MME launches first-ever electronic fleet management system


The Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) launched the first-ever electronic Fleet Management System (FMS) here Monday.

The electronic FMS is a solution to the management, monitoring, and control of the ministry’s fleet with real-time data to improve operational efficiency and enable management to make quick and informed decisions relating to fleet management.

In her remarks at the launch, MME Deputy Minister Kornelia Shilunga said the system will minimize paperwork and time spent during vehicle management processes.

“This occasion undoubtedly presents a significant milestone in the management of the ministry and government transport system, as it will enable us to improve and deliver basic services to all our people,” Shilunga said.

The Ministry, she added hopes to see the FMS implemented across all government offices, ministries, agencies, and other public institutions.

Speaking at the same event, the ministry’s Chief Analyst Programmer Andreas Mutota who designed and developed the system and its specifications in 2018, said MME will temporarily host the system until it is passed over to the Office of the Prime Minister, where it will be based.

“The FMS is now owned by the government and therefore falls under government assets,” Mutota said.

Source: The Namibian Press Agency