Lancement d’une vente aux enchères caritative de NFT pour aider les Afghans vulnérables et immigrés

Des auteurs de renommée mondiale, des artistes numériques et des beaux-arts, des influenceurs NFT et des footballeurs professionnels participent à la vente aux enchères caritative de NFT de Mars Panda en faveur du HCR

SINGAPOUR, 31 janvier 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Mars Panda, une plateforme de blockchain d’agrégation tout-en-un, a lancé une vente aux enchères caritative de NFT (tokens non fongibles) pour soutenir les efforts humanitaires du HCR en faveur des Afghans immigrés vulnérables.

© UNHCR/Andrew McConnell (The photo cannot be saved/edited/changed and can only be used in line with this press release)

La vente aux enchères caritative de NFT de Mars Panda en faveur du HCR ( se déroulera du 31 janvier 2022 au 4 mars 2022 et présentera plus de 30 NFT que des auteurs de renommée mondiale, des artistes des arts numériques et des beaux-arts, des influenceurs NFT et des footballeurs professionnels ont promis de mettre aux enchères. L’intégralité des recettes de cette vente aux enchères caritative, déduction faite des frais administratifs et opérationnels, sera reversée au HCR pour soutenir les familles immigrées et vulnérables touchées par la situation d’urgence en Afghanistan.

« L’afflux incessant de richesses et l’intérêt pour les NFT sont des ingrédients parfaits pour en faire quelque chose de bien. Les NFT ont permis à chacun de convertir son art et sa créativité en actions significatives ciblant les problèmes sociaux et humanitaires », a déclaré Kevin Pang, PDG de Mars Panda World.

Parmi les contributeurs VIP figurent les auteurs de renommée mondiale et ambassadeurs de bonne volonté du HCR, Khaled Hosseini et Neil Gaiman, l’illustrateur Dan Williams, le vénérable thaïlandais et parrain du HCR Phra Medhivajirodom.

Neil Gaiman a fait don d’un film produit par le HCR de son poème What You Need To Be Warm, qui comprend un message inédit de Neil sur l’écriture du poème et sa transformation en film. Les enchérisseurs gagnants de cette NFT recevront également un exemplaire de The Sandman signé par Neil Gaiman avec un message personnalisé.

Dan Williams a fait don de 17 illustrations originales à l’encre et à l’aquarelle tirées de Sea Prayer, un livre court de Khaled Hosseini (auteur de The Kite Runner, A Thousand Splendid Suns). Les enchérisseurs gagnants recevront également un exemplaire de Sea Prayer signé par Khaled.

Le vénérable Phra Medhivajirodom a peint un tableau d’un seul trait spécialement pour cette vente aux enchères caritative. Il a également béni l’œuvre d’art pour la nouvelle année.

Ces NFT VIP seront mises aux enchères pendant une semaine seulement, entre le 31 janvier 2022 et le 6 février 2022. Les NFT des autres contributeurs, dont les footballeurs du Valencia F.C., Hunn Wai et Dark Zodiac, seront mises aux enchères du 7 février 2022 au 4 mars 2022.

Ces derniers mois, la situation humanitaire en Afghanistan s’est considérablement aggravée, entraînant de nouveaux déplacements importants de civils. 24,4 millions de personnes, 55 % de la population, ont besoin d’une aide humanitaire en 2022, soit une augmentation stupéfiante de 30 % par rapport à l’année dernière.

Les conditions hivernales difficiles ont également entraîné la fermeture de routes dans de nombreuses provinces, ainsi que la perturbation des vols à destination et en provenance de l’aéroport de Kaboul, notamment ceux transportant de l’aide et des fournitures d’urgence.

Malgré cela, la réponse d’urgence du HCR en Afghanistan se poursuit. L’agence humanitaire a intensifié l’aide et l’assistance qu’elle apporte en hiver aux familles déplacées les plus vulnérables. Au cours de l’année 2021, le HCR a aidé 1,1 million de personnes déplacées et vulnérables et a aidé 3 millions de personnes à avoir un meilleur accès aux infrastructures et aux services.

La capacité du HCR et de ses partenaires à intensifier davantage les interventions de préparation et de réponse aux situations d’urgence dépend grandement de la disponibilité des ressources en temps voulu.

« Le secteur privé est depuis longtemps un partenaire essentiel du HCR. Des efforts de collaboration innovants tels que cette vente aux enchères de Mars Panda nous permettent d’atteindre un public diversifié afin de mobiliser des ressources pour soutenir une action humanitaire indispensable », a déclaré Ann Moey, responsable des partenariats (pour Singapour) du HCR.

Les NFT, ou tokens non fongibles, sont des objets de collection numériques représentés par un code sur un grand livre numérique décentralisé appelé « blockchain ». Chaque NFT peut être achetée et vendue comme un objet physique, mais la blockchain conserve un enregistrement inaltérable de sa propriété et de l’historique des transactions. Les NFT ont connu une ascension fulgurante l’année dernière, la plus chère d’entre elles ayant été vendue pour près de 70 millions de dollars américains à la maison de vente aux enchères Christie’s.

Mars Panda est une plateforme unique en son genre qui applique un processus de connaissance du client (KYC) pour identifier et vérifier chaque client lors de l’ouverture d’un compte. Cela lui a permis d’être choisie comme plateforme NFT pour alimenter la première vente aux enchères caritative de NFT de Singapour, Blockchain for Good by Blockchain Association of Singapore, qui a permis de récolter plus de 400 000 dollars de Singapour en septembre 2021 pour le National Trade Union Council U-Care Fund. Par la suite, elle a également soutenu le journal local de Singapour, The Straits Times, avec sa toute première vente aux enchères de NFT, qui a permis de récolter plus de 21 000 dollars de Singapour pour le Straits Times School Pocket Money Fund.

Note aux rédacteurs : Mars Panda est actuellement en attente de l’approbation du commissaire aux œuvres de bienfaisance de Singapour pour mener des activités de campagne à Singapour. Entre-temps, la campagne commencera en dehors de Singapour, et les résidents de Singapour ne pourront pas y participer.

À propos de Mars Panda

Mars Panda  est un éco-système complet qui se compose de :

  • une marketplace de NFT
  • un écosystème de jeux composé d’un jeu Mars Panda natif avec un jeu NFT et un jeu pour gagner
  • de finance décentralisée et de financement du commerce

Notre objectif est de fusionner le commerce électronique grand public et les jeux avec le monde de la crypto des NFT et de la finance décentralisée, sur une plateforme unifiée et transparente   qui évoluera vers un métaverse complet.

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Turing lance une communauté mondiale axée sur la carrière des développeurs

Une communauté en ligne unique en son genre destinée à propulser l’évolution de carrière des développeurs

SAN FRANCISCO, 27 janvier 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Turing, une plateforme internationale alimentée par l’intelligence artificielle qui connecte les développeurs de logiciels à des emplois de haute qualité, à long terme et à distance aux États-Unis, a annoncé aujourd’hui le lancement de Turing Community : une plateforme communautaire axée sur la carrière des développeurs.

Selon une étude réalisée par Science Direct, il est prouvé que les développeurs de logiciels font face à des niveaux de stress extrêmement élevés découlant d’un manque de soutien et de reconnaissance de la part des entreprises pour lesquelles ils travaillent. En conséquence, beaucoup deviennent isolés et dépassés, ce qui provoque un épuisement professionnel et une baisse de la productivité.

Avec plus d’un million de développeurs inscrits sur Turing, la création d’une communauté de développeurs axée sur la carrière renforcera davantage leur mission d’aider à résoudre les défis auxquels sont confrontés les développeurs de logiciels à l’échelle mondiale et de libérer le potentiel humain inexploité.

En tirant parti de l’intelligence participative pour créer une spirale ascendante de succès, la communauté Turing vise à inspirer les développeurs du monde entier, en les encourageant à établir des liens profonds avec les autres développeurs, à demander conseil aux vétérans de l’industrie et à créer des expériences positives. Cette plateforme ouvrira la voie à la prospérité des développeurs, en leur offrant un espace sécuritaire et axé sur la carrière pour qu’ils puissent se développer, demander des conseils, perfectionner leurs compétences et trouver un emploi.

« L’expérience Turing va au-delà d’une simple recherche d’emploi », a déclaré Jonathan Siddharth, PDG et fondateur de Turing. « Nous visons à servir de véritables partenaires aux développeurs avec lesquels nous travaillons et à leur procurer les outils nécessaires pour réaliser des avancées personnelles et professionnelles. Grâce à notre gamme d’offres diversifiée, et maintenant à la communauté Turing, nous marcherons main dans la main avec les développeurs sur la voie du succès. »

La communauté Turing est une plateforme gratuite et ouverte permettant aux développeurs à chaque étape de leur carrière de se faire des relations, de se tenir informés de l’actualité de l’industrie, d’améliorer leurs compétences et de se développer à la fois personnellement et professionnellement. Elle proposera également une préparation à l’emploi, un encadrement et un mentorat, y compris des programmes spéciaux et des événements sociaux offerts aux membres de la communauté.

Des milliers de développeurs ont déjà rejoint la communauté Turing et excellent ainsi dans leur carrière. Pour en savoir plus sur la communauté Turing, visitez le site :

À propos de Turing

Fondé en mars 2018, l’Intelligent Talent Cloud de Turing utilise l’intelligence artificielle pour connecter les meilleurs développeurs du monde à des emplois de haute qualité aux États-Unis. Turing est l’idée originale d’anciens élèves de Stanford et d’entrepreneurs en intelligence artificielle en série, Jonathan Siddharth et Vijay Krishnan. L’ancienne société du duo, Rover, un moteur de découverte de contenu basé sur l’apprentissage automatique, a été acquise avec succès.

Avec Turing, les entreprises peuvent embaucher des experts en logiciels à distance pré-approuvés ayant l’étoffe de la Silicon Valley à travers plus de 100 compétences en appuyant simplement sur un bouton. Plus de 200 entreprises, dont Johnson & Johnson, Dell, Disney, Coinbase, Rivian, Plume et VillageMD, ont embauché des ingénieurs talentueux à distance de Turing.

La société est récemment entrée sur le territoire des entreprises licornes (maintenant évaluée à plus de 1,1 milliard de dollars) avec un cycle de financement de série D et est soutenue par d’importants investisseurs tels que WestBridge Capital, Foundation Capital, Founders Fund (investisseurs dans Facebook, Tesla, Asana), Altair Capital, Mindset Ventures, Frontier Ventures, Gaingels, le premier directeur de la technologie de Facebook (Adam D’Angelo), et d’illustres dirigeants de Google, d’Amazon et de Twitter.

Turing Launches a Global, Career-Centric Community for Developers

One-of-a-kind online community set to propel career growth for developers

SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 27, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Turing, an AI-powered, international platform that connects software developers with high quality, long-term, remote U.S. jobs, announces today the launch of Turing Community: a career-centric developer community platform.

According to a study done by Science Direct, it’s proven that software developers deal with overwhelmingly high stress levels stemming from a lack of support and recognition from the companies they serve. As a result, many become isolated and overwhelmed, causing burnout and decreased productivity.

With over 1 million developers signed up on Turing, the creation of a career-centric developer community will further strengthen their mission to help solve the challenges faced by software developers globally and unleash untapped human potential.

Leveraging crowdsourced intelligence to create an upward spiral of success, the Turing community aims to inspire developers worldwide; encouraging them to form deep relationships with fellow developers, seek advice from industry veterans, and create positive experiences. This platform will pave the way for developers to thrive; providing a career-centric, safe space for developers to grow, seek guidance, hone their skills, and find jobs.

“The Turing experience goes beyond a simple job search,” shares Jonathan Siddharth, the CEO & Founder of Turing. “We aim to serve as true partners to the developers we work with and equip them with the tools necessary to experience personal and professional breakthroughs. With our diverse range of offerings, and now the Turing Community, we will walk hand in hand with developers as they walk the path to success.”

The Turing Community is a free and open platform for developers at every stage of their careers to network, stay current with industry news, enhance their skills, and develop both personally and professionally. It will also offer job preparation, coaching, and mentoring; including special programs and social events offered to community members.

Thousands of developers have already joined the Turing Community and are excelling in their careers as a result. To learn more about the Turing Community, visit:

About Turing

Founded in March 2018, Turing’s Intelligent Talent Cloud uses AI to connect the world’s best developers to high-quality U.S. jobs. Turing is the brainchild of Stanford alumni and serial AI entrepreneurs Jonathan Siddharth and Vijay Krishnan. The duo’s previous company Rover, a machine learning-based content discovery engine, was successfully acquired.

With Turing, companies can hire pre-vetted, Silicon Valley-caliber remote software talent across 100+ skills at the “push of a button”. 200+ firms, including Johnson & Johnson, Dell, Disney, Coinbase, Rivian, Plume, and VillageMD, have hired remote engineering talent from Turing.

The company recently entered unicorn territory (now valued at over $1.1 B) with a Series D round of financing and is backed by prominent investors such as WestBridge Capital, Foundation Capital, Founders Fund (investors in Facebook, Tesla, Asana), Altair Capital, Mindset Ventures, Frontier Ventures, Gaingels, Facebook’s first CTO (Adam D’Angelo), and illustrious executives from Google, Amazon, and Twitter.

BigPanda Announces Global Expansion and Midsize Enterprise Presence Fueled by Explosive Demand for AIOps

BigPanda Leverages Recent Investment of $190 Million to Bring in New EMEA Leader and Double-down on New Segments

SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 27, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — BigPanda, Inc., the leader in AIOps Event Correlation and Automation, today announced the company has opened an office in London, led by Ben Sekhon, to provide on-the-ground support for both existing and new customers across the EMEA region. In addition, BigPanda has created a business unit dedicated to helping address needs from midsize enterprises to scale IT with AIOps.

Intensified Support in EMEA
The EMEA market is on par with the U.S. in terms of AIOps demand, particularly as customers move away from aging on-premises infrastructure towards cloud and cloud-native environments. The business will be led by Ben Sekhon, a 20-year sales veteran who had a successful track record at SAP, Gigya and Experian.

“I am delighted to join BigPanda,” said Ben Sekhon, VP of EMEA Sales and Channels. “EMEA represents a huge addressable market, so the timing of this investment helps us maintain the same level of focus and quality we deliver to our existing customers while addressing the growing demand for BigPanda’s market-leading AIOps platform.”

“We’re very excited to welcome BigPanda to Europe to further build on our relationship and the high level of support the team has already provided,” said Harvey Shaw, Senior IT Director at News Corp. “The company has proven to be a vital partner, and we’re confident that its on-the-ground presence will help us accelerate our AIOps strategy.”

EU Region Platform Availability
To support BigPanda’s EMEA customers, BigPanda is also expanding its platform availability with an instance hosted in Germany. This BigPanda instance will conform to leading international security and privacy standards and address European data residency requirements to store customer data in Europe.

Addressing Demand in Midsize Enterprises
Over the course of several years, BigPanda has built a base of midsize enterprise customers. With the launch of BigPanda University and the continued focus on self-service capabilities within the BigPanda platform, the team is poised to expand its ability to deliver AIOps to the midsize enterprise.

“While a focus for most IT Ops vendors is the largest of enterprises, the reality is that midsize enterprises also need to improve app experiences by scaling through technology, making AIOps a foundational element of their roadmap,” said Isaac Sacolick, President of StarCIO, author, and digital transformation influencer. “In recent research, 70 percent report it typically takes three hours or longer to resolve major incidents, and the right solution leverages AIOps to improve IT performance. BigPanda is putting its energy in all the right places to serve this market segment well.”

BigPanda’s AIOps Turbo Pack is a customized offering that gives IT Ops teams within midsize organizations a quick path to success. It includes flexible, tiered, consumption-based licensing along with a standard set of integrations and implementation services to get them up and running in a matter of weeks. To learn more about the AIOps Turbo Pack for fast-growing IT Ops, please visit BigPanda for Midsize enterprises.

About BigPanda

BigPanda keeps businesses running with AIOps that transform IT data into insight and action. With BigPanda’s AIOps platform, businesses prevent IT outages, improve incident management and deliver extraordinary customer experiences. Without BigPanda, IT Ops, NOC, and DevOps teams struggle with a tsunami of data and highly-manual, reactive incident response processes that are poorly suited for the scale, complexity and velocity of modern IT environments. This results in painful outages, unhappy customers, growing IT headcount and the inability to focus on innovation.

BigPanda’s AIOps Event Correlation and Automation platform helps Fortune 500 enterprises such as Intel, Cisco, United, Abbott, Marriott and Expedia take a giant step towards Autonomous IT Operations. BigPanda is backed by Advent International, Insight Partners, Sequoia Capital, Mayfield, Battery Ventures, Glynn Capital, Mayfield, Greenfield Partners and Pelion. Visit for more information.

Media contact:
Sammy Totah
BOCA Communications for BigPanda

Lianhua Qingwen Capsules Approved in Liberia

SHIJIAZHUANG, China, Jan. 27, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — In its announcement on Thursday, Yiling Pharmaceutical disclosed that it had received the medicine approval certificate for Lianhua Qingwen Capsules from Liberia Medicines & Health Products Regulatory Authority (LMHRA) as an OTC drug.

Liberia becomes the 7th African country that allows domestic circulation of Lianhua Qingwen Capsules. As of now, Lianhua Qingwen has been approved launch in nearly 30 countries and regions and has played a positive role in the prevention and control of the COVID-19 pandemic.

With more and more recognition, Lianhua Qingwen has been recommended as a treatment for COVID-19 patients worldwide. It has been approved COVID-19 indications in Kuwait and Mongolia, and selected on the whitelist of anti-epidemic drugs issued by the Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan; in Thailand, Cambodia, and Indonesia, it has been applied in designated hospitals for COVID-19 patients; in July 2021, it has been adopted as a treatment in the COVID-19 patients’ home self-care protocol by the Cambodian Ministry of Health.

Hitachi Energy achieves 100% fossil free electricity in own operations

The global technology and market leader in power grids has achieved the first-step target in its Sustainability 2030 plan and steps up the pace towards carbon-neutral

Zurich, Switzerland, Jan. 27, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Hitachi Energy today announced that it has achieved the first-step target set out in its Sustainability 2030 plan – the use of 100% fossil-free electricity in its own operations1. The company is driving towards being carbon-neutral in its own operations by 20302, in line with its Purpose, ‘Advancing a sustainable energy future for all’.

“By achieving 100% fossil-free electricity in our own operations, we have reduced our CO2 equivalent emissions by over 50% compared to 2019,” says Claudio Facchin, CEO of Hitachi Energy. He continued, “The Net Zero challenge is global and it’s about acting now, innovating and collaborating across countries, industries and societies. Together with customers, partners, and all stakeholders, we are advancing the world’s energy system to be more sustainable, flexible and secure.”

The targeted 50% reduction achieved ahead of plan will amount to approximately 175 kilo tonnes of CO2e per year, equivalent to removing over 35,000 passenger cars off the road.

To achieve 100% fossil-free electricity in its own operations – and in support of the Hitachi Group’s carbon-neutrality goal3 – the company has pursued a number of pathways including supporting projects to generate its own fossil-free electricity, such as installing solar roof panels combined with e-meshTM digital solutions for distributed energy resources maximizing energy efficiency and minimizing CO2 emissions. In its Zhongshan factory in China, the company is generating nearly 20% of its total energy consumption from solar panels. In its first year of operation, the power generated at the factory is expected to reach 1,510 megawatt hours (MWh), contributing to the reduction in annual carbon emissions by more than 1,000 tonnes.

To achieve 100% fossil-free electricity, Hitachi Energy has also switched to green tariffs, bought Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs), and signed Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) across its operations and facilities in 90 countries.

Looking ahead, Hitachi Energy is continuing to invest in its journey towards carbon-neutrality by further increasing energy efficiency, as well as electrifying its own operations. In Ludvika, Sweden, the company is now using 100% renewable electricity generated from hydropower and from solar panels to support its operations. Ludvika, which is one of Hitachi Energy’s largest production facilities, has gone beyond tackling its electricity supply and is now close to removing the use of all fossil fuels from the whole of its operations.

The company has a track record of implementing its own technologies in its operations to enable the integration of renewable energy. For example, in 2015 its South Africa operations installed a 750 kW rooftop photovoltaic plant and a 1 MVA/380 kWh battery-based PowerStoreTM for enhancing the use of renewables and providing a continuous supply of power.

Through its Sustainability 2030 plan and targets, the company reinforces its commitment to accelerating actions driving business in a sustainable way. Based around four pillars – Planet, People, Peace, and Partnerships – the strategy draws from the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with specific focus on the following eight: 3 (Good health and well-being), 4 (Quality education), 5 (Gender equality), 6 (Clean water and sanitation), 7 (Affordable and clean energy), 12 (Responsible consumption and production), 16 (Peace, justice and strong institutions); and 17 (Partnerships for the Goals). In line with these SDGs, each pillar has corresponding targets that drive the business to contribute social, environmental, and economic value.

1. The contract for its South Korea operations (equivalent to 0.4% total electricity usage) is expected to be signed in February 2022 retrospectively through green tariffs.

2. Discover more about Hitachi Energy’s approach to Sustainability 2030 here

3. Hitachi Sustainability Report 2021

About Hitachi Energy Ltd.

Hitachi Energy is a global technology leader that is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We serve customers in the utility, industry and infrastructure sectors with innovative solutions and services across the value chain. Together with customers and partners, we pioneer technologies and enable the digital transformation required to accelerate the energy transition towards a carbon-neutral future. We are advancing the world’s energy system to become more sustainable, flexible and secure whilst balancing social, environmental and economic value. Hitachi Energy has a proven track record and unparalleled installed base in more than 140 countries. Headquartered in Switzerland, we employ around 38,000 people in 90 countries and generate business volumes of approximately $10 billion USD.

About Hitachi, Ltd.

Hitachi, Ltd. (TSE: 6501), headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, contributes to a sustainable society with a higher quality of life by driving innovation through data and technology as the Social Innovation Business. Hitachi is focused on strengthening its contribution to the Environment, the Resilience of business and social infrastructure as well as comprehensive programs to enhance Security & Safety. Hitachi resolves the issues faced by customers and society across six domains: IT, Energy, Mobility, Industry, Smart Life and Automotive Systems through its proprietary Lumada solutions. The company’s consolidated revenues for fiscal year 2020 (ended March 31, 2021) totaled 8,729.1 billion yen ($78.6 billion), with 871 consolidated subsidiaries and approximately 350,000 employees worldwide. For more information on Hitachi, please visit the company’s website at


Rebecca Bleasdale
Hitachi Energy Ltd.
+41 78643 2613

Scooper news published Annual Content Round-up in Kenya

NAIROBI, Kenya, Jan. 26, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Scooper, a news app developed by Transsion Group, joined Kenya’s media space in 2017 as an independent firm aimed at distributing impartial and current news in the country. Until now, Scooper news has an audience of over 600K Daily active users in Kenya.

The year 2021 came to an end, and Scooper news rounded up some interesting things by using its large database to analyze all the content which were published in Scooper news in the last year, making this is a must-see report for Kenyans.

1. Word of the year

The past year has had its own fair share of hard hitting headlines. Politics has been major player in the Kenyan media waves, owing to the upcoming general elections on August, 2022. That explains why the word ‘President’ topped the “Words of the Year” list. The most popular word outside politics was ‘Party’, giving the notion that Kenyans like their social events.

2. TOP 8 Celebrities

Amongst other popular celebrities was Meagan Markle, who topped the list of our ‘Top 8 Celebrities’. Other celebrities on the list were Kanye West and Princess Diana, with Diamond, Davido and Wizkid been the only celebrities from Africa.

3. Emoji of the year

The laughing emoji was also voted as the ‘Emoji of the Year’, owing to the fact that most of our content is entertaining and humorous.

4. TOP10 Writers in Kenya

Scooper spends about $100,000 on PGC writer’s annually as salary payment, and about $200,000 annually on in-house writers and media partners.

Freelancers can earn money by registering an account in Scooper news and publishing content to get income. In the last year, the TOP10 Writers in Kenya earned a total income of 1,200,000Ksh in 2021!

Also, Scooper has partnered with more than 30 top-notch media houses, and enrolled hundreds of PGC writers to ensure that its audience is always informed the latest news and so much more.

5. 5 Biggest fake news

We also had our own fair share of fake news that we averted thanks to our avid research skills and trained Journalists.

6. The Top10 Hottest news in Kenya

Based on our statistics, the Top10 news headlines in Kenya were:

TOP1: Jeff Koinange Owns Expensive Things, Check Out Some Of Them

TOP2: Ovahimba: Inside The Community That Offered S_x To Visitors And Didn’t Bath

TOP3: Age Is Just A Number! Meet Kenyan Men Celebrities Who Have Married Older Women Than Them

TOP4 : Kikuyu LADIES in tears as one of the most handsome Kikuyu radio presenters weds his beautiful girlfriend

TOP5: Forget Lulu Hassan And Rashid Abdalla, Meet This Other Power Couple

TOP6: Anajifanya Mjanja Lakini Wapi! Good News As This Details About The Killer Cop Emerge

TOP7: Ndio Hizi! Illuminati Schools In Kenya As Shocking Things Students Are Forced To Do Emerge

TOP8: Remember Ruto’s Daughter Who Was Buried Alive? See How She Has Transformed, Her Heartbreaking Story

TOP9: Last Moments: What Caroline Told Her Brother Before Committing Suicide

TOP10: Double Tragedy: Man Commits Suicide Days After Losing Both Wife And Daughter

Scooper is a news app developed by Transsion Group bringing you the latest content in Kenya and around the globe. Up to 2021, Scooper has employed more than 2000 PGC writers through its free-lance program that was tailored to provide job opportunities to the Kenyan population.

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