Authentia Launches in South Africa

Revolutionizing the Diamond Industry

NEW YORK, NY / ACCESSWIRE / February 14, 2024 / The future of third-party diamond traceability and title of ownership from true origin is here. Authentia is proud to announce its official launch in South Africa following resounding success during its Beta testing phase. Since its introduction into the South African market, Authentia has secured agreements with 97 mines. Marking a monumental step forward in the realm of diamond and mineral authentication.

Authentia has spent the past year collaborating closely with small-scale and artisanal diamond mines to seamlessly integrate ownership titles of rough diamonds directly at the source. This groundbreaking approach ensures a transparent and accessible third-party verification process that follows each diamond throughout its entire lifecycle. Moreover, Authentia’ s adaptability ensures compatibility with a diverse array of technologies, promising a frictionless experience for all involved parties.

As a trailblazing oversight and traceability technology operating on public blockchains, Authentia sets the gold standard for tracking diamonds and gemstones from mine to market. By providing a comprehensive title of ownership, Authentia revolutionizes the industry by fostering transparency and trust among wholesalers, retailers, and end consumers alike.

CS Mines & CS Auctions is set to host for the first time a tender, featuring titled rough diamonds on. Bruno Scarselli, the visionary creator behind Authentia, expressed his excitement, stating, “This will change the diamond industry pipeline, streamlining all phases and creating a true footprint of ownership for the first time.”

Authentia stands as a testament to innovation and expertise, crafted by luminaries within the diamond, mineral and technology industry. Authentia emerges as a beacon of integrity within the gemstone and mineral market with an unwavering commitment to transparency, security, and trust.

For inquiries, please contact:

David Ostrow
Director of Operations

Join Authentia as we redefine the future of diamond authentication and traceability.

Authentia – Shaping Transparency, Forging Trust.

SOURCE: Authentia

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Authentia Launches in South Africa

Revolutionizing the Diamond Industry

NEW YORK, NY / ACCESSWIRE / February 14, 2024 / The future of third-party diamond traceability and title of ownership from true origin is here. Authentia is proud to announce its official launch in South Africa following resounding success during its Beta testing phase. Since its introduction into the South African market, Authentia has secured agreements with 97 mines. Marking a monumental step forward in the realm of diamond and mineral authentication.

Authentia has spent the past year collaborating closely with small-scale and artisanal diamond mines to seamlessly integrate ownership titles of rough diamonds directly at the source. This groundbreaking approach ensures a transparent and accessible third-party verification process that follows each diamond throughout its entire lifecycle. Moreover, Authentia’ s adaptability ensures compatibility with a diverse array of technologies, promising a frictionless experience for all involved parties.

As a trailblazing oversight and traceability technology operating on public blockchains, Authentia sets the gold standard for tracking diamonds and gemstones from mine to market. By providing a comprehensive title of ownership, Authentia revolutionizes the industry by fostering transparency and trust among wholesalers, retailers, and end consumers alike.

CS Mines & CS Auctions is set to host for the first time a tender, featuring titled rough diamonds on. Bruno Scarselli, the visionary creator behind Authentia, expressed his excitement, stating, "This will change the diamond industry pipeline, streamlining all phases and creating a true footprint of ownership for the first time."

Authentia stands as a testament to innovation and expertise, crafted by luminaries within the diamond, mineral and technology industry. Authentia emerges as a beacon of integrity within the gemstone and mineral market with an unwavering commitment to transparency, security, and trust.

For inquiries, please contact:

David Ostrow
Director of Operations

Join Authentia as we redefine the future of diamond authentication and traceability.

Authentia – Shaping Transparency, Forging Trust.

SOURCE: Authentia

View the original press release on

Impulse Dynamics Completes $136M Financing Round

Continued Progress Earns Financing to Accelerate Commercial Growth and Advancing Pipeline

Marlton, NJ, Feb. 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Impulse Dynamics plc, a global medical device company dedicated to improving the lives of people with heart failure (HF), is proud to announce that it raised $136 million in financing to accelerate investment in global commercialization, technology, product innovation, and further development of clinical evidence. The financing was led by Perceptive Advisors, Redmile Group, Alger, and Hobart Healthcare. This substantial investment reflects investor confidence in, and commitment to, the company’s vision and expansion.

“This round of funding will accelerate our business, both commercially and with our pipeline of advanced technology innovation,” said Jason Spees, CEO of Impulse Dynamics. “We continue to make commercial progress globally with more than 9,000 heart failure patients implanted with CCM® therapy and millions more who can benefit. We are also getting closer to significantly impacting the implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) market with successful enrollment in our INTEGRA-D clinical trial on the Optimizer® Integra CCM-D® System. Most patients who currently receive a standard ICD get lifesaving benefits from the defibrillator but still struggle with HF symptoms. With CCM-D, these patients will be able to get the lifesaving benefits of a defibrillator combined with HF symptom relief from CCM in one device.”

The funding will fuel commercialization efforts, develop future product pipelines, and support groundbreaking clinical trials such as the INTEGRA-D and AIM HIGHer clinical trials. The INTEGRA-D trial is a multicenter study evaluating the combination of CCM and ICD therapy in a single device – the Optimizer Integra CCM-D System. The AIM HIGHer clinical trial is a multicenter study with the objective to evaluate the safety and efficacy of CCM therapy in patients with symptomatic HF with an ejection fraction (EF) of 40 to 60 percent (inclusive). The trial is currently in its initial enrollment phase and has generated significant attention, feedback, and excitement among experts in HF.

“We are thrilled by the ongoing support from top-tier investment groups for Impulse Dynamics,” said Shlomi Nachman, Chairman of the Board. “Those investments will accelerate the cadence of innovation and market awareness in CCM therapy. I am extremely confident in Impulse Dynamics’ strong leadership and their excellent teams to enhance even further the developments and commercial activities of CCM therapy for the benefit of millions of HF patients worldwide.”

The Optimizer Smart Mini system delivers CCM therapy — the company’s proprietary technology — to the heart, providing an important treatment option for the millions of patients suffering from heart failure. CCM therapy is designed to significantly improve heart contraction, allowing more oxygen-rich blood to be pushed out through the body.[1] CCM therapy is indicated to improve 6-minute hall walk, quality of life, and functional status of NYHA Class III HF patients who remain symptomatic despite guideline directed medical therapy, are not indicated for CRT, and have a left ventricular ejection fraction ranging from 25 to 45 percent.

About Impulse Dynamics
Impulse Dynamics is dedicated to advancing the treatment of heart failure for patients and the healthcare providers who care for them. The company pioneered its proprietary CCM therapy, which uses the Optimizer technology platform to improve quality of life in HF patients. CCM therapy is delivered through the Optimizer system, which includes an implantable pulse generator (IPG) implanted in a minimally invasive procedure and approved for commercial use in the United States and 44 countries worldwide. More than 9,000 patients have received the therapy as part of clinical trials and real-world use, where it is proven to be safe and effective for heart failure patients with debilitating symptoms who otherwise have few effective options available to them. To learn more, visit, or follow the company on LinkedIn, X (formerly Twitter), and Facebook.

[1] European Journal of Heart Failure (2021) doi:10.1002/ejhf.2202

Scott Way, Executive Vice President, General Counsel
Impulse Dynamics

Rohan More, Global Vice President, Marketing
Impulse Dynamics

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9036957

LEXI Recorded : la nouvelle solution révolutionnaire d’AI-Media en réponse à la demande croissante de vidéo à la demande

BROOKLYN, État de New York, 14 févr. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AI-Media se réjouit d’annoncer l’arrivée d’un nouveau venu dans son kit d’outils de sous-titrage automatisés, développés pour les services de vidéo à la demande : LEXI Recorded. Initialement conçu pour une grande franchise sportive, ce produit avant-gardiste exploite la technologie d’intelligence artificielle (ou IA) de pointe de la solution signature développée par AI-Media, à savoir LEXI. LEXI Recorded vise à répondre à la demande en plein essor pour les solutions de sous-titrage rentables, capables de traiter à la fois aisément et rapidement de grandes quantités de contenu enregistré, et assorties d’un niveau supérieur de précision. LEXI Recorded est pleinement compatible avec différents logiciels tiers de gestion multimédia pour s’intégrer facilement dans un flux de production média géré de bout en bout, dont l’automatisation permet d’optimiser l’efficacité des étapes en lien avec le sous-titrage de contenus enregistrés.

En charge du département Produits chez AI-Media, Bill McLaughlin observe que : « LEXI Recorded représente une avancée considérable dans le domaine du sous-titrage automatisé pour les médias enregistrés, offrant une rapidité d’exécution, une précision et une rentabilité inégalées. Notre solution ne se limite pas à simplement répondre aux exigences en matière de sous-titrage rapide et précis d’un volume élevé de contenu enregistré, mais vise à les dépasser. Sa précision comparable à celle du sous-titrage humain, sa capacité à s’intégrer aisément à divers flux de production, et son prix de base établi à 0,20 USD par minute, changent la donne pour les grands diffuseurs de contenu.

Nous sommes fiers de poursuivre notre culture teintée d’innovation et de leadership dans le domaine du sous-titrage. LEXI Recorded témoigne de notre engagement à développer des solutions de pointe permettant aux entreprises de doper l’efficacité de l’accessibilité aux données dans la production média ».

Ci-dessous les fonctionnalités clés de LEXI Recorded :

  • Rapidité et efficacité : La solution LEXI Recorded est conçue pour un traitement rapide des fichiers sous-titrés, et permet aux entreprises d’effectuer leurs livraisons dans le respect des calendriers serrés de leurs clients. Elle peut traiter une multitude de formats de fichiers, aussi rapidement que la durée effective de la vidéo.
  • Haute précision : Alimentée par une technologie IA avancée, LEXI Recorded délivre une précision supérieure, avec un taux de reconnaissance d’entités nommées (ou « NER » pour Named-entity recognition) mesuré à hauteur de 98 %, voire supérieur si couplée à des dictionnaires personnalisés ou à des modèles thématiques, ou topic models.
  • Rentabilité : L’automatisation apportée par la solution LEXI Recorded tend à réduire les frais d’exploitation, ce qui la rend rentable pour les entreprises de toutes tailles. Disponible à partir de seulement 0,20 USD par minute, LEXI Recorded permet à nos clients de réaliser de sensibles économies par rapport au modèle traditionnel de sous-titrage humain de contenu enregistré.
  • Modèles d’intégration flexibles destinés à des flux de travail diversifiés : Ayant pleinement conscience de la diversité des flux de production, AI-Media propose différents modèles d’intégration tout en souplesse pour que les utilisateurs puissent paramétrer l’intégration de LEXI Recorded en fonction de leurs configurations uniques, via une API, un dossier partagé, ou une intégration personnalisée, répondant ainsi à des écosystèmes logiciels variables.
  • Intégration API pour l’interconnexion des flux de travail : L’interface API d’AI-Media se trouve au cœur des fonctionnalités d’intégration de LEXI Recorded. Cette API conviviale pour les développeurs est conforme aux standards de l’industrie, à savoir REST, JSON, clé API, HTTPS ou TLS, ce qui la rend simple d’installation et d’exploitation. L’API prend aussi bien en charge les commandes exécutées par l’IA de LEXI Recorded que celles assurées par des sous-titreurs professionnels, pour une transition en douceur entre les deux modèles, et sans effet sur vos opérations.
  • Traduction instantanée : En déposant vos projets assortis d’un fichier audio enregistré dans plus de 30 langues, vous avez la possibilité de récupérer les sous-titres dans la même langue que celui du fichier d’origine, ou d’obtenir la traduction des sous-titres, effectuée par l’IA.
  • Diverses options d’interface : Vous avez le choix entre utiliser le portail en ligne LEXI Recorded ponctuellement ou, pour les utilisateurs à volume élevé, configurer une intégration sur mesure et traiter le contenu très rapidement et sans effort.
  • AI-Media propose également un service d’assistance disponible 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7, assuré par des intervenants passés maîtres dans l’ingénierie informatique.

LEXI Recorded rejoint le kit d’outils LEXI d’AI-Media, et la confirme dans sa position de leader mondial de la technologie et des services de sous-titrage.

L’équipe d’AI-Media présentera la solution LEXI Recorded lors du salon NAB Show 2024, qui se tiendra du 14 au 17 avril prochains à Las Vegas. Cet événement majeur dédié aux médias et à la diffusion est le plus important au monde. Cliquez ICI pour vous inscrire à une session individuelle lors du salon, et en découvrir davantage sur LEXI Recorded ou sur les autres solutions d’AI-Media.

Pour obtenir tous les détails sur LEXI Recorded, rendez-vous sur la page LEXI Recorded du site Internet d’AI-Media.

À propos d’AI-Media

Fondée en Australie en 2003, la société technologique AI-Media se distingue parmi les numéros uns du monde en développant des solutions de qualité supérieure en matière de sous-titrage en direct ou sur la base d’enregistrements, de transcription et de traduction. La société permet aux principaux diffuseurs, entreprises et organisations gouvernementales du monde entier de délivrer des sous-titres ultraprécis, sécurisés et rentables au moyen de LEXI, sa solution de sous-titrage automatique alimentée par l’IA. À l’échelle mondiale, AI-Media diffuse chaque mois plus de 10 millions de minutes de contenu média en direct et/ou enregistré, mais aussi des événements en ligne et des flux Web. AI-Media (ASX : AIM) est coté à la bourse australienne depuis le 15 septembre 2020. Pour en savoir plus sur AI-Media, rendez-vous sur :

Une photo accompagnant ce communiqué est disponible à l’adresse suivante :

Contact presse :
Fiona Habben
Responsable mondiale du marketing

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9037069

LEXI Tool Kit da AI-Media Ampliada com o LEXI Recorded – Solução Revolucionária para o Mercado Crescente de VOD

BROOKLYN, N.Y., Feb. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A AI-Media tem o prazer de anunciar o lançamento da sua solução de legendagem automatizada VOD, LEXI Recorded. Este produto inovador, criado inicialmente para uma grande franquia esportiva, utiliza a tecnologia de ponta de IA (Inteligência Artificial) do seu principal produto LEXI. O LEXI Recorded atenderá à crescente demanda de legendagem de alto volume, retorno rápido e fáceis de conteúdo gravado, garantindo alta precisão e eficiência de custo. Também tem a capacidade de se integrar perfeitamente ao sistema de gerenciamento de mídia de um cliente, tornar-se um fluxo de trabalho de produção de mídia completo e fornecer um processo de legendagem gravado mais eficiente e prático.

James Ward, Diretor de Produto da AI-Media, disse: “O LEXI Recorded representa um salto significativo no mundo das legendas automatizadas para mídia gravada, proporcionando velocidade, precisão e eficiência de custos incomparáveis. Com o LEXI Recorded, atendemos e excedemos as demandas por legendas de alto volume, rápidas e precisas de conteúdo gravado. Com precisão comparável à legendagem humana, capacidade de se integrar perfeitamente a diversos fluxos de trabalho de produção e preço a partir de US $ 0,20 por minuto, este é um divisor de águas para emissoras de conteúdo de alto volume.

Temos muito orgulho de dar continuidade ao nosso legado de inovação e de liderança no espaço da legendagem. O LEXI Recorded é um exemplo do nosso compromisso de fornecer soluções de ponta que capacitam as organizações a aprimorar a acessibilidade eficiente da produção de mídia.”

Recursos Principais do LEXI Recorded:

  • Rapidez e Eficiência: O LEXI Recorded garante a rápida entrega de arquivos legendados, permitindo que as organizações cumpram prazos apertados e forneçam conteúdo prontamente aos seus públicos. Os arquivos podem ser convertidos para uma variedade de formatos, no tempo do vídeo.
  • Alta Precisão: Alimentada por tecnologia avançada de IA, o LEXI Recorded oferece excelente precisão com 98% de NER e ainda mais com o uso de dicionários personalizados ou modelos de tópicos.
  • Eficiência de Custo: A natureza automatizada do LEXI Recorded reduz significativamente os custos operacionais, fornecendo uma solução econômica para organizações de todos os tamanhos. A partir de apenas US $ 0,20 por minuto, o LEXI Recorded tem o potencial de fornecer aos nossos clientes economia substancial de custo em relação à legendagem humana tradicional de conteúdo gravado.
  • Padrões de Integração Flexíveis para Fluxos de Trabalho Diversos: Reconhecendo a diversidade dos fluxos de trabalho de produção, a AI-Media oferece padrões de integração flexíveis, permitindo que as organizações adaptem sua integração com o LEXI Recorded de acordo com suas necessidades únicas. As opções incluem integração em API, em pasta compartilhada e personalizada, atendendo a organizações com diferentes recursos de desenvolvimento de software.
  • Integração de API para Fluxos de Trabalho Uniformes: O Orders API da AI-Media é a base dos recursos de integração do LEXI Recorded. Esta API fácil de usar para desenvolvedores segue os padrões do setor, incluindo REST, JSON, chave de API, HTTPS e TLS, facilitando a navegação e o trabalho. A API também é compatível com os tipos de pedidos atendidos pelo LEXI Recorded com IA e Premium Recorded com legendas, garantindo uma transição sem problemas entre a IA e as legendas de humanos, sem interrupções.
  • Tradução Instantânea de Idiomas: Envie pedidos com áudio fonte em mais de 30 idiomas e receba legendas no mesmo idioma ou legendas traduzidas por IA.
  • Opções de Interface Flexíveis: Opções de uso ad hoc do portal online LEXI Recorded ou para usuários de alto volume; uma configuração de integração personalizada para gerenciamento de conteúdo super-rápido e de baixo toque.
  • A AI-Media também oferece suporte global 24/7, apoiado pela melhor engenharia da categoria.

O LEXI Recorded é mais uma solução do LEXI Tool Kit da AI-Media, que consolida a empresa como líder global em tecnologia e soluções de legendagem.

A equipe da AI-Media apresentará a solução LEXI Recorded de 14 a 17 de abril no NAB Show 2024 em Las Vegas; a maior convenção de transmissão e comércio de mídia do mundo. Para agendar uma sessão individual no NAB Show para saber mais sobre o LEXI Recorded ou nossas outras soluções, clique AQUI.

Para mais informação sobre o LEXI Recorded visite a página do LEXI Recorded no site da AI-Media.

Sobre a AI-Media

Fundada na Austrália em 2003, a empresa de tecnologia AI-Media é líder global no fornecimento de soluções de legendagem, transcrição e tradução ao vivo e gravadas de alta qualidade. A empresa ajuda as principais emissoras, empresas e agências governamentais do mundo a garantir legendagem de alta precisão, segurança e eficiência de custo por meio da sua solução de legendagem automática LEXI com tecnologia de AI e uma gama completa de hardware de legendagem. Em todo o mundo, a tecnologia da AI-Media entrega 10 milhões de minutos de conteúdo de mídia, eventos online e transmissões na web ao vivo e gravado todos os meses. A AI-Media (ASX: AIM) começou a ser negociada no ASX em 15 de setembro de 2020. Para mais informação sobre a Ai-Media visite

Foto deste comunicado disponível em:

Contato de Imprensa:
Fiona Habben
Dirigente de Marketing Global

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9037069

Amateur boxers get second shot at Olympic qualification

WINDHOEK: A group of six amateur boxers have been given another opportunity to qualify for the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, after Namibia failed to secure a spot at last year’s championships in Dakar, Senegal.

All hopeful amateur boxers who were unable to qualify for the Paris, Olympic Games will participate in the 2024 World Qualification Tournament in Busto Arsizio, Italy, set for 29 February to 12 March 2024.

During the sending-off ceremony held here on Wednesday, Joan Smit, the secretary-general (SG) of the Namibia National Olympic Committee (NNOC), said that boxing has always represented the country at the Olympic Games and they are looking forward to seeing the young athletes secure slots for the upcoming 2024 Olympic Qualifiers.

‘Last year we sent a team to Dakar, Senegal for the same purpose, but they could not secure us slots. For this reason, the team is being given another chance to compete in Italy,’ she said.

Smit stated that they selected Italy as the location because they want the athletes
to have sufficient time to prepare for the Olympics after qualifying.

‘There are only two scheduled qualifying championships this year, in Italy and Thailand. That’s why we are going to this one in Italy. As you know, boxing is a combat sport, and if boxers get injured, they should have enough time to recover and prepare well for the Olympics,’ she noted.

The SG further pointed out that the boxers will face tough competition as many who couldn’t qualify for the Olympic Games in 2023 will be competing at these championships.

‘The amateur boxing federation has selected the best team and we are hopeful that the boxers will qualify and represent the country at the Olympics, just like in the past. We are confident that the young athletes are physically, physiologically, and mentally prepared to perform well for their country in these championships in Italy,’ she said.

The boxers include Jonas Junius Jonas, Gebhard Ipinge, Tryagain Ndevelo, Trofinus Johannes, Elifas Shailemo, and Petrus Nghishongwa. The coachin
g staff will consist of Albertus Tsamaseb and Titus Muunda Joseph.

The team is scheduled to depart for Italy on 28 February to return on 15 March 2024.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

AFCON 2023 top goalscorer suspended by federation for indisciplineKFL showdown awaits Opuwo, Kamanjab, Outjo and Khorixas

Emilio Nsue, captain of the Equatorial Guinea national team and teammate, Ivan Salvador, have been suspended by the country’s football federation until further notice.

The AFCON top goalscorer and the Miedz Legnica forward were sanctioned due to ‘unpleasant incidents’ before, during, and after the tournament in Cote d’Ivoire, the federation said in a press release.

It noted that the players were involved in an incident which the Ivorian Police had to intervene in. The situation caused a delay in the return of the team back to Equatorial Guinea, the football federation indicated.

The sanction came among other structural changes in the national team.

Equatorial Guinea were one of the biggest surprises in the 2023 Africa Cup of Nations. The Nzalang Nacional advanced to the round of 16 before being eliminated by Guinea.

Emilio Nsue scored the tournament’s only hat trick and finished as the top goalscorer of the 34th AFCON.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

OPUWO: The third and fourth rounds of the Kunene Second Division Football League resume on Saturday and Sunday, with 12 games set for Outjo, Opuwo, Khorixas and Kamanjab, with enticing matchups following a strong start to the season last weekend.

Bolla Nangombe, the league administrator, announced the league’s weekend schedule on Wednesday.

Green Dangers FC, based in Kamanjab, will face Sixty Eleven FC at the DF |Uirab Stadium on Saturday. Last weekend, they drew one-all with Orlando Gariseb FC before losing 8-0 to former Namibian Premier League challenger Robber Chanties FC. Etosha United will meet the newly promoted !Ugab FC in Kamanjab, while Opuwo newcomers Okarindi Komukati FC will face Khaibasen FC, who is second in the log standings after earning the maximum points last weekend. This will be followed by a match between the previous season’s runners-up Kunene NamPol FC and Young Eagles at the Newman Katuta Stadium.

In Outjo and Khorixas, Pubs FC, which failed to collect a point last weekend after los
ing both of its opening games to Khaibasen and Young Eagles, will face log leaders Robber Chanties on Saturday at Etoshapoort Stadium. At the same time, youthful Khorixas Football Academy (KFA) is poised to face Orlando Gariseb in a Khorixas derby at the famed Herbert Conradie Stadium.

Etosha United will face Sixty Eleven in Kamanjab on Sunday in the fourth round. Green Dangers await !Ugab FC in Kamanjab, while Okarindi Komutati and Kunene NamPol FC, both from Opuwo, will face Young Eagles and Khaibasen respectively.

On Sunday, Pubs will host Orlando Gariseb at Etoshapoort, while Robber Chanties and Khorixas Football Academy will face off at the Herbert Conradie Stadium in a Khorixas derby match.

Robber Chanties lead the standings after two rounds of play, with six points from two wins, followed by Khaibasen FC, who also won their first two games. Young Eagles, Kunene NamPol, Okarindi Komutati, !Ugab, KFA, Etosha United, Sixty Eleven, and Orlando Gariseb are the seven clubs in third to ninth place, with th
ree points apiece, while Green Dangers and Pubs FC are sitting in the relegation zone.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency