National in various countries commemorate Martyrs Day

Eritrean nationals residing in the Republic of Sudan, Ethiopia, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Israel, Kenya, Austria and Qatar enthusiastically commemorated 20 June, Martyrs Day.

At a candle vigil in memory of Eritrean Martyrs conducted in Sudan, Mr. Isa Ahmed Isa, Eritrean Ambassador to Sudan, indicating that Martyrs Day is a day in which Eritreans renew their pledge to implement the martyrs trust, said that supporting martyrs families is the responsibility of every citizen.

Ambassador Isa Ahmed noted that the 41 nationals that assumed the responsibility of supporting families of martyrs attests to the commitment of the Eritrean people to support families of martyrs.

Martyrs Day was also commemorated with a candle vigil in Ethiopia at the Eritrean Embassy compound in Addis Ababa on 19 June.

Speaking at the occasion, Mr. Biniam Berhe, Charge d’Affairs at the Eritrean Embassy, indicated that supporting families of martyrs is the responsibility of every citizen, and called on nationals in Ethiopia to take initiative to support families of martyrs.

Likewise, nationals in Jeddah and Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, commemorated Martyrs Day with patriotic zeal on 19 June.

At the event in Jeddah, Mr. Mohammed-Ali Mohammed Seid, head of Public and Community Affairs at the Eritrean Embassy, said that the colorful commemoration of Martyrs Day attests to the respect and honor the Eritrean people have towards their martyrs.

At the occasion, a number of nationals pledged to take responsibility of supporting 91 families of martyrs.

Source: Ministry of Information Eritrea
