Ethiopia, Russia Vow to Consolidate Gov’t and People to people Ties


Addis Ababa: Ethiopia and Russia will further strengthen their people to people and Government to Government (G2G) relations, said Democracy Building Center Coordinator Office with the rank of Deputy Prime Minister and Vice President of Prosperity Party (PP) Adem Farah.

A High-level Ethiopian delegation led by Adem Farah is participating at the ‘World Majority for Multipolar Order’ forum hosted by Russian from 16th -19th June 2024.

On the sidelines of the forum, the vice president engaged in a productive discussion with Andrey Klimov, Undersecretary of the General Council of the United Russia Party.

In their discussion, Adem mentioned a strong and an age-old relationship between Ethiopia and Russia.

The vice president also appreciated Russia for its support and standing by the side of Ethiopia during several difficult occasions.

Noting Ethiopia’s membership in the BRICS is a breakthrough in its the diplomatic arena, he extended his gratitude for the government of Russia and the ruling United Russia Party
in their support Ethiopia to become a member of this emerging global bloc.

Adem further reaffirmed the commitment to cement the existing relationships between Ethiopia and Russia both in government to government and people to people ties.

Speaking on the economic aspects, he also stressed the need for creating an enabling environment that would be indispensable for exporting coffee, horticultures, sesame, various grains and other Ethiopian agricultural products directly to the Russian market.

Adem has also invited Leaders of the United Russia Party as well as the Russian investors and members of the business community to visit Ethiopia.

Andrey Klimov, Undersecretary of the General Council of the United Russia Party on his part expressed his party’s desire to further strengthen the collaboration with Ethiopia’s Prosperity Party.

Underscoring the unwavering and historical relationship between Ethiopia and Russia, the undersecretary pledged to work together and elevate bilateral ties to new heights.

tulating Ethiopia for joining BRICS as a new member country, Klimov renewed the determination of the United Russia Party to strengthen cooperation with Ethiopia’s Prosperity Party in various spheres, ENA learnt from Russia.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency