ECOWAS capacity-building workshop on human security ends in Accra

A three-day ECOWAS capacity-building workshop for multi-stakeholders on Protection and Human Security Integrated Coordination Mechanism (ECO-PHSICM) has ended in Accra.

The Workshop sought to equip participants to develop a roadmap to improve human security, curb human trafficking, violent extremism, and terrorism in West Africa.

Madam Neematu Ziblim Adam, the Director Regional Integration Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration, in her closing remarks, expressed confidence that the knowledge gained, and the experiences shared during the workshop would strengthen their collective efforts towards protecting human security and promoting sustainable development.

She said although there were outstanding issues that required more systematic research to aid our knowledge and efforts, they had understood the roles and functions of the National Centre for Coordination of Early Warning and Response Mechanism (NCCRM), the Office of the Resident Representative and the ECOWAS National Office in Ghana towards integrated human development.

‘Thus, we would leverage the needed research and their outcomes, our respective institutional efforts and that of these Offices in our quest to achieve better coordination and efficiency in the human security response landscape of Ghana,’ she stated.

She noted the need to have International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and International Human Rights Law (IHRL) mainstreamed in all the educational curriculum from primary to tertiary institutions

There is also the need to improve funding for institutions to resolve human security issues that arise on Gender-Based Violence, Trafficking In Person, Child Protection and the effective use of traditional authorities and strategic communication in the fulfillment of duties.

Madam Adam expressed the hope that the implementation of the conclusions and recommendations from the workshop and the eventual establishment of the Office of the ECOWAS Protection and Human Security Integrated Coordination Mechanism in Ghana, would help address Ghana’s human security and protection challenges.

‘Let us take this momentum forward and continue to engage in constructive dialogue and collaboration to address the complex challenges facing our communities and nation,’ she said.

‘Together, we can make a meaningful impact towards achieving our shared goals of human security and sustainable development.’

Mr Olayemi Olatunde, the Head of Trafficking in Persons Unit (TIP), commended the participants for showing interest and contributing immensely to the workshop.

He was hopeful that the road map adopted during the discussions would be implemented for the betterment of the sub-region.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Be wary of false prophets, Pastor cautions Christians

Reverend Daniel Gidisu, Resident Pastor, Mount Zion Assembly of the Great Commission Church International (GCCI) has asked Christians to be wary of false prophets, parading themselves in name of God to defraud unsuspecting people.

He said some of these false prophets were using pulpits and electronic media such as television to deceive members of the unsuspecting public.

Rev. Gidisu gave the caution in his homily at the ongoing four-day Easter Convention of the GCCI Maranatha Assembly in Tema on the theme: ‘Reaching Out to the Lost Souls like Jesus.’

Speaking on the topic, ‘Enduring in the Last Days’, Rev. Gidisu reiterated that in the last days, false christs and false prophets would be on the increase.

He said a sound knowledge and understanding of the Bible would empower believers to expose the false prophets and teachers.

He noted that there was a distinction between genuine men of God and false prophets; saying, ‘by their fruits ye shall know them.’

Rev. Gidisu urged Christians to take their salvation in Christ very seriously and to engage themselves in productive activities to earn a living.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Traditional leader urges informal sector workers to join tier-three pensions

Nana Akrapim Baffo Agyentaduahene IV, the Paramount Chief of the Nkoranza Traditional Area in the Bono East Region, has urged artisanal workers to register and join pension schemes for their own good.

He said pensions did not only provide financial security for the aged, but also help the aged live stress and depression free lives.

He said the aged required stress-free life to live longer and achieve their goals and aspirations.

The Paramount Chief gave the advice when personnel of the Bono Zonal office of the National Pensions Regulatory Authority (NPRA) paid a courtesy call on the traditional council at Nkoranza.

The personnel of the Authority were in the area to sensitize artisanal workers on the pensions scheme designed for informal sector workers.

About 280 artisans, including hairdressers, dressmakers, tailors, mechanics and carpenters and farmers, attended the day’s sensitization workshop aimed to inspire them to join the pension scheme.

‘Life without pensions is always difficult for aged, particularly those who spent their life time to work in the informal sector and everybody must capitalize on the tier-three scheme and join the pensions,’ Nana Agyentaduahene IV stated.

He commended the government and the NPRA for the introduction of the tier-three pension scheme and entreated those who had not registered to do so for future benefit.

Mr William Ohene-Adjei, the Bono zonal Head of the NPRA, said the tier-three Penisons was designed for all workers, including farmers and petty traders.

‘We are, therefore, in the area to introduce and encourage workers in the informal sector to join and enjoy the benefits too,’ he stated.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Sekondi – Takoradi Catholic Diocese launches Synod on youth

The Catholic Diocese of Sekondi-Takoradi has launched a Diocesan Synod on the youth on the theme: ‘Building a synodal church :The role of the catholic youth.’

The synod which is scheduled to take place from October 31, 2023 to November 5, 2023 was launched by most Reverend Bishop John Baptist Attakruh, bishop of the Sekondi – Takoradi Diocese at the Our Lady of Sea Cathedral in Takoradi.

The launch also formed part of the celebration of Easter which marked the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ some 2000 year ago.

The church was filled to capacity with many of the parishioners clad in white clothes, society and association uniforms to signify their joy.

Bishop Attakru, highlighting the dwindling number of the catholic population in the Diocese to, social media, miracles, wealth, school, employment and marriages, noted that effect youth formation and ministry were essential components of pastoral ministry.

He indicated that the synod would help the Diocese to better respond and address the challenges facing the Catholic church in the Diocese.

He called on the clergy, religious and lay faithful especially the youth to actively participate in the preparation of the synod.

The Bishop commended the Diocesan synod on the youth to the patronage of Mary, ‘Star of the sea’ and asked that the synod prayer should always be prayed in all catholic churches in the diocese to ensure the success of the synod.

He also established a synod Preparatory Commission to oversee the planning and celebration of the synod

Earlier in a sermon Bishop Attakruh, told Christians especially catholics, not to let the sacrifices and sufferings Jesus went through some 2000 years ago for the salvation of mankind to be in vain.

He said Christian should get closer to the Lord by studying the scriptures always and putting them into practice.

The Bishop urged catholics to be each other keeper and endeavour to show love and care especially to the needy, ‘for that is what Jesus stood for’ .

He said the celebration of Easter Sunday should not end the forty days they prepared for Easter and urged them to continue pray to ensure peace, love, togatherness and reconciliation in their lives.

Four people were baptized.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Mekelle, Aksum, Adigrate, & Raya Universities Making Preparations to Resume Classes

The presidents of Mekele, Aksum, Adigrate, and Raya Universities disclosed that they are making the necessary preparations to restart education.

The conflict in the northern part of Ethiopia has incurred devastating damages in Tigray, Amhara and Afar regions. Universities are among the facilities affected due to the conflict.

Following the peace agreement made between the federal government and TPLF, several social services have been restored.

Thanks to the efforts made by the government and other stakeholders, Universities of Wollo, Woldia, and Mekdela Amba have now been rehabilitated and resumed classes.

Similarly, Mekele, Aksum, Adigrate, and Raya Universities have been carrying out the necessary preparations to restart education.

Adigrat University president, Dr. Zaid Negash appreciated the efforts being made by federal government to resume education following the peace agreement.

He stressed the need to accelerating the teaching and learning process and sustaining the peace.

Mekelle University Research and Community Services Vice President Dr. Birhanu Hadush on his part said that in spite of the damages, there are chances that would enable the University to resume education stressing the need to get authorization and required budget from the ministry of education to provide the necessary inputs.

Samara University President, Dr. Mehamed Usman said the damage incurred on the Universities is a big loss for the whole country emphasizing that rehabilitating the institutions and making them ready for service is the responsibility of all Ethiopians.

Addis Ababa University and Government Universities Consultation Forum President, Professor Tassew Woldehanna said a scientific solution supported by knowledge and research is essential ensure sustainable peace and development in the country.

Therefore, it is essential to let students restart their education and strengthen the peaceful teaching and learning process of higher education institutions to produce qualified and competitive graduates, Professor Tassew underscored.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Shai-Osudoku MP implores delegates to retain her in primaries

Madam Linda Obenewa Akweley Ocloo, the National Democratic Congress Member of Parliament (MP) for the Shai-Osudoku Constituency, has implored Party delegates to vote her back as their candidate to continue her good work.

She said: ‘I believe in a democracy that does not resort to insults and attacks, our democracy must be matured, we must avoid politics of threats, attacks and lies against innocent persons just to deceive voters for votes’.

Madam Ocloo made the appeal at the launch of her campaign at Dodowa Wedokum in the Shai-Osudoku District after successfully going through the Greater Accra Regional vetting process of the Party to contest in the parliamentary primaries slated for Saturday, May 13 this year.

She urged party members to build a solid Party on the foundations of oneness, togetherness and love.

She also entreated the delegates not to tolerate persons seeking to create division among them because ‘division brews hatred and acrimony’.

?Madam Ocloo, reminded the?party faithful of her stewardship which she carried out gallantly through the many socio-economic projects she had provided.

?She mentioned some of her achievements in education and health sectors as including the provision of classroom infrastructure for many schools in the constituency as well as lobbying for the construction of a health facility at Odumase.

?’We have connected more communities to the national grid than ever before under the rural electrification project, with more work ongoing to complete some of the rural electrification projects and?water facilities’ extended to communities,’ she added.

?Madam Ocloo observed that despite the many successes achieved, the constituents were still having some developmental challenges, but assured they would collectively fight to address those challenges.

?She urged the delegates?to vote for her, because ‘the 2024 general election is not going to be based on experiment, but on experience and competence.’

Madam Ocloo is in the contest with David Tetteh Assumeng who served as MP of the constituency from 2005 to 2017 and Dr. Michael Kpessah White, a former presidential staffer and a former Executive Director of the National Service Scheme as opponent.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Christian forgiveness is an amazing thing – Presbyterian Minister

Reverend Charlemagne Osae Aryee, the Pastor in charge of the Calvary Presbyterian Church of Ghana at Ashalley Botwe, has recommended the act of forgiveness as the greatest of all practices in Christianity.

He said those who practiced the act must not be seen as being weak, but their actions ought to inspire others to emulate, which often resulted in peace and unity.

Rev. Aryee, who made the recommendation in his Easter message to the church, said the Holy Bible in Acts 7:60, showed that there was nothing so loving as extending genuine love towards one another and forgiving as well.

He spoke on the theme: ‘Dying with the Lord,’ and stated that the unbelievers think the story of Jesus Christ was a joke and had no place in the life of man.

He referred to John 19:16-37, saying, ‘the blood and water that came out of his rib when he was pierced on his side means that indeed he gave us His body, and that makes him both physical and spiritual.’

‘When bitterness sets in and stirs up anger within us, we should just remember what Paul said in Ephesians 4:32, that we should be kind-hearted and forgive one another as Christ did,’ he added.

Rev. Aryee encouraged Christians to help one another and eschew hate because Christ exhibited such love by dying on the cross and the Lord was now calling on all humanity to forgive as they commemorated Easter in memory of his death on the Cross to atone for the sins of man, and his resurrection from the dead.

The essence of Easter, he said, was the salvation that was purchased for mankind through the blood of Jesus shed on the cross and urged believers of the doctrine of Jesus Christ to go out and preach the gospel to the lost and snatch their souls from the eternal condemnation that awaited all sinners.

Mr James Ako Nunoo, the Catechist of the Church, also spoke on the ‘Seven Words on the Cross,’ saying ‘we must acknowledge the calling of Christ, live in accordance with his words, and talk less when we are being corrected of our actions.’

He noted that the significance of the death of Jesus Christ must generate good testimonies in all those who believed in His resurrection too and encouraged all believers to hold fast to their faith.

Source: Ghana News Agency