Workshop on Early Childhood Care and Education

The Ministry of Education organized a workshop on early childhood care and education on 15 September in the Port City of Massawa.

The workshop was focused on the Three Years Strategic Plan on Early Childhood Care and Education prepared by the Ministry of Education.

At the workshop, extensive discussion was conducted on various topics including on the significance of investments in early childhood care and education, on ensuring equal access and equity to pre-primary education, assessment of the experience gained in the last seven years as well as challenges encountered, and on the significance of communications in the teaching and learning process among others.

Mr. Musa Hussien Naib, Director General of General Education at the Ministry of Education, delivered a speech on the efforts being exerted on ensuring quality education to all, on the preparations being made to revise quality of education, as well as on organizing campaigns and seminars aimed at developing public awareness on the importance of early childhood care and education.

Mr. Abraham Russom, Head of Planning, Development, and Curriculum branch in the Ministry of Education on his part stated that several preschools that will provide service to over 200 thousand children will be opened in the Northern Red Sea region.

Participants of the Workshop on their part underscoring the significance of the plan called for research to be conducted before the implementation of the program.

Ms. Asmeret Abraha, Governor of the Northern Red Sea region on her part commending the program for opening pre-primary schools in the region expressed the regional administration’s readiness to cooperate in all endeavors.

Source: Ministry of Information Eritrea