Namentenga/Belote: Belote players Jean Modeste Kaboré and Amado Baguian champions of the 6th edition


The High Commissioner of the Kouritenga province, Moctar Ilboudo, chaired in Koupèla, on August 31, 2024, the day dedicated to the competition of the 6th edition of belote of Fraternité belote club de Koupèla (FBCK). For the occasion, the belote players Jean Modeste Kaboré and Amado Baguian were crowned champions of the 6th edition.

60 competitors from the Centre-East, Centre and Centre-North regions were able to determine the 4 best teams of the 6th edition of the belote of Fraternité belote club de Koupèla (FBCK) at the end of the different phases of the competition .

The 1st team , that of Jean Modeste Kaboré-Amado Baguian from Koupèla, received, in addition to the trophy, a sum of 75,000 FCFA.

The 2nd team , that of Victor Dao-Romaric Tindano from Ouaga, received 50,000 FCFA. The 3rd team, that of Malgoubri-Jules Silga from Koupèla, left with 30,000 FCFA.

The team of Pierre Sawadogo from Ouaga and Jean-Baptiste Damiba from Boulsa ranked 4th received 20,000 FCFA and the fair play team prize of 10,000

The High Commissioner congratulated the President of FBCK, Kéré Philippe for the successful organization of the 6th edition and the winners for their performances before making a special mention to the sponsor and the many contributors.

The belote player at the Wemtenga table in Ouagadougou, Dao Victor, well known in the community, took the opportunity to show his concerns about the future of belote.

The High Commissioner indicated that in addition to these playful virtues, belote contributes to the formation of characters. It remains a powerful means of integration and socialization.

However, it is clear, according to Victor Dao, that nowadays, young people are no longer interested in belote.

While some people claim that they learned it when they were in boarding school, Ousmane Warma from Koupèla, for his part, claims to have learned it within the groups of teachers in the villages.

According to FBCK president Philippe Kéré, today’s young people are more attached to the telephone than to belote.

he High Commissioner of Kourittenga, Moctar Ilboudo, congratulated the FBCK for its initiative which contributes to social cohesion, the strengthening of living together and resilience in the face of the difficult security context in Burkina.

Mr. Ilboudo also made a special mention to the sponsor, Colonel-Major Jean-Baptiste Parkouda, SG of the Ministry of Defense and Veterans, to the co-sponsor, Bernard Belembaogo and to the honorary president, Professor Jean Gabriel Ouango.

He also greeted the guests of honor, Me Soahanba Mathias Tankoano, Pr Alkassoum Maïga and the customary and traditional chief of Kouritenga, his majesty Naba Yemdé.

Source: Burkina Information Agency