Pakistani FM Says Ethiopia Could Play Important Role in Increasing Footprint of Pakistan in African


Foreign Minister of Pakistan Jalil Abbas Jilani said Ethiopia could play an important role in increasing the footprint of Pakistan in entire African continent.

Ethiopian ambassador to Pakistan Jemal Beker and Foreign Minister of Pakistan Jalil Abbas Jilani exchanged views on bilateral, regional and multilateral issues.

The two sides have reiterated the resolve to strengthen already flourishing bilateral ties by enhancing bilateral, regional and multilateral cooperation in diverse areas including business, trade and investment.

According to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, at the meeting wide range of bilateral, regional and multilateral matters came under discussion to advance the already flourishing cooperation between the two brotherly countries.

During the occasion, ambassador Jemal said increasing the bilateral cooperation with Pakistan in areas of international peace and security, economy, climate change and anti-terrorism efforts was the foremost priority of the Government.

He said the Ethiopian Embassy in Islamabad was fully focused on the initiatives that were crucial to cultivate strong people-to-people and business-to-business ties between the two countries.

On the other hand, the Caretaker Foreign Minister of Pakistan, Jalil Abbas Jilani lauded the latest economic reforms of the Ethiopian Government which ushered in a new era of socio-economic development in the country.

Pakistan attached great importance to “Look Africa Initiative”, he said while acknowledging the role Ethiopia could play in increasing footprint of his country in entire African continent.

The Minister said start of the Ethiopian Airlines in Pakistan would be instrumental in enhancing people-to-people and business-to-business contacts not only between the two countries but also between Pakistan and Africa.

He also commended the Ethiopia Embassy role in facilitating and organizing business forum in Ethiopia and Pakistan that strengthen the economic diplomacy and people to people interaction of the two brotherly countries.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency