Works Underway to Reinstate Peace in Amhara Region by Finalizing Law Enforcement Activities: State of Emergency General Command


Works are underway with a view to reinstating peace in Amhara Region by finalizing the law enforcement activities being carried out in the region within a short period of time, State of Emergency General Department Command disclosed.

It is to be recalled that Amhara Regional State has requested the federal government to take measures and enforce law in the region as the situation has become very serious and cannot be controlled by the regular law enforcement system.

Accordingly, a state of emergency was declared by the Council of Ministers and activities have been commenced by establishing General Department Command to implement the state of emergency proclamation.

The General Command has today deliberated on the organizational structure it designed with four command posts and four departments.

Chairman of the Command, Temesgen Tiruneh said in a press briefing today that the disruption of peace orchestrated by an organized robbery groups has created economic, social and administrative problems.

In addition to obstructing the activities of public service providing institutions, the groups have made criminals scape by breaking prisons in some areas, he stated.

And these acts have been hindering farming activities of Meher season and obstructed citizens from moving freely to receive services in the region, Temesgen pointed out.

Hence, he said the State of Emergency General Department has been engaged in reversing the security problems in the region.

According to Temesgen, the group has been committing serious violations against the residents of the region by robbing and destroying public service providing facilities among other crimes.

He said the government strongly believes in the fact that any demands should be addressed through peaceful mechanism as it had previously demonstrated this in practice.

The government will continue its law enforcement endeavors in the future too, he underlined.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency