Le CPOPC organise un concours de rédaction sur le thème des petits exploitants

JAKARTA, Indonésie, 13 septembre 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Un concours de nouvelles ayant pour thème « les petits exploitants et les plantations de palmiers à huile » est désormais ouvert aux inscriptions.

Council of Palm Oil Producing Countries (CPOPC) holds a story writing competition to engage communities and families living near or within the palm oil plantation in palm oil producing countries. For more info, please visit: https://www.cpopc.org/events/

Ce concours organisé par le Conseil des pays producteurs d’huile de palme (CPOPC) fait participer les communautés et les familles vivant à proximité ou à l’intérieur des plantations de palmiers à huile en Indonésie, en Malaisie et dans d’autres pays producteurs d’huile de palme.

Étant donné que plus de 40 % de la production mondiale d’huile de palme est assurée par des petits exploitants, les histoires devraient se concentrer sur le rôle important de ces derniers dans l’industrie de l’huile de palme, tout en reconnaissant que leurs vies sont également confrontées à des enjeux. Il est temps que nous commencions à reconnaître les contributions substantielles des petits exploitants à l’industrie de l’huile de palme pour atteindre l’un des éléments les plus importants des objectifs de développement durable (ODD), à savoir la consommation et la production durables. Grâce à ce concours, le CPOPC espère faire comprendre l’importance d’établir une alliance mondiale des petits exploitants de palmiers à huile des pays producteurs d’huile de palme, où le partage d’informations et la collaboration se poursuivront.

Ce concours pourrait faire apprécier le rôle important des petits exploitants dans la fourniture d’huile végétale abordable pour l’alimentation et l’énergie.

Les gagnants peuvent remporter jusqu’à 1 000 USD et avoir la chance de partager des histoires vraies quant aux efforts déployés par les petits exploitants pour gérer leurs plantations et créer une vie décente pour leurs familles. La CPOPC offre des prix d’une valeur de 7 950 USD à tous les participants gagnants.

Les participants peuvent présenter leurs histoires de 500 à 750 mots dans l’une de ces langues : en indonésien, en malaisien, en anglais, en espagnol ou en français.

Les catégories sont les suivantes :

  • Travail décent, éducation et communauté durable
  • Lutte contre la pauvreté, faim zéro, santé et croissance économique
  • Lutte contre le changement climatique, environnement et biodiversité

Toutes les histoires gagnantes seront publiées dans un livre. La date limite pour nous faire parvenir vos nouvelles est le 30 septembre 2021. Elles peuvent être envoyées à cpopcstorycompetition@cpopc.org.

Pour plus d’informations sur le concours, veuillez consulter le site : https://www.cpopc.org/events/

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1612849/CPOPC_Story_Competition_Flyer_English.jpg

Innova Medical Group Gifts £10m To Launch Global Pandemic Institute In Liverpool

Liverpool is to headquarter the Pandemic Institute, which will provide the world’s first unique and comprehensive capability to predict, prevent, respond to and recover from Future Pandemics

Innova has provided the capital required to establish the Institute, alongside support from the Liverpool City Council, The University of Liverpool, Liverpool John Moores University, the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and KQ Liverpool.

PASADENA, Calif. and LIVERPOOL, England, Sept. 13, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Innova Medical Group, a global health innovator and the world’s largest provider of rapid antigen tests, has announced a £10 million donation for the launch of The Pandemic Institute, a global centre of excellence to help the world prevent, prepare, and respond more effectively to future pandemics. The Institute is headquartered in Knowledge Quarter Liverpool (KQ Liverpool).


Innova’s donation provides the startup capital required to establish the Institute, alongside support from the Liverpool City Council, The University of Liverpool, Liverpool John Moores University, the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, and KQ Liverpool.

The facility will offer world-leading clinical, research, and policy expertise, based in what is soon to be designated one of the world’s healthiest buildings, The Spine. That expertise will be supported by one of Liverpool’s greatest assets – its considerable academic resources – along with global connections and affiliates and public and private sector partners.

Together, the Institute’s partners will translate research results into policy and tangible actions, providing a unique holistic approach and comprehensive end-to-end capabilities across the pandemic lifecycle. The result will allow the world to accelerate global response to future pandemic events, to unify global intelligence and to dramatically increase the impact of pandemic research on the global society.

Innova Medical Group Logo

“The Innova team is passionate about supporting projects that will make a difference and it is clear now that pandemics are one of the biggest threats to the health of the world’s population,” said Daniel Elliott, CEO and President of Innova Medical Group. “It’s a really exciting initiative for us to be supporting the City’s academic and business institutions with an ambition towards end-to-end solutions that can be applied on a global scale. We look forward to working collaboratively with the Institute’s existing and future partners in pursuit of that combined goal.”

“The Pandemic Institute will be a unique centre of excellence which has the potential to help revolutionise how the world responds to future pandemics,” said Professor Matthew Baylis, Director of the Pandemic Institute. “Liverpool is perfectly placed for this exciting initiative and we appreciate Innova’s leadership in establishing the Pandemic Institute and the generous gift to Liverpool.”


Innova Medical Group is a global health screening and diagnostic innovator driven to dramatically improve health outcomes worldwide with equitable, high-value testing solutions. Our strategic and iterative approach enables us to create, build and deploy a myriad of accessible tests customized to meet and empower the user at their point of need. With a panoramic vision spanning the present to the future, we develop trusted solutions that are both intuitive and secure to use. We quickly and nimbly became the world’s largest provider of Covid-19 tests, and we are determined to execute on this model across infectious disease, other chronic conditions and wellness. For more information, please visit: www.innovamedgroup.com

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1613366/Pandemic_Innova.jpg

Logo –  https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1494814/Innova_tagline_blue_Logo.jpg

Adagio Therapeutics annonce l’élargissement de la population de patients participant à l’essai clinique mondial de phase 2/3 de l’ADG20 pour la prévention de la COVID-19

Le Comité de surveillance des données indépendant approuve l’élargissement aux adolescents ainsi qu’aux femmes enceintes et allaitantes sur la base des données d’innocuité et de tolérance de la partie de pré-inclusion de phase 2

WALTHAM, Massachusetts, 10 sept. 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Adagio Therapeutics, Inc., une société biopharmaceutique au stade clinique axée sur la découverte, le développement et la commercialisation de solutions à base d’anticorps pour les maladies infectieuses présentant un potentiel pandémique, a annoncé aujourd’hui que le Comité indépendant de surveillance des données (IDMC) a formulé une recommandation visant à étendre le recrutement dans l’essai de phase 3 dans le cadre de l’essai EVADE de phase 2/3 de l’ADG20 pour la prévention de la COVID-19, afin d’inclure des adolescents et des femmes enceintes ou allaitantes. ainsi que pour réduire le délai de surveillance post-injection spécifié dans le protocole. Les évaluations de l’IDMC sont basées sur son examen des données d’innocuité et de tolérance sans insu provenant de 200 participants inscrits dans la partie de « pré-inclusion » de phase 2 de l’essai. Adagio n’a toujours pas connaissance des données et prévoit de mettre en œuvre les recommandations de l’IDMC lors de la phase 3 de l’essai. EVADE est mené à l’échelle mondiale, y compris dans les régions où la prévalence des variants du SARS-CoV-2 est élevée, afin d’évaluer la capacité d’une dose intramusculaire unique de l’ADG20 à prévenir la COVID-19 dans les contextes de pré et post-exposition.

« Au vu du besoin urgent de traitements supplémentaires et d’options préventives pour la COVID-19, en particulier dans les populations vulnérables, nous sommes ravis qu’une évaluation indépendante des données d’innocuité provenant de la partie de pré-inclusion d’EVADE ait soutenu l’inclusion d’adolescents et de femmes enceintes ou allaitantes dans la prochaine phase de l’étude », a déclaré Lynn Connolly, M.D., Ph.D., directrice médicale d’Adagio. « Sur la base de l’activité puissante et large de l’ADG20 dans les études non cliniques, ainsi que de sa demi-vie prolongée et de sa facilité d’administration, nous pensons que cet anticorps a le potentiel de devenir une option prophylactique de choix pour la COVID-19, en particulier pour les groupes vulnérables tels que les enfants et les personnes immunodéprimées, pour lesquels les options sont actuellement limitées ou inexistantes. »

L’essai EVADE est un essai clinique mondial, multicentrique, en double aveugle et contrôlé par placebo évaluant l’ADG20 dans deux cohortes indépendantes. La première cohorte (prophylaxie post-exposition) est destinée à évaluer l’innocuité et l’efficacité de l’ADG20 par rapport au placebo dans la prévention de la COVID-19 suite à une exposition à une personne atteinte d’une infection au SARS-CoV-2 confirmée en laboratoire. La deuxième cohorte (prophylaxie pré-exposition) est destinée à évaluer l’efficacité et l’innocuité de l’ADG20 par rapport au placebo chez les individus présentant un risque accru d’infection par le SARS-CoV-2 en raison de leurs situations professionnelles, de leurs conditions de logement ou de leurs loisirs, ainsi que chez les individus présentant un risque accru de mauvaise réponse vaccinale, y compris les personnes dont le système immunitaire est affaibli ou atteintes d’autres co-morbidités. Le critère principal d’efficacité dans les deux cohortes est la prévention de la COVID-19 symptomatique confirmée en laboratoire. Pour tout complément d’information sur l’essai EVADE, veuillez consulter le site https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04859517.

Le programme de développement clinique pour l’ADG20 comprend deux essais supplémentaires : l’essai clinique de phase 1 en cours sur l’ADG20 chez des volontaires en bonne santé et l’essai STAMP en cours évaluant l’ADG20 en tant que traitement pour les personnes à haut risque atteintes d’une forme légère ou modérée de la COVID-19 (voir clinicaltrials.gov).

À propos de l’ADG20
L’ADG20, un anticorps monoclonal ciblant la protéine spike du SARS-CoV-2 et des coronavirus connexes, est en cours de développement aux fins de la prévention et du traitement de la COVID-19, la maladie provoquée par le SARS-CoV-2. L’ADG20 a été conçu et élaboré en vue d’offrir de puissantes et vastes capacités de neutralisation du SARS-CoV-2 et des autres sarbecovirus du clade 1 permettant de cibler un épitope bien conservé dans le domaine de fixation du récepteur. L’ADG20 exerce une puissante activité neutralisante contre la souche originale du SARS-CoV-2 et tous ses variants préoccupants connus. L’ADG20 pourrait avoir un impact sur la réplication virale et la maladie subséquente grâce à de multiples mécanismes d’action, notamment le blocage direct de l’entrée virale dans la cellule hôte (neutralisation) et l’élimination des cellules hôtes infectées par le biais d’une activité médiée par Fc des cellules effectrices de l’immunité innée. L’ADG20 est formulé à concentrations élevées, ce qui permet son administration intramusculaire, et a été conçu pour avoir une longue demi-vie, dans le but d’offrir une protection immédiate et durable. Adagio fait progresser l’ADG20 grâce à de multiples essais cliniques à l’échelle mondiale.

À propos d’Adagio Therapeutics
Adagio est une société biopharmaceutique au stade clinique axée sur la découverte, le développement et la commercialisation de solutions à base d’anticorps pour les maladies infectieuses présentant un potentiel pandémique. Le portefeuille d’anticorps de la société a été optimisé grâce aux capacités de pointe d’Adimab en matière d’ingénierie d’anticorps et est conçu pour fournir aux patients et aux cliniciens une combinaison inégalée de puissance, d’ampleur, de protection durable (grâce à l’extension de la demi-vie), de faisabilité de fabrication et de prix abordable. Le portefeuille d’anticorps anti-SARS-CoV-2 d’Adagio comprend plusieurs anticorps fortement neutralisants non concurrents dotés d’épitopes de liaison distincts, dirigés par l’ADG20. Adagio a conclu avec des sous-traitants tiers un contrat portant sur des capacités de fabrication pour la production de l’ADG20 jusqu’à l’achèvement des essais cliniques et, en cas d’approbation par les autorités réglementaires, jusqu’au lancement commercial initial. Pour plus d’informations, rendez-vous sur notre site www.adagiotx.com.

Contacts :
Contact auprès des médias :
Dan Budwick, 1AB

Contact auprès des investisseurs :
Monique Allaire, THRUST Strategic Communications

Adagio Therapeutics Anuncia Expansão da População de Pacientes no Ensaio Clínico Global de Fase 2/3 do ADG20 para Prevenção da COVID-19

Comitê Independente de Monitoramento de Dados Apoia a Expansão para Adolescentes e Gestantes e Mulheres Amamentando com Base em Dados de Segurança e Tolerabilidade da Fase 2 de Lead-In

WALTHAM, Mass., Sept. 10, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Adagio Therapeutics, Inc., uma empresa biofarmacêutica de estágio clínico focada na descoberta, desenvolvimento e comercialização de soluções baseadas em anticorpos para doenças infecciosas com potencial pandêmico, anunciou hoje que o comitê independente de monitoramento de dados (IDMC) para o ensaio de EVADE da Fase 2/3 do ADG20 para a prevenção da COVID-19 fez uma recomendação para a expansão da inscrição no ensaio de Fase 3 para incluir adolescentes e mulheres grávidas ou lactantes, bem como para diminuir o tempo de monitoramento pós-injeção especificado pelo protocolo. As avaliações do IDMC têm por base a análise dos dados de segurança e tolerabilidade não cegos de 200 participantes inscritos na parte inicial da Fase 2 do estudo. A Adagio permanece cega em relação aos dados e planeja implementar as recomendações do IDMC para a parte da Fase 3 do estudo. A EVADE está sendo conduzida globalmente, inclusive em regiões onde há uma alta prevalência de variantes preocupantes do SARS-CoV-2, para avaliar a capacidade de uma dose única e intramuscular de ADG20 para prevenir a COVID-19 em ambos os cenários pré e pós-exposição.

“Dada a necessidade urgente de tratamento adicional e de opções preventivas para a COVID-19, particularmente em populações vulneráveis, estamos satisfeitos que uma avaliação independente dos dados de segurança da parte inicial da EVADE apoiou a inclusão de adolescentes e mulheres grávidas ou lactantes na próxima fase do estudo”, disse Lynn Connolly, M.D., Ph.D., diretora médica da Adagio. “Com base na atividade potente e ampla do ADG20 em estudos não clínicos, bem como em sua meia-vida prolongada e facilidade de administração, acreditamos que este anticorpo tenha o potencial de se tornar uma opção profilática preferida para COVID-19, particularmente para grupos vulneráveis, como crianças e imunocomprometidos, para os quais atualmente exista opções limitadas ou não disponíveis.”

O ensaio EVADE é um ensaio global clínico, multicêntrico, duplo-cego, controlado por placebo que avalia o ADG20 em duas coortes independentes. A primeira coorte (profilaxia pós-exposição) é projetada para avaliar a segurança e eficácia do ADG20 em comparação com o placebo para a prevenção da COVID-19 após a exposição a um indivíduo com infecção por SARS-CoV-2 confirmada laboratorialmente. A segunda coorte (profilaxia pré-exposição) é projetada para avaliar a eficácia e a segurança do ADG20 em comparação com o placebo em indivíduos com risco aumentado de infecção por SARS-CoV-2 devido a situações ocupacionais, de alojamento ou recreativas, e em indivíduos com risco aumentado de resposta vacinal ruim, incluindo indivíduos com sistema imunológico comprometido ou outras comorbidades. O desfecho primário da eficácia em ambas as coortes é a prevenção da COVID-19 sintomática confirmada laboratorialmente. Para mais informação sobre o ensaio EVADE, visite https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04859517.

O programa de desenvolvimento clínico para o ADG20 inclui dois ensaios adicionais: ensaio clínico de Fase 1 em andamento do ADG20 em voluntários saudáveis e ensaio STAMP em andamento de avaliação do ADG20 como tratamento para indivíduos de alto risco com COVID-19 leve ou moderado (consulte clinicaltrials.gov).

Sobre o ADG20
O ADG20, um anticorpo monoclonal direcionado à proteína Spike do SARS-CoV-2 e coronavírus relacionados, está sendo desenvolvido para a prevenção e tratamento da COVID-19, a doença causada pelo SARS-CoV-2. ADG20 foi projetado e criado para alta potência e ampla neutralização contra SARS-CoV-2 e sarbecovírus de clado 1 adicionais, direcionando-se a um epítopo altamente conservado no domínio de ligação ao receptor. O ADG20 exibe atividade neutralizante potente contra a cepa SARS-CoV-2 original, bem como todas as variantes preocupantes conhecidas. O ADG20 tem o potencial de impactar a replicação viral e a doença subsequente através de múltiplos mecanismos de ação, incluindo o bloqueio direto da entrada viral na célula hospedeira (neutralização) e a eliminação de células hospedeiras infectadas através da atividade efetora imune inata mediada por Fc. O ADG20 é formulado em altas concentrações, permitindo a administração intramuscular, e foi projetado para ter uma meia-vida longa, com o objetivo de fornecer proteção rápida e durável. A Adagio está avançando o ADG20 por meio de vários ensaios clínicos em uma base global.

Sobre a Adagio Therapeutics
A Adagio é uma empresa biofarmacêutica de estágio clínico focada na descoberta, desenvolvimento e comercialização de soluções com base em anticorpos para doenças infecciosas com potencial pandêmico. O portfólio de anticorpos da empresa foi otimizado com os recursos de engenharia de anticorpos líderes da indústria da Adimab, e foi criado para fornecer aos pacientes e médicos uma combinação de potência, amplitude, proteção durável (via extensão de meia-vida), capacidade de fabricação e acessibilidade. O portfólio de anticorpos contra SARS-CoV-2 da Adagio inclui múltiplos anticorpos amplamente neutralizantes não competitivos com epítopos de ligação distintos, liderados por ADG20. A Adagio adquiriu a capacidade de fabricação para a produção do ADG20 com fabricantes terceirizados através da conclusão de ensaios clínicos e, se aprovado pelas autoridades reguladoras, através do lançamento comercial inicial. Para mais informação, visite www.adagiotx.com.

Contato com a Mídia:
Dan Budwick, 1AB

Contato com o Investidor:
Monique Allaire, THRUST Strategic Communications

Olives and Wine: Conagen Makes Accessible Antioxidant Hydroxytyrosol by Fermentation

Bedford, Mass., Sept. 10, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Leveraging its robust phenolics platform, Conagen announced the expansion of the health ingredient portfolio of its commercial partner Blue California, with the successful scale-up and commercialization of the powerful natural antioxidant ingredient hydroxytyrosol.With its health-promoting properties, hydroxytyrosol is a phenylethanoid found in olives and wine. Most hydroxytyrosol is naturally found in the juice of olives, minorly in oil. Current hydroxytyrosol ingredients on the market are produced mainly through processed olive juice or are synthetic.

Conagen’s high-purity hydroxytyrosol is virtually colorless and odorless, making it ideal for formulating different products. The hydroxytyrosol is produced by using a cost-effective, sustainable natural fermentation process that has led to the filing of several patent applications, making it a preferred option compared to its olive juice concentrate and synthetic counterparts.

“Hydroxytyrosol is derived from one of our four small-molecule platforms.  The flexibility of our phenolics platform has enabled us to rapidly scale and commercialize hydroxytyrosol and other novel ingredients, highlighting our productive innovation engine and reliability as a strategic service partner,” said Vice President of Innovation, Casey Lippmeier, Ph.D. at Conagen.

Hydroxytyrosol has received increasing attention in the dietary supplement world due to its potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that contribute to the many health benefits of consuming olives. Preclinical and clinical studies demonstrate the positive effects of hydroxytyrosol on heart health and support healthy cholesterol levels.

“The Mediterranean diet is consistently rated as one of the healthiest diets, partially attributed to the use of olives,” Blue California’s Research, Science and Innovation Officer, Linda May-Zhang, Ph.D. “Hydroxytyrosol is one of the most potent antioxidants in olives, and research suggests the great promise of this molecule in healthy aging and potential immune support applications.”

In addition to immune health, emerging research suggests hydroxytyrosol supports heart health, metabolic health, bone health, brain health, and beauty.

Immune health will remain a top priority for consumers as 64% of global consumers are looking to improve their immunity over the next 12 months, reported by FMCG Gurus, Top Ten Trends for 2021, Dec. 2020.

“Conagen is unlocking unprecedented access to sustainable compounds which are only sparingly found in nature,” said Lippmeier. “We expect this and other related compounds will prove useful as cost-effective food or cosmetic ingredients or as additives to other products in which oxidation must be mitigated.”

Using precision fermentation, Conagen produces an extensive portfolio of ingredients, with a recent focus on phenolic antioxidants and natural preservatives such as Rosmarinic acid (Rosavel®)Capsaicin, and the recently announced p-Coumaric Acid (PCA). These ingredients add to a long list of health-promoting flavonoids such as Dihydroquercetin (DHQ), also known as Taxifolin.

Blue California is a provider of solutions and manufacturer/distributor of specialty ingredients, flavors, and fragrances and has a long-standing innovation partnership with Conagen. Conagen focuses on developing sustainable, nature-based ingredients that improve existing options in the market or represent completely novel ingredient solutions.

About Conagen

Conagen is a product-focused synthetic biology R&D company with large-scale manufacturing capabilities. Our scientists and engineers use the latest synthetic biology tools to develop high-quality, sustainable, nature-based products by precision fermentation and enzymatic bioconversion. We focus on the bioproduction of high-value ingredients for food, nutrition, flavors and fragrances, pharmaceutical, and renewable materials industries. www.conagen.com

About Blue California

Blue California is a vertically integrated technology company providing innovative ingredient solutions to global partners. With more than 20 years of innovation success, our ingredients are used in commercial products and applications in nutrition, personal care, healthy aging and wellness, functional food and beverage, and beauty. www.bluecal-ingredients.com


Ana Arakelian

Wiseasy Partners with UnionPay International to Boost Digital Banking and QR Payment in Ghana and Nigeria

ACCRA, Ghana, Sept. 10, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Wiseasy Group, a leading global digital banking and payment builder, jointly announced a collaborative partnership with UnionPay International (UPI) today, to accelerate digital banking and QR payment in Ghana and Nigeria in supporting the global digital transformation trend.

In response to the rapid changing of customer payment needs and the increasingly competitive global financial arena, the two entities collaboratively implement a comprehensive solution, bridging the gaps with their advanced core competencies. This solution provides a unified mobile payment standard and facilitates the management of financial institutions’ mobile payment businesses. Rapid diffusion by Smartphones and QR open new prospects for the development of innovative payment methods and enable customers to carry out banking operations while on the move.

“Wiseasy Group is pleased to be part of this exciting collaboration with UPI to launch a secured, seamless and innovative solution that meets the new expectations of retailers and customers,” stated Mr. Rachid Oulad Akdim, VP Group and President of Wiseasy France.

“We are honoured to partner with Wiseasy Group to further accelerate the brand reach in Ghana and Nigeria”, said Mr. Luping Zhang, General Manager of UnionPay International Africa Branch. “UnionPay continues to offer high quality, cost-effective, innovative payment services through shared growth with our partners in the region”.

Wiseasy Group is a leading global digital banking and payment builder, operating in 114 countries and regions worldwide, covering dozens of industries. The company aims to promote the innovation, development, and application of digital banking solutions and payment technology worldwide by offering smart fintech terminals and rich payment technology services that can reach wider demographics with more convenience.

With over 1.6 billion UnionPay cards issued in 70 countries and regions globally, UnionPay has expanded its acceptance network to 180 countries and regions in recent years. At present, UnionPay cards are widely accepted in Africa across all sectors, effectively meeting the diverse purchasing needs of UnionPay cardholders visiting and living on the continent. UnionPay cards are issued in over 10 African countries, including Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Ghana, South Africa, Madagascar and Mauritius. The Nilson Report (Issue 1154) shows that UnionPay ranks first among all card schemes in card issuance and transaction volume worldwide. UnionPay has launched various innovative payment products in Africa in response to the worldwide digital transformation and financial inclusion.

Adagio Therapeutics Announces Expansion of Patient Population in Global Phase 2/3 Clinical Trial of ADG20 for the Prevention of COVID-19

Independent Data Monitoring Committee Supports Expansion to Adolescents and Pregnant and Nursing Women Based on Safety and Tolerability Data from Phase 2 Lead-In

WALTHAM, Mass., Sept. 10, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Adagio Therapeutics, Inc., a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on the discovery, development and commercialization of antibody-based solutions for infectious diseases with pandemic potential, today announced that the independent data monitoring committee (IDMC) for the EVADE Phase 2/3 trial of ADG20 for the prevention of COVID-19 has provided a recommendation to expand Phase 3 trial enrollment to include adolescents and pregnant or nursing women, as well as to decrease the protocol-specified, post injection monitoring time. The IDMC’s assessments are based on their review of unblinded safety and tolerability data from 200 participants enrolled in the Phase 2 lead-in portion of the trial. Adagio remains blinded to the data and plans to implement the IDMC recommendations for the Phase 3 portion of the trial. EVADE is being conducted globally, including in regions where there is a high prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern, to evaluate the ability of a single, intramuscular dose of ADG20 to prevent COVID-19 in both pre- and post-exposure settings.

“Given the urgent need for additional treatment and preventative options for COVID-19, particularly in vulnerable populations, we are pleased that an independent assessment of the safety data from the lead-in portion of EVADE supported inclusion of adolescents and pregnant or nursing women in the next phase of the study,” said Lynn Connolly, M.D., Ph.D., chief medical officer of Adagio. “Based on the potent and broad activity of ADG20 in non-clinical studies, as well as its extended half-life and ease of administration, we believe this antibody has the potential to become a preferred prophylactic option for COVID-19, particularly for vulnerable groups such as children and the immunocompromised, for whom there are currently limited or no available options.”

The EVADE trial is a global, multi-center, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial evaluating ADG20 in two independent cohorts. The first cohort (post-exposure prophylaxis) is designed to assess the safety and efficacy of ADG20 compared to placebo for the prevention of COVID-19 after exposure to an individual with laboratory confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection. The second cohort (pre-exposure prophylaxis) is designed to assess the efficacy and safety of ADG20 compared to placebo in individuals who are at increased risk for SARS-CoV-2 infection due to occupational, housing or recreational situations, and in individuals who are at increased risk of poor vaccine response, including individuals with compromised immune systems or other co-morbidities. The primary efficacy endpoint in both cohorts is the prevention of laboratory confirmed, symptomatic COVID-19. For more information on the EVADE trial, please visit https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04859517.

The clinical development program for ADG20 includes two additional trials: the ongoing Phase 1 clinical trial of ADG20 in healthy volunteers and the ongoing STAMP trial evaluating ADG20 as a treatment for high-risk individuals with mild or moderate COVID-19 (see clinicaltrials.gov).

About ADG20
ADG20, a monoclonal antibody targeting the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 and related coronaviruses, is being developed for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19, the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2. ADG20 was designed and engineered to possess high potency and broad neutralization against SARS-CoV-2 and additional clade 1 sarbecoviruses, by targeting a highly conserved epitope in the receptor binding domain. ADG20 displays potent neutralizing activity against the original SARS-CoV-2 strain as well as all known variants of concern. ADG20 has the potential to impact viral replication and subsequent disease through multiple mechanisms of action, including direct blocking of viral entry into the host cell (neutralization) and elimination of infected host cells through Fc-mediated innate immune effector activity. ADG20 is formulated at high concentrations, enabling intramuscular administration, and was engineered to have a long half-life, with a goal of providing both rapid and durable protection. Adagio is advancing ADG20 through multiple clinical trials on a global basis.

About Adagio Therapeutics
Adagio is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on the discovery, development and commercialization of antibody-based solutions for infectious diseases with pandemic potential. The company’s portfolio of antibodies has been optimized using Adimab’s industry-leading antibody engineering capabilities and is designed to provide patients and clinicians with a powerful combination of potency, breadth, durable protection (via half-life extension), manufacturability and affordability. Adagio’s portfolio of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies includes multiple, non-competing broadly neutralizing antibodies with distinct binding epitopes, led by ADG20. Adagio has secured manufacturing capacity for the production of ADG20 with third-party contract manufacturers through the completion of clinical trials and, if approved by regulatory authorities, through initial commercial launch. For more information, please visit www.adagiotx.com.

Media Contact:
Dan Budwick, 1AB

Investor Contact:
Monique Allaire, THRUST Strategic Communications