Omusati police detains nine foreign national in a suspected human trafficking case


The Namibian Police Force (NamPol) in the Omusati region in a suspected case of human trafficking detained nine Ethiopian nationals on Thursday evening after they entered Namibia illegally from Angola.

Omusati Regional Commander Commissioner Ismael Basson in a crime update, informed the media on Friday that the group was apprehended during a police patrol conducted by the Okapalelona sub-station while they were crossing the border between Omufituweelo and Okatanyange villages at around 22h50.

According to Basson, the group consisting of four males and five females were transported across the border by a white Toyota pickup truck with an Outapi registration. The vehicle was confiscated and its 42-year-old Namibian driver was also arrested.

‘The case has all the hallmarks of human trafficking and the Namibian suspect’s name is withheld until his court appearance,’ he said.

The nine Ethiopian are listed as Adise Siyum Laloto (23), Abayinesh Abebe Leleto (32), Lopiso Eliyas Shanko (26), Marta Lopso Boloso (3
3), Genet Ashore Megabo (30), Gideon Yessama Manedo (22), Almaz Sied Araro (27), Wogayehu Mesfin Birhanu (23), and Balakata Eiso who was found with no identification documents.

Police investigations continue.

Source: Namibia Press Agency

Omusati police detains nine foreign national in a suspected human trafficking case


The Namibian Police Force (NamPol) in the Omusati region in a suspected case of human trafficking detained nine Ethiopian nationals on Thursday evening after they entered Namibia illegally from Angola.

Omusati Regional Commander Commissioner Ismael Basson in a crime update, informed the media on Friday that the group was apprehended during a police patrol conducted by the Okapalelona sub-station while they were crossing the border between Omufituweelo and Okatanyange villages at around 22h50.

According to Basson, the group consisting of four males and five females were transported across the border by a white Toyota pickup truck with an Outapi registration. The vehicle was confiscated and its 42-year-old Namibian driver was also arrested.

‘The case has all the hallmarks of human trafficking and the Namibian suspect’s name is withheld until his court appearance,’ he said.

The nine Ethiopian are listed as Adise Siyum Laloto (23), Abayinesh Abebe Leleto (32), Lopiso Eliyas Shanko (26), Marta Lopso Boloso (3
3), Genet Ashore Megabo (30), Gideon Yessama Manedo (22), Almaz Sied Araro (27), Wogayehu Mesfin Birhanu (23), and Balakata Eiso who was found with no identification documents.

Police investigations continue.

Source: Namibia Press Agency