Kénédougou: Populations support the AES authorities


The provincial coordination of associations for citizen monitoring of Kénédougou and the Regional Youth Council of Hauts-Bassins organized on Sunday, September 1, 2024 in Orodara, a cross-border march-meeting in support of the authorities of the Alliance of Sahel States (AES). This was attended by a strong delegation of Malian youth from Sikasso.

The populations of the Kénédougou province mobilized as one to express their support for the authorities of the countries of the Alliance of Sahel States (AES), through a march-meeting that they organized on Sunday, September 1, 2024 in Orodara.

Leaving from the Faso Kady cinema at the roundabout on the Banfora road, the marchers, composed mainly of young people, chanted slogans in favour of Captain Ibrahim Traoré and the other heads of state of the AES countries.

On the Orodara stadium plateau where the meeting was held, the ceremony began with the blessings of the village chief, His Majesty Massa Traoré, to the organizers.

Of the various speakers who took to t
he podium, all affirmed their unwavering support for Captain Ibrahim Traoré. They also praised the commitment of the fighting forces to the reconquest of the national territory.

According to the president of the provincial coordination of citizen monitoring associations, Hermann Konaté, Captain Ibrahim Traoré has already paved the way for the total independence of our country. This is why he invited the people of Kénédougou, especially the youth, to support him massively in his fight for the reconquest of the national territory.

The President of the Sikasso Regional Youth Council, Boubacar Hane, for his part, thanked the organizers of this event which aims to support the efforts made by the AES authorities to defeat terrorism in their respective countries.

On behalf of the members of his delegation, Mr. Hane also expressed his gratitude and recognition to the provincial coordination of associations for citizen monitoring for having involved Malian youth in this event but also and above all for the warm wel

The mission officer of the President of Faso at the level of Hauts-Bassins, Oumar Traoré noted with satisfaction the results achieved on the ground by the government and called on the populations of Kénédougou to be resilient in supporting the actions of Captain Ibrahim Traoré.

According to Oumar Traoré, this event is an opportunity for the provincial coordination of associations for citizen monitoring of Kénédougou and the Regional Youth Council of Hauts-Bassins to magnify and highlight the efforts made by the transition, the FDS and the VDP.

He also called on the two structures to support the AES authorities in the ongoing quest for the sovereignty of their peoples.

A fundraiser initiated on this occasion allowed the organizers to raise the sum of 1,68,910 FCFA to support the fighting forces.

Source: Burkina Information Agency