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‫يشهد توسع UnionPay International المستمر لشبكتها العالمية إصدار أكثر من 200 مليون بطاقة خارج البر الرئيسي الصيني

10 سنوات من تقديم خدمات الدفع العالمية المبتكرة شنغهاي، 30 ديسمبر 2022 / PRNewswire / — مع إصدار بطاقات UnionPay التي تتجاوز 200 مليون خارج البر الصيني، UnionPay International (UPI) تدخل عقدًا جديدًا من تقديم خدمات دفع عالية الجودة وفعالة من حيث التكلفة وآمنة عبر الحدود إلى أكبر قاعدة لحاملي

Ethiopia-Tigray crisis: Mediators meet to bolster peace agreement

Mediators between Ethiopia’s federal government and authorities in the Tigray region, embroiled until last month in a brutal war, are stepping up efforts to enforce a truce as relations between the two sides inch closer towards normality.The Nov 2 ceas…

Looking Back at 2022 – (Part III)

Editor’s note: as the year 2022 draws to a close and all prepare to turn the calendar to 2023, we take the opportunity to look back on the previous 12 months. This article, reviewing the period from July to September, is the third in a four-part series…

New Down Syndrome Resource Available in Spanish and Japanese

Global Down Syndrome Foundation, Centro UC Síndrome de Down and Japan Down Syndrome Association Join Forces to Translate & Provide Online Access to the GLOBAL Adult Guideline DENVER, Dec. 29, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today, Global Down Syndrome Foundation (GLOBAL), published a Spanish and Japanese version of the GLOBAL Medical

Activity assessment meeting of nationals in Germany

Members of the PFDJ in Northern Germany conducted activity assessment meeting in the city of Wuppertal.Explaining on the activities conducted in the past years and especially after easing the guidelines due to COVID-19 pandemic, Mr. Kahsai Tewolde, hea…