Tour to developmental sites in Southern Region

Business Market

Members of the youth workers organization in the Central Region accompanied by Mr. Fesehaye Haile, Governor of the region, visited the progress of the developmental and infrastructure activities in the Southern Region.

Upon visiting the Misilam dam as well as the agricultural activities in Halhale, the participants were provided briefings on the progress so far registered and on the future programs.

The participants on their part expressed satisfaction on the progress they observed first hand in the areas.

Indicating that they were able to observe the effort being made to develop irrigation as well as dairy farming and milk products, the participants said that they came to understand the strong foundation put in place to ensure food security.

Pointing out that dairy farming has been initiated in 2017 with few milk cows, Mr. Jime’e Abdella, head of Dairy Farming Project at the Livestock and Crops Corporation, said that currently the project is in good condition in terms of skilled human resources and facilities.

Eng. Berhane Beyene, head of Misilam Dam Project, on his part said that the dam is one of the strategic dams constructed by internal capacity and has the potential of holding 40 million cubic water and cultivating 500 hectares of land.

Source: Ministry of Information Eritrea