National Union of Eritrean Women celebrate Independence Day

The National Union of Eritrean Women celebrated the 30th Independence Day anniversary under the theme “Resilient: As Ever” featuring various programs on 20 May at the Central Office of the union.

Speaking at the event, Ms. Tekea Tesfamicael, President of the Union, gave a briefing on the contribution of the Eritrean Women in the struggle for independence and safeguarding the national sovereignty as well as in the implementation of the national development programs and called for reinforced participation.

Ms. Tekea went on to say that the Eritrean women through their struggle have realized their rightful place in society and that school participation of female students has increased significantly and college education participation has increased by 45% and that attests to the struggle conducted.

According to a report, the National Union of Eritrean Women branch in the Central Region started celebrating the 30th Independence Day anniversary from 4 May featuring various programs.

Source: Ministry of Information Eritrea

Eritreans in Diaspora celebrating Independence Day

Eritrean nationals residing in various countries are celebrating the 30th Independence Day anniversary with patriotic zeal. According to the Embassy Media, the nationals started celebrating the Independence Day anniversary on 18 May featuring various programs respecting the guidelines issued by their respective countries of residence. According to report, nationals in UK cities of London, Birmingham, Leicester, Manchester, Coventry, Nottingham, New Castel, Liverpool, Leeds, and Sheffield celebrated Independence Day featuring various programs including waving the Eritrean flag, presentation of the challenges and conspiracies encountered and the sacrifice paid, as well as recollections of the armed struggle for independence.

Source: Ministry of Information Eritrea

More messages of congratulation

President Guy Parmelin of the Swiss Federation, King Carl Gustaf of Sweden, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of the Republic of Turkey, as well as President Emmanuel Macron of the French Republic, sent messages of congratulations to the people and Government of Eritrea in connection with the 30th Independence Day anniversary.

In their messages, the leaders wished good health to President Isaias Afwerki and peace and prosperity to the Eritrean People.

The leaders also expressed the readiness of the countries to develop friendship and cooperation with Eritrea to the highest level.

In his message, President Guy Parmelin of the Swiss Federation said that good relations based on trust between the two countries could help to tackle major global challenges and expressed the aspiration of his country to develop fruitful cooperation with Eritrea.

President Emmanuel Macron on his part indicating that global cooperation at this time of the COVID-19 pandemic is paramount for international peace and stability expressed his country’s desire to deepen the bilateral relations between the two countries incongruent with the current situation in the Horn of Africa.

Source: Ministry of Information Eritrea

Zoom Lança Plataforma Zoom Events para Experiências Virtuais

Uma Plataforma Tudo em Um para Produzir e Monetizar Eventos e Conferências Virtuais Interativos

SAN JOSE, Calif., May 20, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Zoom Video Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: ZM) anunciou hoje o lançamento do Zoom Events, uma plataforma tudo-em-um com capacidade de produção de experiências virtuais interativas e envolventes, disponível a partir do segundo semestre. O Zoom Events combina a confiabilidade e escalabilidade das Reuniões, Bate-Papo e Webinars por Vídeo do Zoom em uma solução abrangente para organizadores de eventos, com  capacidade de produzir eventos ao vivo com ingressos para públicos internos ou externos de qualquer tamanho.

O Zoom Events oferece algo para uma variedade de casos de uso – desde que grandes empresas gerenciem e hospedem eventos internos sem problemas, até reuniões de negócios e de vendas, e eventos externos, tais como conferências de usuários para empresas e empreendedores menores que usam o OnZoom para criar, hospedar e monetizar eventos, incluindo aulas de fitness e culinária, apresentações teatrais e muito mais. Como parte do lançamento do Zoom Events, o OnZoom, na fase Beta, será renomeado e integrado ao Zoom Events, podendo ser privado ou pesquisado e explorado publicamente.

O recente estudo global da Zoom How Virtual Do We Want Our Future to Be? (Quão Virtual Será o Nosso Futuro?), entrevistou pessoas em todo o mundo sobre o papel das comunicações por vídeo na nossa vida após a pandemia. Nos EUA, 80% dos entrevistados concordaram que após a pandemia tudo continuará a ter um elemento virtual, com 52% dos entrevistados dos EUA planejando participar de eventos presenciais e virtuais, reforçando a necessidade de uma solução tudo-em-um para criar experiências perfeitas de eventos híbridos/virtuais.

Benefícios da Plataforma Zoom Events:

  • Criação de um hub de eventos para o fácil gerenciamento e compartilhamento de eventos
  • Registro e emissão de bilhetes personalizáveis
  • Controle do acesso e do faturamento a partir de um portal
  • Hospedagem de vários eventos – gratuitos ou pagos, únicos ou séries
  • Reunião de participantes em redes integradas
  • Acompanhamento de estatísticas de eventos, tal como assiduidade, registro, receita e muito mais
  • Os eventos podem ser privados ou publicados no nosso diretório público para visualização do público
  • Os Zoom Events podem ser usados com a licença paga de Reuniões ou Webinar por Vídeo do Zoom

“É muito empolgante estar no Zoom, onde o ritmo da inovação continua a acelerar”, disse Oded Gal, diretora de produtos do Zoom. “Sabemos que as pessoas estão procurando flexibilidade em como participar de eventos no futuro. O modelo híbrido chegou para ficar, e o Zoom Events é uma solução perfeita para nossos clientes que desejam produzir e hospedar eventos públicos, empresariais e de clientes com uma solução fácil e potente. Esta é outra maneira de ajudar os clientes a escalar para atender às demandas dos consumidores e ao cenário virtual e híbrido em evolução.”

Para mais informação sobre Zoom Events, visite o website Zoom Events e leia o nosso blog recente.

Sobre o Zoom
O Zoom é para você. Ajudamos você a expressar ideias, se conectar a outras pessoas e se preparar para um futuro limitado apenas pela sua imaginação. Nossa plataforma de comunicações sem atrito é a única que teve início com o vídeo como base, e que nos permitiu o padrão da inovação. É por isso que somos uma escolha intuitiva, escalonável e segura para pessoas e pequenas e grandes empresas. Fundada em 2011, a Zoom é negociada publicamente (NASDAQ:ZM) e sediada em San Jose, Califórnia. Visite e siga @zoom.

Zoom Relações Públicas
Farshad Hashmatulla
Gerente de RP de Produto

Zoom annonce le lancement de la plateforme Zoom Events pour des expériences virtuelles

Une plateforme tout-en-un pour la production et la monétisation d’événements et de conférences virtuels interactifs

SAN JOSÉ, Californie, 20 mai 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Zoom Video Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ : ZM) a annoncé aujourd’hui que Zoom Events, une plateforme tout-en-un capable de produire des expériences virtuelles interactives et engageantes, sera disponible cet été. Zoom Events combine la fiabilité et l’évolutivité des fonctionnalités Réunions, Discussions et Video Webinars Zoom dans une solution complète pour les organisateurs d’événements, avec la possibilité de produire des événements payants en direct pour des publics internes ou externes de toutes tailles.

Zoom Events a quelque chose à proposer pour une variété de cas d’utilisation, allant de la possibilité pour les grandes entreprises de gérer et d’héberger de manière transparente des réunions internes de vente et générales et des événements externes comme des conférences d’utilisateurs, aux petites entreprises et entrepreneurs qui utilisent OnZoom pour créer, héberger et monétiser des événements, notamment des cours de fitness et de cuisine, des représentations théâtrales, etc. Dans le cadre du lancement de Zoom Events, OnZoom, actuellement en version bêta, sera rebaptisé et intégré à Zoom Events, et pourra être soit privé, soit recherché et exploré publiquement.

La récente étude mondiale de Zoom, How Virtual Do We Want Our Future to Be? (Dans quelle mesure voulons-nous que notre avenir soit virtuel ?), a interrogé les gens du monde entier sur le rôle des communications vidéo dans notre vie quotidienne dans un monde post-pandémie. Aux États-Unis, 80 % des répondants ont convenu que chaque aspect de notre vie continuera d’avoir un élément virtuel après la pandémie, 52 % des personnes interrogées aux États-Unis prévoyant de profiter à la fois d’événements physiques et virtuels, renforçant la nécessité d’une solution tout-en-un qui créera des expériences d’événements hybrides/virtuels transparentes.

Avantages de la plateforme Zoom Events :

  • La possibilité de construire un centre d’événements pour gérer et partager facilement les événements
  • Une billetterie et une inscription personnalisables
  • Un contrôle de l’accès et de la facturation depuis un seul portail
  • L’organisation d’une variété d’événements – gratuits ou payants, ponctuels ou en série
  • La réunion de participants avec le réseautage intégré
  • Le suivi des statistiques des événements comme la fréquentation, l’inscription, les revenus et bien plus
  • Les événements peuvent rester privés ou être publiés dans notre répertoire public pour que d’autres personnes en aient connaissance
  • Zoom Events peut être utilisé avec une licence payante Video Webinar ou Réunions Zoom

« Nous vivons un moment passionnant chez Zoom où le rythme de l’innovation continue de s’accélérer », a déclaré Oded Gal, directeur des produits chez Zoom. « Nous savons que les gens recherchent de la flexibilité dans la façon dont ils assisteront aux événements à l’avenir. Le modèle hybride est là pour rester, et Zoom Events est une solution idéale pour nos clients qui cherchent à produire et à organiser des événements pour le public, les entreprises ou les clients avec une solution à la fois simple et puissante. C’est une autre façon pour nous d’aider nos clients à évoluer pour répondre aux demandes des consommateurs et à l’évolution du paysage virtuel et hybride. »

Pour en savoir plus sur Zoom Events, veuillez consulter le site Web de Zoom Events et lire notre dernier article de blog.

À propos de Zoom
Zoom est fait pour vous. Nous vous aidons à exprimer vos idées, à communiquer avec les autres et à bâtir un avenir limité uniquement par votre imagination. Notre plateforme de communications sans friction est la seule qui a commencé par la vidéo comme fondement, et nous avons établi la norme en matière d’innovation depuis lors. C’est pourquoi nous sommes un choix intuitif, évolutif et sécurisé aussi bien pour les particuliers, que les petites et grandes entreprises. Fondée en 2011, Zoom est cotée en bourse (NASDAQ : ZM) et a son siège social à San José, en Californie. Rendez-vous sur et suivez@zoom.

Relations publiques de Zoom
Farshad Hashmatulla
Responsable des relations publiques

XJTLU Celebrates its Past by Embarking on the Future

SUZHOU, China, May 20, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Fifteen years ago, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, a partnership between the University of Liverpool in the United Kingdom and Xi’an Jiaotong University in China, started with one building and 164 students.

Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU), an international joint-venture institution in China, is celebrating its 15th anniversary by launching academies and planning expansion

Today, at 18,000 students from around the globe, XJTLU is the largest joint-venture university in China.  It boasts approximately 900 staff from 50 countries and regions. The University’s alumni study at global top universities and work at world-leading companies.

Key to its success is its unique blend of educational styles, enabling students to become internationally minded global citizens.

As an institution constantly looking forward, it’s fitting that XJLTU is celebrating its 15th anniversary with the launch of new academies and plans to expand outside its home province.

  • On Saturday, 22 May, the University will launch its Academy of Future Education, encompassing research and education activities, training for educators in and outside of the University, support for students’ educational growth, and a platform for online and onsite lifelong learning around the globe. “The future of education is not focused on teachers imparting knowledge to students, but instead on how educational institutions will support lifelong learning,” says Dr Xiaojun Zhang, Executive Dean of the Academy.
  • To provide tools for all learners, XJTLU and the Academy of Future Education will open the XJTLU Learning Mall to the public on Saturday, one year after its launch to University staff and students. Available offerings at continue to grow, with partners including Adobe, Microsoft, McGraw-Hill Group, Alibaba Cloud and Digital China providing educational content, training and online certification tests.
  • XJTLU’s Academy of Film and Creative Technology also will launch Saturday. “Partnering with media and creative industries will enable us to meet industry needs and train students and professionals to be cultural and creative industry leaders,” says Professor Stuart Perrin, Associate Principal of XJTLU Entrepreneur College (Taicang).
  • XJTLU’s plans include additional exploration of online-onsite educational models and expansion to other sites like China’s Greater Bay Area (Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau), where the University plans to establish the XIPU Innovation and Education College (GBA).

Learn more at

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US-Africa Military Collaboration Still Functions in a Virtual World

JOHANNESBURG – For 11 years, land forces chiefs in Africa and the U.S. Army have met annually at the African Land Forces Summit, a four-day event where the group discusses security threats on the continent and how these joint forces can tackle the threats together.

Since then, the security landscape has changed significantly, and so have the ways that the militaries have tried to keep up with threats, said Major General Andrew M. Rohling, commander of the U.S. Army Southern European Task Force in Africa.

The theme of the first summit, held in Washington in 2010, was “Building and Maintaining Strong Relationships.” This year, the event went virtual and was held in one day, Wednesday, with more than 40 countries represented.

“Maintaining Security in a Degraded Environment” was this year’s theme, Rohling told journalists via teleconference from Vicenza, Italy. “We discussed military pandemic responses, the effects of the pandemic on operations and its effects on training and exercises,” he said.

Rohling said he was looking forward to “trading with our counterparts through exercises in security cooperation activities in the near future.”

“In fact in June, the United States Army Southern European Task Force, Africa … will work alongside our partners in North Africa during African Lion 21, an exercise we had to cancel last year, to be held in Morocco, Senegal and Tunisia. This will increase our interoperability with our counterparts and strengthen relationships,” Rohling said.

The inability to get actual boots on the ground because of pandemic restrictions has transformed the way these important partnerships work, Rohling said, but not necessarily for the worse.

“One of the things that came out as a good lesson that we learned of the pandemic is how to conduct virtual activities,” he said. “Virtual training is one, virtual engagements for sure, and virtual collaboration being another. … What we’ve been able to do over the course of the pandemic is decentralize that activity and to a point where what used to be side-by-side mission planning is now being done on collaborative tools such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams.”

And that is where he left it for this year, in the virtual realm, as the African continent and the world try to regain stability after an extremely destabilizing year.

Source: Voice of America