New guide unlocks access to MSB and SAPP markets

Business Market

The Southern African Power Pool (SAPP) and Modified Single Buyer (MSB) market access guide, supported by the European programme GET.transform, was launched in Windhoek on Monday.

A media statement issued by NamPower and the Electricity Control Board (ECB) said the joint guide was issued to support Independent Power Producers (IPP) in accessing the national and regional energy trading markets.

SAPP indicated that with the guide, the organisation provides structured information on how to become an active SAPP member. While initially adopting a Namibian perspective, it ultimately aims to boost electricity trading in the entire region through increased participation of independent players.

“By providing an overview of the market rules and roles in Namibia’s MSB and SAPP regional markets, this guide addresses the urgent need for consolidated information. It assists the IPPs in understanding and navigating the necessary processes and outlines the requirements for active participation in both markets,” the statement read.

It further said SAPP has been successful in promoting the cooperation and coordination of the power sectors of its member states, including the planning and operations activities of the SAPP interconnected grid and the establishment of competitive electricity markets.

Through the introduction of the MSB market rules, Namibia has partially opened its electricity market, making it a perfect model for lessons and replication in other SAPP member countries. The first edition of the SAPP and MSB market access guide has been developed as a reference guide for future editions, the statement said.

Source: The Namibian Press Agency