Synchronoss présentera sa plateforme de cloud personnel alimentée par IA lors du Mobile World Congress

Conçue tout spécialement et largement déployée par les plus grands opérateurs des télécommunications, la nouvelle plateforme Synchronoss Personal Cloud intègre les fonctions Genius, BackTrack et bien d’autres afin d’assurer la sécurité et la confidentialité des données

BRIDGEWATER, New Jersey, 23 févr. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. (« Synchronoss » ou la « Société ») (NASDAQ : SNCR), un innovateur et leader mondial des plateformes et produits numériques, de messagerie et cloud, a annoncé aujourd’hui sa présentation à venir de la toute dernière version de Synchronoss Personal Cloud lors du Mobile World Congress à Barcelone, en Espagne.

La nouvelle plateforme Synchronoss Personal Cloud permet aux opérateurs de télécommunications d’offrir des services à valeur ajoutée et premium pour sauvegarder et gérer les fichiers, photos, vidéos et contenus numériques stockés sur les téléphones portables et autres appareils.

Tirant parti de l’intelligence artificielle (AI), la nouvelle fonction Genius fournit des outils permettant d’optimiser les photos. Les utilisateurs peuvent coloriser les photos en noir et blanc, améliorer les photos et retoucher les visages, entre autres effets. L’ajout de BackTrack fournit la capacité de revenir en arrière et de restaurer les fichiers supprimés, corrompus ou perdus. De plus, grâce à l’intégration de l’apprentissage automatique, la fonction Advanced Highlights de la plateforme simplifie la catégorisation et le balisage des photos, vidéos et autres contenus numériques afin qu’ils puissent être facilement mis en relief, gérés et partagés.

« Contrairement aux applications OTT, notre plateforme cloud fournit une solution de niveau opérateur permettant aux prestataires d’offrir des services à valeur ajoutée qui se concentrent aussi fortement sur la sécurité et la confidentialité des données », a déclaré Jeff Miller, PDG de Synchronoss. « Les capacités de l’apprentissage automatique et de l’IA générative nous permettent de proposer des fonctionnalités innovantes comme Genius, BackTrack et Advanced Highlights, offrant ainsi aux utilisateurs de nouvelles méthodes d’engagement et de partage de leur contenu numérique. »

Les nouvelles fonctions de Synchronoss Personal Cloud sont en train d’être déployées auprès de millions d’abonnés, y compris les utilisateurs de cloud chez AT&T, Verizon, et l’un des plus grands opérateurs mondiaux ayant récemment signé un accord de cloud pluriannuel dont le lancement aura lieu plus tard cette année.

À l’occasion du Mobile World Congress, Synchronoss présentera aussi sa plateforme de messagerie électronique de niveau opérateur, Synchronoss Email Suite. La société a récemment annoncé une nouvelle expansion de contrat avec un prestataire majeur fournissant des services de messagerie électronique à plus de 50 millions d’utilisateurs, s’appuyant sur Synchronoss Email Suite et la plateforme de messagerie de base Mx9.

« Représentant l’avenir de la connectivité et attirant les plus grands noms de l’industrie, le Mobile World Congress est un endroit prodigieux pour poursuivre l’impulsion des nouvelles plateformes Synchronoss Personal Cloud et Synchronoss Email Suite. Nous sommes impatients de travailler avec nos clients, partenaires et nouveaux prospects à l’échelle mondiale afin de proposer des solutions numériques, cloud et de messagerie innovantes générant de nouvelles opportunités de revenu pour leurs activités », a ajouté M. Miller.

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À propos de Synchronoss

Synchronoss Technologies (NASDAQ : SNCR) est un développeur de logiciels permettant aux entreprises du monde entier de se connecter à leurs abonnés de manière fiable et pertinente. Sa gamme de produits aide à rationaliser les réseaux, simplifier l’intégration et interagir avec les abonnés afin de créer de nouvelles sources de revenus, de réduire les coûts et d’accélérer la mise sur le marché. Plusieurs centaines de millions d’abonnés font confiance à Synchronoss pour rester en phase avec les individus, les services et les contenus qu’ils aiment. Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous sur

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Domenick Cilea

Contact pour les relations avec les investisseurs :
Matt Glover/Tom Colton
Gateway Group, Inc.

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8755542

Synchronoss Introduz Plataforma de Nuvem Pessoal Alimentada por IA no Mobile World Congress

Criada Especificamente e Amplamente Implantada pelas Principais Operadoras de Telecomunicações, a Nova Nuvem Pessoal Synchronoss Inclui Genius, BackTrack e Outros Recursos para Garantir a Segurança e a Privacidade dos Dados

BRIDGEWATER, N.J., Feb. 23, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. (“Synchronoss” ou a “Empresa”) (NASDAQ: SNCR), líder global e inovadora em nuvem, mensagens, e produtos e plataformas digitais, anunciou hoje o lançamento da versão mais recente do Synchronoss Personal Cloud no Mobile World Congress em Barcelona, Espanha.

A nova plataforma Synchronoss Personal Cloud permite que as operadoras de telecomunicações ofereçam serviços premium e de valor agregado de backup e gerenciamento de arquivos, fotos, vídeos e conteúdo digital armazenados em telefones celulares e outros dispositivos.

Com o uso da inteligência artificial (IA), o novo recurso Genius fornece ferramentas para otimização de fotos. Os usuários podem colorir fotos em preto e branco, aprimorar fotos e retocar rostos, entre outros efeitos. A adição do BackTrack fornece a capacidade de reverter e restaurar arquivos se eles forem excluídos, corrompidos ou perdidos. Além disso, ao integrar o aprendizado de máquina, o recurso Advanced Highlights da plataforma facilita a categorização e marcação de fotos, vídeos e outros conteúdos digitais para que possam ser facilmente destacados, gerenciados e compartilhados.

“Ao contrário dos aplicativos OTT, nossa plataforma na nuvem fornece uma solução de nível de operadora para que os provedores de serviços ofereçam serviços de valor agregado concentrados na segurança e na privacidade dos dados”, disse Jeff Miller, Presidente e CEO da Synchronoss. “Os recursos de IA geradora e de aprendizado de máquina nos permitem oferecer funcionalidades inovadoras, como Genius, BackTrack e Advanced Highlights, oferecendo aos usuários novas maneiras de envolver e compartilhar seu conteúdo digital.”

Os novos recursos do Synchronoss Personal Cloud estão sendo lançados para milhões de assinantes, incluindo usuários de nuvem da AT&T, Verizon e uma das maiores operadoras globais que recentemente assinou um contrato de nuvem de vários anos lançado no final deste ano.

No Mobile World Congress, a Synchronoss também apresentará sua plataforma de e-mail de nível de operadora, a Synchronoss Email Suite. A empresa anunciou recentemente uma nova expansão de contrato com um proeminente provedor de serviços que está fornecendo serviços de e-mail para mais de 50 milhões de usuários, alimentados pelo Synchronoss Email Suite e pela plataforma de mensagens principal Mx9.

“Representando o futuro da conectividade e atraindo os maiores nomes do setor, o Mobile World Congress é uma excelente oportunidade para aproveitar o impulso das novas plataformas Synchronoss Personal Cloud e Synchronoss Email Suite. Estamos prontos para trabalhar com nossos clientes, parceiros e clientes em potencial de todo o mundo para oferecer soluções inovadoras de nuvem, de mensagens e digitais que gerem novas oportunidades de receita para as empresas”, acrescentou Miller.

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Sobre a Synchronoss

A Synchronoss Technologies (NASDAQ: SNCR) cria software que capacita empresas ao redor do mundo a se conectarem com seus assinantes de forma confiável e significativa. O conjunto de produtos da empresa ajuda a agilizar as redes, simplificar a integração e envolver os assinantes, permitindo novos fluxos de receita, redução dos custos e aumento da velocidade no mercado. Centenas de milhões de assinantes confiam nos produtos da Synchronoss que se mantêm em sincronia com as pessoas, serviços e conteúdo que elas gostam. Saiba mais em

Contato de Relações com a Mídia:
Domenick Cilea

Contato de Relações com Investidores:
Matt Glover/Tom Colton
Gateway Group, Inc.

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8755542

Supercar Rental Company Classic Parade lance le premier service de paiement en cryptomonnaie au Royaume-Uni

LONDRES, 23 févr. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — L’une des principales sociétés de location de supercars du Royaume-Uni vient de lancer un système de paiement par cryptomonnaie pour louer les supercars les plus impressionnantes au monde. Les clients peuvent désormais choisir de payer pour une sélection de plus de 100 supercars de 28 marques de luxe en cryptomonnaie Bitcoin ou Ethereum, ainsi qu’en livres sterling. L’une des voitures disponibles dans leurs showrooms à Londres, Manchester et Édimbourg est la Bugatti Chiron de 2,4 millions de livres sterling, qui coûte 200 000 livres sterling par jour à la location, soit 220,75 ETH, ou 11,696 BTC.

Andrew Brown, fondateur et propriétaire de Classic Parade, a déclaré : « Notre clientèle est internationale et veut pouvoir payer la location de nos supercars sans les tracas et le coût des taux de change et des frais de transfert.   Beaucoup de nos clients possèdent des avoirs importants en cryptomonnaie. Il est donc logique de leur proposer cette option. Les transactions sont immédiates et nous pouvons aussi prendre les dépôts en crypto, ensuite, il est également facile de restituer le dépôt après expiration de la période de location ».

Les paiements en cryptomonnaie s’effectuent sur le portefeuille sécurisé de Classic Parade, et toutes les mesures nécessaires sont prises pour assurer la sécurité des transferts financiers. Une fois les fonds transférés et les contrats de location signés, la supercar est récupérée ou livrée à l’adresse du client au Royaume-Uni.

Andrew Brown a ajouté : « Nous devons passer par les contrôles d’identité habituels nécessaires pour louer un véhicule, mais ces contrôles sont faciles à effectuer et cela devient beaucoup plus facile à chaque nouvelle transaction. Ainsi, nous pouvons également fournir des contrôles adéquats pour ‘connaître notre client’. » L’une des voitures les plus populaires de Classic Parade pour les locations d’été est la Lamborghini Huracan Spyder, qui coûte 1 100 £ par jour à la location, soit 1,21 ETH ou 0,064 BTC. Andrew Brown a déclaré : « Nous pensons pouvoir susciter un vif intérêt chez les investisseurs crypto dans les prochains mois pour la location de nos incroyables supercars. De nombreux investisseurs sont relativement jeunes et veulent montrer leur richesse, et l’intérêt pour les supercars est donc très fort sur ce marché. »

Vous pouvez consulter la gamme complète de supercars et leurs prix sur

Coordonnées des médias :

James Goble, Classic Parade
+44 (0) 333 355 3595

Une photo accompagnant ce communiqué de presse est disponible à l’adresse suivante :

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000784301

A empresa de aluguel de supercarros Classic Parade lança o primeiro serviço de pagamento em criptomoedas do Reino Unido

LONDRES, Feb. 23, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Uma das principais empresas de aluguel de supercarros do Reino Unido acaba de lançar um sistema de pagamento em criptomoedas para alugar os supercarros mais impressionantes do mundo. Agora, os clientes podem optar pelo pagamento de um dentre 100 supercarros de 28 marcas de luxo usando Bitcoin ou Ethereum, bem como libras esterlinas. Um dos carros disponíveis em seus showroons em Londres, Manchester e Edimburgo, é o Bugatti Chiron de £2,4 milhões, que custa £ 200.000 por dia para alugar, ou 220,75 ETH, ou 11,696 BTC.

O fundador e proprietário da Classic Parade, Andrew Brown, afirmou: “Nossa clientela é internacional e quer poder alugar nossos supercarros sem o incômodo e o custo de taxas de câmbio e taxas de transferência. Muitos de nossos clientes têm boa parte do seu patrimônio em criptomoedas e, por isso, faz sentido oferecer-lhes esta opção. As transações são imediatas e também podemos aceitar depósitos em criptomoedas. Depois, também é fácil devolver o depósito após o vencimento do período de aluguel.”

Os pagamentos em criptomoedas são feitos para a carteira segura da Classic Parade e todas as medidas necessárias são tomadas para garantir a segurança das transferências financeiras. Uma vez transferidos os fundos e assinado o contrato de aluguel, o supercarro é recolhido ou entregue no endereço do cliente no Reino Unido.

Andrew Brown acrescentou: “Temos que passar pelas habituais averiguações de identidade necessárias para o aluguel de veículos, mas estas são fáceis de processar e se torna muito mais fácil a cada transação que se repete. Desta forma, também podemos oferecer verificações adequadas, do tipo “conheça seu cliente”.” Um dos carros mais populares da Classic Parade para alugar no verão é o Lamborghini Huracan Spyder, que custa £1.100 por dia para alugar, ou 1,21 ETH ou 0,064 BTC. Andrew Brown afirmou: “Estamos na expectativa de um grande interesse por parte dos investidores de criptomoedas nos próximos meses para alugar nossos incríveis supercarros. Muitos investidores são relativamente jovens e querem exibir sua riqueza, portanto, o interesse nos supercarros é muito forte neste mercado.”

Você pode ver toda a gama de supercarros e preços em

Dados de contado de mídia:

James Goble, Classic Parade
+44 (0) 333 355 3595

Foto deste comunicado disponível em

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000784301

At UN, Ukraine Finds Strong Support One Year Into Conflict

UNITED NATIONS — The U.N. General Assembly overwhelmingly supported a resolution Thursday calling for “a comprehensive, just and lasting peace” as soon as possible in Ukraine, in line with the principles in the U.N. Charter.

In a vote of 141 in favor, seven against and 32 abstentions, nations supported the text submitted by Ukraine that underscored the importance of finding peace. It also reiterated the assembly’s demand that Russia “immediately, completely and unconditionally withdraw all of its military forces from the territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders” and called for “a cessation of hostilities.”

“Today’s vote is another evidence that it is not only the West that supports Ukraine, the support is much broader, and it will only continue to be consolidated and to be solidified,” Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba told reporters after the vote.

The special emergency session of the U.N. General Assembly, which opened on Wednesday and continued into Thursday culminating with the vote, was called to mark the anniversary of Russia’s invasion. Kuleba appealed to the international community to stand by his country.

“We need to send a strong and clear message that the U.N. Charter, including the principles of sovereign equality and territorial integrity of states, should serve as the basis for the process of peaceful resolution,” Kuleba said during the debate.

“Today, we refuse to give up on hope. We refuse to give up on the potential of diplomacy, the power of dialogue and the urgency of peace,” U.S. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield said in welcoming the result.

Seventy-five countries participated in the debate, including Russia.

Russian Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia urged countries to vote against the draft resolution, saying it lacked substance and was “divorced from reality.” Moscow’s ally, Belarus, proposed two amendments to the text — one excluding the words “full scale invasion of Ukraine” and “aggression by the Russian Federation,” and the other calling for states to refrain from sending weapons to the conflict zone. But they were roundly voted down by the assembly.

Nebenzia insisted that Moscow is not obstructing peace.

“We are ready for a search for a serious and long-term diplomatic solution. We have stated this on many occasions,” he said. “Our opponents have not yet recovered from their futile illusions that they could defeat a nuclear power.”

European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said Russia had tried the entire week to distract and disrupt U.N. efforts.

“Once again, it has failed. We see that clearly in the vote,” he told reporters, flanked by many EU foreign ministers who had flown to New York for the meeting. “On the Russian side, there is a small handful of votes confirming that in the eyes of the world, the aggression against Ukraine needs to stop — and it needs to stop now and open the door to a just, sustainable and comprehensive peace.”

The countries that supported Russia’s position were those that have mostly stood by it since the start of the war last year: Belarus, Eritrea, Mali, Nicaragua, North Korea and Syria.

There have been five other resolutions adopted in the U.N. General Assembly since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, all with strong support. China abstained on three of them and voted with Russia on resolutions calling for Moscow’s suspension from the U.N. Human Rights Council and for Moscow to pay reparations to Ukraine. On Thursday, China abstained again.

Days after NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg warned that Beijing may be considering providing arms to Russia, China’s envoy urged countries not to arm the combatants.

“One year into the Ukraine crisis, brutal facts have offered ample proofs that sending weapons will not bring peace,” Deputy Ambassador Dai Bing said during the debate. “Adding fuel to the fire will only exacerbate tensions. Prolonging and expanding the conflict will only make ordinary people pay an even heftier price.”

Asked about it by a reporter, Kuleba said it would be a huge mistake for any country to provide Russia with weapons.

“Because by providing Russia with weapons, that country helps aggression and blatant violation of the U.N. Charter,” Kuleba said. “As of now, China has been standing in defense of the charter and especially the principle of territorial integrity.”

China’s top diplomat was in Moscow this week, fueling speculation that the two allies are discussing a Chinese peace proposal.

“China will soon issue a position paper on the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis,” Dai told the General Assembly. Some reports speculate it could come as early as Friday.

On Friday, the anniversary of President Vladimir Putin’s invasion, the U.N. Security Council will meet. One year ago, members were in a session trying to prevent the outbreak of hostilities when word came that Russian troops had moved across the border into Ukraine.

Source: Voice of America

Al-Jazeera: Evoking long-discredited accusations

In an article published on its website on 20 February this week by an obscure blogger under the title “Eritrea’s ‘Diaspora Tax’ is Funding Violence and Oppression,” the news channel recycles a moot, long-discredited, and libelous accusation against Eritrea without any modicum of validation*. It is indeed sad and regrettable that Aljazeera has again chosen to publish what is, sadly, an amalgam of outright falsehoods, insinuations, insults, and inaccuracies – many of which are simple regurgitations of those peddled in the past. But this has become a pattern for the news agency for many years now.

In the first place, Eritrea’s 2% Rehabilitation and Recovery Tax (RRT) is its sovereign, legal right and fully consistent with international law. It is levied in accordance with the legislative act that was passed in 1994.

In stark contrast to what has been described, the collection of the RRT is conducted through normative and appropriate transactional modalities, with consulates/embassies offering ordinary consular services, including, but not limited to, the provision of relevant information to citizens.

Globally, tax evasion is regarded as a significant problem and serious crime. In fact, it is a felony punishable by law – mostly entailing imprisonment – in almost all United Nations Member States. In terms of Eritrea’s RRT, there are explicit clauses on penalties that apply to tax evasion. However, the country’s legal administrative procedures against RRT evasion are hardly onerous, by any standard or measure, and do not include imprisonment. In brief, a citizen who fails or opts not to pay the RRT will simply forfeit business licenses and land entitlement rights in the home country, but remain fully entitled to all of their rights and consular services. Again, contrary to false claims made, Eritrea does not utilize extortion, intimidation, coercion or threats of violence, fraud, or illicit means in collection of the RRT.

Furthermore, although attempts have been made to link the RRT with purported acts of “violence and oppression”, the truth is far different. Since it was enacted nearly three decades ago, within the context of Eritrea’s long struggle for independence, the RRT has been an important alternative source of reconstruction and financing for the country’s various development programmes and wide range of social welfare initiatives, all of which are rooted in the country’s longstanding commitment to social justice and equality. Notably, the RRT is also consistent with the spirit of renewed efforts and initiatives by regional and global organizations to mobilize greater involvement of the African Diaspora in the social, political, cultural, and economic development of their countries of origin. In many ways, Eritrea’s RRT should be emulated, commended, and encouraged, not disparaged or punished.

In countries across the world, people look to the mainstream media, including global outlets such as Al Jazeera, to maintain high standards of integrity, objectivity, and balance. However, in its latest article on Eritrea, the outlet has been cavalier with the truth and widely missed the mark. Unfortunately, this is not the first time.

Although Eritrea has respectfully forwarded numerous formal complaints to Al Jazeera in the hopes of finding redress to problematic, erroneous reporting by the outlet, its concerns have invariably been ignored. This is quite telling of its deliberate aim of advancing some negative agenda.

Source: Dehai Eritrea Online

Eritrea’s Response to the SEMG, 2014

The 2% Recovery and Rehabilitation Tax (RRT)

• Eritrea wants to underline that the levying of various taxes is surely the prerogative and sovereign right of any country and an exclusive matter that concerns its citizens. Moreover, the UN Security Council Resolution 2023 (2011) does not prevent Eritrea from collecting Recovery and Rehabilitation Tax (RRT).

• The RRT is part and parcel of Eritrea’s taxation law and system. It has its own evolution and history. Historically, Eritreans in all walks of life voluntarily contributed to the national cause during the 30-year armed struggle for independence and self-determination. This was at a time when the international community had largely ignored the inalienable national rights for self-determination and the predicaments of the Eritrean people. In those years, Eritreans abroad came together in civil society associations organized along professional, occupational, and gender dimensions to raise funds in support of relief and developmental work in the liberated areas and to conduct public awareness campaigns. The magnitude of their contributions varied from place to place and with time. Generally, monthly contributions from members of the associations of Eritrean students hovered around 10% while that of Eritrean women and workers reached 20% of their gross income. This voluntary financial contribution was not only vital in terms of mitigating the humanitarian consequences of the protracted war for independence, but it was indispensable in reinforcing the bond between the Diaspora and their compatriots at home.

• After Eritrea’s independence in 1991, the nascent government faced enormous economic challenges and hurdles. In addition to devastated infrastructure and economy, the GOE had to address an onerous social burden for the upkeep of the families of martyrs and the disabled; over 60,000 martyrs and over 10,000 war disabled. The GOE allocated a monthly payment of 500 Nakfa (birr at the time) for families of martyrs that is payable for a lifetime to the parents while limited until the age of 18 years for minor dependents and siblings of the martyrs. All war-disabled fighters that could not be fully rehabilitated with employable skills are also beneficiaries for monthly payments. The demobilization programme was another major project implemented in 1994 largely through government funds.

• Under these circumstances, many citizens in the Diaspora launched spontaneous and voluntary but fragmented initiatives, to raise funds for the above-mentioned noble and humanitarian causes, therefore, it became essential and necessary to institutionalize those initiatives. Eritreans residing abroad discussed the matter on the bases of their experience during the 30-year struggle for independence. The overriding desire was to imbue some structure and uniformity to what was effectively a burgeoning spontaneous and voluntary grassroots movement. Subsequently with clear objective of funding countries’ social and development programs, in 1994, the Eritrean National Assembly enacted the Rehabilitation and Recovery Tax Proclamation (RRT). The RRT Proclamation specifically targets only Eritrean citizens in the Diaspora, not citizens of other countries of Eritrean descent. The rate was fixed at a low of 2% of net income; in a country where personal income tax is progressive and reaches 38%.

• The Rehabilitation and Recovery Tax was envisaged as a time-bound provision that would wind up at some time in the near future as the economy of the new country grows and the social responsibility and burdens eases. This was underlined during the discussions at the Eritrean National Assembly, although it was not articulated in the form of a definitive sunset clause at the time of its proclamation. However, subsequent developments, and notably the border war instigated by Ethiopia in 1998 and its sequel, have made revision of the RRT Proclamation practically impossible. It must be underlined that the border war between Eritrea and Ethiopia (1998-2000) had cost the life of 19,000 Eritreans and has created additional martyrs’ families.

• The legality of the RRT is unambiguous, and purposes laudable. It represents a symbolic burden shared by the Eritreans in Diaspora with the people inside the country. In this sense, its historical, moral, humanitarian and patriotic contents and values are more significant and profound than its material dividend. In fact, the funds collected annually are modest that should not be overstated when compared with the government budget and expenditure on basic social services. For the last four years, for instance, the aggregate RRT collected annually vary from a total of 14.8 million US dollars in 2010 to 24.7 million US dollars in 2013. In those four years, the aggregate RRT collected did not exceed 73 Million US dollars, while budgetary appropriation by the Government for the family of martyrs and war-disabled individuals for the same period hovers around 28 million US dollars annually, which is almost 112 million US dollars for the four year period.

• The distorted allegations that the GOE employs “extortion, threats of violence, fraud and other illicit means” to collect the RRT is utterly baseless. It is a deliberate misinformation aimed at creating misperception about the active and voluntary participation of the Eritreans in the Diaspora in the affairs and development of their country. The GOE has neither the means nor the desire to enforce the RRT proclamation through extra-legal means. As is the case in all countries, Eritrea has specific clauses on the rights and obligations of citizens concerning taxation. Regarding the RRT, there are explicit enforcement measures implemented domestically such as “denial of business license and land entitlements to those who fail to meet their fiscal obligation”. These measures are not and cannot be implemented extraterritorial. They do not also curtail the natural right of Eritrean citizens to visit their home country or relatives so long as they are holders of Eritrean national identity cards or passports. They don’t need a visa to enter Eritrea. Furthermore, as it is propagated in some quarters and is frequently echoed in the reports of the SEMG, there are no “harassments against their families living in the country”.

• Another misperception is that the “UN Security Council Resolution 2023 (2011) prevents Eritrea from collecting the RRT”. No provision in the stated resolutions prevents Eritrea from levying a 2% tax on Eritreans residing abroad. The measures imposed by some countries, under the pretext of implementing the UN Security Council Resolution are incorrect and constitute at best, a misinterpretation of the Resolution. In fact, it is incumbent on the Security Council as well as the SEMG to alert the member countries when their actions in implementing the UNSC resolutions are not consistent with the provisions of the resolution.

• Given the fact that the African Diaspora is recognized as the Sixth Region of Africa by the Head of States of the African Union (AU) and the establishment of African Remittance Institute becoming a reality, Eritrea which has effectively and productively involved and utilized its Diaspora community in its 30-Year war for independence and 24-years national economic development must be commended and emulated, not punished and obstructed.

Source: Ministry of Information Eritrea