Adrian Ridge est nommé directeur général de Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group

TEMECULA, Californie, 02 juill. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — À compter du 1er juillet 2024, Adrian Ridge est directeur général de Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group, qui fait partie de la branche industrielle de Nikkiso Co. Ltd. Ridge succède à Peter Wagner, qui reste engagé au sein du conseil d’administration en tant que président exécutif de Nikkiso CE&IG Group.

En tant que directeur général, Ridge pilotera les performances opérationnelles et financières du Groupe et le préparera à sa croissance future. Dans son rôle de président exécutif, Wagner se concentrera sur la mise en œuvre de la vision et de la stratégie à long terme du Groupe en qualité de conseiller.

« Au nom du conseil d’administration, je souhaite la bienvenue et félicite Adrian pour sa promotion au poste de directeur général », a déclaré Wagner. « C’est un leader confirmé qui s’engage au bon moment pour soutenir la croissance de Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases vers de nouveaux sommets. »

« Je n’ai jamais été aussi enthousiasmé par le potentiel d’une entreprise que par celui de Nikkiso », a affirmé Ridge. « Nous disposons de tous les ingrédients nécessaires pour être leader sur tous les marchés que nous desservons dans toutes les régions du monde. Je suis honoré et reconnaissant pour cette opportunité unique. »

À propos d’Adrian Ridge

Ridge a rejoint Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases en 2022 en tant que vice-président directeur de la fabrication et des opérations après avoir travaillé près de 30 ans chez le géant manufacturier suédois Atlas Copco où il a occupé plusieurs postes de direction au niveau mondial. Il est titulaire d’un diplôme en génie mécanique et d’un MBA de l’Université de Durham au Royaume-Uni.

Contact média
Lisa Adams
Mobile : +1 405 492-1689

À propos de Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group

Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group est un fournisseur leader d’équipements cryogéniques et de technologies et d’applications conçues pour les marchés inhérents à l’énergie propre et aux gaz industriels. Le Groupe emploie plus de 1 600 personnes dans 22 pays sous la direction de Cryogenic Industries, Inc. en Californie du Sud, aux États-Unis, qui est une filiale à 100 % de Nikkiso Co., Ltd. (TSE: 6376).

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Adrian Ridge nomeado CEO do Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group

TEMECULA, Califórnia, July 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A partir de 1 de julho de 2024, Adrian Ridge é o CEO do Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group, parte da divisão industrial da Nikkiso Co. Ltd. Ridge sucede a Peter Wagner, que continua a desempenhar funções no Conselho de Administração como Executive Chairman do Nikkiso CE&IG Group.

Enquanto CEO, Ridge irá impulsionar os resultados operacionais e financeiros e preparar o Grupo para o crescimento futuro. Na sua função de Executive Chairman, Wagner concentrar-se-á na condução da visão e da estratégia a longo prazo do Grupo, na qualidade de consultor.

“Em nome do Conselho de Administração, dou as boas-vindas e felicito Adrian pela sua promoção a CEO”, afirmou Wagner. “É um líder com provas dadas que se envolve no momento certo para promover o crescimento da Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases para novos patamares.”

“Nunca me senti tão entusiasmado com o potencial de uma empresa como me sinto com a Nikkiso”, afirmou Ridge. “Temos todos os ingredientes certos para sermos líderes em todos os mercados que servimos em todas as regiões do mundo. Sinto-me honrado e grato por esta oportunidade única na vida.”

Sobre Adrian Ridge

Ridge juntou-se à Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases em 2022 como EVP de Fabrico e Operações depois de ter trabalhado cerca de 30 anos na gigante sueca de fabrico Atlas Copco ocupando vários cargos de liderança global. Tem uma licenciatura em Engenharia Mecânica e um MBA da Universidade de Durham, no Reino Unido.

Contacto para os meios de comunicação social
Lisa Adams
Telemóvel: +1 (405) 492-1689

Sobre o Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group

O Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group é um fornecedor líder de equipamento criogénico, tecnologias e aplicações para os segmentos de mercado da energia limpa e dos gases industriais. O Grupo emprega mais de 1.600 pessoas em 22 países e é liderado pela Cryogenic Industries, Inc. no sul da Califórnia, EUA, a qual é uma subsidiária integral da Nikkiso Co., Ltd. (TSE: 6376).

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Eto’o should be removed as Facafoot president, ACFAC say

FECAFOOT President Samuel Eto’o has been accused of Nationality fraud by the Association of Amateur Football Clubs in Cameroon ACFAC.

ACFAC in a release made public on Tuesday July 2, said from results of investigation carried out by some persons it mandated since the month of July 2022, the former Indomitable Lions’ Captain lost the Cameroonian Nationality after obtaining that of Spain in 2007. It goes against article 31 of the June 1968 law governing the Cameroonian Nationality, ACFAC said.

‘On December 17, 2021, Samuel Eto’o in presenting his candidature for the lost of president, used the Cameroonian nationality which he lost 14 years earlier’ the release read.

ACFAC also noted that Eto’o deceived the electoral commission by presenting a falsified nationality certificate.

The association also revealed that over 50 of its member clubs have filed complaints to the ethics committee of the Cameroon football federation demanding his destitution as president, his radiation from football activities and that
a 20-billion compensation be paid by Samuel Eto’o to Fecafoot.

ACFAC also requests the reimbursement of all advantages obtained since December 11, 2021 when he became president and that the post should be considered vacant.

This accusation comes at a moment when Cameroonians are anxiously waiting for the verdict of CAF’s disciplinary committee on match rigging allegations Fecafoot president is accused of.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

What drivers should do to avoid accidents this rainy season

The high number of accidents on the West region road, particularly around Falaise de Dschang ( Dschnag Hill), is concerning. It’s especially worrying during this wet season when road conditions deteriorate. At least 15 people have died in less than one month in at least four separate accidents on this hill while in total, in less than one month, at least 20 people have died, including those in Limbe, South West region. But how can these accidents be contained? Here’s a breakdown of the situation and some precautions proposed and observed by the newsroom.

Also Read: Four die, 66 injured in Santchou accident – Cameroon News Agency

The Problem:

High accident rate: Cameroon has many road accidents, with estimates ranging from over 16,000 to over 6,000 annually.

West region road: This specific road seems to be a hotspot, likely due to its winding nature and constant deterioration.

Wet season: Rain makes these already challenging roads even slicker and more dangerous for heavy-duty cars and is more dangerous w
hen drivers speed past these areas.

Precautions for Heavy Vehicles

Reduced speed: Slowing down significantly, especially on bends and downhill sections, is crucial.

Increased following distance: Leave ample space between your vehicle and the one in front for safe braking.

Proper tire maintenance: Ensure tires are inflated to the recommended pressure and have sufficient tread depth.

Use of low gears: Engine braking can be beneficial when descending Dschang hill.

Driver Awareness: Be mindful of other vehicles, pedestrians, and potential hazards like landslides.

Additional considerations:

Government efforts: Cameroon is working on improving road safety, but more can be done regarding infrastructure and enforcement. Death of Nguemo: Transport Minister lands heavy sanctions on driver, owner of vehicle – Cameroon News Agency

Public awareness: Educating all road users about safe practices during the wet season is important.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

Ethiopia Unveils Nat’l Climate Change Response Plan Implementation Program

Addis Ababa: Ethiopia has officially launched its National Climate Change Response Plan Implementation Program in a ceremony attended by high-ranking government officials.

Deputy Prime Minister Temesgen Tiruneh, ministers, leaders from federal and regional institutions, and representatives of international organizations were present at the event.

In his address, Deputy Prime Minister Temesgen emphasized Ethiopia’s susceptibility to climate change-induced droughts and floods.

With the main objective to sustainably tackle this challenge with practical responses, the government of Ethiopia has been carrying out various activities by formulating pertinent policies, Temesgen said.

The country sets a target to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 68.8 percent by 2030.

The implementation program underscores Ethiopia’s dedication to coordinated action at national, continental, and global levels, while showcasing its proactive stance on climate resilience.

The Deputy Prime Minister stressed the need for sustainable a
nd practical solutions, noting that Ethiopia is already enacting policies aligned with this approach.

Aligning with the Paris Climate Agreement, Ethiopia has developed a voluntary climate change response plan extending to 2030, complemented by a long-term, 30-year climate-resilient green economy strategy.

The Green Legacy Initiative stands out as a tangible contribution to climate action, with over 32.5 billion seedlings planted in five years. Temesgen announced the launch of the initiative’s sixth round, calling for continued support.

Other significant efforts include the summer wheat development program and ongoing renewable energy projects, which Temesgen highlighted as crucial for achieving emission reduction goals.

He assured that the government would redouble its climate change mitigation efforts.

Temesgen emphasized that the success of the newly launched program depends on collaborative efforts from the government, private sector, and international organizations.

Minister of Planning and Developm
ent, Fitsum Assefa, outlined Ethiopia’s multifaceted approach to addressing climate change.

She noted that Ethiopia had revised and submitted its national climate change response plan to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change two years ago, reaffirming the country’s commitment to its global responsibilities.

Fitsum added that an implementation program has been developed to support this plan.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Workshop Explores AfCFTA Digital Protocol, Impacts on E-Commerce

Addis Ababa: workshop on exploring the intricacies of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Digital Trade Protocol (AfCFTA Digital Protocol) and its impact on e-commerce in Africa was held in Addis Ababa today.

The workshop on Annexes to the Digital Trade Protocol and eCommerce was conducted against the backdrop of the recently adopted AfCFTA Digital Protocol by the 37th African Union Heads of States Summit in February 2024.

In his opening remark, Innovation and Technology State Minister Yishrun Alemayehu emphasized the workshop’s crucial role in fostering knowledge exchange, collaboration, and strategic discussions.

He added that the ministry is committed to supporting the ICT sector that benefits from the AfCFTA by creating conducive environment.

According to him, the workshop was expected to serve as a platform for knowledge sharing, collaboration and strategic dialogue.

Participants were expected to explore strategies for fostering a thriving online marketplace environment and facilitating
seamless cross-border transactions, it was learned.

It was also anticipated to go beyond the AfCFTA Digital Protocol by delving into the complexities of domestic and cross-border e-commerce in Africa,

Yishrun further emphasized the need for action, urging participants to engage in open dialogue, share expertise, and contribute to this critical effort.

By harnessing the power of digital trade, African nations can drive economic prosperity and create a more inclusive future for all.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Ethiopia Spearheads Comprehensive Climate Change Mitigation Efforts, DPM Temesgen Announces

Addis Ababa: In a landmark announcement, Deputy Prime Minister Temesgen Tiruneh revealed Ethiopia’s robust and multifaceted approach to tackling climate change, highlighting the nation’s tangible progress in this critical issue.

Today marked the official launch of Ethiopia’s Nationally Determined Contribution Implementation Plan in the presence of key figures including Deputy Prime Minister Temesgen Tiruneh, ministers, heads of federal and regional institutions, and delegates from various international bodies.

During his address, Temesgen underscored Ethiopia’s acute vulnerability to climate change-induced phenomena, particularly recurring droughts and floods.

He stressed the imperative for robust global collaboration to counter this pervasive threat, which disproportionately impacts developing nations.

”Ethiopia is a country that believes practical responses are necessary to solve problems sustainably. Climate change cannot be addressed through speeches and discourses alone. It requires taking concrete
actions. Ethiopia is implementing policies and strategies that bring about tangible changes.”

The Deputy Prime Minister emphasized Ethiopia’s unwavering commitment to this cause, citing recent successful initiatives, with special focus on the country’s green legacy initiative. He noted that Ethiopia is implementing a diverse array of measures to combat climate change, yielding concrete and measurable outcomes.

As a testament to this commitment, Temesgen referenced Ethiopia’s Nationally Determined Contribution, voluntary climate change response plan, aligned with the Paris Climate Agreement and set to run through 2030.

The Deputy PM also outlined the nation’s ambitious 30-year strategy for sustainable economic growth and reduced carbon emissions.

”The Green Legacy Initiative demonstrates our desire to develop alongside neighboring countries and our policy-backed approach in action. This year’s Green Legacy program officially began a few weeks ago.”

He called upon all relevant stakeholders and developmen
t partners who love Ethiopia to provide their usual support and participation in the implementing the initiative extending gratitude and respect to all Ethiopians, development partners, civil society members, private sectors, various sections of society, and friends of Ethiopia for their active support and participation in the initiative since its inception.

Temesgen elucidated that climate-resilient green economic development forms a cornerstone of Ethiopia’s decennial development plan. He further explained that the country’s green legacy initiative is being executed in a manner that fosters regional development and mutual benefits with neighboring nations.

Reflecting on Ethiopia’s demonstrated global commitment, exemplified by the planting of over 32 billion seedlings in the past few years through extensive public mobilization, Temesgen urged universal participation in ensuring the success of this year’s green legacy initiative.

”The government has a plan to ensure our country’s sustainable and green gr
owth by addressing the impacts of climate change. This is reflected in our 10-year development plan, which prioritizes building a climate-resilient green economy.”

According to the Deputy PM, one of Ethiopia’s main concrete steps to combat climate change and achieve green development is the Green Legacy Initiative.

“This program, which began five years ago, aimed to plant seedlings over four years. In just the past year, we have achieved remarkable success by planting over 32 billion seedlings, impressing the world.”

Minister of Planning and Development, Fitsum Assefa, elaborated on Ethiopia’s multifaceted approach to addressing climate change. She noted that in fulfilling its international obligations, Ethiopia has revised and submitted its voluntary national climate change response plan to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change two years prior.

The ambitious revised plan targets a 68.8 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. Fitsum emphasized that the implementation program showca
ses Ethiopia’s dedication to fulfilling its national, continental, and global responsibilities in an integrated manner, while reinforcing the country’s exemplary efforts.

”Setting goals and objectives is the first step. The real challenge lies in achieving these goals. To translate the objectives outlined in our Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) into concrete actions on the ground, we have prepared this NDC implementation plan after extensive consultation with relevant stakeholders over the past year.”

This plan addresses all sectors that are highly vulnerable to climate change and are major sources of greenhouse gas emissions, including agriculture and forestry, water and energy, transport, industry, urban development and infrastructure, mining, and health. It outlines various policies, strategies, and programs related to these sectors, Fisum explained.

She also highlighted the pivotal role of seasonal irrigated wheat development programs in bolstering resilience against climate change impacts. In
the energy sector, the minister reported Ethiopia’s strategic focus on renewable alternatives, underpinned by a clear and forward-thinking policy framework.

This enhanced version elevates the original text by employing more sophisticated vocabulary, improving narrative flow, and presenting the information in a more engaging and professional manner, while maintaining the core content and message.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency