Envision Energy obtient un contrat d’éoliennes de 2000 MW en Inde

DELHI, Inde, 28 avril 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Envision Energy a annoncé aujourd’hui qu’elle a obtenu une commande d’éoliennes de 2000 MW en Inde. Les 596 éoliennes, toutes fabriquées dans l’usine d’Envision en Inde, seront livrées d’ici la fin de 2023.

Envision fournira et mettra en service ses éoliennes EN156/3.3 à la pointe de la technologie pour ces projets. La EN 156/3.3 possède un rotor de 156 m, le plus grand du pays. Ce rotor est couplé à un générateur de 3,3 MW et à une hauteur de moyeu de 140 m. Cette conception est particulièrement adaptée pour maximiser l’énergie produite à partir des régimes de vents faibles qui prédominent dans le pays.

Envision a investi 25 millions de dollars américains pour établir son usine d’assemblage de nacelles et de moyeux d’une capacité de 1200 MW à Pune en 2018. Pour répondre aux demandes accrues du marché, Envision va monter en puissance pour doubler sa capacité actuelle. Envision construit également une usine de pales en Inde, qui devrait être achevée au premier trimestre 2023.

Les projets existants d’Envision en Inde, le parc éolien de 198 MW de Khagashree et le parc éolien de 35 MW de Kagvard équipés d’éoliennes EN- 131/2,5MW, sont en service depuis mai et octobre 2019 respectivement. Jusqu’à présent, ces projets ont généré plus de 1,76 milliard de kWh d’énergie propre pour la région.

« La société Envision India est fière de contribuer à l’engagement de l’Inde à atteindre 500 GW et 50 % des besoins énergétiques à partir de sources d’énergie renouvelables d’ici 2030. Grâce à la croissance de nos activités dans le domaine de l’éolien et du stockage de l’énergie, nous prévoyons de recruter plus de 300 employés localement pour répondre aux besoins croissants du pays ainsi qu’aux nouveaux marchés de la région Asie-Pacifique » a déclaré R P V Prasad, responsable de la région Inde.

Selon Kane Xu, directeur général d’Envision India et vice-président mondial, « Nous sommes ravis de la confiance que nous accorde notre partenaire en Inde, et nous sommes fiers de continuer à fournir nos meilleures solutions en Inde. En tant qu’expert dans l’utilisation des technologies numériques, nous sommes en mesure de maximiser l’efficacité, de réduire les coûts et d’innover rapidement pour mieux servir nos clients. Outre l’énergie éolienne, nous apportons également à nos clients nos solutions de stockage d’énergie, nos solutions numériques et d’autres solutions net-zéro, afin de contribuer à accélérer la transition énergétique, à l’échelle mondiale. »

À propos d’Envision Group

Envision Group est une entreprise internationale de premier plan dans le domaine des technologies vertes et un partenaire technologique zéro émission. Avec la mission de « résoudre les défis pour un avenir durable de l’humanité ». Envision conçoit, vend et exploite des éoliennes et un système de stockage intelligents par le biais d’Envision Energy ; des batteries alimentées par l’AIoT par le biais d’Envision AESC ; et le plus grand système d’exploitation AIoT au monde par le biais d’Envision Digital. Elle est également propriétaire de l’équipe de Formule E Envision Racing. Envision continue de promouvoir l’énergie éolienne et solaire comme le « nouveau charbon », les batteries et l’hydrogène combustible comme le « nouveau pétrole », le réseau AIoT comme le « nouveau réseau », les parcs industriels zéro émission comme la « nouvelle infrastructure », et de promouvoir la construction et la culture de la « nouvelle industrie » verte.

La société Envision Group a été classée dans le Top 10 des 50 entreprises les plus intelligentes du monde en 2019 par le MIT Technology Review. En octobre 2021, Envision a été classée deuxième au monde sur la liste Fortune « Change the World ». Envision Group a rejoint l’initiative mondiale « RE100 » et est devenu la première entreprise de Chine continentale à s’engager à produire 100 % d’électricité renouvelable d’ici 2025. Le 22 avril 2021, Envision Group a annoncé sa volonté d’atteindre la neutralité carbone dans ses opérations d’ici 2022 et d’atteindre la neutralité carbone dans l’ensemble de sa chaîne de valeur d’ici 2028.

Pour plus d’informations, rendez-vous sur www.envision-group.com

Contact pour les médias : Jessica Koerner, jessica.koerner@envision-energy.com

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Finbots.AI Raises USD 3 Million from Accel in Series A Round

SINGAPORE, April 28, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Finbots.AI, an AI-envisioned firm bringing innovation to banks and financial institutions, today announced it has raised USD 3 million in a Series A round from Accel. This investment is from Accel’s Fund VII, and is the first external investment for Finbots.AI. The funds will be used towards accelerating product enhancement, marketing and sales, and customer support besides recruiting of senior talent and team expansion across its offices. India drives all of the global development and support for Finbots.AI, with its corporate headquarters in Singapore and a regional head office in Dubai.

Commenting on the successful Series A fundraise, Sanjay Uppal, Founder and CEO of Finbots.AI, said, “This new funding unlocks the next phase of growth for Finbots.AI. Financial institutions today need pathbreaking solutions to solve their complex challenges brought by legacy platforms. Tapping on AI-enabled solutions can help them transform exponentially. We are thrilled to have Accel as a partner in this journey, further cementing the potential and trust in our solution. Accel’s impressive track record with growth stage companies will be a key support for Finbots.AI. We have an enormous growth potential and I am excited for our journey to transforming financial services.”

Since its inception in 2017, Finbots.AI identified an opportunity to use AI-powered solutions to aid banks and financial institutions to overcome industry challenges. ZScore is a full-scale AI-driven credit scorecard system for lending institutions that spans the entire credit lifecycle. Equipped with an intuitive user interface and robust scorecard development capabilities, ZScore rapidly develops higher accuracy credit scorecards by using advanced Machine Learning algorithms that utilise historical traditional and alternate data to automatically build, validate, and deploy real-time, high-performing risk models.

Mahendran Balachandran, Partner at Accel, shared, “The Finbots.AI team brings decades of collective experience in financial services and technology, and we see great potential and promise in their solution – ZScore – as it strives to remedy and bridge the limitations of legacy credit systems. We, at Accel, are delighted to be a part of Finbot.AI’s growth as they propel forward to enhance financial services by leveraging AI technology to serve the entire community – ranging from the large banks to the small lenders. We see massive potential in this region and FinTech as a vertical.”


La plus grande plateforme de sports de fantaisie au monde a annoncé l’expansion récente de son partenariat avec Volt Active Data sur la lancée d’un succès mesurable.

BEDFORD, Massachusetts, 28 avril 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Volt Active Data, la seule plateforme de données d’entreprise conçue pour répondre aux exigences en temps réel des sociétés de jeux de grande envergure et des sociétés de technologie à fortes transactions actuelles, a annoncé aujourd’hui que Dream11, la plus grande plateforme de sports fictifs du monde, a étendu son contrat avec Volt.

Volt Active Data Logo

Dream11 compte plus de 130 millions d’utilisateurs actifs et est déjà prête à gérer en production plus de 10 millions d’utilisateurs simultanés aux heures de pointe. Dream11 a initialement commencé avec Volt lors de la saison 2018 de l’IPL, et après avoir constaté le succès de la technologie (en partie grâce à la faible latence, au débit élevé et à l’assurance de disponibilité que fournit la plateforme Volt), elle a décidé d’approfondir sa relation avec Volt et d’élargir son utilisation de la plateforme Volt Active Data.

« C’est une situation gagnant-gagnant pour Dream11 et Volt », a déclaré David Flower, PDG de Volt Active Data. « L’expansion représente non seulement une autre validation de la plateforme Volt Active Data en tant que leader de la technologie des données en temps réel, mais elle change également la donne pour Dream11, car cela va essentiellement assurer l’avenir de leur plateforme pour la croissance explosive qu’ils connaissent et continueront de connaître ».

Volt fournit la précision, la fiabilité et les performances exigées par les millions de fans de sport qui cherchent à participer à des concours fantaisistes pendant l’IPL. Que ce soit entre amis ou parmi un million d’autres fans en compétition pour montrer leurs compétences et leurs connaissances du cricket, la faible latence de Volt, même en cas d’énormes pics de trafic (juste après le lancement du jeu), permet à Dream11 d’offrir la meilleure expérience de fantaisie aux fans et de devenir le choix numéro un en Inde pour les sports de fantaisie.

« La saison 2022 de l’IPL promettant d’établir de nouveaux records dans tous les domaines, nous savions que c’était le moment idéal pour intensifier notre relation stratégique avec l’équipe de Volt Active Data », a déclaré Amit Sharma, directeur technique de Dream11. « Chez Dream11, une excellente expérience utilisateur, une approche axée sur les données et une technologie de pointe sont toujours au cœur de nos préoccupations. Le défi du modèle de données auquel nous sommes confrontés pendant l’IPL est très nuancé et Volt est la seule plateforme que nous avons trouvée qui peut nous aider à surmonter ces défis techniques ».

À propos de Volt Active Data

Volt Active Data permet aux applications d’entreprise d’ingérer, de traiter et d’agir sur les données en quelques millisecondes pour exploiter de nouvelles sources de revenus et prévenir les pertes de revenus. Avec des clients de premier plan dans les télécommunications, la finance, les jeux et bien d’autres secteurs verticaux, la plateforme Volt est positionnée de manière unique pour être la technologie de référence de toute entreprise cherchant à tirer pleinement parti de la 5G, de l’IoT et de tout ce qui suivra. En savoir plus sur voltactivedata.com.

Logo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1805076/Volt_Active_Data_Logo.jpg

Initiation Rites in the Kunama Ethnic Group

The Kunama ethnic group are one of the early inhabitants of Eritrea. They speak Kunama, which belongs to the Nilo-Saharan language group, and live in an area that is suitable for farming and rearing animals. The Kunama ethnic group is classified into four clans — Shuwa, Karawa, Gurma, and Serma.

Each clan has its own symbol of identification. The Shuwa are identified by a hoopoe, the Gurma by the trunk of an elephant, the Serma by the horn of a bull, and the Karwa by the moon. Every member of a clan hangs the symbol of their clan on the wall of the entrance to their hut.

Just like the other Eritrean ethnic groups, the Kunama have their own distinct culture and customs. Traditional Kunama community was matrilineal, a distinct attribute in comparison to the other Eritrean ethnic groups. Women had traditionally more authority than men, giving them an upper hand in decision-making within the family and within the community.

In the Kunama ethnic group as is the case in other ethnic groups, marriage is sacred. Furthermore, it is done with the will and consent of both partners. Families never force their daughters to marry someone they don’t want.

In arranged marriages, rare these days as forced marriage is banned in Eritrea’s modern laws, the mother took the lead in asking for the hands of a girl to be married to her son. Accompanied by her sisters, the mother goes to the would-be-bride’s parents house to ask for their daughter’s hand. After agreeing to forward the proposal to their daughter, the parents determine the next meeting date and bid the visitors farewell. When the would-be-bride accepts the proposal, her family and that of the would-be-groom’s start making preparations for the engagement and marriage ceremonies.

Unlike other ethnic groups in Eritrea, in the Kunama ethnic group the newly-wed spend their honeymoon at the bride’s parents’ house. This is done in order for the bride to be given very good care by her family. Three days after the wedding, the newly-wed are given gifts known as Anjiba Teda. The father and uncles of the bride offer cattle to the newlywed.

In many ethnic groups, an initiation rite was performed to mark the transition of young boys to manhood. In the Blen ethnic group, for instance, boys went through what is known as Shingelot as initiation rites. Similarly, young boys in the Kunama ethnic group undergo through Ana Ella when they turn 16. A fading ritual these days, Ana Ella was performed in September and its main purpose was to determine the physical and mental fitness of the young boys to be men.

Teenagers can be identified by their haircuts, which also reveals whether a young boy has successfully gone through the initiation rites. Those who successfully perform the initiation rites were allowed to grow their hair long or braid it if they want to. And those who had not passed the initiation rites or have not reached the right age to go through the rituals had their hair shaved on two sides of their head and can easily be identified.

Ana Ella involved many physical activities such as walking long distances, swimming in rivers and being flogged by a whip made of animal skin to test the physical and mental endurance of those being initiated. Ana Ella is said to have been completed after those being initiated go through the physical and mental pain for four to five days. Those who have successfully gone through the initiation rites are treated as fully grown men who can marry, rear cattle, and participate in the affairs of their community by giving opinions and by standing witness in front of the village assembly.

The Kunama ethnic group has a peculiar way of bidding the dead farewell. They wash the dead bodies and adorn them with gems. If an old woman or man dies, their body is escorted by a group of people singing. If a woman’s or man’s spouse dies, the widow or the widower mourns the deceased at home but does not attend the funeral.

The Kunama ethnic group are known for their dances. One of the most loved and respected dances is Kundra which is performed once a year in a thanks-giving sort of a ceremony. Kundra is performed in September in some places and at the end of December in some others. The songs played and the musical instruments used during the thanks-giving ceremony are used only on that occasion. The musical instruments used are giba and gila, which are made of a horn and hamham, hollowed and dried skin of a gourd, and no drums are allowed.

Source: Ministry of Information Eritrea

“I Feel like I Stayed Behind to Share their Stories,” Artist John Meira

Meet Yohannes Habtegerghish, aka John Meira, a comedian whose name has been shinning in the art industry over the years. Yo¬hannes went to Sawa in the third round and got the experi-ence of the place while it was in its infancy. Yohannes and his colleagues were the ones who went to the battlefields to defend their nation when the TPLF war of aggression was launched in 1998. He is an artist who wants to share stories of the brave Eritreans, his friends, who died defending their nation. Over the years, he has worked as a journalist, a comedian, a researcher in oral folk tales, and an event organizer.

• Thank you for being with us today, John. Let me take you back to the time when you went to Sawa. Tell us your memory?

I remember back in those days most of my friends had gone to Sawa before me. I always heard stories about their experiences there and read their letters from Sawa. That has always excited me somehow. I really wanted to try sleeping outside and living with many people. That was my idea of Sawa at the beginning. That is why I went to Sawa with this whole urge of becoming a real man. Well, getting there, it was amazing to see that many people from across the country that came from different backgrounds and customs just blended in. During the six month military training, we learned about everyone’s culture and got a lifetime friendship. To be honest, I still remember almost every one of my team mates’ first and last names.

• Is that where you started your career as an artist?

I clearly had a passion for art growing up. People around me acknowledged my artistic sides as I was the one telling jokes and dancing all the time. But it was when I was assigned to do my national service in the 271st division in Qarora, after the military training in Sawa, that I was finally recognized as an artist. Even there, we always had a strict schedule since we were at the border; we managed to organize entertaining programs. Later on, they wanted us to form a cultural troupe and I was one of the people where I actually wrote a play I remembered from a stage performance. People thought I wrote the piece and they applauded me. Afterward, I became a famous artist at the division and that kind of support made me believe that I could do better.

• John, you took part in the 3rd offensive. What do you remember about it?

In 1997 we had been sent home after completing our national service duties and began to live normal lives. But when TPLF regime launched a war of aggression against Eritrea in May 1998, most of us had to go back to the army and defend our nation. I participated in almost every battlefield during the war. The first battle we got in was at Quni qunito, one of the most dreadful as it was the very first battle for my generation and everything was just shocking. We lost 32 people in our unit. Another one was the seven-day battle we had in Ghirme where I was injured the first day and that, too, was a battle that took many lives. Eritreans have shared a long history of pain and amazing stories of heroic deeds of our fighters. I tried to keep a diary during the war and documented few of the things that I saw.

• Please, tell me about your artistic journey after the war was over?

When I started to read my diaries to my team mates, I got a good response. Then I started publishing articles in the 271st division’s magazine. I later on sent my articles to a Tigrigna newspaper at the time, Admas. I started accepting myself as a writer and an artist, and I was sending articles to Dmtsi Hafash radio and Hadas Eritrea, Tigrigna newspaper. My articles always focused on shedding some light to stories of heroes who were at the battlefields. I believe that I stayed behind them to tell their stories honestly. I have a complete book ready to be published.

Besides, I had an opportunity to take journalism lessons that have shaped me as a writer. And that allowed me to meet artists working diligently in the industry. Over the years, I have been fortunate to act in more than 40 short films and around 20 feature films with the most talented artists in Eritrea. I am currently acting in a sitcom, Enda Zimam. The series initially began during the partial lockdown, which was challenging to do. But we have managed to keep on producing the films by following the Ministry of Health guidelines regarding Covid-19. It is an interesting comedy that highlights different issues every weekend which the public appreciates.

• Anything you would like to say at the end, John Meira?

I am thankful for everyone who has been on my side. I love my fans and I always welcome their comments and criticism. Also, I want to remind every young Eritrean to lead a purposeful life. As Eritreans, we have a great culture and I hope that everyone acknowledges it and work for it.

Source: Ministry of Information Eritrea

Sun King Raises $260 Million, Led by General Atlantic’s BeyondNetZero, to Expand Global Access to Affordable Solar Energy

The solar energy provider, formerly known as Greenlight Planet, plans to use the funds to rapidly and sustainably bring electricity access to more homes across Africa and Asia

NAIROBI, Kenya, April 27, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Today, Sun King, the largest provider of solar energy products for off-grid homes in Africa and Asia, announced it has raised $260 million in Series D funding, led by BeyondNetZero, the climate investing venture of General Atlantic, a leading global growth equity firm, along with M&G Investments’ Catalyst team and Arch Emerging Markets Partners. Founded in 2007 as Greenlight Planet, the company recently rebranded as Sun King, the name under which its products have long been sold.

Sun King is leading a transformation in how electricity is provided across Africa and Asia, where 1.8 billion people still lack access to a reliable electrical grid. To date, Sun King has powered the lives of 82 million people across 40 countries. The company’s solar home systems power lights, mobile phones, radios, and larger home appliances. Sun King systems are dramatically more affordable and sustainable than kerosene or new power lines, allowing customers to leapfrog electrical grids and fossil-fuel energy sources entirely.

Today, Sun King operates the world’s largest direct-to-consumer, pay-as-you-go (PAYG) solar distribution network, growing at a rate of 150,000 new clients per month across seven countries. In Kenya, one in five people use Sun King today, with 18 million Kenyans having benefited over a decade of operations. In Nigeria, the company’s user base has tripled in the past year alone. While growing rapidly, the company has remained consistently profitable.

Sun King now accounts for 38% of total industry-wide PAYG solar revenue according to the latest data collected by GOGLA, the global association for the off-grid solar energy industry. As a result of Sun King’s growth, the company has eliminated 22 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions while saving consumers $4.4 billion in energy costs.

The $260 million financing includes $100 million in primary investment for Sun King’s continued expansion. Sun King’s founders retain voting control of the board. In addition to the company’s plans for continued geographical expansion, the funds will also be allocated towards product-line expansion, including larger solar systems equipped with AC-electricity inverters (capable of powering larger appliances like refrigerators) and new products such as mobile phones.

“This investment in Sun King marks an incredible inflection point for the global off-grid solar industry,” said T. Patrick Walsh, co-founder, and CEO of Sun King. “Over the last 15 years, we have delivered solar energy and light to over 82 million people, enabling kids to study for school, helping entrepreneurs run small businesses, and allowing families to power their lives, free from the danger and high cost of kerosene lanterns. This landmark investment allows us to continue scaling our technology, service, and financing capabilities so we can meet the needs of the next billion energy consumers.”

“Sun King is leading a global transformation in the way we provide electricity to consumers in Africa and Asia,” said Sun King co-founder Anish Thakkar. “It’s now dramatically more affordable to power a home with a solar system than to extend the electrical grid: for less than the cost of a single electrical pole, we can install an entire solar energy system in-home. This funding will further unlock our ability to scale this revolution to the 1.8 billion people who need these products today, and the next billion who will need them tomorrow.”

“BeyondNetZero is excited to back Sun King, an industry-leading company that offers consumers accessible and affordable solar products, supported by fair and sustainable business practices,” said Eli Aheto, Managing Director on the BeyondNetZero team at General Atlantic. “We look forward to partnering with the company and its leadership as they bring innovative and affordable off-grid solar products to new markets and continue to grow their meaningful contribution to the global net zero transition.”

Ekta Partners acted as lead financial advisor for this transaction. Goodwin Procter LLP provided legal counsel to Sun King, and Freshfields provided legal counsel to BeyondNetZero.

About Sun King
Sun King is the world’s largest off-grid solar energy company, serving the 1.8 billion people across Africa and Asia who lack access to reliable electricity. Through innovative product design, affordable pay-as-you-go financing, and a grassroots field team of 15,000 agents providing installation and service, Sun King has powered the lives of over 82 million people. Founded in 2007 as Greenlight Planet, Sun King sets the gold standard for off-grid solar technology as part of its mission: powering access to brighter lives. For more information, please visit: www.sunking.com.

About BeyondNetZero
BeyondNetZero is the climate investing venture of General Atlantic, a leading global growth equity firm. BeyondNetZero invests in growth companies delivering innovative climate solutions that have the potential to meet and exceed net zero emissions targets, with a focus on decarbonization, energy efficiency, resource conservation and emissions management. This venture combines General Atlantic’s growth equity experience and global network with a team of experienced climate investors, advisors and industry executives who bring decades of experience in both addressing climate-focused problems and building pioneering growth companies. For more information on BeyondNetZero, please visit: https://beyond-net-zero.com.

About General Atlantic
General Atlantic is a leading global growth equity firm with more than four decades of experience providing capital and strategic support for over 445 growth companies throughout its history. Established in 1980 to partner with visionary entrepreneurs and deliver lasting impact, the firm combines a collaborative global approach, sector specific expertise, a long-term investment horizon and a deep understanding of growth drivers to partner with great entrepreneurs and management teams to scale innovative businesses around the world. General Atlantic currently has over $84 billion in assets under management inclusive of all products as of December 31, 2021, and more than 215 investment professionals based in New York, Amsterdam, Beijing, Hong Kong, Jakarta, London, Mexico City, Mumbai, Munich, Palo Alto, São Paulo, Shanghai, Singapore, and Stamford. For more information on General Atlantic, please visit: www.generalatlantic.com.

About M&G Investments
M&G Investments’ Catalyst strategy is investing up to £5 billion into innovative privately-owned global businesses working to create a more sustainable world. For over ninety years M&G Investments has been helping its customers to prosper by putting investments to work, which in turn creates jobs, homes, and vital infrastructure in the real economy. Its investment solutions span equities, fixed income, multi asset, cash, private debt, infrastructure, and real estate. M&G Investments is part of M&G plc, a FTSE-100 listed company with over £370 billion of assets under management (as of 31 December 2021), and customers in the UK, Europe, the Americas, and Asia, including individual savers and investors, life insurance policy holders and pension scheme members.

Contact: Jackie Zupsic – jzupsic@tuskstrategies.com

Clearspan Unveils Ping

Clearspan Ping, a portal to personalized communications, provides customizable features, security, privacy and control

DALLAS, Texas, April 27, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Clearspan on Wednesday unveiled Ping, a customizable communications and collaboration solution that delivers secure voice, video and messaging anywhere, anytime and on any device. Purpose-built to serve the world’s leading service providers and largest organizations, Clearspan Ping is designed to deliver unique user experiences with the security, privacy and control that large organizations require.

Ping is the latest addition to Clearspan’s lineup of scalable communication technologies and serves as a foundational component in its journey to personalized communications.

“At Clearspan, we’re committed to creating solutions that make it easier to create unique user experiences while retaining the security, privacy and controls that large organizations require,” said Bill Crank, Clearspan’s chief executive officer. “For decades, Clearspan has powered ubiquitous unified communications solutions that empower service providers and large organizations. Clearspan Ping is the next generation communications portal that enables personalized communications and will continue to digitally transform today’s modern workforce, no matter where they’re located.”

Ping’s modern user features include point-to-point and multiparty voice, video and messaging; screen and file sharing; team rooms that allow private space for collaboration; PSTN calling; and flexible access options including browser based, desktop, and mobile applications.

Ping sets itself apart with unique features:

  • Brandable: Ping is brandable for both service providers and organizations. There are no cobranding requirements, meaning Ping can truly reflect any organization.
  • Customizable: From easy integration of commonly used applications, such as call center agent control, faxing, and SMS texting, to cross platform messaging and IoT device monitoring, Ping is built to be customized. Additionally, Ping’s deployment model is flexible. Users can choose from Clearspan cloud, public cloud, private cloud, or premise-based hosting.
  • Secure: Ping is 100 percent private with end-to-end session encryption, allowing complete data sovereignty without data mining.

Ping will be available worldwide beginning Sunday, May 1. Ping has already been trialed by some of the United States’ largest universities and global tier one service providers. Interested parties can find more information about Ping and request a demonstration on www.ClearspanCloud.com.

About Clearspan 

Clearspan powers ubiquitous unified communications solutions that help the world’s largest organizations digitally transform the way they work. For over forty years, Clearspan has enabled service providers and large organizations with innovative solutions and operational efficiency at scale. Clearspan’s standards-based architecture uniquely delivers the carrier-grade reliability, scalability and security required – without sacrificing the flexibility to seamlessly integrate both modern and legacy business applications and environments. Learn more at www.ClearspanCloud.com.


Kayla Ayres
(214) 378-7970