Da Mineração à Tribuna: a Sotheby’s Irá Leiloar Uma das Maiores Descobertas em Joias do Século

Estrela de Fura 55.22 carats_ Ruby (1)


Estrela de Fura, Ruby 55.22 carats
Estrela de Fura 55.22 carats_ Ruby (2)


Estrela de Fura, Ruby 55.22 carats
Estrela de Fura 55.22 carats_ Ruby (3)


Estrela de Fura, Ruby 55.22 carats

Estrela de Fura 55,22 quilates




Já em seu estado bruto, o Estrela de Fura mostrou suas extraordinárias características de qualidade, com potencial para tornar-se uma gema única.
O lapidador conseguiu perceber este potencial e criou um rubi facetado, com um peso surpreendente de 55,22 quilates, exibindo uma cor vermelha saturada e homogênea, combinada com um grau de transparência nunca visto em qualquer outro rubi não submetido a tratamento térmico de tamanho comparável.
Ver um rubi natural deste tamanho, com uma combinação de características de qualidade como essa sem necessidade de tratamento, era considerado algo quase inimaginável.
O rubi natural de 55,22 quilates estabelece um novo recorde, não apenas para rubis de Moçambique, como também para rubis em geral.”
O Gübelin Gem Lab

NOVA YORK, April 07, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Quando a FURA Gems anunciou o achado histórico do maior rubi do mundo com qualidade de gema jamais visto, em setembro de 2022, as notícias dominaram as manchetes do mundo inteiro, provocando um tremendo entusiasmo e pegando o mercado de gemas de surpresa. Descoberto na mina de rubis da FURA em Montepuez, Moçambique, em julho de 2022, a pedra preciosa – pesando surpreendentes 101 quilates – foi posteriormente batizada como Estrela de FURA, em homenagem à sua extraordinária profundidade de cor e tamanho, e para destacar Moçambique como uma próspera fonte de rubis de qualidade superior. Mesmo em seu estado bruto e intocado, a Estrela de FURA foi considerada por especialistas como um tesouro excepcional da natureza por sua fluorescência, excelente clareza e tom vermelho vívido, conhecido como “sangue de pombo” – uma cor tradicionalmente associada apenas a rubis birmaneses.

Agora, sete meses após sua estreia inicial, quando o martelo foi batido no lote final do The Exceptional Luxury Evening Auction, em Hong Kong, as especulações sobre o paradeiro do rubi foram finalmente postas de lado quando o leiloeiro da Sotheby’s, Uni Kim, revelou oficialmente o Estrela de FURA de 55,22 para o mundo. Pesando consideráveis 55,22 quilates, esta joia moçambicana excepcionalmente importante e rara é o maior rubi com qualidade de gema já leiloado. Sua combinação de rica saturação de cor, intocada pelo tratamento térmico, aparência altamente cristalina e tamanho incomparável – com uma estimativa superior a US$ 30 milhões – coloca o Estrela de FURA 55,22 como o rubi mais valioso e importante que já chegou ao mercado.

Após uma série inicial de estudos do cristal bruto de 101 quilates para determinar as opções de corte no início do ano, o Estrela de FURA foi magistralmente cortado e facetado por uma equipe de artesãos – com a parte áspera transformada em uma bela pedra em formato de almofada, a qual, de acordo com um relatório do Swiss Gemmological Institute – SSEF, “resultou em matizes vermelhos vívidos devido a múltiplas reflexões internas”. O relatório afirma ainda que “um rubi natural de Moçambique deste tamanho e qualidade pode ser considerado muito raro, e portanto, um extraordinário tesouro da natureza”. A joia acima mencionada é profundamente rica em cromo, que, quando exposto à luz ultravioleta (como a encontrada na luz solar) faz com que a pedra irradie uma fluorescência vermelha ardente, aumentando ainda mais a sua vivacidade, como se estivesse acesa por dentro.

Estrela de Fura 55,22 quilates

O rubi se tornou uma das pedras preciosas coloridas mais procuradas em um momento no qual a cor domina o mundo das joias e a raridade impulsiona o mercado. Rubis dessa importância e magnitude são extremamente raros, com apenas dois exemplos tendo rompido a barreira de US$ 15 milhões em leilão, tornando a aparição da joia atual um marco em si. O Gübelin Gem Lab afirma ainda que o rubi “estabelece um novo recorde, não apenas para rubis de Moçambique, mas também para rubis em geral”. O Estrela de FURA 55,22 está pronto para fazer história, já que está prestes a superar o The Sunrise Ruby (O Rubi do Nascer do Sol), um rubi de 25,59 quilates de origem birmanesa, vendido por US$ 30,3 milhões (US$ 1.185.451 por quilate) na Sotheby’s de Genebra, em 2015, e ainda detém o recorde mundial de leilão de um rubi*.

A nova jornada da pedra começa hoje, na Sotheby’s Hong Kong, onde ela embarcará em uma turnê mundial, com exposições programadas em Taipei, China, Singapura, Genebra e Dubai (todas as datas do calendário serão informadas em ocasião oportuna), antes de estrelar no leilão Magnificent Jewels da Sotheby’ s, em Nova York, em 8 de junho.


A descoberta milagrosa, no ano passado, do rubi Estrela de FURA de 101 quilates na mina de FURA, em Moçambique, foi de imensa importância, surpreendendo todos os integrantes do mercado de joias. Agora, em seu estado recém-transformado de 55,22 quilates, o Estrela de FURA 55,22, é uma verdadeira maravilha da natureza, e uma pedra extraordinária de cor perfeita e clareza excepcional, combinadas com sua magnífica forma de almofada. O rubi está, sem dúvida, em uma posição privilegiada para se tornar o porta-estandarte dos rubis africanos e das pedras preciosas em geral, atraindo a atenção global para a sua capacidade de rivalizar, e até mesmo ofuscar, as gemas da Birmânia, que têm sido tradicionalmente a fonte mais desejável e reconhecida de rubis”, afirma Quig Bruning, Diretor da Sotheby’s Jewelry nas Américas.

Nós, da FURA, estamos extremamente orgulhosos por encontrarmos o Estrela de FURA ainda no início da nossa jornada moçambicana. Pedras preciosas importantes, como o Estrela de FURA, são extremamente raras, e um rubi lindamente facetado de 55,22 quilates com qualidade de gema é quase inédito. Desde a análise minuciosa e estudo da pedra – ao longo do processo de corte e polimento -, trabalhamos com o máximo de cuidado e respeito pelo Rubi, reconhecendo a sua importância e proeminência. Testemunhar a finalização do Estrela de FURA 55,22 foi uma conquista monumental para todos nós, e estamos entusiasmados que uma nova página na história desta incrível joia e dos rubis moçambicanos esteja prestes a ser escrita com a Sotheby’s,” declara Dev Shetty, Fundador e CEO da FURA Gems.



A mineração de rubis em Moçambique tem uma longa e rica história, com as primeiras descobertas significativas de depósitos de rubi no país que remontam à década de 1960. No entanto, foi apenas no começo dos anos 2000 que a mineração de rubis em Moçambique ganhou impulso real, com a descoberta do depósito de rubis de Montepuez, na parte norte do país, onde o cristal bruto do Estrela de FURA foi originalmente encontrado. Os melhores destes rubis de Moçambique são caracterizados por uma destacada transparência e riqueza de cor, resultando em extraordinária qualidade geral. O depósito de rubis de Montepuez é um dos maiores depósitos de rubis do mundo, atraindo um interesse significativo de empresas internacionais de mineração.



*O atual recorde mundial para um rubi vendido em leilão é mantido pelo ‘Sunrise Ruby‘, uma pedra birmanesa de 25,59 quilates, leiloada na Sotheby’s de Genebra em maio de 2015, por US$ 30,3 milhões. O seu preço também estabeleceu um novo recorde para qualquer rubi, por quilate (US$ 1.185.451 por quilate), na época.



A FURA Gems Inc. é uma jovem empresa de mineração e comercialização de pedras preciosas coloridas criada em 2017. Com sede em Dubai, Emirados Árabes Unidos, a FURA tem mais de 1.200 funcionários em todos os continentes. É o primeiro empreendimento verdadeiramente pioneiro, criativo e ético a cobrir todo o espectro de pedras preciosas coloridas.

A FURA tem três subsidiárias operacionais de mineração na Colômbia, Moçambique e Austrália, as quais extraem esmeraldas, rubis e safiras, respectivamente. É a empresa de mineração de pedras preciosas coloridas que mais cresce, com o único objetivo de garantir a estabilidade e a rastreabilidade de pedras preciosas coloridas eticamente extraídas, desde o estado bruto até a venda.

A FURA Gems alocará uma parte dos lucros da venda para a criação da Fura Training Academy (Academia de Formação Fura), para apoiar a comunidade onde ela opera, em Moçambique.

O objetivo principal é promover o acesso à educação de qualidade e treinamento técnico para a população local em diferentes fluxos de trabalho, como mineração, carpintaria, engenharia e agricultura, para proporcionar a eles uma renda sustentável. www.furagems.com



Fundada em 1744, a Sotheby’s é o principal destino do mundo de artigos de arte e luxo. A Sotheby’s promove o acesso e a aquisição de objetos extraordinários de arte e luxo por meio de leilões e canais de compra, incluindo vendas privadas, comércio eletrônico e varejo. Nosso mercado global confiável é apoiado por uma plataforma de tecnologia líder do setor e uma rede de especialistas abrangendo 40 países e 70 categorias, que incluem Arte Contemporânea, Arte Moderna e Impressionista, Grandes Mestres, Obras de Arte Chinesas, Joias, Relógios, Vinhos e Bebidas Destiladas e Design, bem como imóveis e carros para colecionadores. A Sotheby’s acredita no poder transformador da arte e da cultura e está empenhada em tornar os nossos setores mais inclusivos, sustentáveis e colaborativos.







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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000802932

De la mine au forum : Sotheby’s va mettre aux enchères l’une des plus grandes découvertes de pierres précieuses du siècle

Estrela de Fura 55.22 carats_ Ruby (1)


Estrela de Fura, Ruby 55.22 carats
Estrela de Fura 55.22 carats_ Ruby (2)


Estrela de Fura, Ruby 55.22 carats
Estrela de Fura 55.22 carats_ Ruby (3)


Estrela de Fura, Ruby 55.22 carats

Estrela de Fura 55.22 cts




« Déjà à l’état brut, l’Estrela de Fura a montré ses caractéristiques aux qualité extraordinaires et son potentiel à devenir une pierre précieuse unique en son genre.
Le tailleur s’est rendu compte de ce potentiel et a créé un rubis à facettes d’un poids stupéfiant de 55,22 carats, affichant une couleur rouge saturée et homogène, combinée à un degré de clarté jusque-là jamais observé dans d’autres rubis non chauffés de taille comparable.
Trouver un rubis naturel de cette taille, avec une telle combinaison de caractéristiques de qualité, sans besoin de traitement, était considéré comme presque inimaginable.
Le rubis naturel de 55,22 carats établit un nouveau record, non seulement pour les rubis mozambicains, mais également pour les rubis en général. »
Laboratoire Gübelin Gem

NEW YORK, 07 avr. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Lorsque FURA Gems a annoncé sa découverte historique du plus grand rubis de qualité gemme jamais découvert en septembre 2022, cette nouvelle a dominé les unes des journaux du monde entier, suscitant un incroyable enthousiasme, et prenant d’assaut le marché des pierres précieuses. Découverte dans la mine de rubis de FURA à Montepuez, au Mozambique, en juillet 2022, la pierre précieuse – pesant 101 carats – a ensuite été nommée Estrela de FURA (étoile de FURA en portugais), en clin d’œil à la profondeur exceptionnelle de sa couleur et à sa taille, et pour mettre en lumière le Mozambique en tant que riche source de rubis de qualité supérieure. Même dans son état brut et intact, Estrela de FURA était considérée par les experts comme un trésor exceptionnel de la nature pour sa fluorescence, sa clarté exceptionnelle et sa teinte rouge vif, connue sous le nom de « sang de pigeon » – une couleur traditionnellement associée uniquement aux rubis birmans.

Maintenant, sept mois après sa découverte, alors que le maillet s’abaissait pour le dernier lot d’une soirée exceptionnelle de mise aux enchères de produits de luxe à Hong Kong, les spéculations sur l’endroit où était gardé le rubis ont finalement trouvé réponse lorsque le commissaire-priseur de Sotheby’s, Uni Kim, a officiellement dévoilé Estrela de FURA 55.22 au monde entier. Pesant 55,22 carats, ce joyau exceptionnel et rare du Mozambique est le plus gros rubis de qualité gemme jamais mis aux enchères. La combinaison de l’intensité de sa couleur, vierge de tout traitement thermique, de son aspect incroyablement cristallin et de sa taille incomparable — avec une estimation à plus de 30 millions de dollars — fait d’Estrela de FURA 55.22 le rubis le plus précieux et le plus important jamais mis sur le marché.

Après une première série d’études sur le cristal brut de 101 carats pour déterminer les options de coupe au début de l’année, Estrela de FURA a été magistralement taillée et facettée par une équipe d’artisans — la pierre brute a été transformée en une belle pierre taillée en coussin, qui, selon un rapport de l’Institut suisse de gemmologie (SSEF), « a donné des teintes rouge vif en raison de multiples reflets internes ». « Un rubis naturel du Mozambique decette taille et de cette qualité peut être considéré comme très rare et donc comme un trésor exceptionnel de la nature ». Le joyau susmentionné est incroyablement riche en chrome qui, lorsqu’il est exposé à la lumière ultraviolette — comme on le trouve dans la lumière du soleil — conduit la pierre à rayonner une fluorescence couleur rouge ardent, accroissant encore l’éclat de la pierre, comme si elle était éclairée de l’intérieur.

Estrela de Fura 55.22 cts

Le rubis est devenu l’une des pierres précieuses colorées les plus recherchées, à une époque où la couleur domine le monde des bijoux et où la rareté stimule le marché. Les rubis de cette importance et de cette ampleur sont extrêmement rares. Seuls deux exemplaires ont déjà franchi la barre des 15 millions de dollars aux enchères, faisant de l’apparition du joyau actuel un événement historique en soi. Le Laboratoire Gübelin Gem indique en outre que le rubis « établit un nouveau record non seulement pour les rubis mozambicains, mais aussi pour les rubis en général ». Estrela de FURA 55.22 est sur le point d’entrer dans l’histoire alors qu’elle s’apprête à dépasser le Sunrise Ruby, un rubis de 25,59 carats d’origine birmane, qui s’est vendu pour 30,3 millions de dollars (1 185 451 dollars par carat) chez Sotheby’s à Genève en 2015, et qui détient toujours le record mondial de vente aux enchères pour un rubis*.

Le nouveau voyage de la pierre commence aujourd’hui à Sotheby’s Hong Kong, avant d’entamer une tournée mondiale, avec des expositions prévues à Taipei, en Chine, à Singapour, à Genève et à Dubaï (les dates complètes seront publiées en temps opportun) avant de participer à la vente aux enchères Sotheby’s Magnificent Jewels à New York le 8 juin.


« La découverte miraculeuse l’année dernière du rubis Estrela de FURA de 101 carats dans la mine de FURA au Mozambique a été d’une immense importance, choquant toutes les personnes intéressées par le monde de la bijouterie. Aujourd’hui, dans son état nouvellement transformé de 55,22 carats, Estrela de FURA 55.22, est une véritable merveille de la nature et une pierre sensationnelle de couleur parfaite et de clarté exceptionnelle, combinée à une superbe forme en coussin. Ce rubis est sans aucun doute en lice pour devenir le porte-étendard des rubis africains — et des pierres précieuses en général, sensibilisant le monde entier à leur capacité à égaler, et même à surpasser, ceux de Birmanie, qui ont traditionnellement été la source la plus désirable et la plus reconnaissable de rubis », déclare Quig Bruning, directeur de Sotheby’s Jewelry, Amériques.

« Chez FURA, nous sommes extrêmement fiers de la découverte d’Estrela de FURA à un stade aussi précoce de notre voyage au Mozambique. Les pierres précieuses importantes, telles que l’Estrela de FURA, sont extrêmement rares, et un rubis de qualité gemme à facettes de 55,22 carats est presque inédit. Depuis l’analyse et l’étude approfondies de la pierre jusqu’au processus de taille et de polissage, nous avons travaillé avec le plus grand soin et le plus grand respect pour le rubis, conscients de son importance et de sa stature. Assister à la finalisation de l’Estrela de FURA 55.22 a été une réussite monumentale pour nous tous, et nous sommes ravis qu’une nouvelle page de l’histoire de ce joyau incroyable, et des rubis mozambicains, soit sur le point d’être écrite avec Sotheby’s », déclare Dev Shetty, fondateur et PDG de FURA Gems.



L’extraction de rubis au Mozambique a une longue et riche histoire, et les premières découvertes importantes de gisements de rubis dans le pays remontent aux années 1960. Cependant, ce n’est qu’au début des années 2000 que l’extraction des rubis au Mozambique a pris un véritable essor, avec la découverte du gisement de rubis de Montepuez dans la partie nord du pays, où le cristal brut d’Estrela de FURA a été découvert. Les meilleurs rubis du Mozambique se caractérisent par une transparence exceptionnelle et une couleur riche, ce qui leur confère une qualité globale. Le gisement de rubis de Montepuez est l’un des plus grands gisements de rubis au monde et suscite l’intérêt de sociétés minières internationales.



* Le record du monde actuel pour un rubis vendu aux enchères est détenu par le « Sunrise Ruby », une pierre birmane de 25,59 carats, qui a été vendue aux enchères chez Sotheby’s à Genève en mai 2015 pour 30,3 millions de dollars. À l’époque, ce prix établissait également un nouveau record pour tout carat de rubis (1 185 451 $ par carat).



Créée en 2017, FURA Gems Inc. est une société spécialisée dans l’extraction et la commercialisation de pierres précieuses de couleur. Basée à Dubaï, aux Émirats arabes unis, FURA compte plus de 1 200 employés sur tous les continents. Il s’agit de la première entreprise pionnière, créative et éthique à couvrir l’ensemble de la gamme des pierres précieuses de couleur.

FURA possède trois filiales minières en Colombie, au Mozambique et en Australie qui extraient respectivement des émeraudes, des rubis et des saphirs. Il s’agit de la société d’extraction de pierres précieuses de couleur qui connaît la plus forte croissance, tout en assurant la stabilité et la traçabilité des pierres précieuses de couleur extraites de manière éthique, depuis l’état brut à la commercialisation de la pierre.

FURA Gems allouera une partie du produit de la vente à la création de la Fura Training Academy, afin de soutenir la communauté dans laquelle elle opère au Mozambique.

L’objectif principal est de promouvoir l’accès à une éducation qualifiée et à une formation technique pour la population locale dans différents domaines d’activité tels que l’exploitation minière, la menuiserie, l’ingénierie et l’agriculture, afin de leur fournir un revenu durable. www.furagems.com



Maison fondée en 1744, Sotheby’s est la première destination mondiale pour l’art et le luxe. Sotheby’s favorise l’accès et la possession d’œuvres d’art et d’objets de luxe exceptionnels par le biais de ventes aux enchères et de canaux d’achat immédiat, y compris les ventes privées, le commerce électronique et la vente au détail. Notre marché mondial de confiance s’appuie sur une plate-forme technologique de pointe et un réseau de spécialistes couvrant 40 pays et 70 catégories, dont l’art contemporain, l’art moderne et impressionniste, les maîtres anciens, les œuvres d’art chinoises, les bijoux, les montres, les vins et spiritueux et le design, ainsi que les voitures de collection et les biens immobiliers. Sotheby’s croit au pouvoir transformateur de l’art et de la culture et s’engage à rendre nos industries plus inclusives, durables et collaboratives.




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New Gadget To Boost Maternal Health

Nakuru’s fight to reduce maternal and child mortality has received a major boost with the introduction of a modern Point of Care Ultrasound services (POCUS) equipment for use in remote and resource-poor areas.

The Sh. 49.5 million programme between the County Government and Kenyatta University is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

County Executive Committee Member (CECM) in charge of Health services Ms Jacqueline Osoro said the technology will be a decisive step in combating maternal and child mortality in the devolved unit.

According to the 2014 Kenya Demographic and Health Survey, the national Maternal Mortality Ratio is currently at 362 deaths per 100,000 live births.

An ultrasound scan is a machine that uses high-frequency sound waves to create images showing the inside of the body.

The CECM disclosed that through the partnership, 99 healthcare workers at the primary level across the county have been equipped with the skills to perform and interpret basic obstetric ultrasound diagnostic tests, enabling timely interventions and promoting decision-making and management.

She explained ‘With the provision of 99 probes and iPads, valued at Sh 49.5 million, training, and equipping of 99 healthcare workers, we are confident that this project will have a significant impact on maternal health outcomes in Nakuru County. The trained cohort included nurse midwives, clinical officers, radiographers, and medical officers in all health facilities,’

The CECM went on, ‘this initiative, aligns with the World Health Organization’s (WHO) recommendation that every mother should have an ultrasound scan by 24 weeks of gestation,’

The ultrasound equipment has been designed for emergency departments and urgent care centres, as well as other clinical settings, and will operate from a compatible smart device connected to an ultrasound transducer.

Ms Osoro said the ultrasound would ease the process of pregnancy monitoring and diagnosis of related complications during home visits by healthcare workers and volunteers.

According to the CECM ultrasound scans are used to assess the baby’s development. An expectant mother with a normal pregnancy should go for at least one scan within the gestation period, she said.

For effective monitoring of a normal pregnancy, Ms Osoro indicated that the scan should ideally be done during the first trimester, between 18 and 26 to 30 weeks. The requirements are, however, different if doctors suspect that a pregnancy could be having complications.

‘For a complicated pregnancy, the mother needs at least three scans, with the first at eight to 11 weeks, the second at 21 to 28 weeks and the third one at 31 weeks,’ the CECM pointed out.

Ms Osoro said they are working on improving maternal health facilities and creating awareness at the grassroots on the importance of getting specialized care to ensure that they get 70 per cent live births by 2030.

She disclosed that to decongest the Mother and Child unit at the Nakuru Teaching and Referral Hospital (NTRH) they have decentralized services by equipping sub-county hospitals to offer maternity services.

‘In our bid to offer quality services we started offering maternity health services in sub-county hospitals. We have Bondeni and Ronda maternity Hospitals among others that offer services to people within these areas. This has reduced the distance that a mother from Kaptembwa Estate was supposed to take to NTRH,’ the CECM said.

Ms Osoro indicated that in the past four years, Nakuru County has managed to reduce its maternal mortality rate by nearly 50 per cent, thanks to its investments in infrastructure and technologies.

Statistics from the county’s health department show that maternal deaths dropped from 374 per 100,000 live births in 2017 to about 100 per 100,000 in January 2022.

The decline in deaths, in a county that was known for its high maternal deaths, is linked to improvements made in health facilities, including revamping maternity hospitals, and availability of enough staff and equipment to provide effective services to mothers and babies.

Ms Osoro observed that to give expectant mothers quality services and hope and reduce maternal mortality, the county government was channeling millions of shillings into revitalizing the facilities.

For instance, the county has revamped and equipped Bondeni Hospital, the oldest maternity centre in Nakuru East, to a Level Four facility.

More than 40 years old, the facility serves mothers from informal settlements that include Kivumbini, Lake View, Kwa Rhoda, Kaptembwa, Flamingo, Kaloleni and Bondeni.

Bondeni Hospital was set up in 1952 to take care of African women living on the south side of the railway in Nakuru city.

It was purely a maternity hospital but previously did not admit first-time mothers as it could not handle complications that could arise.

In 2017, the facility was upgraded to a Level Four hospital and allocated its own budget. Expectant mothers from remote areas of the county, including in sub-counties like Kuresoi South, Kuresoi North, Subukia and Molo, had to seek services at Nakuru Level Five Hospital.

However, this is now a thing of the past, with the revamping of maternity wings in hospitals in Bahati, Molo, Olenguruone, Naivasha and other far-flung areas.

At the Bahati hospital, the Kenya News Agency has established that up to 200 babies are delivered every month, up from about 30 initially.

‘Before the Bahati Sub-County Hospital was given a facelift and equipped better, we used to travel all the way to the Nakuru Level Five Hospital to seek prenatal and postnatal services. However, this has changed and the services are available at the Bahati hospital,’ said a resident Mary Nyambura.

Naivasha Sub-County Hospital also received a Sh330 million facelift. The Sh60 million ultramodern hospital has started offering maternity and surgery services.

The revamped maternity wings in various sub-counties have supplemented the 250-bed capacity Margaret Kenyatta Mother Baby Wing at Nakuru Level Five opened by First Lady Margaret Kenyatta in 2018.

The Sh450 million state-of-the-art maternity wing is the biggest in the larger Rift Valley region, the largest after Nairobi County’s Pumwani Hospital.

It also serves Bomet, Baringo, Narok, Kericho, Samburu, Laikipia and Nyandarua

Counties. Nakuru has also embraced technology to drastically reduce maternal deaths.

The introduction of smart watches that monitor the blood pressure of expectant mothers, for instance, has helped lower maternal deaths.

The devolved unit has partnered with Kabarak University to introduce the technology that monitors and identifies mothers with hypertensive disorders during pregnancies.

The use of smart watches has helped increase surveillance, early detection and identification of women who may develop the condition early enough for management.

‘Nakuru County is determined to drastically reduce maternal deaths. The collaboration has helped reduce cases of women dying from pre-eclampsia and eclampsia, which are among the highest causes of death and complications at delivery,’ Ms Osoro said.

Pre-eclampsia is a disorder characterized by high blood pressure and a protein in the urine causing seizures and loss of consciousness and often leads to eclampsia that causes excessive bleeding and other complications and even death in extreme cases.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Asst. Chief Goes Beyond Call Of Duty To Help Destitute

When he joined the government service as an Assistant Chief, Samuel Indakwa Maero, vowed never to stop his small-time philanthropic activities of visiting the elderly, destitute and sharing whatever little he had.

Much as he thought that the demands of the National Government Administration duty will force him to scale down on the periodic visits he had started three years before his employment as the Assistant Chief for Uhuyi Sub-location in Ruwe location, Ugunja Sub county, Maero was soon to realize that all he needed was to program himself well and create a day for the deprived in the society who had no one to turn to.

Therefore, when he received information from a Community Health Volunteer that one of his subjects had resorted to mixing soil with salt which she would partake and later gulp a cup of water before retiring to bed due to lack of food, Maero vowed that more action was required to bring hope to the destitute, most of them elderly.

When Kenya News Agency caught up with him in his area of jurisdiction, Maero, a father of four, was on a routine visit to some of the deprived.

Accompanied by Community Health Volunteers and village elders, the Administrator was busy washing the feet of those infested with jiggers and help apply medication.

Maero, who is just three years in service, says that he has been forced to set aside a day every week to visit people who need special care, most of them those neglected by families and relatives.

‘During such visits, we show them love by sharing a meal or whatever little we have,’ he said, adding that part of the call include, helping the destitute to wash their clothes, beddings and general cleaning.

Apart from helping the vulnerable with hygiene and other chores, Chief Maero also uses the opportunity to pass government message to the beneficiaries of his philanthropy.

‘Like this lady here, she cannot attend my public baraza to get information and I have to take government message to them during such visits,’ he says.

The Assistant Chief says that each of the destitute families have different challenges that require diverse solutions.

‘Some have been infested with jiggers and for such, I help clean them and apply medication to keep the parasites away,’ he says.

Some, like Mrs. Tabitha Matakwa Weya, who suffers physical deformities, have myriad challenges, among them jigger and bedbug infestation.

Alone and unable to fend for herself due to deformities on her legs and hands, Weya was on the verge of losing the battle for survival when Maero and the CHVs came knocking.

‘She had been abandoned by her only daughter who nobody knows her whereabouts to date and with nothing to eat, Weya had resorted to mixing soil and salt that she would eat,’ said the Assistant Chief.

The Administrator said the incident moved him and since then, he decided to set aside 30 per cent of his monthly salary to cater for her needs and made it a routine to visit her, help in the house chores and provide whatever little he has to the 76-year-old widow, whose husband died some years back.

Another beneficiary of the Assistant Chief’s benevolence is, Joseph Oloo Ogwe, who was rendered immobile by jiggers.

Ogwe says following the infestation and with no one to help; he had lost hope of survival, but ‘Since the Assistant Chief started visiting and helping me wash and apply medication to my feet, I can now move, albeit with difficulty.’

And to Naaman Olaka of Uhuyi of ‘A’ village, the regular visit by the Administrator and the Community Health Volunteers has seen his mother, Margaret Ouma regain her feet.

‘My mother was a hardworking lady and was a renowned farmer in the village, until the jiggers came knocking a year ago,’ says Olaka.

Olaka says that Chief Maero and his team deserve a pat on the back for their efforts to bring hope to the destitute in the society.

Community Health Volunteer, Mrs. Emitati Sarah Mukoya, hailed the Chief’s efforts, saying that he is always there for the down trodden in the community.

Mrs. Mukoya gives an example of mama Weya whom, she adds that needs close attention from well-wishers. The chief always does shopping for her,’ said the CHV.

Her sentiments are echoed by a village elder, Stephen Meta who says that the community is appreciative of their assistant chief’s efforts.

Chief Maero thanks his bosses for support that has enabled him serve the residents of Uhuyi sub location.

He is equally full of praise for the Siaya Governor, James Orengo for donating a wheel chair to mama Weya.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Organization In A Mission To Save Endangered Fish Species

A private fish farm in Homa Bay dubbed, Victory Farms has left no stone unturned in its efforts to restore the population of fish species that are almost non-existent in Lake Victoria.

The Nile tilapia species (Oreochromis Esculentus) locally known as Nyamami which have tremendously declined and nearing extinction, are soon to be re-introduced back into the lake in a move directed towards restoring its population.

The Aquaculture Business Development Programme (ABDP), Homa Bay County Coordinator, Michael Omondi, said Victory Farms intends to culture these fish species in beaches within Kaksingri Ward in Homa Bay, with the help of the Beach Management Units (BMUs).

There were over 13 species of fish in Lake Victoria in the recent past, but with environmental changes and other catalysts, some of these species have totally disappeared.

‘The number of some fish species has reduced to the point of either near extinction or they have probably become extinct. This is because of changes in the environment as well as breeding sites,’ said Omondi.

Before, the fisheries department had its focus only on three major commercials, the Nile perch also called the white gold of Kenya, tilapia which was the food security species and omena (Silver Cyprinids), being used as human food and an ingredient for animal feeds.

However, other fish species, including the lung fish (Kamongo), Labeo Victorianus and the catfish were neglected together with other minor fish species which are also endangered.

‘We are now realizing that these types of fish are also slowly becoming extinct,’ he added.

Omondi noted the 2023/2027 County Integrated Development Plan (CIPD) has a provision for the Fisheries Management Plan and was hopeful that it will address this challenge and help restore the endangered fish species.

‘This plan will rejuvenate the lake and make it vibrant like before,’ he added.

Dan Obado, Community Relations Officer (CRO) Victory Farms said the organization has acquired a total of 200 brood stock of Nile tilapia from Kenya Marine and Fisheries Institute (KRMFRI) and is moving to populate the fish in ponds.

To achieve its goal, the farm has partnered with Conservation International to initiate a project aimed at sensitizing and mobilizing the community to identify breeding zones (conservation areas) for the brood stock.

‘We are going to do wild stocking within those conservative areas identified by the local BMUs. This is an initiative that will bring back those fish species that are on the verge of extinction and also tackle the dwindling number of wild catch within our lake,’ noted the CRO.

He requested the local BMUs to embrace such kinds of projects, which are projected to increase fish within the waters of Lake Victoria.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Nakuru Film Creators Advised To Exploit Scenic Sites

Film producers in the country have continued missing out in the global multi- billion film business despite the country having unique movie shooting scenic sites.

Nakuru based film producers have consequently been advised to exploit the scenic sites found in the county to spice up their work particularly now when the film industry is gaining popularity following introduction of digital television broadcasting.

County Tourism and Culture Chief Officer Ms Rosemary Kimani singled out Menengai crater, Hells Gate Gorge, Makalia falls, Kariandusi Prehistoric site, Njoro Caves, lakes Nakuru and Elementaita as some of the scenic sites that could be exploited for film making.

She said Nakuru was set to raise its profile as a destination for film-making by utilizing the geographical features that would also help market the devolved unit in the international film market.

While noting that Kenya had been a popular location for American and European film productions, Ms Kimani explained that Hollywood in particular had a long standing affair with Kenya that dates back to the 1930s when adventure films such as the Snows of Kilimanjaro starring Gregory Peck, King Solomon’s Mines with Stewart Granger and Magambo featuring Clark Gable and Ava Gardner were shot, in addition to the recent Out of Africa, Mountains of the Moon and Nowhere in Africa being shot and produced in the country.

She said it was wrong for Kenyans to continue watching foreign movies at a time when thousands of talented youths are faced with unemployment adding that even with the liberalization of airwaves, many stations were still airing foreign content mainly from the Western world, Nigeria and India.

‘We have some of the best filming locations in the world and the weather that can be easily predicted adds to our potential as a filming destination,’ stated the chief officer.

In an interview with Kenya News Agency, the Chief Officer stated that the devolved unit had leveraged on this year’s 6th Edition of Kalasha International Film and TV Market, to market the county as a film shooting destination and TV production due to its scenic places.

While noting that there are 200 million regional Kiswahili speakers looking for Kenya to provide content, Ms Kimani said Nakuru was now banking on filming as one of the initiatives to increase the number of tourists visiting the devolved unit.

‘We have identified this growing interest and this has reinforced our strategy to increase the volumes of visitors coming to shoot films. With filming, we are certain of Nakuru being a household name for movie makers,’ said Ms Kimani

The Chief Officer noted that the film industry could help to change the international perception of a country by highlighting its culture, norms, creativity and hospitality to a growing film audience.

She voiced the county government’s commitment to doubling the growth of creative industries through both private and public sector partnerships aimed at improving infrastructure and capacity to commercialize creative talent to enable artists to reap vast fortunes.

She added that the devolved unit could use creative industries as a distinct tourism marketing vehicle geared towards promoting the county’s unique cultural identity and visibility adding that since culture and the creative industry are intertwined, there was a great scope to position the creative industry as a pillar of the devolved unit’s tourism sector.

She observed that globally, creative industries have been boosting economies adding that Kenya should stop being marketed as a ‘consuming and filming destination’ but as ‘a production destination.’

She said for the country’s creative economy to take off and remain a sustainable industry generating employment and economic output, Kenyans must be the primary consumers and beneficiaries

While regretting that Kenyans were increasingly becoming heavy consumers of Mexican shows and Nigerian movies, Ms Kimani said it was time both levels of governments channeled more investments towards research in creative industries in order to quantify their true value, ensure decision making about arts and culture by leaders are serious, and continue encouraging local creative industries by opening distribution channels and ensuring that creators get their full dues.

Ms Kimani noted that consumption of Bollywood and Nollywood movies globally was reshaping the economies of India and Nigeria respectively and that since Kenya relies heavily on tourism as a source of wealth and revenue, there was need to do more to build strong synergies between the tourism sector and the creative economy.

She explained that creative industry encompasses a diverse repertoire cutting across music, drama, literature, audio-visual and visual arts, architecture and other artistic and cultural expressions and added that the creative economy requires new modes of thinking to appreciate and invest in its value.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Book launch: “Koze Koze – Conversations between Seychellois Creatives”

Conversations between Seychellois Creatives” explores the story of artists from different art backgrounds – visual, music, dance, poetry, literature, and architecture, through dialogues between two creative people with similar art backgrounds.

“Koze Koze” – “Talk Talk” in Creole – is the brainchild of Shirley-Huizhong Yu, who is the project director at the Seychelles Art Foundation. She told SNA that the idea to write the book came through personal observation.

“Creatives and artists are a special group of people who are seen to be a little distant from the public and always busy doing their own thing. The truth is that they are just as ordinary as anyone else except for their passion to create,” said Yu.

“This book is talking about their lives rather than their creations as in other professional books, you see the professional side of the person. This creates a distance between the public and the creative as only the professional sides are exposed. This book is trying to change this mindset and bring people closer to the creative group, making the public realise that creatives struggle in keeping their passion going,” she continued.

The format of the book is a dialogue between two creatives and Yu shared that this reflects the uniqueness of Seychelles in being that most people know each other or know someone who would know of them. In the case of artists, this is amplified as the group is smaller.

“We had them sign up as a pair and we just observed the conversation. As they already knew a little about each other, it made the story more intimate,” Yu said.

Seen as a cultural project, the book was initiated by the Seychelles Art Foundation in 2020 and due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, its finalisation and publication were delayed.

Launched on March 9, “Koze Koze – Conversations between Seychellois Creatives” was supported by a National Arts and Cultural Fund (NACF) grant as well as sponsors from the private sector and the community.

The chairman of the NACF, Cecile Kalebi, said at the launch of the book that “Koze Koze” was unanimously approved by the NACF committee because of the number of artists and art forms this project touches and its concept ticked all the boxes of NACF. We are very proud to see the final result and the book speaks for itself.”

On the possibility of writing another similar book, Yu said that with the idea to cover as many creatives as possible and with the format of the first book, nothing is stopping her from having new candidates join this project every five years.

“As long as the conversation between the creatives is interesting, it will be worthwhile to do that and contribute to the heritage allowing people to know about creatives,” she said.

Source: Seychelles News Agency