Conagen develops high-purity non-GMO sulforaphane by bioconversion

Commercial production is underway for 2023.

Bedford, Mass., Nov. 29, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Expanding on its portfolio of innovative nutritional products through biotechnology, Conagen, announced the development of its 99% high-purity sulforaphane. Made by a proprietary bioconversion technology, the company plans to begin the commercialization path in 2023. Conagen’s bioconversion methods enable the production of sustainable products from many naturally occurring compounds regardless of rarity or small quantities occurring in nature.

“As a supplement product, Conagen’s high-purity sulforaphane is appealing to consumers as the levels found in raw vegetables are too low to realize many of its promising health benefits,” said Casey Lippmeier, Ph.D., senior vice president of innovation. “We’re looking forward to expanding the nutritional market by commercializing sulforaphane in 2023.”

Sulforaphane has been associated with supporting health benefits against cancer, diabetes, digestion, and heart disease and promoting cognition. With biotechnology and biomanufacturing advancements, much like Conagen’s bioconversion technology, more nutritional offerings are produced at a high-quality and global scale.

Sulforaphane is found in cruciferous vegetables such as arugula, bok choy, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale, radish, and more. In these vegetables, the inactive form of glucoraphanin belongs to the glucosinolate family of plant compounds. The sulfur-rich sulforaphane is activated only when vegetables are chewed or chopped to release myrosinase, a class of enzymes that play a role in the defense response of plants.

“Through Conagen’s bioconversion technology, we’re uncovering the great potential in sulforaphane as a powerful active health ingredient for consumers who are personalizing nutrition to support health functions,” said Lippmeier. “We can make safe and high-quality nutritional ingredients from natural sources and offer it at a global-scale cost-competitively so that brands may pass on the good health and savings to their consumers.”

Conagen’s sulforaphane is ideal for non-GMO supplement solutions to formulate products with a sustainable and natural consumer appeal. More research is emerging for understanding the optimistic effects on multiple health functions. As one example of many, biotechnology and biomanufacturing will continue to harness the power of biology and nature to develop and deliver solutions for better nutrition, health, and wellness. Conagen is expanding its sustainable, nutritional products portfolio to better humankind and the planet.

About Conagen
Conagen is making the impossible possible. Our scientists and engineers use modern synthetic biology tools to program micro-organisms and enzymes on a molecular level to produce high-quality, sustainable, natural products manufactured worldwide via precision fermentation and bioconversion. We focus on the bioproduction of high-value ingredients for food, nutrition, flavors and fragrances, pharmaceuticals, and renewable materials.


Ana Arakelian, Head of Public Relations and Communications

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8705501



NEW YORK, Nov. 28, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Iranian artists Sheida Soleimani, Aphrodite Désirée Navab, Z, Icy and Sot, Shirin Neshat, Mahvash Mostala, Sepideh Mehraban, and Shirin Towfiq, alongside artists Hank Willis Thomas and JR, activate New York’s FDR Four Freedoms State Park with a provocative multi-day and multi-media art installation facing the United Nations entitled Eyes on Iran, November 28, 2022 – January 1, 2023.

Timed for the U.N. initiative, 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, the installations are focused on the power of collective sight, with eyes facing the U.N., signifying the world’s eyes on Iran. ‘Eyes in the Sky’ flying billboards featuring artworks by Thomas and Mostala will fly on December 3 in New York City and on November 28 and 30 in Miami. An interactive installation by artist JR will take place on December 4. Eyes on Iran aims to amplify the mission of Woman, Life, Freedom, a campaign demanding that the Islamic Republic of Iran is removed from the Commission on the Status of Women.

The New York installation was unveiled at an event featuring former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, Human Rights Lawyer and Director of the Strategic Litigation Project at the Atlantic Council Gissou Nia, artists Sheida Soleimani and Shirin Neshat, actor and singer Sepideh Moafi and more at FDR Four Freedoms State Park with a performance by Grammy award-winner Jon Batiste. 

“We are calling on the world to take more action, starting at the United Nations. We must remove Iran from the U.N.’s Commission on the Status of Women. The fact that Iran is a member is a bitter irony,”  said Clinton. “What we are seeing is a revolution led by young women who are just not willing to live with the loss of freedom being imposed upon them.”

November 28 is significant because it is the anniversary of the 1943 Tehran Conference where Allied leaders, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin met in Tehran to coordinate the Allied military strategy and also stated a shared desire for the maintenance of the independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of Iran. Today, Woman, Life, Freedom shares the call for human rights for the people of Iran.

“The world’s eyes have been focused on the courage of Iranian citizens in their quest for freedom, in the face of increasingly grave danger,” said human rights activist Nazanin Afshin-Jam Mackay. “The Islamic Republic has censored them and attempted to blind the world to the potential of this movement. ‘Eyes on Iran’ is our response to their call for a free Iran.”

“When we say that we must keep our ‘Eyes on Iran,’ we mean that what is happening deserves not only our attention but our vision. In solidarity with the courageous Iranians who are risking their lives to express their human rights, many artists throughout the diaspora and beyond are bringing our vision to bear to ensure international audiences and institutions remain aware of what is happening in Iran, in their eyes and in their hearts, and feel moved to respond,” says artist Shirin Neshat.

An interactive installation by artist JR will take place on December 4 at FDR Four Freedoms State Park. Eyes on Iran aims to amplify the mission of Woman, Life, Freedom, a campaign demanding that the Islamic Republic of Iran is removed from the Commission on the Status of Women. Additional artists featured online including Emily Elise, Mahdis Nikou, Priscillia Kounkou Hoveydam, Ernesto Yerena, Hourdad, Golnar Adili, and Anonymous Artists.

In October, the campaign published a two-page ad in The New York Times with a petition signed by women leaders from more than 14 countries, including Clinton, demanding the U.N. Member States remove the Islamic Republic of Iran from the Commission on the Status of Women. Within days, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand, Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland, and Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly, along with nearly 100,000 others, signed the petition.

The Woman, Life, Freedom campaign is a partnership between artist collective For Freedoms, a coalition of Iranian women leaders and Vital Voices Global Partnership, a non-profit elevating women leaders.

Key Links:

Press Images

Woman Life Freedom Website 

Press Release: Open Letter Calling for the Immediate Expulsion of the Islamic Republic of Iran from the UN Commission on the Status of Women

About Our Partners:

For Freedoms is an artist collective that centers art and creativity as a catalyst for transformative connection and collective liberation.  By wielding the power of art, we aim to deepen and expand our capacity to interrogate what is and imagine what could be.  Together, we seek infinite expansion.

Vital Voices Global Partnership celebrates 25 years of directly investing in more than 20,000 women leaders across 184 countries since 1997. Driven by the universal truth that women are the key to progress in their communities and nations cannot move forward without women in leadership positions, Vital Voices has provided early support for leaders who went on to become Nobel Peace Prize Laureates, U.S. Youth Poet Laureates, prime ministers, award-winning innovators, pioneering human rights defenders, and breakthrough social entrepreneurs.

Four Freedoms Park Conservancy (FFPC), founded in 2011, operates under a Friends Agreement with New York State Parks to produce and curate public programs at Franklin D. Roosevelt Four Freedoms State Park. The park, designed by American modernist architect Louis Kahn, is among the greatest architectural masterpieces in New York City. By leveraging this spectacular architecture and the unique location of the park, the Conservancy produces events, installations,public art, and partners with local organizations that, together, serve a singular purpose: igniting the conversation around the Four Freedoms and the legacy of President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

The New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation oversees more than 250 parks, historic sites, recreational trails, golf courses, boat launches and more, which are visited by more than 78 million people annually. For more information on any of these recreation areas, visit, download the free NY State Parks Explorer mobile app or call 518.474.0456. Also, connect on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.


Sarah Brown McLeod

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8704529

KlasJet acrescenta o Boeing 737 BBJ2 à sua frota exclusiva

KlasJet adds Boeing 737 BBJ2 to its exclusive fleet

The Boeing 737 BBJ2 is a splendid addition to KlasJet’s exclusive private aircraft fleet as it is set to cater to the specific needs of high-ranking clients travelling in smaller groups.

LONDRES, Nov. 27, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Em 2021, o mercado mundial de jatos comerciais era de US$ 25,87 bilhões e deverá atingir US$ 38,34 bilhões até 2029, crescendo a uma CAGR de 4,06 %. Os jatos comerciais realizaram 3,3 milhões de voos em todo o mundo em 2021, o maior número registrado em um único ano, e 7% a mais do que o recorde anterior em 2019. As estatísticas de jatos privados indicam uma frota global de 21.929 aeronaves registradas.

Para expandir o portfólio de produtos da KlasJet, um charter corporativo baseado na UE e prestador de serviços ACMI (avião, tripulação, manutenção, seguro) está acrescentando o jato Boeing BBJ2, MSN 32971, à sua frota. A aeronave deverá iniciar suas operações em meados de abril de 2023 e sua base será em Dubai. O agente de vendas geral desta aeronave será o escritório da Chapman Freeborn nos EAU em Dubai.

O Boeing 737 BBJ2 é mais uma excelente aquisição da frota exclusiva de aeronaves privadas da KlasJet, pois está preparado para atender às necessidades específicas dos clientes de alto poder aquisitivo que viajam em grupos menores. “Enquanto nossas outras aeronaves Boeing 737 VIP com 56-68 assentos são ótimas para grupos maiores, tais como equipes esportivas, delegações de executivos e políticos, o B737 BBJ2 servirá como uma opção incrível para famílias abastadas, representantes do governo, presidentes, famílias reais e importantes delegações de executivos. Atualmente, a aeronave está no centro de acabamento JetMS Completion do Avia Solutions Group, onde o interior do jato será totalmente renovado”, explica Rita Domkute, CEO da KlasJet.

KlasJet adds Boeing 737 BBJ2 to its exclusive fleet

The Boeing 737 BBJ2 is a splendid addition to KlasJet’s exclusive private aircraft fleet as it is set to cater to the specific needs of high-ranking clients travelling in smaller groups.

Os serviços de fretamento de jatos executivos são muito requisitados em todo o mundo, pois grandes grupos podem viajar desfrutando de todas as vantagens da aviação executiva: tempo de voo flexível, serviço de luxo a bordo, assentos especiais e preço por assento semelhante aos assentos de classe executiva em companhias aéreas regulares. “Pretendemos que o recém-adicionado B737 BBJ2 nos permita fortalecer nossas posições no mercado do Oriente Médio em rápido crescimento, pois o jato é uma opção perfeita para pessoas de alto padrão que moram ou visitam a região regularmente”, ela compartilha.

O avião de 23 lugares é um projeto verdadeiramente requintado, com uma espaçosa área lounge, quarto a bordo e chuveiro. “O jato é projetado para atender até mesmo as necessidades mais sofisticadas de nossos clientes. É planejado pensando na conveniência e conforto dos passageiros, e o design é criado usando materiais de alta qualidade”, compartilha a CEO da KlasJet.

KlasJet adds Boeing 737 BBJ2 to its exclusive fleet

The Boeing 737 BBJ2 is a splendid addition to KlasJet’s exclusive private aircraft fleet as it is set to cater to the specific needs of high-ranking clients travelling in smaller groups.

No início deste ano, a companhia aérea acrescentou a lista de serviços ACMI de passageiros, incluindo a crescente linha de fornecedores de capacidade de sua matriz, Avia Solutions Group.

Se você deseja mais informações ou gostaria de marcar uma entrevista com um de nossos representantes KlasJet, entre em contato com Vilma Vaitiekunaite por e-mail ou pelo telefone +37061112789

KlasJet adds Boeing 737 BBJ2 to its exclusive fleet

The Boeing 737 BBJ2 is a splendid addition to KlasJet’s exclusive private aircraft fleet as it is set to cater to the specific needs of high-ranking clients travelling in smaller groups.

Sobre a KlasJet
A KlasJet é uma empresa exclusiva de fretamento de jatos privados e corporativos, reconhecida como líder na oferta de voos de grupo personalizados em todo o mundo. Operando uma frota de jatos de projeto exclusivo com base em Vilnius, Lituânia, assim como aeroportos da Europa Ocidental e Oriental, África e Oriente Médio, a KlasJet oferece conforto, segurança e atenção aos detalhes desde o início.

A KlasJet controla 7 aeronaves corporativas e BBJ Boeing 737 de 23 a 68 assentos. Também oferece serviços de locação ACMI para companhias aéreas e operadoras de turismo ao redor do mundo que enfrentam desafios com horários de voo, planos de expansão e o fornecimento de aeronaves de apoio. A frota da empresa disponível para os serviços de locação ACMI compreende 6 unidades do Boeing 737-800 – cada uma com capacidade para 189 passageiros.

KlasJet adds Boeing 737 BBJ2 to its exclusive fleet

The Boeing 737 BBJ2 is a splendid addition to KlasJet’s exclusive private aircraft fleet as it is set to cater to the specific needs of high-ranking clients travelling in smaller groups.

A KlasJet é um membro da família Avia Solutions Group, líder mundial em soluções de capacidade completa para companhias aéreas de passageiros e de carga. Seu vasto portfólio de serviços para clientes inclui ACMI, aviação charter e de carga, leasing e comércio de aeronaves, serviços MRO, aviação executiva e aquisição de companhias aéreas VIP, treinamento de pilotos e tripulação, serviços de recrutamento, além de vários serviços complementares que abrangem uma ampla gama de operações associadas. O Grupo administra mais de 100 escritórios e instalações de produção em todo o mundo.

KlasJet adds Boeing 737 BBJ2 to its exclusive fleet

The Boeing 737 BBJ2 is a splendid addition to KlasJet’s exclusive private aircraft fleet as it is set to cater to the specific needs of high-ranking clients travelling in smaller groups.

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000769110

KlasJet intègre le Boeing 737 BBJ2 à sa flotte exclusive

KlasJet adds Boeing 737 BBJ2 to its exclusive fleet

The Boeing 737 BBJ2 is a splendid addition to KlasJet’s exclusive private aircraft fleet as it is set to cater to the specific needs of high-ranking clients travelling in smaller groups.

LONDRES, 27 nov. 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — En 2021, le marché mondial des avions d’affaires représentait 25,87 milliards de dollars US et devrait atteindre 38,34 milliards de dollars US d’ici 2029, avec un taux de croissance annuel composé de 4,06 %. Les avions d’affaires ont effectué 3,3 millions de vols dans le monde en 2021, le plus grand nombre jamais enregistré pour une seule année et 7 % de plus que le précédent pic enregistré en 2019. Les statistiques relatives aux jets privés font état d’une flotte mondiale de 21 929 appareils immatriculés.

Afin d’élargir le portefeuille de produits de KlasJet, un fournisseur de services d’affrètement privé et d’ACMI basé en UE intègre à sa flotte un jet Boeing BBJ2, MSN 32971. L’appareil devrait entrer en service à la mi-avril 2023 et sera basé à Dubaï. L’agent commercial général de cet appareil sera le bureau de Chapman Freeborn UAE à Dubaï.

Le Boeing 737 BBJ2 est un atout majeur pour la flotte exclusive d’avions privés de KlasJet, dans la mesure où il répond aux besoins spécifiques de clients haut de gamme voyageant en comité restreint. « Alors que nos autres appareils Boeing 737 VIP de 56 à 68 sièges au design unique sont parfaits pour les groupes plus importants, tels que les équipes sportives ou les délégations d’affaires et politiques, le B737 BBJ2 sera un choix idéal pour les familles fortunées, les représentants de gouvernements, les présidents, les familles royales et les délégations d’affaires importantes. L’appareil se trouve actuellement au centre d’achèvement JetMS Completion du Groupe Avia Solutions, où l’intérieur du jet sera entièrement rénové », précise Rita Domkute, PDG de KlasJet.

KlasJet adds Boeing 737 BBJ2 to its exclusive fleet

The Boeing 737 BBJ2 is a splendid addition to KlasJet’s exclusive private aircraft fleet as it is set to cater to the specific needs of high-ranking clients travelling in smaller groups.

Les services d’affrètement d’avions d’affaires constituent une demande importante dans le monde entier. Les grands groupes peuvent en effet voyager en bénéficiant de tous les avantages de l’aviation d’affaires : horaires de vol flexibles, service de luxe à bord, sièges spéciaux et tarif par siège similaire à la classe affaires des compagnies aériennes régulières. Et d’ajouter : « Nous prévoyons que le B737 BBJ2 récemment acquis nous permettra de renforcer notre position sur le marché du Moyen-Orient, lequel connaît une croissance rapide. Ce jet constitue une option parfaite pour les particuliers de haut rang vivant dans la région ou s’y rendant régulièrement ».

L’appareil de 23 places est un projet vraiment exquis, avec son salon spacieux, sa chambre à coucher et sa douche à bord. La PDG de KlasJet ajoute encore : « Ce jet est conçu pour répondre même aux besoins les plus exigeants de nos clients. Il a été conçu en tenant compte de la convivialité et du confort des passagers et en utilisant des matériaux de haute qualité ».

KlasJet adds Boeing 737 BBJ2 to its exclusive fleet

The Boeing 737 BBJ2 is a splendid addition to KlasJet’s exclusive private aircraft fleet as it is set to cater to the specific needs of high-ranking clients travelling in smaller groups.

Plus tôt cette année, la compagnie aérienne a ajouté des passagers à sa liste de services ACMI, complétant ainsi la liste toujours croissante de fournisseurs de compétences de sa société mère Avia Solutions Group.

Pour plus d’informations ou pour fixer un rendez-vous avec l’un de nos représentants KlasJet, veuillez contacter Vilma Vaitiekunaite à l’adresse suivante : ou par téléphone au +37061112789

KlasJet adds Boeing 737 BBJ2 to its exclusive fleet

The Boeing 737 BBJ2 is a splendid addition to KlasJet’s exclusive private aircraft fleet as it is set to cater to the specific needs of high-ranking clients travelling in smaller groups.

La société KlasJet
est une compagnie d’affrètement de jets privés et d’affaires, réputée leader en matière de prestations de voyages de groupes sur mesure dans le monde entier. Exploitant une flotte de jets de conception unique basée à Vilnius, en Lituanie, ainsi que dans des aéroports d’Europe occidentale et de l’Est, d’Afrique et du Moyen-Orient, KlasJet garantit le confort, la sécurité et le sens du détail à chaque instant.

KlasJet exploite 7 Boeings 737 d’affaires et BBJ de 23 à 68 sièges. La compagnie offre également des services de location ACMI aux compagnies aériennes et aux voyagistes du monde entier confrontés à des difficultés liées aux calendriers de vols, aux plans d’expansion et à la disponibilité d’avions de remplacement. La flotte de la compagnie disponible à la location ACMI comprend 6 appareils Boeing 737-800, chacun d’une capacité de 189 passagers.

KlasJet adds Boeing 737 BBJ2 to its exclusive fleet

The Boeing 737 BBJ2 is a splendid addition to KlasJet’s exclusive private aircraft fleet as it is set to cater to the specific needs of high-ranking clients travelling in smaller groups.

KlasJet appartient au Groupe Avia Solutions, leader dans les solutions de capacité de bout en bout destinées aux compagnies aériennes de voyageurs et de fret dans le monde entier. Son vaste portefeuille de services proposés aux clients englobe l’ACMI, l’aviation privée et de fret, la location et le négoce d’avions, les services MRO, l’aviation d’affaires et l’approvisionnement des compagnies aériennes VIP, la formation des pilotes et des équipages, les services de recrutement, ainsi que de multiples services complémentaires couvrant un large éventail d’opérations associées. Le Groupe gère plus de 100 bureaux et sites de production dans le monde entier.

Pour plus d’informations, veuillez consulter les sites : et

KlasJet adds Boeing 737 BBJ2 to its exclusive fleet

The Boeing 737 BBJ2 is a splendid addition to KlasJet’s exclusive private aircraft fleet as it is set to cater to the specific needs of high-ranking clients travelling in smaller groups.

Les photos jointes au présent communiqué sont disponibles aux adresses suivantes :

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000769110

Africa and the Caribbean face similar climate challenges, Dominica gears itself to meet global warming

Roseau, Nov. 25, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The recent  COP27 gathering brought together nations from across the world to tackle climate challenges facing the world. While a lot has been said about the commitments made by leaders of first-world countries such as president Joe Biden of the United States, many developing countries still face challenges similar to what they had before the gathering.

Biden announced that the US is supporting the Global Shield, a G7 initiative to better protect vulnerable countries in Africa and the Caribbean from climate-related losses and to quickly respond to climate-related damages by expanding access to risk-based insurance. The G7-led Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment is said to be working to meet the critical infrastructure needs in low- and middle-income countries with a specific focus on climate.

While the COP27 agreement to set up a fund for loss and damage caused by extreme weather condition is a great milestone in the joint effort to increase climate resilience, developing countries have been pursuing such a facility for decades. As yet, no agreement has been reached as to how the fund will be set up, how it will be funded, and who or which countries will fund it.

Developing nations have also been lobbying for a reform of the World Bank and other publicly funded finance institutions which are seen to be failing to provide developing nations with funding to help adapt to the climate crisis and to help cut their greenhouse gas emissions.

In 2009 wealthier countries agreed that at least 100bn US dollars a year would be provided to developing countries by 2020 from public and private sources, to help these counties with their climate efforts. However, this target remains unmet.

The U.S. is the second-largest CO2 emitter after China, and the largest historically. In 2019, U.S. greenhouse gas emissions totalled 6,558 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalents – a two percent increase since 1990, while Dominica represented 0% of the global share of CO2 emissions in the same period according to Worldometer.

In a recent open letter by Nigerian president Muhammadu Buhari, posted during the run-up to COP27, he refers to what the U.N. secretary general has called “a climate of mistrust” that envelops our world. He wrote, “First, rich countries should direct a greater share of funding to developing nations’ adaptation to the effects of climate change. Most financing currently flows toward mitigation projects, such as renewable energy projects, that reduce emissions. While such projects have their uses, far more money needs to go to helping Africa adapt to the effects of climate change — which seems only fair for a continent that produces less than 3 percent of global emissions.”

Caribbean nations like Dominica face similar challenges. As a small island state that has not been causing global warming to any levels near those of developed nations, Dominica is disproportionately suffering the consequences of adapting to massive changes in weather conditions.

Instead of relying on the financial assistance of foreign countries, Dominica serves as a good example of a Small Developing Island State (SIDS) that has been using funds received through its very successful citizenship by investment (CBI) programme to support climate resilience and green energy programmes.

According to the UN, Small Island Developing States (SIDS) are a distinct group of 38 UN Member States and 20 Non-UN Members/Associate Members of United Nations regional commissions that face unique social, economic and environmental vulnerabilities.

While COP27 nations have agreed to phase down the use of coal, the same as during COP26, the Commonwealth of Dominica already obtains 28% of its energy requirements from renewable energy sources such as hydropower and wind. In March 2019, the World Bank approved a US$27 million project to support the construction of a 7MW small geothermal power plant in the Rosseau Valley area of Dominica, which aims to increase the share of renewables, diversify the country’s energy matrix, and identify a clear road map for private sector investment in geothermal development.

“The Geothermal Power Plant shows Dominica’s commitment toward resilience. Projects like the geothermal plant are putting the Nature Isle ahead of the world in combatting climate change while relieving the nation of its reliance on imported fossil fuels,” said Micha Rose Emmett, CEO of the world’s leading government advisory and marketing firm, CS Global Partners.

The country’s funding efforts have focused on upgrading and expanding its road network, including the adjustment of bridges to make them higher to allow for overflow of water and debris, building resilience capabilities in the local housing sector, and upgrading healthcare facilities and hospitals. Funds are also directed to supporting climate resilience programmes in agriculture, education, reforestation, community preparedness training and food security.

Dominica’s CBI programme is one of the best in the world, ranking as the number one programme of its kind for five consecutive years by the CBI Index. This is a ranking system published by the Financial Times’s Professional Wealth Management (PWM) magazine. With a minimum investment of 100,000 US dollars per single applicant, successful applicants obtain citizenship for life, with the right to live and work in the country. Dominica also offers increased global mobility and visa-free access to over 80 countries worldwide, with close proximity to the north American markets for those with business interests. Successful applicants maintain the right to hold dual citizenship and citizenship can be passed on to future generations.  Applicants can choose to invest by either making a substantial contribution to the Economic Diversification Fund (EDF) or have the option to purchase government-approved property for a minimum of 200,000 US dollars that must be held for a minimum of three years.

PR Dominica
Commonwealth of Dominica
001 (767) 266 3919

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8703352

Tusk Innovation annonce de nouveaux produits « Combo »



LONDRES, 24 nov. 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Tusk Inc. Limited (, fondée en 2012 au Royaume-Uni et à Kuala Lumpur, se spécialise dans un premier temps dans la gestion de capital. La société, qui possède des bureaux dans le monde entier, est désormais une cheffe de file des solutions électriques destinées aux utilisateurs d’équipement de minage, de l’énergie solaire et des adaptateurs. Elle annonce aujourd’hui l’arrivée de nouveaux produits « Combo ». Cette gamme de produits est principalement dédiée aux applications électriques. Pour tout mineur acheté, celui-ci est livré avec un panneau solaire, en vue de réduire la consommation d’énergie. Consulter les produits ici

En sa qualité de cheffe de file des solutions électriques, Tusk Innovation a annoncé des remises de 30 % sur son combo d’équipement de minage, qui combine un panneau solaire à un mineur de bitcoins. Après avoir récemment abandonné les outils polycristallins au profit des matériaux photovoltaïques, Tusk Inc. a testé au fil du temps l’efficacité d’une combinaison de ses produits solaires avec des solutions de minage de cryptomonnaies et constaté qu’il s’agissait de la solution la plus efficace. Les investisseurs de Tusk Inc. peuvent désormais facilement miner leurs bitcoins sans interruption, en profitant de risques réduits et de profits optimaux.

Cette stratégie vise à réduire la quantité d’électricité consommée par les clients lorsqu’ils minent des cryptomonnaies. Elle a été dévoilée la semaine dernière par le Responsable des opérations, John Walls. Selon M. Walls, « Les rapports indiquent de façon incontestable que la quantité d’électricité dont les mineurs ont besoin peut s’avérer trop conséquente. Dès lors, nous avons mis au point une alternative pertinente. »

Les profits du minage
Même s’il est louable et hautement rentable pour de nombreuses personnes de mettre au point des fermes de minage de cryptomonnaies, la spéculation est omniprésente et peut entraîner des coûts significatifs, notamment en termes de consommation électrique. En vous proposant un panneau solaire qui n’a aucun impact sur vos factures d’électricité, couplé à un appareil capable d’exécuter des tâches de double minage, Tusk Inc. a mis au point une solution durable. Il vous suffit de miner vos bitcoins, sans vous soucier de la volatilité du marché, tout en ignorant les problématiques de consommation d’énergie.

Tusk Inc. s’est distinguée en permettant à ses client d’acquérir des services de développement de portefeuille de cryptomonnaies et des processeurs graphiques auprès de la société qui possède des bureaux sur trois continents. Elle jouit également d’une riche expérience dans le développement de la Blockchain et des solutions de minage de bitcoins, ainsi que dans d’autres domaines.

À propos de Tusk
Fondée en 2012 par une équipe constituée d’experts de la gestion, rejointe par la suite par des experts de la technologie, Tusk Inc. est désormais une cheffe de file des solutions électriques. La société peut également se prévaloir d’une capacité à gérer efficacement les risques, puisqu’elle intervient dans ce domaine depuis plus de dix ans. Au travers de différentes innovations technologiques, la société a intégré des projets moins risqués au système de gestion des risques, dont notamment le minage de cryptomonnaies, en recourant à des matériaux photovoltaïques.

John Walls
PR Manager

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000768791

KlasJet adds Boeing 737 BBJ2 to its exclusive fleet

KlasJet adds Boeing 737 BBJ2 to its exclusive fleet

The Boeing 737 BBJ2 is a splendid addition to KlasJet’s exclusive private aircraft fleet as it is set to cater to the specific needs of high-ranking clients travelling in smaller groups.

LONDON, Nov. 24, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — In 2021, the global business jet market was USD 25.87bn and is expected to reach USD 38.34bn by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 4.06 %. Business jets flew 3.3 million flights worldwide in 2021, the most on record for a single year and 7 % more than the previous high point in 2019. Private jet statistics show a global fleet of 21,929 registered aircraft.

KlasJet adds Boeing 737 BBJ2 to its exclusive fleet

The Boeing 737 BBJ2 is a splendid addition to KlasJet’s exclusive private aircraft fleet as it is set to cater to the specific needs of high-ranking clients travelling in smaller groups.

To expand KlasJet’s products portfolio, an EU-based corporate charter and ACMI services provider is adding Boeing BBJ2, MSN 32971 jet to its fleet. The aircraft is set to begin operations in mid-April 2023 and will be based in Dubai. The general sales agent for this aircraft will be Chapman Freeborn UAE Dubai office.

KlasJet adds Boeing 737 BBJ2 to its exclusive fleet

The Boeing 737 BBJ2 is a splendid addition to KlasJet’s exclusive private aircraft fleet as it is set to cater to the specific needs of high-ranking clients travelling in smaller groups.

The Boeing 737 BBJ2 is a splendid addition to KlasJet’s exclusive private aircraft fleet as it is set to cater to the specific needs of high-ranking clients travelling in smaller groups. “While our other 56-68 seats VIP Boeing 737 uniquely designed jets are great for larger groups, such as sports teams, business and political delegations, the B737 BBJ2 will serve as an amazing choice for affluent families, government representatives, presidents, royal families, important business delegations. Currently, the aircraft is at Avia Solutions Group completion centre JetMS Completion, where the interior of the jet will be fully renewed,” explains Rita Domkute, CEO of KlasJet.

KlasJet adds Boeing 737 BBJ2 to its exclusive fleet

The Boeing 737 BBJ2 is a splendid addition to KlasJet’s exclusive private aircraft fleet as it is set to cater to the specific needs of high-ranking clients travelling in smaller groups.


Corporate business jet charter services are in great demand all over the world, as big groups can travel enjoying all the perks of business aviation: flexible flight time, luxury service on board, special seats and price per seat similar to business class seats at regular airline companies. “We plan that the newly added B737 BBJ2 will allow us to strengthen our positions in the rapidly growing Middle East market as the jet is a perfect option for high-ranking individuals who are living in or visiting the region on regular basis,” she shares.

The 23-seat aircraft is a truly exquisite project, with a spacious lounge area, an on-board bedroom and a shower. “The jet is designed to meet even the most sophisticated needs of our clients. It is planned with convenience and comfort of passengers in mind, the design is created using high-quality materials,” KlasJet’s CEO shares.

KlasJet adds Boeing 737 BBJ2 to its exclusive fleet

The Boeing 737 BBJ2 is a splendid addition to KlasJet’s exclusive private aircraft fleet as it is set to cater to the specific needs of high-ranking clients travelling in smaller groups.

Earlier this year, the airline added passenger ACMI services list, adding to its parent company Avia Solutions Group’s ever-growing line-up of capacity providers.

If you would like more information or would like to schedule an interview with one of our KlasJet representatives, please contact Vilma Vaitiekunaite at or +37061112789

About KlasJet 
KlasJet is an exlusive private and corporate jet charter company, renowned as a leader in the provision of bespoke group flights worldwide. Operating a fleet of uniquely designed jets based in Vilnius, Lithuania, as well as airports across Western and Eastern Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, KlasJet provides comfort, safety, and attention to detail from the ground up.

KlasJet adds Boeing 737 BBJ2 to its exclusive fleet

The Boeing 737 BBJ2 is a splendid addition to KlasJet’s exclusive private aircraft fleet as it is set to cater to the specific needs of high-ranking clients travelling in smaller groups.

KlasJet operates 7 corporate and BBJ Boeing 737 from 23 to 68 seats. Also offers ACMI lease services to airlines and tour operators around the world who face challenges with flight schedules, expansion plans, and the supply of backup aircraft. The company’s fleet available for ACMI lease services comprises 6 units of Boeing 737-800 — each with a capacity for 189 passengers.

KlasJet is a family member of Avia Solutions Group, leaders in end-to-end capacity solutions for passenger and cargo airlines worldwide. Its vast portfolio of services to clients includes ACMI, charter and cargo aviation, aircraft leasing and trading, MRO services, business aviation and VIP airline procurement, pilot and crew training, recruitment services, together with multiple complementary services spanning a wide range of associated operations. The Group manages over 100 offices and production facilities globally.

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