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January 23, 2023

Relatório sobre as práticas de governança sustentável dos 30 maiores bancos mundiais revela resultados interessantes

LONDRES, Jan. 23, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Morrow Sodali e a Nestor Advisors – uma Empresa da Morrow Sodali, têm o prazer de anunciar a publicação da “Governança sustentável dos maiores bancos mundiais: Um estudo dos 30 principais bancos europeus e norte-americanos”. O relatório examina as práticas de governança sustentável dos 30 maiores bancos

Le rapport sur les pratiques de gouvernance de la durabilité des 30 plus grandes banques mondiales fournit des conclusions intéressantes

LONDRES, 23 janv. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —  Morrow Sodali et Nestor Advisors, une entreprise Morrow Sodali, ont le plaisir d’annoncer la publication de « Governance of sustainability in the largest global banks: A study of the top 30 European and North American banks » (Gouvernance de la durabilité dans les plus grandes banques mondiales :

Athlete Rahel Daniel- Gold Medalist in Belgium

Eritrean Olympian Athlete Rahel Daniel won Gold Medal at the Road Race that was held in Belgium on 22 January.The 21 years old Athlete Rahel finished the 8 km race in 28 minutes, and 41 seconds.Speaking to journalists, Rahel Daniel expressed readiness …

Regular meeting of Southern Region Assembly

The Southern Region Assembly held its 21st regular meeting on 21 January in Mendefera.At the meeting in which executive bodies of Government institutions and PFDJ took part, Mr. Woldai Gebre, Chairman of the regional Assembly, said that strengthening n…