Mouhoun/Basic Christian Community of Souri: Father Théodore Ouédraogo gives thanks


Ouagadougou: Father Théodore Ouédraogo, of the congregation of African missionaries ‘White Fathers’, celebrated his action mass on Sunday August 4, 2024 in the village of Souri, not far from the town of Dédougou. of grace. It was in the presence of the Christian community of the Sainte Anne de Dédougou cathedral parish, priests, religious men and women. The celebration saw the blessing of the new Marian grotto in the village of Souri.

Ordained priest on Saturday July 13, 2024 in Dédougou, Father Théodore Ouédraogo, son of the village of Souri and the cathedral parish of Saint Anne of Dédougou, chose this first Sunday of August 2024 to give thanks to God for the gift of priesthood in the service of his brothers and sisters.

The basic Christian community of the village of Souri was strongly mobilized for this unprecedented event in the sense that Father Théodore Ouédraogo is the first priest of this locality and the eighteenth of the cathedral parish of Dédougou.

Songs, dances and speeches punctuated this Eu
charistic celebration which lasted four hours.

Father Théodore expressed his gratitude to those who accompanied him in one way or another during his journey to the priesthood.

‘During my journey, priests, sisters, catechists and faithful Christians have had a positive impact on me through their Christian life. Bless you who brought your building stone into my life,’ he said.

He recognized that during his long journey, there were sometimes doubts and questions about the mission that awaits him.

‘If my motto: wherever I send you, there you go, taken from the book of Jeremiah 1-7, this means that it is after a long time of discernment and listening to the voice of God that we finally give thanks to God for all that he has been and will be,’ explained Father Théodore.

The various speakers did not lack gratitude to God who was the master of this journey.

They hoped that the young priest who will announce the Good News of Christ in Tanzania would be filled with zeal for the mission and hoped that his example
would spread so that many vocations would be born in the village of Souri and in the parish. Cathedral of Saint Anne of Dédougou.

Before the end of the long Eucharistic celebration, the young priest blessed the village’s Marian grotto and hoped that this place of prayer would be beneficial for every inhabitant of Souri.

The popular festivities continued until nightfall.

Source : Burkina Information Agency