PCRN warns Equinoxe television from talking about partyEthiopia Finalizes Preparations to Welcome, Host Second Generation Ethiopians


Usually, one is used to seeing political parties abstaining from taking part in debates on certain Television channels or radio because of the editorial policy that they deem not fit for their political agenda. But the recent decision by the National Party for the Reconciliation of Cameroon has been seen as a bombshell.

The party’s Communication Director, Armand Okol said the Douala-based private media has been constantly reporting against the party ‘We have noticed that for nearly four years now, just after the double legislative and municipal elections of 2020, the treatment of the news and activities of the PCRN in your communication media has been very unorthodox. Every time or almost every time, the reports are incriminating, unbalanced, and devoid of any professionalism, with the bonus of an excessive bias that rivals in skill with disinformation, flippancy, hypocrisy, mischievousness, pettiness, malice, and even defamation.’

This statement that was sent to the founder of Equinoxe Television, Severin
Tchounkeu, came after the party’s founder Robert Kona travelled back to his Guidiguis base in the far north region, after interrupting a Convention. Mr. Robert Kona accused the party’s 2018 Presidential election’s flagbearer, Hon. Cabral Libii of ignoring his calls, not toeing party lines and not responding to party orders, meanwhile, he was aware of these guidelines before his investiture.

Eequinxoe television in its 8 PM prime time news on Boxing Day broadcast the return of the party chairman.

This angered Cabral Libii and co who swiftly reacted by prohibiting Equinoxe television from talking about them.

‘This surprising stance is reflected in the categorical refusal to broadcast our activities in the field, even though logistical arrangements have been made to facilitate media coverage of the teams. But curiously, the journalists in this media group are highly motivated and lash out unmercifully at the slightest opportunity when a news item incriminates or works against the PCRN, confirming the theory o
f a cleverly hatched plan and a strong suspicion of instructions formally given to denigrate and undermine the PCRN.’ The statement partially read.

As a result, the party decided ‘to prohibit the use and/or mention in any way whatsoever of anything related to the PCRN by all communications media, staff, and guests of Groupe Équinoxe media programs. Similarly, media coverage of PCRN activities is strictly forbidden to all Groupe Équinoxe media personnel.

Observers have wondered how they will succeed with such a warning when the media is supposed to talk about everything news. It has also baffled many who wonder how a party that is out to reconcile Cameroonians is fighting the media that projected its candidate during the 2018 polls.
Source: Cameroon News Agency

Addis Ababa: Ministry of Tourism announced today that Ethiopia has finalized preparations to warmly welcome second-generation Ethiopians invited by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed to come to their homeland.

Recall that PM Abiy called on second-generation Ethiopians to reconnect with their ancestral root and contribute to the nation’s vibrant growth this weekend.

Following the call, Ministry of Tourism has established a committee that welcomes the second-generation.

Briefing the media, Tourism Minister Nasise Challi said the call by the premier is crucial to mend the gap between generations of Ethiopians and collectively contribute to their country of origin.

Generations may come and go, but our beloved Ethiopia remains an everlasting beacon. So it is our duty to pass the baton, not just to those within the borders, but also to our kin scattered across the globe, she noted.

The call has taken into consideration seasonal breaks and holidays to create favorable conditions and encourage the second generation Ethio
pians to come to their homeland.

To realize the premier’s call, the ministry has formed a grand committee and divided the Second Generation Ethiopians Homecoming into three phases with a series of different events scheduled to be overseen by sub-committees.

Each phase promises a unique tapestry of events designed to foster meaningful connections and celebrate shared heritage, Nasise elaborated.

Accordingly, the first phase dubbed ‘Connect to Your Multi-Cultural Roots’ will last from December 30, 2023 to January 29, 2024 with various events, including Ethiopia Week, Ethiopian Voices, visits, conferences and public lectures.

The second phase designated ‘Connect to Your Historical Origin’ will last from February 28, 2024 up to April 8, 2024 and will include events related to the Victory of Adwa.

The third phase, ‘Leave Your Legacy and Save Your Holiday’, will last from June 17, 2024 to September 30, 2024 and will include volunteer legacy events.

‘To make this successful, there are different committees that
are established. The main committee is led by Ministry of Tourism,’ she pointed out, adding that different institutions from federal, regional, and city administrations are part of the main committee.

According to the minister, there are also sub-committees that would help to make the second generation stay memorable and successful.

Nasise stated that this initiative marks a pivotal step in bridging the generational gap and fostering a collective spirit of growth in keeping with the country’s unwavering commitment to welcoming its global diaspora.
Source: Ethiopian News Agency