There’ll be peace across Nigeria in foreseeable future – Army chief

The Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Lt.-Gen. Taoreed Lagbaja, has reitrated Nigerian Army’s commitment to combating all threats and ensuring peace in the foreseeable future.

Lagbaja stated this during the Inter-denominational Church Service to commemorate the 2024 Nigerian Army Day Celebration (NADCEL), on Sunday in Abuja.

He said the threats that Nigeria was facing as a nation were complex and adaptive, assuring that the troops are adapting to the situation.

‘I would say we are one step ahead of the threats and in doing so we have been able to restore peace to some parts of the country’.

Accoording to Lagbaja, in the areas where the army is still experiencing challenges, the authorities are reviewing the situation.

‘We are tweaking with our strategy and the troops are raring to go and we will continue to provide the necessary support to the troops in the front line.

‘My pledge to the nation is that the army will continue to be up and doing, the troops will continue to combat the threat and in the foreseeable future we will experience peace all across the nation,’ he said.

The army chief urged Nigerians to continue to support the army by providing information, moral, spiritual and whatever support to enable it to address the situation.

Lagbaja said that: ‘With this support, the soldiers in the front line will be motivated to give their all in the defence of the nation and in doing that, we will experience sustainable peace across the nation’.

He thanked the clergy for their diligence in lifting holy hands in prayers on behalf of the Nigerian army families, particularly those in the front lines and the families they left behind.

Lagbaja also congratulated officers and men of the army and members of their families as it marked its 161 years since its inception and counted its successes.

He said the service had experienced wars, low-intensity conflicts, and military operations other than war, such as peacekeeping/peace enforcement and military aid to civil authority engagements.

According to him, Nigeria today boasts of a force that is globally reckoned with, renowned for its tenacity and adaptability and a force that is victory-focused.

He said the Nigerian army understood the underlying spiritual component of fighting power, and ascribed battle successes to God as conspicuously captured by its motto: ‘Victory is from God Alone.’

‘I believe it is in recognition of the place of thankfulness to God for the past year and the need to seek divine guidance and blessings for a new year that our forefathers initiated the NADCEL religious activities.

‘Therefore, our gathering today is to thank the Almighty for His guidance over the past year and seek His continued blessings, grace, and favour.

‘Like the eagle bird that symbolises strength in the army logo, we have congregated before the Almighty to renew our strength to soar higher and accomplish missions in the new year,’ he said.

Lagbaja said that the NADCEL Church service was also to commemorate the fallen warriors, celebrate the living and pray for a brighter future for the Nigerian army.

He urged all to keep praying for the repose of the souls of their beloved colleagues who had paid the supreme sacrifice in the line of duty defending the nation as well as for the recovery of the growing population of wounded-in-action warriors.

The Director, Chaplain Services (Roman Catholic), Nigerian Army, Brig.-Gen. Anthony Maimagani, said the theme of the Interdenominational Church Service is: ‘Integrating Religious Morals in the Society: Imperative in Combating Contemporary Security Challenges in a Joint Environment”.

Maimagani said the Nigerian army believed that victory only comes from God as encapsulated in its motto.

He said it was God that guided personnel and gave them inner courage to fight to overcome the enemy.

According to him, prayer is a key thing in their lives as they struggle with insecurity in the country.

‘That is why we talk about a non kinetic way of dealing with this insecurity and prayer is one aspect of dealing with such insecurity,’ he said..

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Amba general, other killed in Bamenda

According to several sources, security forces conducted an operation at a residence in Alakuma, Bamenda 2 subdivsiion, on June 30, 2024. The operation reportedly targeted a man identified as ‘Stone Cornered,’ a suspected leader within the Ambazonian movement.

The orign of Mbessa village in Boyo Division was baptised and named, Nchuaji Nobert.

Details remain unclear, but reports indicate that security forces surrounded the residence and gunfire was exchanged. It is alleged that two individuals were killed during the operation, with their bodies subsequently burned at the location.

The governement nor the separatists have not commented on the incident but several state sponsored agents jubilated by psoting the face of the deseased fighter saying he was a member of the Ambazonia Defesne Forces, ADF.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

Ethiopia, COP29 Presidency Agree to Collaborate on Climate Negotiations

Addis Ababa: Ethiopia and COP29 Presidency have agreed to collaborate on the outstanding issues in climate negotiations, according to Ethiopia’s Planning and Development Ministry.

This was disclosed at a bilateral meeting held today between Minister of Planning and Development of Ethiopia, Fitsum Assefa and Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Azerbaijan and President of the COP29, Mukhtar Babayev.

The 29th Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC (COP 29) will be hosted by the Government of Azerbaijan in November.

During the bilateral meeting, Fitsum expressed gratitude for the invitation to the COP29 to be held in Baku, Azerbaijan in November 2024, and thanked the Azerbaijani government for the warm hospitality extended to the Ethiopian delegation during the visit in May 2024.

She also highlighted Ethiopia’s exemplary role in initiating and implementing ambitious climate change policies, such as the Climate Resilient Green Economy (CRGE), Green Legacy Initiative, Long-Term Low Emi
ssion and Climate Resilient Development Strategy and various environmental protection projects.

Ethiopia has invested approximately 82 billion USD between 2011 and 2019 on climate-related projects, mostly from its domestic budget, she added.

Fitsum further expressed Ethiopia’s expectations for the COP29 negotiations, including the conclusion of pending issues such as the New Quantified Collective Goal on Climate Finance (NCQG), operationalization of Article 6, a dedicated loss and damage funding facility, and the Global Goal on Adaptation.

The Minister also highlighted the growing burden that developing countries, particularly Least Developed Countries and Africa, are facing due to the adverse effects of climate change, including debt stress, which calls for deep reform of Multilateral Development Banks and International Financial Institutions.

Mukhtar Babayev expressed the COP29 presidency’s readiness to collaborate with Ethiopia to push the pending negotiation issues towards a successful conclusion.

emphasized the need for a pragmatic approach and compromise during the negotiations to reduce polarization.

Azerbaijan’s Minister and President of the COP29, Mukhtar Babayev has officially requested Ethiopia’s support in lobbying the negotiation groups through various platforms, as Ethiopia is a leading champion in this regard.

Minister Fitsum acknowledged that as the current chair of the African Ministerial Conference on Environment (AMCEN), Ethiopia would play a role in pushing the African Group of Negotiators, as well as other negotiator groups, to exercise a pragmatic approach for the successful completion of COP29.

Finally, the two ministers discussed further strengthening the relationship between Ethiopia and Azerbaijan, particularly in the areas of trade, investment, and tourism.

Minister Fitsum Assefa and President Mukhtar Babayev recognized the untapped potential for expanding economic and cultural ties between the two countries.

They agreed to explore new opportunities for trade and investment
partnerships as well as in creating a conducive environment for the private investment between both countries.

By strengthening trade, investment, and tourism ties, the ministers expressed their belief that Ethiopia and Azerbaijan could further deepen their bilateral relationship and unlock new avenues for mutually beneficial cooperation.

Both sides pledged to task their relevant government agencies to follow up on the agreed areas of collaboration, according to Ministry of Planning and Development.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Ethiopia, COP29 Presidency Agree to Collaborate on Climate Negotiations

Addis Ababa: Ethiopia and COP29 Presidency have agreed to collaborate on the outstanding issues in climate negotiations, according to Ethiopia’s Planning and Development Ministry.

This was disclosed at a bilateral meeting held today between Minister of Planning and Development of Ethiopia, Fitsum Assefa and Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Azerbaijan and President of the COP29, Mukhtar Babayev.

The 29th Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC (COP 29) will be hosted by the Government of Azerbaijan in November.

During the bilateral meeting, Fitsum expressed gratitude for the invitation to the COP29 to be held in Baku, Azerbaijan in November 2024, and thanked the Azerbaijani government for the warm hospitality extended to the Ethiopian delegation during the visit in May 2024.

She also highlighted Ethiopia’s exemplary role in initiating and implementing ambitious climate change policies, such as the Climate Resilient Green Economy (CRGE), Green Legacy Initiative, Long-Term Low Emi
ssion and Climate Resilient Development Strategy and various environmental protection projects.

Ethiopia has invested approximately 82 billion USD between 2011 and 2019 on climate-related projects, mostly from its domestic budget, she added.

Fitsum further expressed Ethiopia’s expectations for the COP29 negotiations, including the conclusion of pending issues such as the New Quantified Collective Goal on Climate Finance (NCQG), operationalization of Article 6, a dedicated loss and damage funding facility, and the Global Goal on Adaptation.

The Minister also highlighted the growing burden that developing countries, particularly Least Developed Countries and Africa, are facing due to the adverse effects of climate change, including debt stress, which calls for deep reform of Multilateral Development Banks and International Financial Institutions.

Mukhtar Babayev expressed the COP29 presidency’s readiness to collaborate with Ethiopia to push the pending negotiation issues towards a successful conclusion.

emphasized the need for a pragmatic approach and compromise during the negotiations to reduce polarization.

Azerbaijan’s Minister and President of the COP29, Mukhtar Babayev has officially requested Ethiopia’s support in lobbying the negotiation groups through various platforms, as Ethiopia is a leading champion in this regard.

Minister Fitsum acknowledged that as the current chair of the African Ministerial Conference on Environment (AMCEN), Ethiopia would play a role in pushing the African Group of Negotiators, as well as other negotiator groups, to exercise a pragmatic approach for the successful completion of COP29.

Finally, the two ministers discussed further strengthening the relationship between Ethiopia and Azerbaijan, particularly in the areas of trade, investment, and tourism.

Minister Fitsum Assefa and President Mukhtar Babayev recognized the untapped potential for expanding economic and cultural ties between the two countries.

They agreed to explore new opportunities for trade and investment
partnerships as well as in creating a conducive environment for the private investment between both countries.

By strengthening trade, investment, and tourism ties, the ministers expressed their belief that Ethiopia and Azerbaijan could further deepen their bilateral relationship and unlock new avenues for mutually beneficial cooperation.

Both sides pledged to task their relevant government agencies to follow up on the agreed areas of collaboration, according to Ministry of Planning and Development.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Ethiopia’s House Speaker, Azerbaijani Minister and COP-29 President Discuss Climate Actio

Addis Ababa: House of Peoples’ Representatives (HPR) Speaker Tagesse Chafo and a high-level delegation from Azerbaijan led by Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources, Mukhtar Babayev, who is COP-29 President, exchanged ideas on strengthening cooperation and addressing global climate challenges today.

The 2024 UN Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC COP 29) will convene in November 2024 in Baku, Azerbaijan, it was indicated.

During the discussion, Ethiopia’s Green Legacy Initiative, and COP29 emerged as key points of discussion, in addition to the need to strengthen bilateral and multilateral issues to tackle global challenges.

HPR Speaker Tagesse Chafo focused on amplifying efforts to tackle climate change, highlighting the success of Ethiopia’s Green Legacy Initiative.

He emphasized the need for increased collaboration and experience sharing, alongside ensuring the long-promised 1 billion USD in climate finance is delivered.

Tagesse stressed the importance of translating climate conferences’ decisions in
to concrete action, including at the upcoming COP29, which presents an opportunity to accelerate international efforts toward climate action.

Ethiopia, the speaker reaffirmed, remains committed to partnering with Azerbaijan and the international community to combat climate change.

Tagesse emphasized the importance of knowledge and experience exchange in tackling climate change effectively.

The Speaker also underscored the need to strengthen early warning systems to build resilience against climate-induced disasters.

Ethiopia expressed its full support to Azerbaijan as it assumes the presidency of COP29.

Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources, Mukhtar Babayev clarified that the purpose of the visit is to understand climate change actions in Ethiopia.

He highlighted that Azerbaijan also faces its share of climate challenges, including droughts and floods and expressed his country’s interest in learning from Ethiopia’s experience in climate change mitigation.

The Minister emphasized that it is daunting
for countries to tackle climate change effects separately and stressed the importance of regional and global cooperation in tackling the challenge.

The speaker also accepted invitation to visit Azerbagian and he accepted it.

Following the discussions, both delegations participated in a symbolic tree planting ceremony within the parliament compound, underscoring the shared commitment of Ethiopia and Azerbaijan to environmental protection and combating climate change.

The Ethiopian delegation included Planning and Development Minister Fitsum Asefa and Foreign Affairs State Minister Misganu Arga.

Representing Azerbaijan were the Ambassador to Ethiopia and representatives from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ecology and Natural Resources.

This high-level meeting signifies a renewed commitment from both Ethiopia and Azerbaijan to collaborate on climate action and build a more resilient future for all.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Ethiopia’s House Speaker, Azerbaijani Minister and COP-29 President Discuss Climate Actio

Addis Ababa: House of Peoples’ Representatives (HPR) Speaker Tagesse Chafo and a high-level delegation from Azerbaijan led by Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources, Mukhtar Babayev, who is COP-29 President, exchanged ideas on strengthening cooperation and addressing global climate challenges today.

The 2024 UN Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC COP 29) will convene in November 2024 in Baku, Azerbaijan, it was indicated.

During the discussion, Ethiopia’s Green Legacy Initiative, and COP29 emerged as key points of discussion, in addition to the need to strengthen bilateral and multilateral issues to tackle global challenges.

HPR Speaker Tagesse Chafo focused on amplifying efforts to tackle climate change, highlighting the success of Ethiopia’s Green Legacy Initiative.

He emphasized the need for increased collaboration and experience sharing, alongside ensuring the long-promised 1 billion USD in climate finance is delivered.

Tagesse stressed the importance of translating climate conferences’ decisions in
to concrete action, including at the upcoming COP29, which presents an opportunity to accelerate international efforts toward climate action.

Ethiopia, the speaker reaffirmed, remains committed to partnering with Azerbaijan and the international community to combat climate change.

Tagesse emphasized the importance of knowledge and experience exchange in tackling climate change effectively.

The Speaker also underscored the need to strengthen early warning systems to build resilience against climate-induced disasters.

Ethiopia expressed its full support to Azerbaijan as it assumes the presidency of COP29.

Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources, Mukhtar Babayev clarified that the purpose of the visit is to understand climate change actions in Ethiopia.

He highlighted that Azerbaijan also faces its share of climate challenges, including droughts and floods and expressed his country’s interest in learning from Ethiopia’s experience in climate change mitigation.

The Minister emphasized that it is daunting
for countries to tackle climate change effects separately and stressed the importance of regional and global cooperation in tackling the challenge.

The speaker also accepted invitation to visit Azerbagian and he accepted it.

Following the discussions, both delegations participated in a symbolic tree planting ceremony within the parliament compound, underscoring the shared commitment of Ethiopia and Azerbaijan to environmental protection and combating climate change.

The Ethiopian delegation included Planning and Development Minister Fitsum Asefa and Foreign Affairs State Minister Misganu Arga.

Representing Azerbaijan were the Ambassador to Ethiopia and representatives from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ecology and Natural Resources.

This high-level meeting signifies a renewed commitment from both Ethiopia and Azerbaijan to collaborate on climate action and build a more resilient future for all.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Ethiopian Artificial Intelligence Institute Receives Patent Rights for Its Four Innovative Works

Addis Ababa: Four innovative works developed by the Ethiopian Artificial Intelligence Institute have been granted patent rights from the Ethiopian Intellectual Property Authority.

The Institute was granted patent rights for its artificial intelligence (AI) based tools developed to testing and identifying diabetic diseases, types of breast cancers, skin diseases on children and coffee leaf diseases.

On the occasion, Director General of the Ethiopian Artificial Intelligence Institute, Worku Gachena explained about the AI based activities of the institute in the areas of research and development. The research outcomes, which received patent rights today, are part of these ongoing efforts of the institute, he added.

According to the Director General, besides the efforts to making its research and development outcomes functional, the institute is also working to get international patent rights for its multifaceted AI based research and development projects.

The Director General of Ethiopian Intellectual Proper
ty Authority, Woldu Yemessel for his part highlighted the importance of strong protection to AI based innovations as they are critical to enhance the competitiveness of the next generation.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency