The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Kastor Group sign a memorandum of understanding for the construction of the Burkina house in Dakar


Ouagadougou: Minister of Foreign Affairs Karamoko Jean Marie Traoré and the General Administrator of the Kastor Africa group, signed yesterday Friday, a memorandum of understanding for the construction of a modern real estate complex, called “Maison du Burkina” in Dakar, for the benefit of the Burkina embassy in Senegal.

The “Maison du Burkina” in Dakar aims to enhance the value of the State’s real estate assets abroad, reduce rental charges and offer an optimal working environment to diplomatic staff, said the head of Burkinabe diplomacy.

According to Karamoko Jean Marie Traoré, this project will strengthen the image of Burkina Faso in Dakar and generate revenue to support diplomatic action.

For the General Administrator of the Kastor Africa Group, this agreement is a key step in mobilizing the resources necessary for the effective implementation of this project.

‘By signing this MoU, we affirm our commitment to a modern and prosperous future for our African continent. At Kastor Africa, we firmly believe
that initiatives like the ‘Maison du Burkina’ in Dakar are crucial steps towards a future where Africa stands out for its dynamism, innovation and unity,’ said Mr. Zagré.

Source: Burkina Information Agency