Nation Coming Back to Fold of Int’l Diplomatic Activities after Peace Agreement: Professor Brook


Ethiopia has been coming back to the fold of the international diplomatic activities after the Pretoria peace agreement signed between the Federal Government and TPLF, Political Science and International Relations Professor Brook Hailu said.

In an exclusive interview with ENA, the professor noted that the country’s diplomatic and foreign policy efforts were negatively affected by the crisis in northern Ethiopia.

The issue had been discussed in the UN Security Council many times along the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, he recalled.

According to him, the country has once again came back to the fold of the international diplomatic activities since the Pretoria agreement that was signed based on the principle of promoting peace, dialogue and targeted towards finding solution to the crisis.

The proof of these are the meetings held between the US Administration and the leadership of Ethiopia; presidents and prime ministers of different countries.

Recently the new President of World Bank, Ajay Banga, was in Ethiopia where he was satisfied with efforts to bring about peace in the country and also improvement in the economic and social sectors, Professor Brook added.

Ethiopia has been playing active role not only in economic and political diplomacy, but also in the climate and energy forums of the world.

The analyst pointed out that the very fact that Ethiopia has given priority to bring about peace and harmony in the region is a positive step.

Ethiopia has contributed a lot in Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan; and in terms of contributions it is the third largest UN peacekeeping mission contributors in the world, behind Bangladesh, India Pakistan, he stated, adding that this is a good gesture and a good strategy as peace is the bottom line in any country.

“This policy should continue, playing a positive role to bring peace within the country like what was done in northern Ethiopia. The same logic should be replicated in the Horn of Africa, and also peace throughout the continent and peace in the world. I think it is a good strategy and tactic on the part of Ethiopia.”

The professor further explained that Ethiopia has always been an attraction, even a center of diplomatic activity in the world as well as in the African continent.

By the number of diplomatic missions that operate in the capital, it is number three in the world and almost all countries have embassies here.

UN itself as well as its specialized agencies and international, inter-governmental organizations are here; and this indicates how Ethiopia is very important.

Since Ethiopia started the Green Legacy Initiative, climate oriented or international organizations working on climate change, energy as well as forestry related organizations are also coming to Ethiopia.

So, Professor Brook concluded that the more we are active or hyperactive in such arenas, the more international organizations and regional organizations come. And this would have a dividend.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency