Hamelmalo College of Agriculture graduates 349 students

In its 15th commencement, Hamelmalo College of Agriculture graduated 349 students in first degree and diploma in 8 fields of studies.

At the graduation ceremony held virtually today, 17 July, the college graduated 168 students in first degree and 181 students in diploma in Animal Science, Plant Science, Horticulture, Agricultural Engineering, Soil and Water Conservation and in other fields of study.

Speaking at the occasion, Prof. Woldeamlak Araya, Dean of the College congratulated the students for successfully completing their studies and overcoming the challenges COVID-19 caused.

Indicating that education and human resources development is significantly important in the effort to develop the traditional way of farming and livestock breeding into a modern one, Prof. Woldeamlak said that the college is earnestly working to that effect.

Regarding the effort to develop the capacity of lecturers, Prof. Woldeamlak said that currently 23 teachers of the college are in China, Hungary, Russia, and Japan for their PhD and Masters studies and 8 teachers are set to go to Russia, Hungary and Kenya for PhD and Masters studies.

Hamelmalo College of Agriculture since its establishment in 2005 has graduated 2 thousand 500 students in first degree, 2 thousand 839 in Diploma, and 59 in Masters Program.

Source: Ministry of Information Eritrea