Importance of Building Nat’l Capacity to Promptly Respond to Disaster Underscored


Addis Ababa November 3, 2023 (ENA) Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister Demeke Mekonnen emphasized today the importance of building a national capacity to respond promptly to disaster risks in the country.

The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council, chaired by Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Demeke Mekonnen deliberated on a road map containing sustainable self-reliance solutions to the threat of disaster risks, and access to current humanitarian aid.

The Council discussed Ethiopia’s capability to provide humanitarian assistance for people affected by natural and man-made causes in sustainable ways on its own and the opportunities and options available to solve the problem.

It also held discussion about priorities that need to be taken in the next four months in order to provide emergency support for the needy.

During the occasion, Demeke recalled that many man-made and natural disasters have been encountered in every era and that the people have overcome disasters by persevering.

There are a lot of flagship programs in the country that have been achieving great results by building national capacity, he added.

That is why it is important to build national capacity that can address the disaster risks induced by natural and man-made disasters affecting human lives, property and livestock in the country.

“The country has a huge capacity. And there are tangible results that have been achieved in many sectors, including irrigation wheat production. By using these achievements as bases, we can realize humanitarian aid by ourselves.”

The chairman emphasized that there should be a coordinated and quick response to the citizens who currently need humanitarian assistance in the country without loss of life or worse causes.

Providing humanitarian aid on its own is a matter of sovereignty and pride, he noted, adding that it is necessary to find solutions to the problems that arise due to various reasons.

It is also critical to build a strong system that can deal with and respond to man-made and natural disasters in a sustainable manner.

In addition to the support provided for affected people by the federal government, regional states should invest the necessary financial support in the sector and work to bring sustainable solutions.

Demeke underscored that the regional states should strengthen their capacity and work closely with the pertinent stakeholders.

National Disaster Risk Management Commissioner, Shiferaw Teklemariam said it is important to realize that providing humanitarian aid with ones own capacity is a task that requires national patriotism.

It is necessary to identify the correct number of beneficiaries, improve institutional organization, strengthen the coordination system, and get rid of dependency mentality.

The commissioner stressed that it is necessary to work in collaboration with regional states to bring durable solutions to natural and man-made problems that have been affecting people in the country.

Ethiopia has plenty of potential in agriculture and other sectors, Shiferaw said, adding that we can not only overcome the current challenge of humanitarian aid provision for the affected people, but also establish Ethiopia Aid, if we work effectively.

Participants of the meeting said as natural and man-made disasters risk aggravate poverty, hinder economic sovereignty in the short term and are a threat to national security, we must work together to overcome the problems.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency