Asmara College of Education graduates 115 students

In its 15th commencement, Asmara College of Education graduated 115 students including 11 females in post-graduate and diploma programs.

The graduates include 12 in English Language, 41 in Pedagogy, 16 in Mathematics and 46 in Social Education.

At the graduation ceremony conducted today, 29 January respecting the guidelines issued to curve the spread of COVID-19 pandemic, the Acting Dean of the College, Dr. Yonas Mesfun congratulating the graduates for successfully completing their education commended for the strong participation they demonstrated during the program.

Indicating that teaching profession requires strong effort and commitment and shoulders great responsibility, the graduates expressed conviction to live up to the expectations.

In related news, 101 students of the Asmara Collage of Education that have been provided with various vocational training organized by the National Union of Eritrean Youth and Students were also graduated at the occasion.

Source: Ministry of Information Eritrea