Zondoma/Prevention and management of GBV: Focal points in the Northern Region equipped


Ouagadougou: From September 9 to 13, 2024 in Gourcy, the Association Monde Rural (AMR), in collaboration with the Sahel Community Recovery and Stabilization Project (PCRSS-Burkina), organized a capacity building session for focal points in the Northern Region on the identification, management and management of incidents related to gender-based violence (GBV).

As part of the implementation of the activities of the Community Project for the Recovery and Stabilization of the Sahel (PCRSS-Burkina), the Association Monde Rural has made a point of honor on the fight against gender-based violence (GBV).

In this perspective, it has undertaken to raise awareness and equip all stakeholders (project actors and beneficiaries) on the concepts of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA), Sexual Harassment (SH) and other forms of Gender-Based Violence (GBV).

Thus, after the agents and members of the association, the service providers and beneficiaries, such as the high-intensity labor-intensive works (HIMO) brigadiers, it was
the turn of the focal points of the Northern Region to meet in Gourcy, from September 9 to 13, 2024, for capacity building.

Speaking at the opening of the session, AMR Program Director David Seth Worokuy called on participants to take ownership of the session’s content, the reinvestment of which he said would contribute to strengthening social cohesion and partner security throughout the project area.

Composed mainly of health and humanitarian workers, the focal points will be responsible, according to Mr. Worokuy, for identifying cases of GBV, treating them or referring them to the appropriate structures.

This is why, with the specialists on the subject, Moara Noel Ouoba and Lucie Kirakoe, they first addressed the risks of exploitation, abuse and sexual harassment linked to the implementation of the PCRSS sub-projects and the PCRSS EAS/HS/VBG action plan.

Subsequently, they looked at the mechanisms for handling complaints, including entry points, how to file complaints, services provided, as well as the
guiding principles of the survivor-centred approach, etc.

The workshop also covered techniques for facilitating educational talks, practical exercises for recording complaints using the tools in place and the analysis of the various policies relating to protection against GBV, protection of whistleblowers and investigation policy.

‘I am leaving with the knowledge and tools necessary to properly fulfill my mission in managing potential cases of GBV,’ said one of the participants.

For the National Coordinator of AMR, Amadou Wangré, it is a satisfaction to be able to count on the support of this seasoned team in the implementation of the project activities, the main objective of which is to support the resilience of populations affected by the security crisis.

In total, more than 20 people from the communes of Arbollé, Yako, Gourcy, Ouahigouya, Namissiguima, Thiou, Barga, Titao and Ouindigui took part in the session which lasted five days.

As a reminder, the PCRSS is an initiative of the Burkinabe State in
partnership with the World Bank.

Source: Burkina Information Agency