Massive Tree Seedlings Crucial to Boosting Economy, Minimize Impact of Climate Change

Business Market

The massive tree seedlings are crucial for boosting economy of the country and minimize the challenges of global climate change, Minister of Trade and Regional Integration said.

Various segments of across Ethiopia have been participating at the ambitious tree planting campaign aimed at planting 500 million seedlings in a single day.

Staff members of Ministry of Trade and Integration as well as Ethiopian Artificial Intelligence Institute have planted seedlings this morning at Kilinto Industrial Park at the outskirt of Addis Ababa.

During the occasion, head of the Minister’s Office at Trade and Regional Integration, Abdissa Yadeta said the green legacy initiative is interconnected with trade as it enhances soil fertility and increase production and productivity.

Increase in productivity, boosts the quality and quantity of products which are crucial to improve the nation’s revenue obtained from export trade and strengthen the economy.

“The idea of sustainable development has intrinsic relationship with the environment. Protecting soil and plant saplings are very important not only for today, but for the future the generations to come, for the country that we are building, for the economy that is being built, to creating a comfortable living environment for citizens,” Abdissa elaborated.

He added that the money generated from local development helps to expand business and the wealth obtained from the business goes back to help protect and enhance the environment. They are so interconnected.

Ethiopian Artificial Intelligence Institute Director-General Worku Gachena on his part said previously the participation of the public was not at this level and now people from all walks of life are participating in the massive tree planting campaign and this will be strengthened.

“The Green Legacy program is very important for our country and the world. The world is suffering from decertification. Ethiopia is working to find solutions in addressing challenges of climate change. If we continue to work on implementing the green legacy in this way, it will enable us to strengthen our visibility in the international fora and contribute our share to tackling the impacts of climate change,” he said.

According to the Director General, the Ethiopian Artificial Intelligence Institute is a technology institution working to modernize and support the agriculture, health and finance sectors of the country.

Hana Teshome, worker at the Ethiopian Artificial Intelligence Institute, who has also been participating in tree planting campaigns carried out over the last four years, said the green legacy initiative has huge benefits to the people and environment.

“We are extremely witnessing erratic climate changes. Leaving a green legacy in this way will help us to make a positive contribution to the future of our country,” she said.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency