or likelihood of regulatory filings and approvals; and the company’s ability to establish and maintain intellectual property protection for CCM therapy and products or avoid claims of infringement. The company does not undertake any obligation to update forward-looking statements and expressly disclaims any obligation or undertaking to release publicly any updates or revisions to any forward-looking statements contained herein. These forward-looking statements should not be relied upon as representing the company’s views as of any date subsequent to the date of this press release.



Rohan More, Global VP of Marketing
Impulse Dynamics

Harris Currie, Chief Financial Officer (Investor Relations)
Impulse Dynamics

Ian Ségal, Public Relations
Impulse Dynamics

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8698682

New government of St Kitts and Nevis ready to usher in new sense of cooperation and good governance, hints at changes to the country’s CBI programme

Basseterre, Nov. 16, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — St Kitts and Nevis welcomed a new government in August and the new administration, led by Dr Terrance Drew, is ready and determined to usher in a new sense of cooperation, good governance, and transparency – starting with steps to improve the country’s long-standing citizenship by investment (CBI) programme.

In his address on Tuesday, 15 November, marking his first 100 days in office, Prime Minister Dr Terrance Drew provided insight into the focus areas for the CBI changes, which he gave to the citizens of St Kitts and Nevis at an event held earlier today in the country’s capital Basseterre.

Since winning the snap election on 5 August, Prime Minister Dr Terrance Drew has been working tirelessly for the overall development of St Kitts and Nevis and has undertaken various initiatives including the formation of a committee to combat corruption.

The new administration has presented plans for the advancement of the twin-island nation, outlining steps that will pave the way to improving the lives of its people. A large part of these plans is funded by the CBI programme which has secured foreign direct investment into the nation for nearly 40 years since it is independence.

“Our government has been relentless in our pursuit to strengthen and improve our Citizenship by Investment programme, for enhanced sustainability within a framework of integrity. We have held productive discussions with local developers and international investors alike,” said Prime Minister Drew.

“There will be much stronger oversight and leadership in the CBI Unit by a new CBI Board and Technical Committee. I will announce the detailed changes at our upcoming press conference, but I want to be absolutely clear, that our evolved CBI programme will be run with the utmost transparency.”

To help progress the economy, Prime Minister Drew highlighted that more oversight would ensure that the people of St Kitts and Nevis would also benefit from the CBI programme as it was intended. Plans are in place to support women in sectors like construction, to provide more support to small businesses, and to review opportunities for the development of the renewable energy sector, the processing of fish, as well as packaging and exports.

With promises to improve health care, provide more affordable housing and access to better education – Prime Minister Drew understands that all this will be underpinned by a stronger economy.

Speaking at the event Prime Minister Drew said that while the nation has been the benchmark of citizenship by investment value proposition, the new administration understands that in order to remain one of the most sought-after economic citizenship programmes in the world, it needs to evolve and forge a new path for itself and the industry as it responds to a changing demographic.

Through ongoing consultations with all stakeholders during the exploratory phase, the new government aims to have regular engagement with local and international stakeholders in the programme to ensure it meets their salient needs.

Prime Minister Drew also emphasised how his government is on a journey to bring clarity to locals and international investors through constant transparency and integrity. “Our ongoing work to strengthen this programme and the system must result in prosperity for all.”

Consultations with stakeholders have led to the development of committees to supervise the process and implement strengthened legislative and administrative structures to prevent “underselling” and ensure that real estate projects funded by the CBI programme are completed.

The government’s plan is to maintain a progressive programme that cements St Kitts and Nevis’ place as a leader in the CBI Industry.

The government is also seeking out reliable and trustworthy developers who are ready to put capital behind creative and strong projects that will enhance St Kitts and Nevis’ CBI offering.

St Kitts and Nevis holds the oldest citizenship by investment programme in the world – established in 1984, the programme currently allows investors to gain second citizenship by donating to a government fund or by investing in real estate.

The government fund channels investment to projects that will uplift the country and has enabled, in part, sectors such as health, education, tourism, business, and agriculture to flourish.

PR St Kitts and Nevis
Government of St. Kitts and Nevis

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8698419

New High-Yielding Perennial Rice Sees Sustainability Success Catalyzed by Global Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing Approach

Salina, Kansas, USA, Nov. 16, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Over 70% of the food calories that feed humanity come from annual grain crops, which occupy 60–80% of global croplands. But annual grain dominance may be changing. A study in the journal Nature Sustainability reports that a new high-yielding, long-lived perennial rice with significant environmental, economic, and social sustainability impacts is now being grown in Southeast Asia and parts of Africa.

Researchers in China’s Yunnan Province developed perennial rice in a relatively short two-decade timeframe, achieving comparable yields to annual rice varieties. They were supported with scientific expertise and seed funding from Kansas-based nonprofit The Land Institute and a global network of researchers.

“I congratulate the authors for delivering one of the most important reports in modern agriculture,” says National Geographic Society Explorer Jerry Glover, whose work has focused on developing and using perennial crops. “I believe this report will catalyze a generation of new discoveries by scientists who have not yet been involved in pursuing perennial traits in staple grain crops. This research marks a distinct new line of possibilities for global food production from the nearly 10,000-year single-track reliance on annual grain crops.”

Rice feeds 4 billion people and is the grain most consumed by humans, and is the third largest cereal grain crop after corn and wheat worldwide in metric tons. But annual grain agriculture comes at an ecological and economic cost, compromising ecosystems and forcing ever-higher inputs of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, fossil fuel energy, and labor to maintain yields. The growing perennial grain agriculture movement is shifting this paradigm to address some of the food system’s most pressing challenges.

“Since perennial rice can produce yields over eight consecutive harvests similar to annual rice, this is direct evidence that developing perennial versions of grain crops is feasible,” says Lee DeHaan, Director of Crop Improvement and Lead Scientist of the Kernza® Domestication Program at The Land Institute. “This evidence provides a clear reason to vastly increase research investment in ongoing work to develop perennial versions of crops like wheat and sorghum.”

Senior author Fengyi Hu and Dayun Tao began working with co-author Erik Sacks to develop perennial rice in 1999 in a collaboration between the Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences (YAAS) and the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI). Hearing of the IRRI project, The Land Institute invited Sacks to present his research in 2005. This connection eventually led to Hu and the YAAS team partnering with the perennial grain breeding experts at The Land Institute in 2007 to help jumpstart the development of a promising wide hybrid cross between annual, cultivated rice and a perennial rice cousin from Africa. Inspired by the potential for Hu’s research to develop upland perennial rice, given the catastrophic soil erosion in the hilly regions of Southeast Asia, The Land Institute provided critical funding, technical support, and mentoring and helped expand a network of global peer researchers. The University of Illinois, Yunnan University, and the University of Queensland soon joined the effort.

“The success of Dr. Hu’s group is a wonderful example of how an international network of researchers can help support, advise and advance an amazing and important achievement,” says co-author Tim Crews, The Land Institute’s Chief Scientist and International Program Director. “At The Land Institute, we are intent on working with more research groups worldwide to build on the successes of Hu and others in the perennialization of grain agriculture.”

“Almost yearly since 2009, we’ve held workshops in Yunnan, China, on perennial rice and perennial grain crops, inviting international experts, including African and U.S. rice breeders, sustainable ag researchers, international ag development leaders, and more. This sharing of ideas and building an international network of collaborators has proven invaluable for accelerating progress and achieving success on perennial grains,” says Sacks, professor in the Department of Crop Sciences, part of the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences at the University of Illinois.

The research shows that perennial rice crops have advantages over annual rice crops:

  • Long-Lived Production: Perennial rice produced grain for eight consecutive harvests over four years from a single planting
  • Comparable High Yields: Average perennial rice yields were equivalent to annual rice, with 6.8 Mg ha-1 harvest-1 of perennial rice versus 6.7 Mg ha-1 harvest-1 of replanted annual rice for each perennial rice regrowth cycle
  • Significant Carbon Sequestration: By switching from annual to perennial rice, soils accumulated almost a ton of organic carbon per hectare per year, 0.81 Mg organic carbon ha-1 yr-1
  • Labor and Inputs Savings: Farmers used nearly 60% less labor and spent almost 50% less on seed, fertilizer, and other inputs for perennial rice than annual rice
  • Improved Farmer Livelihoods: Farmer profits from perennial rice ranged from 17% to 161% above annual rice

“Interest in developing and testing perennial grain cultivars has grown exponentially over the last ten years,” says Rachel Stroer, President of The Land Institute. “Besides perennial rice, our work on wide hybrid crosses of annual wheat and sorghum with their perennial relatives show promise. With intensified investment in perennial grain agriculture research from global funders and partners, we’re confident that these grains and more will reach high yields with robust ecological and social benefits and move onto the landscape in the coming decades.”


The Land Institute co-leads the global movement for perennial, diverse, regenerative grain agriculture at a scale that matches the enormity of the intertwined climate, water, and food security crises. An independent 501c3 nonprofit founded in 1976, the organization seeks to reconcile the human economy with nature’s economy, starting with food. Its transdisciplinary team of scientists and global partners are developing new perennial grain crops, like Kernza®, and diverse cropping systems that function within nature’s limits and researching the social transformation required for a just, perennial human future.


Tammy Kimbler
The Land Institute

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8697794

FreedomPay Announces Integration with Castles Technology to Expand Commerce Offering Globally

The partnership brings a unique consumer experience powered by loyalty and value-added services to millions of merchants globally.

PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 16, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — FreedomPay, the commerce technology partner of choice for global leaders across hospitality, retail, restaurants and sports and entertainment, announce today a partnership with Castles Technology, a globally recognized and industry-leading manufacturer of payment hardware solutions.

“FreedomPay creates a world-class experience for consumers through optimized speed, security, and personalization,” said Chris Kronenthal, President of FreedomPay. “By partnering with Castles, merchants can provide a best-in-class commerce experience for consumers globally.”

Available beginning Q1 2023, FreedomPay will offer Castles’ all-in-one Android SmartPOS terminal to create a secure, frictionless and unified shopping experience for consumers while also supporting merchants with robust loyalty and data analytics capabilities. The move furthers its commitment towards an open and accessible ecosystem for FreedomPay’s merchants and industry partners alike. “Ultimately, FreedomPay’s proposition to the market is innovation based around choice and flexibility – we take another step forward with this announcement,” said Kronenthal.

“This partnership with FreedomPay brings together world-class commerce technology with industry-leading payment acceptance hardware solutions that drive global commerce by serving consumers and businesses to securely pay and get paid. Delivering innovation and trust is part of our DNA, and we are thrilled to be working with FreedomPay, who shares our ambitions to keep pushing our industry forward for our clients,” said Ben Love, President & CTO of Castles Technology North America.

Castles devices offer merchants many benefits including:

  • FreedomPay’s PCI-Validated P2PE solution and PCI PTS v6 firmware
  • Front and rear cameras for QR code payment acceptance and loyalty programs
  • Laser scanner for fast product scanning
  • 5” touchscreen with PIN on glass

Supported by Castles, FreedomPay continues its global expansion across 130+ countries, more than one hundred currencies and thousands of commerce partners.

About FreedomPay
FreedomPay’s Next Level Commerce™ platform transforms existing payment systems and processes from legacy to leading edge. As the premier choice for many of the largest companies across the globe in retail, hospitality, lodging, gaming, sports and entertainment, foodservice, education, healthcare and financial services, FreedomPay’s technology has been purposely built to deliver rock solid performance in the highly complex environment of global commerce. The company maintains a world-class security environment and was first to earn the coveted validation by the PCI Security Standards Council against Point-to-Point Encryption (P2PE/EMV) standard in North America. FreedomPay’s robust solutions across payments, security, identity, and data analytics are available in-store, online and on-mobile and are supported by rapid API adoption. The award winning FreedomPay Commerce Platform operates on a single, unified technology stack across multiple continents allowing enterprises to deliver an innovative Next Level experience on a global scale.

About Castles Technology
With thirty years of worldwide market experience, Castles Technology has established itself as a top global manufacturer of next-generation payment acceptance hardware. Our goal is to create simple, innovative, and secure payment solutions that provide mobility and flexibility for a diverse range of attended and unattended payment environments such as retail, vending, micro markets, restaurants, transportation, finance, lodging, and hospitality. We pride ourselves on crafting accessible payment solutions, reducing the lifetime cost of payment acceptance hardware, and providing robust integration options. Our North American headquarters are in Atlanta, GA, and Castles Technology has 11 regional offices across Asia, Europe, and North and South America.

Jennifer Tayebi
Hill+Knowlton Strategies
(734) 395-0780

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8697871

Vencedoras do 19º Annual Stevie® Awards para Mulheres Empresariais

Cerimônia em Las Vegas Homenageou Empresas de Mulheres e Profissionais Mulheres

Vencedoras do 19º Stevie Awards para Mulheres Empresariais

Os nomes das empreendedoras, executivas e funcionárias vencedoras de todo o mundo foram revelados em uma cerimônia do Stevie Awards em Las Vegas, EUA, na sexta-feira, 11 de novembro.

FAIRFAX, Va., Nov. 15, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Chamando a atenção para as mulheres executivas, empreendedoras e organizações administradas por mulheres, as vencedoras do Stevie® Awards for Women in Business de 2022 foram anunciadas na sexta-feira, 11 de novembro.

O Stevie Awards para Mulheres Empresariais é uma competição internacional produzida pelos criadores dos prestigiados International Business Awards® e American Business Awards®. O Stevie é amplamente considerado a principal premiação empresarial do mundo.

Com as mulheres nomeadas e seus convidados presentes, os prêmios foram anunciados durante um evento de gala no Caesars Palace, em Las Vegas, Nevada. A competição de 2022 atraiu indicações de 27 nações.

A apresentação foi transmitida ao vivo via Livestream.

Mais de 1.500 indicações de pessoas físicas e jurídicas de todo o mundo para os prêmios este ano foram enviadas para consideração em categorias como Empreendedora do Ano, Executiva do Ano, Empresa Mais Inovadora do Ano e Startup do Ano, entre outras. Mais de 200 profissionais que trabalham em sete comissões julgadoras especializadas escolheram as vencedoras do Stevie Award Ouro, Prata e Bronze.

Os troféus Grand Stevie Award foram entregues a cinco organizações que apresentaram o melhor corpo de inscrições para a competição, em seus próprios nomes ou em nome de um ou mais clientes. Os vencedores foram escolhidos de acordo com o número de Stevie Awards Ouro, Prata e Bronze ganhos na competição. Os vencedores do Grand Stevie Award são:

  • The Audacious Agency, Coombabah, QLD, Austrália (#1)
  • IBM, Armonk, NY, EUA (#2)
  • Megafone, Melbourne, Austrália (#3)
  • Melissa Sones Consulting, Nova York, NY EUA (#4)
  • Global Press Institute, Washington D.C., EUA (#5)

As vencedoras do Stevie Award Ouro, Prata e Bronze de 2022 refletem um grupo diversificado de grandes e pequenas organizações de todo o mundo. As vencedoras notáveis do Prêmio Stevie Ouro na competição deste ano são:

  • Sandrine Pons, Vice-Presidente Regional, Chefe de Vendas e Inovação de Soluções, SAP, Paris, França, em Mulheres que Ajudam Mulheres – Negócios
  • Ann Kaplan, Las Vegas, NV EUA, em Mulher do Ano – Contabilidade e Finanças
  • Susan McLaughlin, Gerente Sênior de Mídia Inovadora e Operações Criativas, Vanguard, Malvern, PA EUA, em Mulher do Ano – Publicidade, Marketing e Relações Públicas
  • Fatima Sultan Al-Kuwari, Diretora de Recursos Humanos do Grupo, Ooredoo, Qatar, em Executiva do Ano – Produtos de Negócios – Mais de 2.500 Funcionários
  • Shama Hyder, CEO e Fundadora, Zen Media, Plano, TX U.S.A., em Mulher Mais Inovadora do Ano – Rede Social
  • Stephanie Wernick Barker, Presidente, Mondo, Nova York, NY EUA, em Líder de Pensamento Feminino do Ano – Serviços Empresariais
  • Gehad Hamdy, Fundadora, Speak Up, Giza, Egito, em Transformadora Social do Ano – Gênero
  • Michelle John, Diretora Fundadora, PEGS, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, Reino Unido, em Mulher do Ano – Governo ou Sem Fins Lucrativos
  • Kelley Higney, Fundadora e CEO da Bug Bite Thing, Port Lucie, FL EUA, em Melhor Empreendedora – Produtos de Consumo –11 a 2.500 Funcionários
  • Allison Grafton, Presidente e Fundadora, Rockwood Custom Homes, Calgary, Alberta, Canadá, em Melhor Empreendedora do Canadá

As organizações que ganharam mais de um Stevie Award Ouro são Anheuser-Busch InBev, Babylist, Brandless, But Bite Thing, Caroline Kennedy Group, Everise, Flock DC, Global Press Institute, Halkbank, Harman International, LickYourPhone Media, Luma Brighter Learning, Megaphone, Primrose Schools, Rockwood Custom Homes, Rubi Laboratories, Sidus Space e The Tambellini Group.

A HCLTech, empresa global de tecnologia que oferece recursos líderes do setor centrados em digital, engenharia e nuvem, impulsionada por um amplo portfólio de serviços e produtos de tecnologia, patrocinou prêmios em quatro categorias chamadas Prêmios de Mulheres em Tecnologia da HCLTech. Entre os vencedores notáveis do Stevie nessas categorias estão:

  • Monica Williams, Vice-Presidente Sênior – Produtos Digitais e Distribuição de Conteúdo, NBCUniversal, em Transformadora Digital de Novo Normal
  • Karen Oerter, Diretora de Tecnologia da Informação, Land O’Lakes, em Transformadora Digital de Novo Normal
  • Abby Knowles, Vice-Presidente de Soluções Globais de Tecnologia, Verizon, em Liderança Durante Incertezas
  • Susan Doniz, CIO e SVP de Tecnologia da Informação e Análise de Dados, The Boeing Company, em Liderança Durante Incertezas
  • Tia Ballard, Diretora de Nuvem e Automação, Sempra, em Liderança em Tecnologia da Próxima Geração
  • Constance Metcalfe, Vice-Presidente Associada – Transformação de Infraestrutura Empresarial, Canadian Tire Corporation, em Excelência na Transformação de Negócios

Para uma lista completa das vencedoras do Stevie Award e mais informação, visite

O Stevie Awards apresentou a quinta edição do seu Mulheres| Conferência do Futuro virtual em 8-10 de novembro, em conjunto com o Stevie Awards para Mulheres Empresariais. Mais de 250 mulheres compartilharam três dias de programação destacados por uma apresentação principal de Rashmi Verma, dirigente de D&I da Hugo Boss.

As inscrições para a edição de 2023 (20ª) dos prêmios serão abertas em maio. A cerimônia de premiação de 2023 será realizada no Marriott Marquis em Nova York, NY EUA, em novembro.

Sobre o Stevie Awards

Os Stevie Awards são concedidos em sete programas: Stevie Awards Ásia-Pacífico, Stevie Awards Alemão, The American Business Awards®, The International Business Awards®, Stevie Awards para Mulheres Empresariais, Stevie Awards para Grande Empregadores , e Stevie Awards para Vendas e Serviço ao Cliente. Os concursos Stevie Awards recebem mais de 12.000 nomeações todos os anos de empresas de mais de 70 países. Honrando empresas de todos os tipos e tamanhos, e as pessoas por trás delas, os Stevies reconhecem excelente desempenho no local de trabalho em todo o mundo. Saiba mais sobre os Stevie Awards em

Maggie Miller
+1 (703) 547-8389

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