Rahel Daniel nominated best cross country runner


Eritrean Olympian Athlete Rahel Daniel has been nominated by the International Athletics Association the best cross country runner at international level.

Athlete Rahel has been awarded the title after she won Gold Medal at the Almond Blossom Cross Country, Portugal, on 27 February ahead of Ethiopian and Kenyan athletes finishing the race in 21:09.

Ethiopian Athlete Likina Amebaw and Athlete Lucy Mawia of Kenya won second and third place finishing the race by 21:10 and 21:45 respectively.

Olympian Athlete Rahel Daniel is set to participate at the Indoor International Athletics competition to be held on 18 March.

In the same vein, according to the International Athletics Association, Eritrean Olympian Athlete Dolshi Tesfu is ranked in the 6th place while Eritrean Olympian Athlete Aron Kifle 5th.

Source: Ministry of Information Eritrea