Reconquest of the national territory: The vital forces of the Hauts-Bassins called to get to work.


A ministerial delegation led by the Minister of State, Minister of Defense and Veterans, Brigadier General Kassoum Coulibaly, met on August 31, 2024 in Bobo-Dioulasso, with the vital forces of the Hauts-Bassins region. The delegation invited the sons of the region to unity and understanding.

The government delegation sent to the Hauts-Bassins to preach the mobilization of the populations for the total reconquest of the national territory was led by the Minister of State, Minister of Defense and Veterans, Brigadier General Kassoum Coulibaly. He was with his counterpart for water and sanitation Roger Barro, the Minister Delegate in charge of the Budget, Fatimata Bako, the Secretary General of the Government and the Council of Ministers, Mathias Traoré and the Governor of the Hauts-Bassins region, Mariama Konaté.

Mandated by the Head of State, the delegation spent several hours discussing the life of the nation with the vital forces. “Let no one be distracted from the interest they have for their country Burk
ina Faso. It is unique and indivisible.” It was with these words that the Minister of Defense and Veterans introduced the discussions. According to the delegation’s spokesperson, the Head of State, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, called on all the sons of the country to mobilize and unite.

“All the Head of State asks of you is to resume this solidarity, this unity, this family understanding,” said the minister. He continued by emphasizing that Burkina Faso will only stand up through the union of the sons and daughters of the country. This is why the delegation insisted on the commitment of each and every one. “If we really want the development of our country, let us really get to work and expect nothing from anyone.

We must realize that everything we do, we do it for the good of our country. We must cultivate tolerance in the face of small frustrations between us,” advised the brigadier general who insisted a lot on the policy of transparency in management. “If we receive 5F from someone, let us know where it went,
” he hammered home. For the government delegation, one of the major projects in the fight against terrorism is communication, disinformation. “Beware of social networks because they will only divide us if we are not vigilant enough,” Kassoum Coulibaly urged. On this aspect, the members of the mission invited the population to refer to official government websites and to avoid unfounded information.

A tribute to the FDS and VDP

The region’s vital forces who were given the floor expressed concerns and formulated several recommendations. The concerns relate, among other things, to the functioning of justice in the current context, the training of citizen monitoring on communication and the governance of public administration.

Faced with these various concerns, General Kassoum Coulibaly and his team of the day asked the sons and daughters to adopt good practices, or to denounce anything that seems suspicious. As for the question of justice, the Minister of Water and Sanitation Roger Baro, said that the concern
s will be resolved with the revision of certain texts.

The government mission took this opportunity to praise the bravery of the Defense and Security Forces (FDS) and the Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland (VDP), engaged on the various fronts. The governor of the Hauts-Bassins region, Mariama Konaté, gave a nod to the citizen watch which, according to her, is doing a great job in the region for the smooth running of the transition. The representative of economic operators, Al-Hassane Siénou, welcomed the government’s approach of reaching out to the vital forces to share with them real information on the progress of the nation. He reassured the availability of economic operators in the region to always support the government’s actions.

Source: Burkina Information Agency