Missing Kenyan Election Official Found Dead


Kenyan police say the body of an election official has been found just outside the capital with signs of torture. The discovery was made as Kenya’s election chief said his staff faces a spate of threats and abductions surrounding the announcement of election results.

The body of 53-year-old Daniel Musyoka, an official presiding over the election in Nairobi, was found in Kilombero forest, Kajiado county. Kenyan media that the body, discovered late Monday by herders, showed signs of struggle and torture.

Police officials in Kajiado county believe the Mosyoka might have been killed elsewhere and the body dumped in the area. He had disappeared Thursday from his election tallying center in Nairobi.

Wafula Chebukati, chairperson of Kenya’s Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission, said Monday electoral officers were targeted during the election period.

“We have staff who have been profiled,” he said. “There is a staff member, a returning officer Embakasi West, who disappeared on duty. We have staff who have been arbitrarily arrested for unknown reasons. We don’t know where they are. Some from this national tallying center.”

The latest incidents raise concerns about a repeat of the violence that has plagued past elections in Kenya.

Days before the 2017 election an electoral official in charge of IT, Chris Musando, was killed.

Kenya’s electoral commission announced incumbent Deputy President William Ruto the winner of last week’s presidential vote. His main challenger, Raila Odinga, through a representative, has refused to accept the results.

Some electoral officers were accused of tampering with election results and mishandling voting materials. Some officers have been summoned to court on charges of electoral malfeasance.

The announcement of the results has sparked both celebrations and violent protests in some parts of the country, including the capital.

Source: Voice of America