Use of Astro-tourism as Vehicle to Promote Tourism Industry Emphasized


Addis Ababa, Innovation and Technology Ministry has emphasized the use of astro-tourism as a powerful vehicle to promote tourism industry.

During the official opening of the African Planetarium Association (APA) Biannual Workshop today, Ministry Representative Solomon Belay said the event aims to promote and foster astro-tourism and planetarium development in Ethiopia and Africa.

Most of the geographies and economic bases of African countries are the rural areas with striking potential for astro-tourism that could benefit the communities and the countries socio-economy, he added.

In line with the Homegrown Economy Reform of Ethiopia, the country has implemented legal frameworks that foster digitization, research, innovation, technology, and link them with astronomy.

“Now it is a good opportunity to use astro-tourism as a powerful vehicle to promote the tourism industry and to preserve astronomical sites, heritages, indigenous knowledge, and dark sky policies; and this is a good opportunity to local tourism industries to involve themselves in astro-tourism,”

African Planetarium Association (APA) Chair, Sally Macfarlane said the workshop aims to build capacity, create networks, and share knowledge to solve the challenges and capitalize on opportunities to transform the sector.

It is also a platform that collectively addresses obstacles hindering the growth of planetarium in Africa and strategize in order to surmount the challenges.

In the next two days, the workshop will delve into discussions to identify specific challenges, including technological, financial and educational, and seek together innovative solutions, share best practices and forge partnerships and friendships that will fortify the foundation of planetarium, Macfarlane stated.

According to the chair, Ethiopia has astonishing potential for astro-tourism and planetarium development, and the dome theater that Ethiopia has constructed recently is the biggest in the continent.

The dome theater, which is part of the Science Museum in Addis Ababa, has the capacity to accommodate up to 200 people; and is equipped with state-of-the-art projection and sound systems.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency