Ethiopian Artificial Intelligence Institute Receives Patent Rights for Its Four Innovative Works

Addis Ababa: Four innovative works developed by the Ethiopian Artificial Intelligence Institute have been granted patent rights from the Ethiopian Intellectual Property Authority.

The Institute was granted patent rights for its artificial intelligence (AI) based tools developed to testing and identifying diabetic diseases, types of breast cancers, skin diseases on children and coffee leaf diseases.

On the occasion, Director General of the Ethiopian Artificial Intelligence Institute, Worku Gachena explained about the AI based activities of the institute in the areas of research and development. The research outcomes, which received patent rights today, are part of these ongoing efforts of the institute, he added.

According to the Director General, besides the efforts to making its research and development outcomes functional, the institute is also working to get international patent rights for its multifaceted AI based research and development projects.

The Director General of Ethiopian Intellectual Proper
ty Authority, Woldu Yemessel for his part highlighted the importance of strong protection to AI based innovations as they are critical to enhance the competitiveness of the next generation.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Dong-Eui University of S. Korea Wants to Further Strengthen Ties with Ethiopia in Education Sector

Addis Ababa: Ethiopian Ambassador to South Korea Dessie Dalkie discussed with the president of South Korean Dong-Eui University, Soo-Whan Han.

During the discussion, Ambassador Dessie Dalkie requested the president that Dong-Eui University collaborate with Ethiopian Higher Education institutions to enhance further educational cooperation between Ethiopia and the Republic of Korea.

Additionally, the Ambassador urged the university president to increase Ethiopian student scholarship opportunities and to encourage professors to engage in projects at Ethiopian universities that promote higher learning.

President of Dong-Eui University, Soo-Whan Han, on his part, reassured the audience of the university’s commitment by vowing to work closely with the Embassy to further strengthen relations between Ethiopia and the Republic of Korea in the field of education.

He also stated that the university has already had experience engaging in projects with Adama Science and Technology University (ASTU) and expressed a des
ire to deepen the collaboration to share experiences.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Foreign Ministry Unveils Preparations to Help 2nd Generation Ethiopians to Leave Mark in Investment, Other Dev’t

Addis Ababa: State Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Birtukan Ayano, announced that preparations have been made for second-generation Ethiopians to help them leave their mark through investment, various development works, and volunteer activities in the country.

It is recalled that Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed had called on second-generation Ethiopians living in various countries around the world to come to their homeland during the summer and leave their mark in the various activities of their country.

Following this, a welcoming ceremony was held today at Bole International Airport for second-generation Ethiopians who came from Australia and America to participate in the 26th Harar Day celebration.

State Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Birtukan Ayano, along with Harari regional leaders, welcomed the Ethiopians.

On the occasion, Ambassador Birtukan Ayano reminded that Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has made a third round of calls for second-generation Ethiopians to leave their mark in various field
s in Ethiopia.

Since schools are closed during this time, the State Minister pointed out that many Ethiopians of second generation have an opportunity to learn more about their homeland.

The necessary support will be provided to strengthen the participation of citizens who have come to Ethiopia to participate in the Harar Day celebration, including in investment and various other fields, as per the Prime Minister’s call, she added. .

She also explained that during their stay in Ethiopia, they will visit development projects, and work is being focused on creating favorable conditions for them to leave their mark.

Deputy Head of the Harari Region Prosperity Party Branch Office, Abdulhakim Umer, said that preparations have been made in the region for diaspora members from the region to participate in various charitable programs alongside celebrating Harar Day.

He mentioned that they will carry out various activities including free medical services, support for school supplies, and green legacy initiatives.

bdulhakim, who noted that Ethiopia has achieved changes in many aspects, indicated that second-generation Ethiopians should take advantage of the created favorable conditions to participate in development works.

According to Belayneh Aknaw, Deputy Director General of the Ethiopian Diaspora Service, second-generation Ethiopians have come in two rounds following the Prime Minister’s previous call.

He pointed out that a third round of calls has been made for second-generation Ethiopians to know their country over the three months starting from June 20, 2024, under the slogan “Leave Your Mark”.

The Deputy Director General highlighted that the national call provides an opportunity to see Ethiopia’s actual situation in person.

Among the second-generation Ethiopians who arrived in Addis Ababa today, Dr. Jemal Mohammed, a general practitioner in Australia, told ENA that he is ready to serve his country with his profession.

He also indicated that he has prepared a project to establish a dialysis clinic.

y, Duset Abdosh and Fetiha Abdulahi, who came from Australia, mentioned that they had long-term plans to participate in investment sector in Ethiopia.

Following their arrival in their country, they indicated that they are ready to start various development and investment works.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Ethiopia Plays Indispensable Role to Peace, Stability in East African Region: EASF

Addis Ababa: Eastern Africa Standby Force (EASF) commended Ethiopia for its indispensable role in the efforts to maintaining peace and stability in the region, as a key member of the force.

Adelegation from the Eastern Africa Standby Force office in Nairobi, Kenya, arrived in Ethiopia to oversee the preparedness of Ethiopia’s motorized battalion contributed to the force.

The delegation is currently conducting a pre-deployment verification and assessment forum in Bishoftu town of Oromia region today.

Director of the Eastern Africa Standby Force, Brigadier General Paul Kahuria Njema along with Lieutenant General Alemshet Degife, Military Advisor to the Chief of Staff of the Ethiopian National Defense Force, were present at the event attended by leaders, military officers of the standby force, and officials from the African Union.

On the occasion, the Director highlighted Ethiopia’s significant contribution in terms of providing a professional and qualified army to the Eastern Africa Standby Force. He also p
raised Ethiopia for its global contributions in this regard.

He also noted Ethiopia’s extensive experience in fostering peace and stability across East Africa, expressing gratitude for Ethiopia’s significant contributions to all missions it has been engaged thus far.

Brigadier General Njema further emphasized the imperative for regional countries to strengthen cooperation and work diligently towards achieving lasting peace and stability.

Lieutenant General Alemshet Degife, Military Advisor to the Chief of Staff of the Ethiopian National Defense Force, reiterated Ethiopia’s longstanding and pivotal role in promoting peace and security cooperation throughout Africa and the region.

Alemshet emphasized that Ethiopia, as a founding member of the standby force, is not only a pioneer in generating ideas but remains actively engaged as a leader in practical implementation.

He highlighted Ethiopia’s significant allocation of resources towards promoting peace in the region.

The Lieutenant General underscored Ethi
opia’s commitment and readiness to enhance the capacity of the standby force, ensuring comprehensive preparedness and effective mission execution.

The advisor also emphasized the critical role of the standby force in fostering peace and stability to strengthen cooperation among countries in the region across various sectors, while also highlighting the continuous readiness of the Ethiopian Motorized Battalion.

He affirmed the force’s unwavering commitment to enhancing its indispensable role in securing peace and prosperity for a brighter future in the region.

During their stay in Ethiopia, the Standby Force envoy will visit the Eastern Africa Standby Force headquarters in Ethiopia to assess the battalion’s readiness and operational status.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Ethiopia Aims to Boost Tea Industry through Enhanced Investor Engagement

Addis Ababa: The Ethiopian Coffee and Tea Authority has called on investors to participate in the burgeoning tea sector.

The initiative to expand tea leaf production in Ethiopia, which began three years ago under Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s leadership, has shown promising results.

Inspired by Kenya’s success as Africa’s leading tea producer, Ethiopia has been diligently applying lessons learned from Prime Minister Abiy’s visit to expand its own tea production capabilities.

Director General of the Authority, Adugna Debela, revealed to the Ethiopian News Agency (ENA) that an impressive 460 million seedlings have been cultivated to bolster production.

The current fiscal year has seen the establishment of expansive tea plantations spanning 30,000 hectares, a significant leap from the previous concentration of tea production in just 5,000 hectares across Wushwush and Gumero.Despite exporting 950 tons of premium processed tea leaves and generating 2.1 million USD in foreign currency within the first 11 months o
f this fiscal year-a substantial 50,000-ton increase from the previous year-Adugna emphasized that Ethiopia has only scratched the surface of its potential in the tea industry.

The limited involvement of investors in the sector has constrained Ethiopia’s ability to capitalize on its abundant resources and generate substantial foreign exchange, he said, adding annual earnings from tea exports have yet to surpass the 3 million USD mark, highlighting the vast untapped potential of the industry.

Ethiopia’s diverse topography and favorable climate present ideal conditions for tea cultivation, with the crop thriving even in acidic and sloping terrains. This versatility offers an excellent opportunity for farmers to diversify and expand their production.

Recognizing that smallholder farmers alone cannot drive the necessary expansion, Adugna has extended a call to investors to venture into the tea sector. The government is sweetening the deal with a range of incentives for industry participants.

Tea plantations o
ffer a sustainable long-term investment, with a productive lifespan of 30 to 40 years and bi-weekly leaf harvests providing a steady income stream.

The sector also promises significant job creation potential, prompting Adugna to encourage other regions to prioritize tea production in their agricultural strategies.

Currently, the United Kingdom absorbs 99 percent of Ethiopia’s tea exports, indicating room for market diversification and growth.

As Ethiopia positions itself to become a formidable player in the global tea market, the collaboration between government, farmers, and investors will be crucial in unlocking the full potential of this promising industry.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Ethiopian Airlines Launches New Flight to Warsaw, Poland

Addis Ababa: Ethiopian Airlines, Africa’s largest network operating carrier, has today officially launched new four times weekly passenger services to Warsaw, Poland via Athens.

The flight inaugurated today to Warsaw will expand the airline’s European destinations to 24, it was learned.

The inaugural ceremony was attended by several government officials and invited guests including Ethiopian Foreign Affairs State Ministers, Misganu Arga and Birtukan Ayano as well as State Minister of Transport and Logistics Dengue Boru, Ethiopian Airlines Group CEO Mesfin Tassew and Ambassador of Poland to Ethiopia, Przemyslaw Bobak.

On the occasion, Foreign Affairs State Minister Ambassador Misganu highlighted the significance of the new flight to further fostering the political and economic ties between Ethiopia and Poland.

According to him, the two countries have opportunities to work in partnership in a number of areas including technology, agriculture, and infrastructure development among others. Hence, he added that
the new flight will play decisive role in tapping these opportunities for mutual benefits.

Ethiopian Airlines Group CEO Mesfin Tasew, said the new flight will further grow Ethiopian presence in the European market with yet another new destination.

The move is in harmony with the Airline’s strategic intent to bridge Africa with the globe while fostering commerce and tourism within the continent.

Ambassador of Poland to Ethiopia, Przemyslaw Bobak for his part remarked that the new flight will be vital instrument to expand cultural exchanges between the people of the two countries in addition to its contribution to boost trade and tourism.

The new route, ET 764 from Addis Ababa to Warsaw via Athens, will operate on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays. Return flight ET 765 from Warsaw to Addis Ababa via Athens will on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.

With its modern fleet, extensive network, and award-winning services, Ethiopian Airlines continues to be a leading airline in Africa and a glo
bal player in the aviation industry offering convenient travel options with seamless connections to more than 135 global destinations.

As the airline celebrates its 78th anniversary this year, the addition of Warsaw into its network further solidifies the airline’s position as a key player in the African aviation market and beyond.

With its more than 60 destinations in Africa, Ethiopian is playing a key role in bringing Africa closer to the world and now to Poland in particular.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency