Les certificats du U.S. Soy Sustainability Assurance Protocol (SSAP) des États-Unis sont maintenant transférables

Cette mesure de l’USSEC vise à aider les clients à vérifier le soja durable

ST. LOUIS, 27 septembre 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Les clients internationaux du soja américain dans l’ensemble de la chaîne d’approvisionnement sont maintenant en mesure de mieux démontrer leur engagement envers l’approvisionnement en ingrédients durables. Le U.S. Soy Sustainability Assurance Protocol (SSAP) a été élargi pour permettre aux certificats SSAP d’être transférés jusqu’à quatre fois.

U.S. Soybean Export Council-U.S. Soy

Les clients du soja américain demandent depuis longtemps plus de transparence dans la durabilité de leurs achats. Ce changement apporté au SSAP par Soy Export Sustainability, LLC, une organisation partiellement financée par la contribution nationale de producteurs de soja, permet aux clients non seulement de tenir des registres de leurs achats de soja américain durable, mais aussi d’utiliser ces achats pour répondre à leurs objectifs ESG (environnementaux, sociaux et de gouvernance) et de rendre compte de leurs progrès par rapport à ces objectifs. Les importateurs auront ainsi la possibilité de recevoir un certificat en leur nom de la part d’un exportateur, puis de transférer ce certificat à leurs clients. Le certificat peut être transféré quatre fois au total après l’exportation.

« Assurer un approvisionnement durable se trouve au cœur de notre engagement envers les chaînes d’approvisionnement responsables. Nous sommes heureux de l’amélioration continue des certificats SSAP, et nous nous réjouissons des méthodologies transparentes et crédibles qui sont en place pour mesurer les performances en matière de durabilité. La transférabilité des certificats est essentielle pour nos clients et notre entreprise, car elle permet de suivre les produits de soja que nous achetons et de vérifier qu’ils sont cultivés de manière durable, ce qui renforce la durabilité du système alimentaire mondial, » a déclaré Dessislava Barzachka, directrice de l’exécution du développement durable EA chez Bunge.

Le SSAP, élaboré en 2013, est une approche globale vérifiée qui est auditée par des tiers et qui vérifie la production du soja durable à l’échelle nationale. Le système, qui intègre les calculs de transformation de l’industrie, est conçu pour maintenir le bilan massique du soja durable vérifié à chaque transfert. L’organisation qui délivre et assure le suivi des certificats est Soy Export Sustainability, LLC.

Dans l’immédiat, le changement aidera les acheteurs à démontrer qu’ils sont engagés à se procurer du soja durable. À long terme, il pourra également stimuler la demande pour leurs produits en tirant parti du fait que les consommateurs préfèrent les produits durables.

Conformément aux lignes directrices du SSAP, les producteurs de soja américains améliorent continuellement leur rendement en matière de durabilité et s’assurent ainsi que leurs produits seront encore plus durables à l’avenir. Le soja américain est déjà reconnu comme étant celui qui a l’empreinte carbone la plus faible comparativement au soja provenant d’autres régions. En outre, le SSAP prévoit des vérifications agricoles effectuées par un tiers indépendant, le département de l’Agriculture des États-Unis (USDA). Le SSAP a récemment obtenu l’équivalent du niveau Argent après avoir été évalué par l’évaluation de la durabilité des exploitations agricoles (FSA) 3.0 de la Sustainable Agriculture Initiative Platform (SAI Platform). En outre, il est également évalué positivement par le Centre du commerce international (CCI) sur la base des directives d’approvisionnement en soja de la Fédération européenne des fabricants d’aliments composés (FEFAC), et est reconnu par les lignes directrices sur l’approvisionnement durable en soja du Consumer Goods Forum et les pratiques exemplaires d’aquaculture de la Global Seafood Alliance.

« Les producteurs de soja des États-Unis sont fermement engagés à l’égard de la durabilité, alors nous cherchons toujours des façons d’appuyer leurs efforts en matière de vérification de la durabilité de leurs produits. Le SSAP accomplit déjà cet objectif, mais en autorisant maintenant le transfert des certificats, il permet à cette vérification d’être transmise aux autres clients des producteurs », a affirmé Abby Rinne, directrice de la durabilité au U.S. Soybean Export Council (USSEC). L’USSEC, un membre fondateur de Soy Export Sustainability, LLC, se concentre sur la différenciation du soja américain, sur l’élévation des préférences et sur l’accès au marché.

À propos du U.S. Soybean Export Council (USSEC)

Le U.S. Soybean Export Council (USSEC) se concentre sur la différenciation, l’élévation des préférences et l’accès au marché pour l’utilisation du soja américain à des fins de consommation humaine, d’aquaculture et d’alimentation du bétail dans plus de 80 pays à l’échelle internationale. Les membres de l’USSEC représentent la chaîne d’approvisionnement du soja, y compris les producteurs de soja des États-Unis, les transformateurs, les expéditeurs de marchandises, les marchandiseurs, les entreprises agroalimentaires partenaires et les organisations agricoles. L’USSEC est financé par la contribution des producteurs de soja des États-Unis, par le Service agricole étranger (FAS) de l’USDA et par l’industrie. Consultez www.ussec.org pour rester au fait des dernières informations sur les solutions de soja américain et suivre les nouvelles sur l’USSEC et l’U.S. Soy à l’échelle internationale.

Ce communiqué a été financé en partie par les producteurs de soja américains, leur contribution et la chaîne de valeur du soja.

Contacts pour les médias :
Chris Samuel Kerrey Kerr-Enskat
Directeur des communications mondiales  Directrice principale de la communication
U.S. Soybean Export Council (USSEC)  U.S. Soybean Export Council (USSEC)
+1.314.306.1273 I CSamuel@ussec.org +1.515.823.1848 I kenskat@ussec.org
Bill Raack Andy Likes
Directeur Directeur principal
Lambert  Lambert
+1.314.602.0696 I braack@lambert.com +1.314.606.1878 I alikes@lambert.com

Logo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1907832/USSEC_USSOY_Logo.jpg

‫Mindray تعرض ابتكارات أمراض الدم والإنجازات الأكاديمية للعالم في الندوة الدولية حول الابتكارات التكنولوجية في أمراض الدم المختبرية (ISLH 2022)

بولونيا، إيطاليا، 27 شتنبر/أيلول 2022 / PRNewswire / — عُقدت الندوة الدولية حول الابتكارات التكنولوجية في أمراض الدم المختبرية ( ISLH 2022 ) في الفترة الممتدة من 8 إلى 10 شتنبر/أيلول في بولونيا بإيطاليا. شهد هذا الحدث عرض Mindray (SZSE: 300760) ،  المطور العالمي الرائد والمزود للأجهزة والحلول الطبية، ابتكاراتهم في مجال أمراض الدم والإنجازات الأكاديمية للخبراء الطبيين من أوروبا وحول العالم.

تُعقد الندوة سنويًا، وهي بمثابة منصة دولية حيث يتم عرض ومشاركة أحدث التقنيات والأفكار الجديدة ونتائج الأبحاث في أمراض الدم المختبرية.

 خلال الندوة الدولية حول الابتكارات التكنولوجية في أمراض الدم المختبرية ( (ISLH 2022 ، عقدت Mindray ندوة تحت عنوان “العصر الجديد للتشكل الرقمي”، حيث قدمت البروفيسور جينا زيني والبروفيسور آنا ميرينو، وهما خبيران مشهوران في علم علم التشكل المورفولوجيا، تقييمًا للأداء المتميز لِـ محلل مورفولوجيا الخلايا الرقمية MC-80  من Mindray في الكشف عن أمراض الأورام الدموية بالرجوع إلى حالات سريرية خاصة، وعرضتا كيف يمكن أن يساعد MC-80 ، من خلال صور خلايا الدم عالية الدقة، الأطباء في فحص وتشخيص أمراض الدم الخبيثة وغير الخبيثة، على التوالي.

خلال جلسة ملصق ISLH ، تم تقديم 32 ملصقًا من المستخدمين النهائيين لأمراض الدم في Mindray بعد تقييم صارم بناءً على رؤى فريدة وقيم أكاديمية استثنائية، مما يفوق عدد العارضين الآخرين.

قبل ISLH ، جذبت Mindray أكثر من 700 مشارك إلى حدث HemaTalk Italy 2022 العالمي المباشر . وأشار الدكتور رامون سيمون-لوبيز من Mindray IVD للبحث العلمي والشؤون الطبية إلى أن الشركة تستخدم مواردها العالمية لبناء منصة تعليمية وتبادل للخبراء الطبيين العالميين وتمكين مستقبل الطب المخبري.

أجرى الحاضرون محادثة عبر الإنترنت مع فريق Mindray للبحث والتطوير لمناقشة مستقبل أمراض الدم في المختبر وأحدث الاتجاهات في ترجمة نتائج البحوث السريرية إلى ممارسة. أعقب ذلك جلسة أسئلة وأجوبة حيث أجاب خبراء Mindray على الأسئلة الأكثر قلقًا.

في جناحها في الندوة الدولية حول الابتكارات التكنولوجية في أمراض الدم المختبرية ( (ISLH 2022 ، عرضت Mindray محلل مورفولوجيا الخلايا الرقمي الجديد MC-80 و محلل أمراض الدم سلسلة BC-700 ، مما جذب اهتمامًا كبيرًا من الزوار.

كما تم الاعتراف بالقوة الأكاديمية لِـ Mindray من قبل لجنة ISLH ، التي منحت Mindray “جائزة Berend Houwen Travel ” لمساهماتها البارزة في الصناعة والتميز في الأكاديميين.

نبذة عن Mindray

تأسست شركة Mindray في عام 1991، وأصبحت إحدى الشركات العالمية الرائدة في مجال تقديم الأجهزة والحلول الطبية. نحن ملتزمون بالابتكار في مجالات مراقبة المرضى ودعم الحياة، والتشخيص المخبري، ونظام التصوير الطبي وجراحة العظام. منتجات وخدمات Mindray متوفرة اليوم في أكثر من 190 دولة ومنطقة.

للمزيد من المعلومات، قم بزيارة: www.mindray.com

ريتا وانغ

U.S. Soy Sustainability Assurance Protocol (SSAP) Certificates Can Now Be Transferred

Move by USSEC Supports Customers’ Efforts to Verify Sustainable Soy

ST. LOUIS, Sept. 27, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — International customers of U.S. Soy throughout the supply chain are now able to better demonstrate their commitment to sourcing sustainable ingredients. The U.S. Soy Sustainability Assurance Protocol (SSAP) has been expanded to allow the transfer of SSAP certificates up to four times.

U.S. Soybean Export Council; U.S. Soy

U.S. Soy customers have long sought more transparency in the sustainability of their purchases. This change to the SSAP by Soy Export Sustainability, LLC, which is partially funded by the national soybean checkoff, allows customers to keep records of their sustainable U.S. Soy purchases, use these purchases to meet their ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) goals, and report on their progress toward those goals. Importers will be able to receive a certificate in their name from an exporter, the importer will then be able to transfer certificates to their customers. The certificate has the potential to be transferred a total of four times after export.

“Ensuring sustainable sourcing of products is central to our commitment to responsible supply chains. We are glad to see continuous improvement of the SSAP certifications, as well as the transparent and credible methodologies in place for measuring sustainable performance. Transferable certificates are key to our customers and our business to track and verify that the soy products we source are raised in a sustainable manner, leading to greater sustainability of the global food system,” said Dessislava Barzachka, EA Sustainability Execution Manager, Bunge.

The SSAP, which was developed in 2013, is a verified aggregate approach, audited by third parties, that verifies sustainable soybean production on a national scale. The system is designed to maintain mass balance of verified sustainable soy at each transfer and industry processing calculations are also incorporated into the system. The organization issuing and tracking the certificates is Soy Export Sustainability, LLC.

While this change meets the buyers’ needs for demonstrating their commitment to sourcing sustainable soy in the short-term, in the long-term the change could also help generate demand for their products because of consumer preferences for sustainable products.

Under the SSAP guidelines, U.S. soybean farmers continuously improve their sustainability performance, ensuring an even more sustainable product in the future. U.S. Soy is already recognized as having the lowest carbon footprint versus soy of other origins. In addition, the SSAP includes farm audits conducted by an independent third party – the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). SSAP recently earned Silver Level Equivalence when benchmarked with the Sustainable Agriculture Initiative Platform (SAI Platform)’s Farm Sustainability Assessment (FSA) 3.0. It is also positively benchmarked with the soy sourcing guidelines of the European Feed Manufacturers Federation (FEFAC) through the independent International Trade Centre (ITC) and is recognized by the Consumer Goods Forum’s Sustainable Soy Sourcing Guidelines and the Global Seafood Alliance’s Best Aquaculture Practices.

“U.S. soybean farmers have a strong commitment to sustainability, so we are always exploring how we can support their efforts to verify the sustainability of their products. The SSAP does that, but now with transferable certificates, it allows for that verification to be passed along to their other customers,” said Abby Rinne, Director of Sustainability, U.S. Soybean Export Council (USSEC). USSEC is a founding member of Soy Export Sustainability, LLC focused on differentiating, elevating preference, and attaining market access for U.S. Soy.

About U.S. Soybean Export Council (USSEC)

The U.S. Soybean Export Council (USSEC) focuses on differentiating, elevating preference, and attaining market access for the use of U.S. Soy for human consumption, aquaculture, and livestock feed in 80+ countries internationally. USSEC members represent the soy supply chain including U.S. Soy farmers, processors, commodity shippers, merchandisers, allied agribusinesses, and agricultural organizations. USSEC is funded by the U.S. soybean checkoff, USDA Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) matching funds, and industry. Visit www.ussec.orgfor the latest information on U.S. Soy solutions and news about USSEC and U.S. Soy internationally.

This news release was partially funded by U.S. Soy farmers, their checkoff and the soy value chain.

Media Contacts:
Chris Samuel Kerrey Kerr-Enskat
Director of Global Communications  Senior Manager, Communications
U.S. Soybean Export Council (USSEC)  U.S. Soybean Export Council (USSEC)
+1.314.306.1273  I  CSamuel@ussec.org +1.515.823.1848  I   kenskat@ussec.org
Bill Raack    Andy Likes
Director Sr. Director
Lambert  Lambert
+1.314.602.0696  I  braack@lambert.com +1.314.606.1878  I  alikes@lambert.com

Logo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1907832/USSEC_USSOY_Logo.jpg


Phoenix Software Delivers a Faster JES3plus® with V1R2

Phoenix Software releases updates to its product line in September 2022

EL SEGUNDO, Calif., Sept. 27, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Phoenix Software International, Inc., today announced its intention to make JES3plus V1R2, a derivative work based on IBM’s z/OS® JES3, generally available effective September 30, 2022. This release provides new functionality and integrates continuous delivery items made available over the past twelve months. Thanks to Phoenix’s JES3plus Customer Advisory Council, organizations that migrate to JES3plus can reap the benefits of new features that were ranked in terms of providing true business value to their fellow customers.

JES3plus V1R2

Functional Highlights:

  • Parallel SPOOL I/O – Takes full advantage of the Parallel Access Volumes technology supported by modern mainframe DASD through support for up to eight STARTIO channel programs running concurrently for a single SPOOL extent. This is a major improvement over the traditional JES3 approach of allowing only one STARTIO at a time per SPOOL extent.
  • Reduced Local Lock Contention – Now intrinsic to the way JES3plus operates, multiple I/O completion SRBs execute simultaneously by acquiring the local lock only if and when needed. In addition, if the completing I/O contains requests from only a single address space, the SRB is scheduled directly to that address space rather than to the JES3plus address space.
  • Improved WLM Batch Initiator Balancing – Enabling this facility results in JES3plus placing batch jobs into idle initiators across the JESplex using a target percentage derived from WLM’s initiator allocation counts. Until now this behavior occurred on JES2 systems only.

“Switching to JES3plus is the obvious choice for existing IBM JES3 customers,” said Ed Jaffe, Chief Technology Officer at Phoenix Software International, “and we have reinforced that point by improving performance with empirical results so dramatic they speak for themselves. SPOOL I/O-intensive benchmarks conducted on our z15 showed JES3plus running nearly twice as many jobs as IBM JES3 while simultaneously reducing FICON channel utilization by 92%! Similarly-favorable results were observed when comparing against JES2. And, because our roadmap for enhancements is 100% customer driven, we believe a migration to JES3plus is not only the easiest and least risky choice, it’s the one that just makes sense.”

(E)JES® V6R2

(E)JES V6R2, the latest release of Phoenix Software’s modern z/OS JESplex management tool, includes enhancements for viewing and managing Coupling Facility connections and structures, WLM scheduling environments, job class/groups, sysplex members, and z/OS UNIX mounts. Additionally, support has been added for a filter repository that provides end user ability to save filters and reload them.

Phoenix Software Product Releases: September 2022

Phoenix Software is refreshing its product line this month. Product downloads will be available to customers via the Phoenix Software International Support portal. Visit https://phoenixsoftware.com/support.htm#downloads. New product releases include:

  • (E)JES V6R2
  • CONDOR® z/OS 26.2 z/VSE 32.1
  • CYGNET® z/OS 26.2 z/VSE 32.1
  • Entrypoint® 16.3
  • FALCON® z/OS 26.2 z/VSE 32.1
  • Falcon64® 11.2
  • JES3plus V1R2
  • Key/101® 9.2
  • PHX-Adders®/PHX-Guest® 7.4
  • PHX-BDT® V1R2
  • PHX-KeyPlus® 5.4
  • PHX-ODE® 7.4

About Phoenix Software International

Phoenix Software International, Inc., (https://www.phoenixsoftware.com) is a systems software development company providing advanced software applications to enterprises around the globe. The company offers a wide range of solutions to modern business challenges.

Press contact:
(310) 338-0400

Analysis summary and raw benchmark SMF data available upon request.

Phoenix Software lança um JES3plus® mais rápido com V1R2

Phoenix Software atualiza sua linha de produtos em setembro de 2022

EL SEGUNDO, Califórnia, Sept. 27, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Phoenix Software International, Inc., divulgou hoje a sua intenção de lançar o JES3plus V1R2, trabalho derivado do z/OS® JES3 da IBM, em 30 de setembro de 2022. Esta versão oferece novas funcionalidades que foram disponibilizados nos últimos doze meses. Graças ao Conselho Consultivo de Clientes JES3plus  da Phoenix, as empresas que migram para o JES3plus podem se benefícios dos novos recursos que fornecem valor comercial real para seus clientes.

JES3plus V1R2

Destaques Funcionais:

  • E/S de SPOOL paralelo – Aproveitamento máximo da tecnologia de Volumes de Acesso Paralelo com suporte DASD de mainframe moderno para até oito programas de canal STARTIO em execução simultânea com uma única extensão de SPOOL. Esta é uma grande melhoria em relação à abordagem JES3 tradicional de permitir apenas um STARTIO de cada vez por extensão de SPOOL.
  • Contenção de Bloqueio Local Reduzido – Agora como parte da operação do JES3Plus, vários SRBs de conclusão de E/S são executados simultaneamente, com bloqueio local apenas se e quando necessário. Além disso, se a E/S de conclusão contiver solicitações de apenas um único espaço de endereço, o SRB será agendado diretamente para esse espaço de endereço, em vez do espaço de endereço JES3 plus.
  • Balanceamento aprimorado do Iniciador em Lote WLM – Com o JES3 plus colocando trabalhos em lote em iniciadores ociosos em todo o JESplex usando uma porcentagem alvo derivada das contagens de alocação de iniciadores da WLM. Até agora este comportamento ocorria apenas nos sistemas JES2.

“A adoção do JES3plus é a escolha óbvia para os clientes JES3 da IBM”, disse Ed Jaffe, Diretor de Tecnologia da Phoenix Software International, “e reforçamos esse ponto por meio do aprimoramento do desempenho com resultados empíricos muito impactantes. Os benchmarks intensivos em E/S da SPOOL conduzidos no nosso z15 mostraram que o JES3 plus executou quase o dobro dos trabalhos executados no JES3 da IBM, reduzindo simultaneamente a utilização do canal FICON em 92%! Resultados igualmente favoráveis foram observados na comparação com o JES2. E, como nosso roteiro de melhorias está 100% voltado para o cliente, acreditamos que uma migração para JES3plus seja a escolha mais fácil e menos arriscada, e a que faz mais sentido.”

(E)JES® V6R2

(E)JES V6R2, a mais recente versão da moderna ferramenta de gerenciamento JESplex z/OS da Phoenix Software, inclui melhorias para visualização e gerenciamento de conexões e estruturas de instalações de acoplamento, ambientes de agendamento WLM, classe/grupos de trabalho, membros sysplex e montagens z/OS UNIX. Além disso, adicionamos suporte para um repositório de filtros que fornece ao usuário final a capacidade de salvar e recarregar filtros.

Lançamentos de Produto da Phoenix Software: Setembro de 2022

A Phoenix Software está atualizando sua linha de produtos este mês. Os downloads de produtos estarão disponíveis para os clientes através do portal de suporte da Phoenix Software International. Visite https://phoenixsoftware.com/support.htm#downloads. Novos produtos:

  • (E)JES V6R2
  • CONDOR® z/OS 26.2 z/VSE 32.1
  • CYGNET® z/OS 26.2 z/VSE 32.1
  • Entrypoint® 16.3
  • FALCON® z/OS 26.2 z/VSE 32.1
  • Falcon64® 11.2
  • JES3plus V1R2
  • Key/101® 9.2
  • PHX-Adders®/PHX-Guest® 7.4
  • PHX-BDT® V1R2
  • PHX-KeyPlus® 5.4
  • PHX-ODE® 7.4

Sobre a Phoenix Software International

A Phoenix Software International, Inc., (https://www.phoenixsoftware.com) é uma empresa de desenvolvimento de software de sistemas que fornece aplicativos de software avançados para empresas em todo o mundo. A empresa oferece uma ampla gama de soluções para atender os desafios das empresas modernas.

Contato de Imprensa:
(310) 338-0400

 Resumo da análise e dados brutos de SMF de referência disponíveis mediante solicitação.

Phoenix Software offre une version plus rapide de JES3plus® avec V1R2

Phoenix Software sort des mises à jour de sa gamme de produits en septembre 2022

EL SEGUNDO, Californie, 27 sept. 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Phoenix Software International, Inc. a annoncé aujourd’hui son intention de rendre JES3plus V1R2, un produit dérivé basé sur z/OS® JES3 d’IBM, généralement disponible à partir du 30 septembre 2022. Cette version offre de nouvelles fonctionnalités et intègre les articles de livraison continue mis à disposition au cours des douze derniers mois. Grâce au Customer Advisory Council (comité consultatif client) de JES3plus de Phoenix, les organisations qui migrent vers JES3plus peuvent récolter les fruits de nouvelles fonctionnalités en termes de provision d’une véritable valeur commerciale à leurs clients.

JES3plus V1R2

Fonctionnalités marquantes :

  • E/S SPOOL parallèles – tire pleinement parti de la technologie Parallel Access Volumes soutenue par le mainframe moderne DASD grâce à la prise en charge de huit programmes de canaux STARTIO pouvant opérer simultanément pour une seule extension SPOOL. Il s’agit d’une amélioration majeure par rapport à l’approche traditionnelle de JES3 consistant à n’autoriser qu’un seul programme STARTIO à la fois par extension SPOOL.
  • Réduction des conflits de verrouillage locaux – élément désormais intrinsèque à la façon dont JES3plus fonctionne, plusieurs SRB de complétion E/S s’exécutent simultanément en acquérant le verrou local uniquement si et quand cela est nécessaire. En outre, si la complétion E/S contient des demandes provenant d’un espace d’adresse unique, le SRB est programmé directement dans cet espace d’adresse plutôt que dans l’espace d’adresse de JES3plus.
  • Amélioration de l’équilibrage de l’initiateur de lots WLM – cette fonctionnalité permet à JES3plus de placer des tâches de lots dans des initiateurs inactifs à travers JESplex à l’aide d’un pourcentage cible dérivé des comptes d’allocation de l’initiateur de WLM. Jusqu’à présent, cela n’était possible que sur les systèmes JES2.

« Passer à JES3plus est le choix évident pour les clients existants d’IBM JES3 », a déclaré Ed Jaffe, directeur technologique de Phoenix Software International. « De plus, nous avons renforcé ce point en améliorant les performances avec des résultats empiriques si spectaculaires qu’ils parlent d’eux-mêmes. Les tests intensifs en E/S SPOOL réalisés sur notre z15  ont montré que JES3plus exécute près de deux fois plus de tâches qu’IBM JES3 tout en réduisant simultanément l’utilisation des canaux FICON de 92 % ! Des résultats tout aussi favorables ont été observés lors de la comparaison avec JES2. Et comme notre feuille de route pour les améliorations est axée à 100 % sur le client, nous pensons qu’une migration vers JES3plus  constitue non seulement le choix le plus simple et le moins risqué, mais aussi le plus logique. »

(E)JES® V6R2

(E)JES V6R2, la dernière version de l’outil de gestion z/OS JESplex moderne de Phoenix Software, comprend des améliorations pour la visualisation et la gestion des connexions et structures de Coupling Facility, des environnements de planification WLM, des groupes/classes de tâches, des membres sysplex et des montages z/OS UNIX. En outre, une prise en charge a été ajoutée pour un référentiel de filtres qui offre à l’utilisateur final la possibilité d’enregistrer des filtres et de les recharger.

Nouvelles versions des produits Phoenix Software : septembre 2022

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TheCradle.co: The real US agenda in Africa is hegemony

In a rational environment, the 77th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) would discuss alleviating the trials and tribulations of the Global South, especially Africa.

That won’t be the case. Like a deer caught in the geopolitical headlights, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres issued platitudes about a gloomy “winter of global discontent,” even as the proverbial imperial doomsayers criticized the UN’s “crisis of faith” and blasted the “unprovoked war” started by Russia.

Of course the slow-motion genocide of Donbass russophone residents for eight years would never be recognized as a provocation.

Guterres spoke of Afghanistan, “where the economy is in ruins and human rights are being trampled” – but he did not dare to offer context. In Libya, “divisions continue to jeopardize the country” – once again, no context. Not to mention Iraq, where “ongoing tensions threaten ongoing stability.”

Africa has 54 nations as UN members. Any truly representative UNGA meeting should place Africa’s problems at the forefront. Once again, that’s not the case. So it is left to African leaders to offer that much-needed context outside of the UN building in New York.

As the only African member of the G20, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa recently urged the US not to “punish” the whole continent by forcing nations to demonize or sanction Russia. Washington’s introduction of legislation dubbed the Countering Malign Russian Activities in Africa Act, he says, “will harm Africa and marginalize the continent.”

South Africa is a BRICS member – a concept that is anathema in the Beltway – and embraces a policy of non-alignment among world powers. An emerging 21st century version of the 1960s Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) is strengthening across the Global South – and especially Africa – much to the revulsion of the US and its minions.

Back at the UNGA, Guterres invoked the global fertilizer crisis – again, with no context. Russian diplomacy has repeatedly stressed that Moscow is ready to export 30 million tons of grain and over 20 million tons of fertilizer by the end of 2022. What is left unsaid in the west, is that only the importation of fertilizers to the EU is “allowed,” while transit to Africa is not.

Guterres said he was trying to persuade EU leaders to lift sanctions on Russian fertilizer exports, which directly affect cargo payments and shipping insurance. Russia’s Uralchem, for instance, even offered to supply fertilizers to Africa for free.

Yet from the point of view of the US and its EU vassals, the only thing that matters is to counter Russia and China in Africa. Senegal’s President Macky Sall has remarked how this policy is leaving “a bitter taste.”

‘We forbid you to build your pipeline’

It gets worse. The largely ineffectual EU Parliament now wants to stop the construction of the 1,445 km-long East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) from Uganda to Tanzania, invoking hazy human rights violations, environmental threats, and “advising” member countries to simply drop out of the project.

Uganda is counting on more than 6 billion barrels of oil to sustain an employment boom and finally move the nation to middle-income status. It was up to Ugandan Parliament Deputy Speaker Thomas Tayebwa to offer much-needed context:

“It is imprudent to say that Uganda’s oil projects will exacerbate climate change, yet it is a fact that the EU block with only 10 percent of the world’s population is responsible for 25 percent of global emissions, and Africa with 20 percent of the world’s population is responsible for 3 percent of emissions. The EU and other western countries are historically responsible for climate change. Who then should stop or slow down the development of natural resources? Certainly not Africa or Uganda.”

The EU Parliament, moreover, is a staunch puppet of the biofuel lobby. It has refused to amend a law that would have stopped the use of food crops for fuel production, actually contributing to what the UN Food Program has described as “a global emergency of unprecedented magnitude.” No less than 350 million people are on the brink of starvation across Africa.

Instead, the G7’s notion of “helping” Africa is crystallized in the US-led Build Back Better World (B3W) – Washington’s anaemic attempt to counter Beijing’s ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) – which focuses on “climate, health and health security, digital technology, and gender equity and equality,” according to the White House. Practical issues of infrastructure and sustainable development, which are at the heart of China’s plan, are simply ignored by the B3W.

Initially, a few “promising” projects were identified by a traveling US delegation in Senegal and Ghana. Senegalese diplomatic sources have since confirmed that these projects have nothing whatsoever to do with building infrastructure.

B3W, predictably, fizzled out. After all, the US-led project was little more than a public relations gimmick to undermine the Chinese, with negligible effect on narrowing the $40-plus trillion worth of infrastructure needed to be built across the Global South by 2035.

Have YALI, will travel

Imperial initiatives in Africa – apart from the US military’s Africa Command (AFRICOM), which amounts to raw militarization of the continent – brings us to the curious case of YALI (Young African Leaders Initiative), widely touted in the Washington-New York axis as “the most innovative” policy of the Obama years.

Launched in 2010, YALI was framed as “empowering the new generation of Africa leadership” – a euphemism for educating (or brainwashing) them the American way. The mechanism is simple: investing in and bringing hundreds of young African potential leaders to US universities for a short, six-week “training” on “business, civil leadership, entrepreneurship, and public management.” Then, four days in Washington to meet “leaders in the administration,” and a photo op with Obama.

The project was coordinated by US embassies in Africa, and targeted young men and women from sub-Saharan Africa’s 49 nations – including those under US sanctions, like Sudan, Eritrea, and Zimbabwe – proficient in English, with a “commitment” to return to Africa. Roughly 80 percent during the initial years had never been to the US, and more than 50 percent grew up outside of big cities.

Then, in a speech in 2013 in South Africa, Obama announced the establishment of the Washington Fellowship, later renamed the Mandela-Washington Fellowship (MWF).

That’s still ongoing. In 2022, MWF should be granted to 700 “outstanding young leaders from sub-Saharan Africa,” who follow “Leadership Institutes” at nearly 40 US universities, before their short stint in Washington. After which, they are ready for “long-term engagement between the United States and Africa.”

And all that for literally peanuts, as MWF was enthusiastically billed by the Democrat establishment as cost-efficient: $24,000 per fellow, paid by participant US universities as well as Coca-Cola, IBM, MasterCard Foundation, Microsoft, Intel, McKinsey, GE, and Procter & Gamble.

And that didn’t stop with MWF. USAID went a step further, and invested over $38 million – plus $10 million from the MasterCard Foundation – to set up four Regional Leadership Centers (RLCs) in South Africa, Kenya, Ghana, and Senegal. These were training, long distance and in-class, at least 3,500 ‘future leaders’ a year.

It’s no wonder the Brookings Institution was drooling over so much “cost-efficiency” when it comes to investing “in Africa’s future” and for the US to “stay competitive” in Africa. YALI certainly looks prettier than AFRICOM.

A few success stories though don’t seem to rival the steady stream of African footballers making a splash in Europe – and then reinvesting most of their profits back home. The Trump years did see a reduction of YALI’s funding – from $19 million in 2017 to roughly $5 million.

So many leaders to ‘train’

Predictably, the Joe Biden White House YALI-ed all over again with a vengeance. Take this US press attache in Nigeria neatly outlining the current emphasis on “media and information literacy,” badly needed to tackle the “spreading of disinformation” including “in the months leading up to the national presidential election.”

So the US, under YALI, “trained 1,000 young Nigerians to recognize the signs of online and media misinformation and disinformation.” And now the follow-up is “Train the Trainer” workshops, “teaching 40 journalists, content creators, and activists (half of whom will be women) from Yobe, Borno, Adamawa, Zamfara, and Katsina how to identify, investigate, and report misinformation.” Facebook, being ordered by the FBI to censor “inconvenient,” potentially election-altering facts, is not part of the curriculum.

YALI is the soft, Instagrammed face of AFRICOM. The US has participated in the overthrow of several African governments over the past two decades, with troops trained under secrecy-obsessed AFRICOM. There has been no serious Pentagon audit on the weaponizing of AFRICOM’s local “partners.” For all we know – as in Syria and Libya – the US military could be arming even more terrorists.

And predictably, it’s all bipartisan. Rabid neo-con and former Trump national security adviser John Bolton, in December 2018, at the Heritage Foundation, made it crystal clear: the US in Africa has nothing to do with supporting democracy and sustainable development. It’s all about countering Russia and China.

When it learned that Beijing was considering building a naval base in oil-rich Equatorial Guinea, the Biden White House sent power envoys to the capital Malabo to convince the government to cease and desist. To no avail.

In contrast, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov was received like a superstar in his recent extensive tour of Africa, where it’s widely perceived that global food prices and the fertilizer drama are a direct consequence of western sanctions on Russia. Uganda leader Yoweri Museveni went straight to the point when he said, “How can we be against somebody who has never harmed us?”

On 13-15 December, the White House plans a major US-Africa Leaders Summit in Washington to discuss mostly food security and climate change – alongside the perennial lectures on democracy and human rights. Most leaders won’t be exactly impressed with this new showing of “the United States’ enduring commitment to Africa.” Well, there’s always YALI. So many young leaders to indoctrinate, so little time.


Source: Dehai Eritrea Online