PM Abiy Emphasizes Contribution of Tourism for Economic Sector


Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said tourism is one of the main pillars for the economic sector, considering a rich history, heritage, culture, natural endowments that Ethiopia is endowed with.

The premier launched today the Tourism and Hospitality exhibition in Addis Ababa.

He said “Tourism is one of the main pillars for the economic sector, considering we have a rich history, heritage, culture, natural endowments, birds, wildlife and unique events that are marketable.”

The Tourism and Hospitality exhibition launched today gives visitors an opportunity to see a sample of what makes Ethiopia an ideal destination, the premier added.

Abiy has also called on Ethiopians to serve in the interest of positioning Ethiopia as a destination with many splendors.

“I call upon all Ethiopians to explore what your country offers; to extract the potential of what you discover; to promote and to serve in the interest of positioning Ethiopia as a destination with many splendors,” the PM twitted.

Ethiopia has given a paramount attention to the tourism sector in its ten year development national plan.

The government is working to improve policies and legal frameworks to make the sector a key part of the local economic strategy.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency