Mali’s Interim Leadership Reportedly Arrested

Military officials in Mali arrested the country’s president and prime minister Monday, just months into their tenure, according to multiple news reports.

President Bah Ndaw and Prime Minister Moctar Ouane, as well as Defense Minister Souleymane Doucoure, were taken to a military base outside the capital, Bamako, Reuters and Agence France Presse reported.

The U.S. Embassy in Mali warned U.S. citizens to avoid unnecessary travel in Bamako because the embassy “received reports of increased military activity” in the city.

The news closely follows a reshuffle of the country’s government, in which two members of the military junta that seized power in an August coup were replaced.

The military overthrew former President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita last August. Ndaw and Ouane are serving an 18-month term as the country transitions and prepares for new elections.

Mali had been mired in months of protests led by the main opposition party in 2020 over an economic crisis, corruption and Keita’s failure to quell an eight-year-old Islamic insurgency that gained a foothold in central Mali. Anger also brewed over the results of 31 disputed legislative races held last April.

Source: Voice of America

ICC Opens Hearing on Militia Leader Accused of Darfur War Crimes

The International Criminal Court has begun hearing evidence against Sudanese para-military commander Ali Muhammad Ali Abd-Al-Rahman, also known as Ali Kushayb, the alleged leader of a notorious militia blamed for atrocities in Sudan’s Darfur region.

The hearing will determine if there is enough evidence to proceed to trial on one or more of the 31 charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity Kushayb is facing.

During her presentation Monday, Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda called Ali Kushayb a “willing and energetic” perpetrator of crimes committed in 2003 and 2004 as Sudan’s central government tried to crush an insurgency in Darfur.

Kushayb was arrested after he surrendered himself to authorities in the Central African Republic last year and was transferred to the ICC in the Hague. The court had issued a warrant for Kushayb’s arrest in April 2007.

The hearing is expected to last four days, said Fadi El Abdallha, spokesperson and head of public affairs at the ICC.

“The purpose of this hearing is to decide whether or not a trial will be held at a later stage. It’s a preliminary hearing in which the judges will check the evidence of the prosecutor, will listen to the defense answers and will listen to the victims who are represented through their lawyers,” El Abdallha told VOA’s South Sudan in Focus.

The judges will have 60 days to decide whether or not to confirm one or more of the charges, “and that means whether or not they believe for each of the charges the prosecutor has presented enough evidence to believe or to have substantial reasons to believe that Mr. Abdelrahman committed these crimes,” said El Abdallha.

The judges may also decide to ask the prosecutor for additional evidence or suggest different legal characterizations of certain elements of the case.

Following his arrest last year, the ICC released a statement saying Kushayb was one of the most senior leaders in the tribal hierarchy in the Wadi Salih locality and a member of the para-military group the Popular Defense Forces and reportedly commanded thousands of Janjaweed militiamen from August 2003 until March 2004.

It was Kushayb who allegedly implemented the counter-insurgency strategy of the Sudan government which resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people in Darfur.

The militia leader is accused of personally participating in some of the attacks against civilians between August 2003 and March 2004, including the killing of civilians, rape, and torture, according to El Abdallah.

Initially, Kushayb faced 50 counts of crimes but Bensouda recently reduced the number to 31, El Abdallah told VOA. The remaining charges include counts of rape, torture, pillaging and attacking civilians, he said.

Kushayb has not entered a plea to the charges but at a hearing last year he told judges the allegations were “untrue.”

Former Sudanese president Omar al Bashir and his former defense minister, state minister for interior and a rebel commander are also accused of war crimes committed in Darfur. The ICC issued arrest warrants against all of them years ago.

Bensouda visited Sudan in October urging Sudanese authorities to cooperate with the ICC on all five individuals.

“Sudan has an obligation to cooperate with the ICC because of the resolution of the [U.N.] Security Council which created this obligation for Sudan, and cooperating with the ICC means respecting the ICC founding treaty, the Rome Statute, which allows for different possibilities such either surrendering the suspects against whom there’s arrest warrants, or raising for example changes to the admissibility of the case based on the complementarity principle,” said El Abdallah.

The principle of complementarity allows Sudan to submit a request to the ICC to try the accused at home. El Abdallah said if Sudan chooses to try Bashir and the other accused, ICC judges must decide whether Sudan fulfils all the legal criteria for a competent tribunal. If Sudan fails to meet the criteria, it must surrender the accused to the ICC.

Sudanese officials have reiterated their commitment to cooperating with the ICC but have yet to agree with the court on a process for trying the accused in Sudan.

Source: Voice of America

Ethiopia Accuses US of ‘Meddling’ Following Visa Restrictions

Ethiopia has accused the United States of “meddling” in its internal affairs after the U.S. imposed visa restrictions on Ethiopian officials whom the U.S. accuses of fueling the ongoing conflict in the Tigray region.

“If such a resolve to meddle in our internal affairs and undermining the century-old bilateral ties continues unabated, the government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia will be forced to reassess its relations with the United States, which might have implications beyond our bilateral relationship,” said Ethiopia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a statement issued Monday. The ministry added that the move “will seriously undermine this longstanding and important bilateral relationship.”

The U.S. announced visa restrictions Sunday on several Ethiopian and Eritrean officials it says have “taken no meaningful steps to end hostilities” in the Tigray region.

“People in Tigray continue to suffer human rights violations, abuses, and atrocities, and urgently needed humanitarian relief is being blocked by the Ethiopian and Eritrean militaries as well as other armed actors,” U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a statement.

In addition to visa restrictions, Blinken also announced restrictions in economic and security assistance to Ethiopia. He added that humanitarian aid would continue.

The Ethiopian Ministry of Foreign Affairs statement said the “tendency by the U.S. administration to treat the Ethiopian government on an equal footing with the Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) is “saddening.”

“There is nothing more revealing than this to understand the misguided approach by the administration,” the statement read.

The Ethiopian government has declared the TPLF a terrorist organization.

The statement adds that the Ethiopian government has been “fulfilling its commitment” to hold those accused of human rights abuses in Tigray accountable. It says it has been working with the international community to respond to the humanitarian crisis sparked by the conflict.

Thousands have already been killed in fighting between forces of Ethiopia’s central government and the armed wing of the TPLF, which dominated Ethiopia’s politics and economy for almost two decades until Abiy Ahmed was appointed prime minister in 2018.

The conflict has also triggered a major humanitarian crisis in Tigray, pushing millions into chronic hunger and malnutrition.

Tensions between the prime minister and TPLF flared into clashes last year, triggering a government offensive in November.

Ethiopian troops and Eritrean troops have been accused of massacres in the region.

Source: Voice of America

Reports / Pictures Eritrean in UK Celebrate with the People & Government of Eritrea

Eritrean Independence Day Car Parade Filled London with Bright Colours

London 23rd May 2021

On a typical damp grey Sunday in London, Eritreans from all corners of the great city converged on Belgrave Square, home to London’s diplomatic community.

Though the London weather was its usual grey and miserable self, it did not deter those Eritreans who had gathered to celebrate Eritrea’s 30th Independence anniversary one bit.

As cars adorned in the bright colours of the Eritrean flag began to roll out of Belgrave Square and make their way to Parliament Square, the cloudy quiet streets of London stirred into life and vibrated to the sound of hooting horns and the beat of the music blaring from the open car windows. The greyness of London dispelled by the shining smiles of Eritreans, unable to withhold their jubilation.

As the long queue of cars snaked its way past Marble Arch — the sight of past demonstrations, the Houses of Parliament, Whitehall — where in 1975 a group of Eritrean students had staged a hunger strike to highlight the plight of Eritrea, Trafalgar Square, Langham Place — home to the BBC, Euston, Kings Cross and White Lion Street, it sent out to all who care to listen, that Eritreans are as united as ever and will always enthusiastically celebrate 24th of May, the day the children of Eritrea grasped their destiny in their own hands.

White Lion street in London where the Embassy of Eritrea stands proud, is usually quiet on a Sunday, but not on this Sunday, the eve of the independence of Eritrea. White Lion street was heaving with traffic as a steady stream of cars flying high the Eritrean flag, passed by the doors of the Eritrean Embassy for a full four hours from midday Sunday up until four PM in the afternoon. The street was bursting at its seams with as a large crowd of jubilant Eritreans gathered.

Community representatives, elderly, Embassy staff, officials including the Ambassador H.E. Estifanos Habtemariam stood outside undeterred by the occasional rain fall greeting everyone until the car parade ended.

The police unable to stem the flow of cars and contain the ever growing crowd of jubilant Eritreans in White Lion street, in the end decided to close if off to non-Eritrean traffic, turning a small part of London for a brief few hours into Eritrea.

Not even the heavy construction machinery in White Lion street had managed to shake it like the dancing feet of the multitudes of Eritreans that had gathered at their embassy to usher in 24th of May, the most glorious of days in the Eritrean Calendar.

Source: Dehai Eritrea Online

South Sudan Returning 72,000 COVID Vaccine Doses

South Sudan’s National Task Force on COVID-19 is sending back 72,000 doses of AstraZeneca vaccine to the COVAX facility for use in other countries before the doses expire.

South Sudan received 132,000 doses in late March from COVAX, a global coalition that works to ensure fair and equitable access of coronavirus vaccines worldwide.

The ministry decided to give back the doses after discussing the matter with the World Health Organization, said South Sudan’s Health Ministry undersecretary, Dr. Mayen Machuot.

“We don’t want to run the risk of [the drug] expiring here in our hands. It will be accounted for, so we are committing back an amount of 72,000 doses so that they are used by someone who can deploy these doses in one week and then once we finish with our 60,000,” Machuot told reporters at a Juba news conference.

The COVAX facility wrote back to the government, saying it was happy with the arrangement, as the doses will not go to waste.

Machuot said South Sudan failed to use its doses because of a slow, initial response from health care workers to get vaccinated, delays by parliament to approve the vaccine’s use, and a lengthy time to train vaccinators.

“We are struggling economically and this means it is labor intensive. It is an emergency vaccination, that’s why we have problems of funding the deployment itself. We are actually tightening our belts and that’s why hopefully in the next two weeks, the 60,000 we have will be dispersed all over the country,” said Machuot.

Dr. Angelo Goup, director for emergency preparedness and response at the health ministry and a COVID task force member, said after health workers and the elderly were prioritized, the team opened vaccinations to the general public but many people were still reluctant to get the jab.

“One of the major challenges that is raised by citizens are these negative videos on social media. We have assembled those videos whereby some people say this vaccine is not a vaccine, it’s just a genetic material for the virus, it doesn’t protect people,” Dr. Goup told VOA’s South Sudan in Focus program.

He said the task force is doing its best to dispel those kinds of myths and educate the public about the importance of taking the vaccine. He urged people 16 and above to get vaccinated for their safety. COVID-19 is the disease caused by the coronavirus.

Source: Voice of America

Keynote Address By President Isaias Afwerki 30th Independence Anniversary

Dear Compatriots at Home and Abroad,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

My profound Congratulations on this auspicious Day of the 30th Anniversary of our Independence!

Let me also express my gratitude to those who have organized this event.

The significance and splendour of this momentous day radiates more with time; year-in and year-out. And beyond instilling immense jubilation and pride, it impels us to ponder on, and mull over, several indelible truths.

Eritrea’s inalienable legal and natural rights to independence and sovereignty were suppressed and trampled upon at the end of the Second World War. The Eritrean people refused to succumb to slavery, colonialism, deceit, the logic of force, and subordination. They waged a ferocious struggle with heroism and resilience for fifty years – from 1941 until 1991 – to assert the independence and sovereignty of their country through heavy sacrifices. This is the historical backdrop, the bedrock and statue, on which the significance of Independence Day rests.

The significance of this memorable day is also amplified by the resilience of the Eritrean people to confront and thwart myriad challenges, in the past thirty years after independence, so as to preserve and defend the national sovereignty that they had secured through precious sacrifices and justice. The fact is, the agendas of greed and domination are still prevalent without effective deterrence. As a result, the predicaments that we had to face in the past 30 years – just as it was the case in the preceding 50 years – were complex and multi-faceted.

One of these subterfuges was putative border disputes. Indisputable colonial boundaries were misconstrued to stoke conflict among neighbouring countries. The Hanish and Badme conflicts are conspicuous testimonies of these subversive schemes whose ultimate objective was to keep Eritrea hostage through the continuous fomenting and “managing” of crises. In the case of Badme in particular, the attempts to perpetuate illicit occupation of our sovereign territories, in spite of the final and binding Arbitral Award of 2002, were vivid manifestations of insidious hostility towards the country.

Instigation of conflicts under the pretext of border disputes was not enough and could not fully mollify the appetite of the agendas of domination. The fact is these subversive schemes could not dampen or vanquish the resistance of the Eritrean people. In the event, fabricated allegations of “terrorism” were concocted and harmful sanctions imposed on Eritrea in 2009 through heavy-handed pressure on the UN Security Council. In this additional gesture of hostility, albeit with a different facet, Eritrea’s principal detractors had no qualms to act as the prosecutor, witness, judge, and enforcer of punitive measures

Furthermore, economic and political tools, campaigns of defamation and demonization, were pursued without let-up by churning out cheap lies to reinforce and ramp up the hostile agenda.

But, the relentless schemes and hostilities woven to undermine our national independence and sovereignty foundered on the bedrock of our people’s steadfastness and resilience. In tandem with these trends, their principal surrogate, the TPLF clique, became increasingly ensnared in an intractable bind and was ultimately sidelined as its “Game was over”. Our patience, in the face of occupation of our sovereign territories for twenty years, had also paid off.

All these events pushed them to resort to desperate measures which culminated in the reckless attacks of November 4 last year. Eritrea was attacked by missiles. When the unprecedented and reckless attack was foiled, intensive and mendacious propaganda campaigns were, and continue to be, carried out for the past six months to wrongly indict Eritrea and deflect attention from the real culprit. This is an outrageous act of transparent deceit and bankruptcy.

In the circumstances, the significance of this memorable day of our 30th Independence Anniversary is measured by the extraordinary resistance and resilience of the Eritrean people; by their victory in protecting and preserving their sovereignty and independence. I thus extend – again – my congratulations to the Eritrean people and its heroic armed forces.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Protecting and preserving national independence and sovereignty was not confined to combating the security threats emanating from the forces of greed and domination. Nation building through effective developmental undertaking was also a mission pursued with equal priority. Although we may not have managed to achieve all-rounded progress, sector by sector, and in various fields and projects – with the pace envisioned and to the extent of our aspirations – the track record in our priority areas is satisfactory. We have no doubts that overall progress will be expedited in the period ahead on the basis of the programmes charted out and reviewed already. The experiences gleaned so far will also be crucial in this endeavour.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Another factor that has direct impact on our developmental programmes and undertakings is the COVD-19 pandemic. The commotion and staggering loss of life that the pandemic has inculcated globally in the past year cannot but constitute a “Wake-Up Call” for humanity. This has provoked and amplified serious questions on different economic concepts and indicators; developmental choices as well as social, ecological and health precepts. In Eritrea, it has enabled us to identify our shortcomings – both in our health policies and operational modalities – and to implement requisite adjustments at the outset. In this context, we shall not spare efforts to put the threat from the pandemic under full control in order to eliminate deleterious consequences to our safety and developmental objectives. This will require perseverance in our vigilance and the bolstering of our all-rounded research, preventive measures, and therapeutic capabilities.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The prevailing turbulent global and regional setting underscores the imperative to strengthen our developmental endeavors above and beyond the efforts we exert to preserve and protect our national independence and sovereignty. In the event, I urge for more dynamic and vigorous initiatives for the effective implementation of our national security and developmental programmes on the basis of the revised broad road-map of mobilization and that is predicated on extensive popular participation. In particular, I urge for greater participation of our compatriots abroad in view of their greater potential and particular opportunities.

Let me express our pride and gratification in our Defense Forces who continue to play pivotal role both in our national security and developmental tasks by preserving the rich heritage of our liberation war and national civilized values and norms.

Source: Ministry of Information Eritrea Biden Administration Plans Visa Restrictions on Ethiopian Officials Over Tigray

Ethiopian refugees from the Tigray conflict gather at Um Raquba refugee camp in Gedaref, eastern Sudan, on Feb. 19. Hussein Ery/AFP via Getty Images

U.S. President Joe Biden’s administration is planning to target Ethiopian and Eritrean officials with visa restrictions in an opening diplomatic salvo against Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s government over atrocities committed in the country’s Tigray conflict, U.S. officials and congressional aides familiar with the matter tell Foreign Policy.

The visa restrictions represent a potential turning point in U.S.-Ethiopian relations, which have steadily soured since a conflict erupted in the northern Tigray region of the country last November. The conflict has sparked widespread reports of atrocities, possible mass violence along ethnic lines, and war crimes committed against civilian populations by forces in Ethiopia and neighboring Eritrea.

The Biden administration has grown increasingly frustrated with Abiy’s response to the crisis after months of high-level diplomatic talks. The conflict began in November of last year when Ethiopian federal forces launched an offensive against the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), the country’s former ruling party, in response to a TPLF attack on an Ethiopian military base.

The Ethiopian government has dismissed criticism of its handling of the crisis and insisted soldiers who commit atrocities will be held to account. The United Nations has said that all sides in the conflict may have committed war crimes.

The visa restrictions are seen as a shot across the bow, signaling mounting U.S. frustrations with Abiy for his handling of the conflict and failure to address mounting international concerns over the ensuing humanitarian crisis. Officials and congressional aides familiar with the matter said the Biden administration plans to further ratchet up pressure on Abiy in other ways, including upholding a halt on U.S. security assistance funding to Ethiopia and targeting World Bank and International Monetary Fund programs in the country. Officials said there are ongoing discussions about possibly leveling sanctions against Ethiopian or Eritrean officials complicit in Tigray atrocities, but no final decisions have been made.

The United States has long viewed Ethiopia as a critical partner in East Africa, but the visa sanctions could be the first sign of a strategic pivot away from Addis Ababa, said Cameron Hudson, a former U.S. diplomat and intelligence official now at the Atlantic Council.

“This is a major strategic shift in the Horn of Africa, to go from an anchor state for U.S. interests to become a potential adversary to U.S. interests,” Hudson said. “That’s a strategic shift that we have not wanted to make, and that’s what recent U.S. diplomacy has been doing, to try and salvage something that is no longer salvageable.”

The conflict in Tigray has killed an estimated thousands of people and displaced some 1.7 million people across the region, sparking a humanitarian crisis that could have knock-on effects in fragile neighboring states such as Sudan. Tensions between Ethiopia and Sudan have spiked in recent months over a border dispute and a massive Ethiopian dam project on the Nile River, which both Sudan and Egypt say threatens their water supplies.

The expected U.S. announcement on visa restrictions comes ahead of pivotal elections in Ethiopia, set to be held on June 21 and seen as a major test of whether Abiy’s democratic reforms in the country will take root.

U.S. law prohibits publicly issuing personal information on travel visas, meaning any U.S. announcement likely won’t list the names of specific individuals targeted. Several experts speculated that the list could include a range of officials, from individual Ethiopian and Eritrean soldiers to military field commanders to midlevel political figures in the country.

The State Department did not respond to a request for comment, including questions on who will be targeted by the visa restrictions. The Ethiopian Embassy in Washington did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

During its first months in office, the Biden administration has held multiple high-level discussions with its Ethiopian counterparts, urging Abiy’s government to defuse the conflict, open access to international aid organizations to Tigray to address the humanitarian crisis, and remove Eritrean troops from the region. Biden dispatched a key Senate ally, Democratic Sen. Chris Coons, to meet with Abiy in March. He later tapped a seasoned former U.S. and U.N. diplomat, Jeffrey Feltman, as his special envoy for the Horn of Africa. Those engagements have yet to yield results, however, and a growing chorus of U.S. officials and lawmakers have voiced frustration over what they see as Abiy’s failure to de-escalate the crisis.

On Friday, the Ethiopian government announced it convicted three soldiers of rape and one of killing a civilian, the first public statement that members of its military were found guilty of committing crimes in Tigray. Over two dozen more soldiers stand trial on charges of rape and killing civilians, as Reuters reported.

Regional experts and U.S. lawmakers say the Tigray conflict underscores broader tensions between ethnic groups in Ethiopia and could portend wider instability in East Africa’s most populous country. Feltman previously told Foreign Policy that if the conflict spirals into other parts of the country, it could make Syria’s civil war look like “child’s play” in comparison.

“[T]he atrocities and humanitarian suffering in Tigray is one of many ethnic and political crises challenging Ethiopia and the broader region,” Sen. James Risch, the top Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said in a written statement. “The United States should continue to press the Ethiopian and Eritrean governments to end hostilities in the Tigray region.”

The Senate on Thursday unanimously passed a resolution calling for the immediate withdrawal of Eritrean forces from Tigray, a move that followed a CNN investigation revealing Eritrean troops disguised as Ethiopian military units blocking humanitarian aid deliveries to Tigray.

The resolution signals a hardening line in U.S. Congress, which controls U.S. diplomacy and foreign aid budgets and funding, toward Abiy’s government. Lawmakers are pressuring the Biden administration to act more quickly and forcefully in holding Ethiopian and Eritrean officials to account, including through sanctions.

“The escalation ladder needs to jump multiple rungs,” said one congressional aide, speaking on condition of anonymity. “What we need to do is, we need to move faster. People continue to die, rapes and other atrocities continue to happen, and there needs to be an acceleration at a much faster rate here.”

Source: Dehai Eritrea Online