Martin Bernstein rejoint le conseil d’administration de Synchronoss

Ce membre de l’équipe dirigeante de B. Riley apporte un solide sens financier au conseil d’administration

BRIDGEWATER, New Jersey, 13 juill. 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ : SNCR), un leader mondial et innovateur en matière de solutions pour le cloud et la messagerie et de solutions numériques, a le plaisir d’annoncer que Martin Bernstein a rejoint son conseil d’administration, avec effet immédiat.

M. Bernstein a été nommé membre du conseil d’administration dans le cadre de la récente recapitalisation de Synchronoss, en tant que représentant de B. Riley Financial, Inc. (NASDAQ : RILY) (B. Riley), le plus grand actionnaire de la société.

« Au nom de l’ensemble du conseil d’administration, je suis heureux d’accueillir Marty au sein de notre équipe », a déclaré Stephen Waldis, fondateur et président exécutif du conseil d’administration de Synchronoss. « La vaste expérience de Marty en matière de stratégies d’allocation de capitaux, de gouvernance d’entreprise et de financement sera un atout considérable pour notre organisation. Je suis certain que ses connaissances impressionnantes et son remarquable palmarès de réussite profiteront à notre conseil d’administration déjà solide, et je m’attends en outre à ce qu’il ait un impact important pour aider Synchronoss à atteindre ses objectifs de croissance stratégique. »

Martin Bernstein représente B. Riley Principal Investments, une filiale de B. Riley qui effectue des investissements directs dans des entreprises disposant de technologies de plateforme éprouvées avec un potentiel significatif de croissance à court terme. Il occupe actuellement le poste de directeur des investissements privés chez B. Riley et est responsable de l’identification, de la souscription et de la gestion des investissements de la société, en plus de diriger la distribution aux partenaires de syndication de la société. M. Bernstein possède une vaste expérience de responsable des investissements dans les secteurs de la technologie, du transport, de l’automobile, de l’aérospatiale, de la fabrication, de l’énergie, de l’infrastructure et d’autres secteurs.

M. Bernstein a déclaré : « C’est un honneur de rejoindre le conseil d’administration de Synchronoss après avoir travaillé en étroite collaboration avec Steve, Jeff, et l’ensemble de l’équipe Synchronoss sur la récente recapitalisation. Je partage l’enthousiasme de la direction et sa vision pour l’entreprise, enracinée dans l’innovation continue et une suite de produits en marque blanche de tout premier plan pour les principaux clients des télécommunications. Nous pensons que l’activité de Synchronoss se trouve à un point d’inflexion et qu’elle est bien positionnée pour mettre en œuvre sa stratégie de croissance suite au refinancement. Je suis impatient de continuer à travailler avec l’équipe en tant que membre du conseil d’administration tandis que nous nous efforçons de créer de la valeur pour les parties prenantes et les clients. »

Avant de rejoindre B. Riley en mars 2021, Martin Bernstein était chez Anchorage Capital en tant que responsable des investissements dans les différentes structures de capital, notamment les actions de sociétés ouvertes, le capital-investissement, le crédit performant, la dette bancaire et les dettes en souffrance, ainsi que des situations de restructuration. Auparavant, il travaillait en tant qu’analyste chez Bocage Capital, et faisait partie de l’équipe d’investissement pour la dotation du Howard Hughes Medical Institute. M. Bernstein a obtenu un AB (Bachelor of Arts, équivalent d’une licence) en Histoire au Dartmouth College (New Hampshire). Il est basé dans le Connecticut.

À propos de Synchronoss

Synchronoss Technologies (NASDAQ : SNCR) est un développeur de logiciels permettant aux entreprises du monde entier de se connecter à leurs abonnés de manière fiable et pertinente. Sa gamme de produits contribue à rationaliser les réseaux, simplifier l’intégration et interagir avec les abonnés afin de créer de nouvelles sources de revenus, réduire les coûts et accélérer la mise sur le marché. Plusieurs centaines de millions d’abonnés font confiance à Synchronoss pour rester en phase avec les individus, les services et les contenus qu’ils aiment. C’est pourquoi les plus de 1 500 talentueux collaborateurs de Synchronoss à travers le monde s’efforcent chaque jour de repenser un monde synchrone. Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous sur


Anais Merlin, CCgroup (International)
Diane Rose, CCgroup (Amérique du Nord)

Todd Kehrli/Joo-Hun Kim, MKR Investor Relations, Inc.

Golden Harvest, nouvelle coqueluche du marché de l’huile de tournesol comestible

DODOMA, Tanzanie, 14 juillet 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Golden Harvest, une marque d’huile de tournesol comestible pure et produite localement, continue de s’imposer comme un leader du marché en Tanzanie. La marque grand public a été lancée en octobre 2020 et a vendu plus d’un million de litres de produit au cours de ses six premiers mois.

The brand’s sunflower oil is available in three and five liter, high-density polyethylene (HDPE) jerrycans and one, three and five liter polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles.

« Nous sommes submergés par l’acceptation de notre huile de tournesol par le marché. La production quotidienne de notre usine de Dodoma est vendue immédiatement, sans aucun stock d’huile en raison de la forte demande pour Golden Harvest », a déclaré Malcolm McGrath, directeur général de Pyxus Agriculture Tanzania Limited.

La Tanzanie importe environ 60 pour cent de son huile de cuisson, ce qui lui coûte plus de 400 milliards de shillings par an. Golden Harvest, en revanche, est fabriquée à Dodoma à partir de tournesols cultivés par des agriculteurs de tout le pays. Par conséquent, Golden Harvest est vendue à un prix attractif tout en améliorant les moyens de subsistance des agriculteurs, en créant des emplois pour les Tanzaniens et en permettant à la Tanzanie d’être compétitive sur les marchés internationaux.

Golden Harvest Logo

« À l’heure actuelle, il y a une forte demande d’huile de cuisson en Tanzanie mais une faible offre en raison des importations à prix élevé et de la faible production locale de graines de tournesol destinées à la transformation. Notre capacité à fabriquer l’huile Golden Harvest localement nous permet de fournir aux consommateurs tanzaniens une huile de cuisson de qualité constante et en temps voulu, tout en soutenant notre économie locale », a ajouté M. McGrath.

Golden Harvest est produite conformément aux normes nationales de sécurité et de qualité établies par le Bureau des normes de Tanzanie. L’huile est certifiée Halaal, sans cholestérol et entièrement traçable, de la semence à la vente. L’huile de tournesol de la marque est disponible en bidons de trois et cinq litres, en polyéthylène haute densité (PEHD) et en bouteilles d’un, trois et cinq litres de polyéthylène téréphtalate (PET). Golden Harvest est actuellement vendue dans 1 495 magasins en Tanzanie.

À propos de Golden Harvest

Golden Harvest est une marque d’huile de tournesol comestible destinée aux consommateurs. Son huile de tournesol de haute qualité est produite à Dodoma, en Tanzanie, par broyage et pressage des graines de tournesol, qui sont récoltées à partir de tournesols cultivés localement. Avant la mise en bouteille, l’huile subit un processus de raffinage pour éliminer les impuretés, un processus de neutralisation pour garantir la cohérence et un processus d’enrichissement pour stimuler les micro-nutriments. Golden Harvest est produite conformément aux normes nationales de sécurité et de qualité établies par le Bureau des normes de Tanzanie. L’huile est certifiée Halaal, sans cholestérol et entièrement traçable, de la semence à la vente. Golden Harvest peut être acheté à travers la Tanzanie dans le commerce général et moderne.

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Bambu acquiert le fournisseur de technologies de gestion des investissements Tradesocio pour accélérer saisir croissance mondiale

L’acquisition de Tradesocio étendra les capacités de Bambu en matière de patrimoine numérique, doublant le nombre d’employés à 130 et accélérant davantage son expansion mondiale

SINGAPOUR, 14 juillet 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Bambu a le plaisir d’annoncer l’acquisition de Tradesocio, une société WealthTech de 65 employés, spécialisée dans la gestion des investissements et les technologies de trading, avec des bureaux à Singapour, en Inde et à Dubaï. Cette acquisition renforce considérablement la compétitivité de l’entreprise combinée à l’échelle mondiale. Bambu sera présente dans tous les principaux centres financiers et possèdera des capacités de gestion de patrimoine numérique étendues couvrant les transactions en actions et les cryptomonnaies.

Bambu acquires investment management technology provider Tradesocio to accelerate global growth.

Grâce à cette acquisition, Tradesocio apporte des années d’expérience dans la fourniture et l’exploitation de plateformes de trading à haut volume dans différentes classes d’actifs. L’acquisition place Bambu dans une position unique qui offrira aux clients une plus grande agence grâce à des capacités de système plus larges qui vont au-delà des offres des plateformes de consultation automatisée existantes. En outre, la présence de Tradesocio dans la région EMEA et en Inde, ainsi qu’un portefeuille de clients existants, devraient permettre à Bambu de se développer dans un marché mondial de la richesse numérique en pleine expansion et évolution.

Ned Phillips, PDG de Bambu, a déclaré : « Après avoir posé des bases solides pendant cinq ans, Bambu entre maintenant dans une phase de croissance rapide. Cet accord nous aide dans trois domaines clés : il étend notre offre de produits en actions et en cryptomonnaie, il nous donne une plus grande empreinte mondiale et nous permet de faire évoluer notre équipe efficacement pour répondre à la demande en pleine croissance. Nous pensons que cela nous positionne bien pour notre série C et notre ambition de devenir le leader mondial de la WealthTech. »

Il est peu probable qu’il s’agisse de la dernière acquisition de Bambu, car elle prévoit d’acquérir davantage d’entreprises qui renforcent leur gamme de produits et leur portée mondiale pour avoir un impact sur le secteur de la richesse numérique.

À propos de Bambu

Bambu est l’un des principaux fournisseurs mondiaux de technologies numériques pour les institutions financières. Nous permettons aux entreprises de rendre l’épargne et l’investissement simples et intelligents pour leurs clients. La plateforme basée sur le cloud est alimentée par nos algorithmes propriétaires et nos outils d’apprentissage automatique. La société est au service de plus de 20 institutions financières à l’échelle mondiale. Fondée en 2016, Bambu a son siège à Singapour avec une filiale au Royaume-Uni et aux États-Unis et des représentants dans la région EMEA. Pour plus d’informations, visitez et suivez-nous sur LinkedIn et Twitter.

À propos de Tradesocio

Tradesocio fournit une technologie numérique qui aide les institutions d’investissement financier à gérer, offrir et accéder à des services financiers sécurisés et rentables. Nous permettons aux institutions financières d’attirer une clientèle plus large, allant des particuliers aux investisseurs institutionnels fortunés, et leur offrons un accès à une variété de services financiers, apportant l’égalité des chances dans le monde. Nous proposons des solutions de gestion des investissements numériques sur mesure à l’ensemble de la communauté de la gestion des investissements qui réduisent les coûts et augmentent le potentiel des revenus.

Nous fournissons la solution complète de gestion financière de bout en bout, du développement, de l’hébergement et de la maintenance à la sécurité et au support technique après-vente.

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Seegene Introduces New SARS-CoV-2 Variants Detection Test That Can Screen Six Virus Variants Including the Delta and Delta Plus

  • Seegene launches new multiplex PCR test capable of screening six SARS-CoV-2 variants including the Delta and Delta Plus variants attributable for a recent surge in global COVID-19 cases.
  • The new CE-IVD marked variants detection kit to differentiate 10 major COVID-19 variants including the alpha, beta, epsilon as well as delta, when used in conjunction with the company’s first variants detection kit previously launched in March.

SEOUL, South Korea, July 13, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — South Korea’s leading biotechnology firm Seegene Inc. (KQ 096530) has announced the launch of a new SARS-CoV-2 variant diagnostic test capable of screening newly emerging virus variants including the Delta and the Delta Plus that have become the dominant version of the virus circulating around the world.


Seegene announced on June 30 that it has received the CE-IVD mark for its ‘Allplex™ SARS-CoV-2 Variants II Assay,’ a new lineup of the company’s variant detection kits capable of detecting the key genetic mutations of SARS-CoV-2 variants such as L452R, W152C, K417T and K417N. In a single reaction, the variants diagnostic kit identifies a total of six COVID-19 variants that are known to be originated from India such as Delta, Delta Plus, and Kappa, and Gamma(Brazil), Beta(South Africa), and Epsilon(California). While the number of daily new infections is growing exponentially, the launch of the new assay is expected to play an essential role in monitoring the spread of the Delta and Delta Plus variants that have been largely blamed for the bulk of new infections.

Earlier this year, the World Health Organization (WHO) classified the Delta variant as the ‘Variant of Concern’ as the variant is expected to rapidly outcompete other variants. Also, the emergence of a new mutation on the spike protein of the Delta known as K417N has raised alarm globally, as it is known to be more contagious than the Delta and exhibit vaccine resistance. These super-contagious variants recently have become a global threat. In countries like the UK and Indonesia Delta is the dominant strain accounting for around 90% of new cases. Also, in other countries like the United States, although the variant only made up about 20% of infections, the number appears to be doubling every two weeks.

Under such circumstances, the introduction of the ‘Allplex™ SARS-CoV-2 Variants II Assay’ is receiving much attention from around the world as the assay can screen both Delta and the Delta Plus variant as well as other major COVID-19 variants. Seegene also said that it has successfully developed a research-use-only diagnostic tests, ‘Allplex™ SARS-CoV-2/P681R Assay,’ to precisely target the Delta and Delta Plus variants. According to the company, the conjunction use of the two assays will allow researchers to accurately distinguish the Delta and Delta Plus variants from other genetic mutations.

Although many countries are speeding up with the vaccination process, Gavi, the global Vaccine alliance stresses the importance of surveillance screening, saying that the Delta Plus variant was found during routine screening. According to Seegene, the combination use of its two assays including ‘Allplex™ SARS-CoV-2 Variants II Assay’ and the ‘Allplex™ SARS-CoV-2 Variants I Assay’ can screen almost all existing COVID-19 variants. As the two assays can detect multiple variants in a single test, it also streamlines the conventional testing process in which it requires a secondary test to identify new variants. In such context, Seegene’s variant detection kit is expected to become a new ‘gold standard,’ helping to prevent new pandemics from occurring.

“An increased transmissibility, short incubation period, and a potential reduction in vaccine efficacy are the characteristics of the Delta and Delta Plus variants,” said Min-cheol Lee, Seegene’s Chief Technology Officer. “I know that there is currently a lot of concern about the Delta variants. While experts and the WHO are largely cautioning the public and governments to remain watchful, I believe that our latest two diagnostic tests will play a key role in the early detection of different viruses and help prevent the further spread of SARS-CoV-2,” he added.

Seegene Inc.
Jessica Jiyoung Park
P: +82-2-2240-6164

U.S. Media Contact:
Kristin Schaeffer

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Mediaocean to Acquire Flashtalking, Adding Complementary Solutions to Power $200 Billion in Annualized Media Spend

Combined companies will establish the most trusted, independent technology platform for omnichannel advertising with emphasis on cross-channel video and dynamic creative

NEW YORK, July 13, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mediaocean, the mission-critical platform for omnichannel advertising, and Flashtalking, the leading independent ad management platform, announced today that they have entered into a definitive agreement in which Mediaocean will acquire Flashtalking. The combined entity will infuse Flashtalking’s best-in-class solutions for primary ad serving, creative personalization, identity management, and verification with Mediaocean’s modern system of record used by the world’s leading brands and agencies.

The announcement comes at a critical inflection point for the advertising industry as marketers seek trusted, independent solutions to manage the rise of big tech. Mediaocean and Flashtalking customers will benefit from comprehensive and future-forward solutions for global strategic planning, omnichannel media management, closed ecosystems optimization, and financial reconciliation across traditional media, open web, closed ecosystems, and connected TV.

“Bringing together Mediaocean and Flashtalking is an incredible opportunity for our customers, employees, and the industry at large,” said Bill Wise, CEO of Mediaocean. “Flashtalking is the source of truth for digital and CTV ads and Mediaocean is the system of record for all media. Combined, we will deliver comprehensive and future-forward solutions for omnichannel advertising. Most importantly, our platform is not compromised by media ownership so we can focus solely on driving outcomes for marketers and their agency partners.”

“Our mission of enabling marketers to move consumers to action is a perfect fit for Mediaocean’s vision of a world where marketers market the way consumers consume,” said John Nardone, CEO at Flashtalking. “Over the years, we’ve built the most trusted, independent platform for driving advertising relevance and improving campaign performance. Together, our teams and complementary tech will help brands succeed in a future dominated by converged media and anchored on cookieless identity resolution.”

“As we continue to innovate, it’s crucial to have technology that enables us to meet the moment for consumers,” said Deborah Wahl, CMO of General Motors. “It’s encouraging to see companies like Mediaocean and Flashtalking come together to deliver on the omnichannel advertising imperative. The industry needs a neutral and independent player in the ecosystem to enable media convergence.”

“The combination of Mediaocean and Flashtalking signals a critical milestone as the industry moves towards open and interoperable solutions,” said Paul Gelb, Head of Digital Activation and Investment at Bayer. “One of the biggest opportunities in modern media is connecting technology across planning, buying, ad serving, and creative optimization. With Flashtalking, Mediaocean has improved its potential value proposition for omnichannel advertising.”

The acquisition of Flashtalking by Mediaocean builds on a partnership the companies launched in 2018 to incorporate ad serving data into media buyer workflow. The combined entity will represent an advertising technology platform with over $200 billion in annualized media spend and over 1 trillion monthly ad impressions. Earlier this year, Mediaocean announced its new product paradigm that unifies solutions across media intelligence, management, and finance. The company’s product transformation and emphasis on culture have been recognized with Customer’s Choice designation from Gartner Peer Insights1 and Best Places to Work by Ad Age.

The global advertising industry is a $700 billion market2 undergoing major transformation due to changing consumer habits and privacy expectations. This has led to the rise of CTV and closed ecosystems in which Mediaocean made a large investment via the acquisition of 4C in July 2020 and, now with Flashtalking, will enhance its best-in-class solutions. The combined companies will enable a number of innovative value propositions for advertisers and agencies:

  • Unified planning and measurement of traditional and digital media including cross-channel video
  • In-flight campaign optimization through AI-driven recommendations and automation
  • Data-driven creative personalization across open web and closed ecosystems
  • Flexible identity resolution to enable omnichannel reach in a cookie-less world as well as privacy compliance with CCPA and GDPR
  • Advanced brand insights and analytics for media impact on sales conversions

The terms of the deal were not disclosed. The acquisition is expected to close in the third quarter of 2021.

J.P. Morgan Securities LLC served as exclusive financial advisor to Flashtalking and Travers Smith LLP and Goodwin Procter LLP as its legal counsel.

About Mediaocean
Mediaocean is the mission-critical platform for omnichannel advertising. With more than $200 billion in annualized media spend managed through its software, Mediaocean connects brands, agencies, media, technology, and data. Using AI and machine learning technology to control marketing investments and optimize business outcomes, Mediaocean powers campaigns from planning, buying, and selling to analysis, invoices, and payments. Mediaocean employs 1,200 people across 20 global offices and is part of the Vista Equity Partners portfolio. Visit for more information.

About Flashtalking
Flashtalking is the leading global independent primary ad server and analytics technology company. The company uses data to personalize advertising in real-time, independently analyze its effectiveness and enable optimization that drives better engagement and return on spend for sophisticated global brands. Flashtalking’s platform leads the market with innovative products and services to ensure creative relevance and actionable insights across channels and formats, powered by unique cookieless tracking, data orchestration and advanced analytics. Flashtalking supports clients at the crossroads where data, personalized creative and unbiased measurement intersect with expertise, service and a deep partner ecosystem to drive successful digital marketing. The company is part of the TA Associates portfolio.

Media Contact
Aaron Goldman
CMO, Mediaocean

1 Gartner Peer Insights Customers’ Choice constitute the subjective opinions of individual end-user reviews, ratings, and data applied against a documented methodology; they neither represent the views of, nor constitute an endorsement by, Gartner or its affiliates. Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner’s research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, express or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
2 Source: eMarketer Worldwide Total Media Advertising Spending, 2021

Golden Harvest Heats Up Edible Sunflower Oil Market

DODOMA, Tanzania, July 13, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Golden Harvest, a pure and locally-produced, edible sunflower oil brand, continues to gain traction as a market leader in Tanzania. The consumer brand launched in October 2020 and has sold more than 1 million liters of product within its first six months.

The brand’s sunflower oil is available in three and five liter, high-density polyethylene (HDPE) jerrycans and one, three and five liter polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles.

“We are overwhelmed by the market acceptance of our sunflower oil. Our daily production from our factory in Dodoma is sold immediately, with no stock holding of oil due to the high demand for Golden Harvest,” said Malcolm McGrath, Managing Director of Pyxus Agriculture Tanzania Limited.

Tanzania imports approximately 60 percent of its cooking oil, costing upwards of 400 billion shilling annually. Golden Harvest, however, is manufactured in Dodoma using sunflowers grown by farmers from across the country. As a result, Golden Harvest is sold at an attractive price while simultaneously improving farmer livelihoods, creating jobs for Tanzanians and enabling Tanzania to compete in international markets.

“Currently, there is a high demand for cooking oil in Tanzania, but a low supply due to high priced imports and low local production of sunflower seed for processing. Our ability to manufacture Golden Harvest locally helps us provide Tanzanian consumers with a consistent, high-quality cooking oil in a timely manner, all while supporting our local economy,” added McGrath.

Golden Harvest is produced in compliance with national safety and quality standards established by the Tanzania Bureau of Standards, is Halaal certified, cholesterol free and fully traceable—from seed to sale. The brand’s sunflower oil is available in three and five liter, high-density polyethylene (HDPE) jerrycans and one, three and five liter polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles. Golden Harvest is currently sold in 1,495 shops within Tanzania.

About Golden Harvest
Golden Harvest is a consumer-facing, edible sunflower oil brand. Its high-quality sunflower oil is produced in Dodoma, Tanzania, through the crushing and pressing of sunflower seeds, which are gleaned from locally-grown sunflowers. Prior to bottling, the oil undergoes a refining process to remove impurities, a neutralization process to ensure consistency and an enrichment process to boost micronutrients. Golden Harvest is produced in compliance with national safety and quality standards established by the Tanzania Bureau of Standards, is Halaal certified, cholesterol free and fully traceable—from seed to sale. Golden Harvest can be purchased across Tanzania in general and modern trade.

Golden Harvest Logo

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Zoho Advances BI and Analytics Market with New Self-Service Platform; Transforms Relationships Between Businesses and Their Data

Platform delivers new AI-powered data preparation and management capabilities, deeper augmented analytics, improved data visualization and analysis to create actionable, industry-leading business insights

Austin, Texas, July 13, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Zoho Corporation, a leading global technology company, today announced its new Business Intelligence (BI) Platform — an AI-driven data analytics solution empowering businesses to surface precise and actionable insights through self-service data preparation and augmented analytics. Combining newly launched Zoho DataPrep with an enhanced version of Zoho Analytics, Zoho’s end-to-end self-service BI Platform enables organizations to cleanse, unify, and analyze cross-departmental data, obtain an encyclopedic view of the company, and ultimately move toward a more competitive business strategy based on real-time insights.

Zoho’s BI Platform brings together pre-built, visual dashboards, comprehensive data integrations, data preparation, augmented and embedded BI, security and privacy capabilities, flexible deployment models (cloud or on-premise), and scalability. Below are four standout pillars of this platform, which allow businesses to perform better and remain competitive in their industries:

1) Augmented Data Prep and Management – Zoho DataPrep, a new application, is an AI and machine learning-driven self-service data preparation tool. The addition of Zoho DataPrep to the BI Platform allows business users to easily create and manage data pipelines that enable them to integrate, model, cleanse, transform, enrich, and catalogue data before making it ready for analysis.

2) Data Stories – Zoho’s BI Platform now offers an integrated enterprise portal builder (Zoho Sites) and presentation software (Zoho Show). Embedding live reports and dashboards into a website or presentation allows administrators to wrap additional context around data and foster more immersive discussion on business matters. Data Stories reduces friction within an organization, so that businesses can be data-driven without needing to learn new tools.

3) Augmented Analytics – Ask Zia, Zoho’s conversational AI, enables business users — with or without technical know-how — to surface data through natural language querying. Additionally, the all-new Zia Insights provides textual narration of key insights from reports and dashboards, which significantly reduces the time and effort required to explore data and glean insights. Zia Insights also includes what-if capability, enabling scenario analysis for effective decision-making.

4) Marketplace – Through Zoho Marketplace, an apps marketplace, Zoho is enabling partners to develop and publish analytical apps and integrations to complement Zoho Analytics users, thereby strengthening the BI and Analytics platform. Another dimension is the launch of deep native analytical apps, with domain-specific advanced analytics, in third-party marketplaces such as Shopify, ServiceNow and Atlassian.

The new Zoho BI Platform is built for scale and is extensible to more than 250 data sources—including Zendesk, HubSpot, Microsoft, Mailchimp, Stripe and Google—allowing businesses to integrate and analyze data sourced from diverse third-party systems. Blending with outside data sources has always been one of the key strengths of Zoho Analytics, and a value demonstrated by the fact that 60% of existing users have chosen it as their BI tool while solely running on non-Zoho applications and data sources.

The BI platform gives users on-demand insight into operational data to inform critical business decisions with the support of Zia, Zoho’s AI tool. Zia augments data preparation and visualization by using natural language querying and generation, text narration of key insights from reports and dashboards, and cognitive and advanced analytics. These self-service and real-time capabilities make it possible to capture actionable data insights to boost operational efficiency and productivity.

With more than 50,000 organizations already using it, Zoho Analytics has consistently been one of the company’s fastest growing products. Within the last two years, Zoho Analytics has grown by 30% YoY with a 40% YoY increase in the enterprise segment. The application has seen a 10% jump in customers switching from competitive platforms. Also, 50% of the customers have chosen Zoho Analytics after evaluating multiple competitive BI products. With this new BI Platform, Zoho expects above 45% YoY revenue growth.

Statements for Media:

“We originally chose the Zoho BI platform because Zoho Analytics was able to give us a complete 360-degree view of our customer journey and made it easy to blend data from multiple systems to do so. It’s only continued to innovate. While we used to spend a lot of time writing and maintaining custom scripts to import data, fix errors, and transform the data, the new platform has helped us eliminate custom scripts and manual data preparation. With Zoho DataPrep, we easily found the errors in the data and fixed them all from within the tool, and are now able to completely automate data preparation. This brings immense value to our organization as we are able to get the most relevant and accurate insight into our company-wide analytics while spending our time on more valuable tasks.” –  Claudio Cabeza, Director of Grupo Premo

“Self-service data preparation, computer-augmented analysis and in-context story telling are three important, emerging capabilities that set industry-leading BI and analytics platforms apart. The ability to build and share analytic apps is yet another differentiator, so I’m particularly excited to see Zoho enabling customers to publish breakthrough, data-driven applications.” – Doug Henschen, principal analyst at Constellation Research

“For data to be a true catalyst of business growth, there can’t be any gaps in the collection, management, or analysis process. Too few BI platforms in the market excel in both data preparation and analytics, which leaves businesses with weak — or worse, flawed — insights. Zoho’s BI Platform is industry-leading because it ensures organizations are acting on legitimate data, which can be effectively leveraged to determine new revenue streams, refocus funds, drive productivity, and overall gain a competitive edge among peers in their market.” – Raju Vegesna, Chief Evangelist for Zoho

“Data is now the lifeblood of any organization of every size. The ability to harness analytics and transform it into actionable insights is a strategic imperative — and something that is now far too important to be held hostage by an enterprise analytics or business intelligence team. For this reason, a new generation of self-service-first tools, such as Zoho’s new BI platform, are changing the way organizations look at the entire data-to-insight pipeline. This democratized approach enables organizations to put the power of data — from collection, through cleaning and analysis, to insight — into the hands of those who are best positioned to act upon it, and create competitive advantage as a result.” – Charles Araujo, Principal Analyst, Intellyx

Pricing and Availability

Zoho BI Platform, which includes Zoho Analytics and Zoho DataPrep, is available immediately in two versions, cloud and on-premise. For monthly option, the cloud version is $8 per user, per month. The on-premise version is $30 per user, per month. For annual option, the cloud version is $96 per user, per year. The on-premise version is $360 per user, per year.

Zoho DataPrep is also available as a standalone. The standard plan starts at $40 per month for 2 million rows including 3 users while the enterprise plan is highly customizable and the pricing is based on the customization.

For more information, please visit

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About Zoho

With 50+ apps in nearly every major business category, including sales, marketing, customer support, accounting and back office operations, and an array of productivity and collaboration tools, Zoho Corporation is one of the world’s most prolific software companies.

Zoho is privately held and profitable with more than 9,000 employees. Zoho is headquartered in Austin, Texas, with international headquarters in Chennai, India. Additional offices are in the United States, India, Japan, China, Singapore, Mexico, Australia, the Netherlands, and the United Arab Emirates.

Zoho respects user privacy and does not have an ad-revenue model in any part of its business, including its free products. More than 60 million users around the world, across hundreds of thousands of companies, rely on Zoho every day to run their businesses, including Zoho itself. For more information, please visit


Sandra Lo
Zoho Corporation 