Ministry urges farmers to submit claims for agricultural interventions


The Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform issued a directive on Monday urging all farmers to submit their claims for various interventions at the nearest agricultural extension office in their respective regions.

Executive Director Ndiyakupi Nghituwamata in a statement listed the range of interventions eligible for submission, which include livestock marketing, subsidies for the transportation of livestock to and from grazing areas, leasing of grazing land, as well as lick and fodder subsidies.

“The mentioned interventions will be effective from 01 October 2023 until 31 March 2024, and will apply to all 14 regions. Farmers are required to furnish essential documents, including a herd statement, a certified copy of their identity document, a stock brand card, the most recent bank confirmation letter, and the original proof of transaction or confirmation from the traditional authority where applicable. Additionally, a commissioner of oath statement confirming drought-stricken status is mandatory,” the statement read.

However, Nghituwamata noted that the provision of these subsidies will continue until grazing conditions improve, or the budget allocated for this purpose is exhausted – whichever comes first.

For any inquiries related to these interventions, the public can contact the ministerial drought relief intervention office at 061 208 7529.

Source: The Namibian Press Agency