High-level Workshop Discusses Ethiopia’s Holistic Productive Capacities Development Programme


A high-level workshop on Ethiopia’s Holistic Programme for Productive Capacities Development, which is key to fostering a national consensus on the way forward to address the gaps and limitations in Ethiopia’s productive capacities, was held at Radisson Blu Hotel today.

The workshop is expected to provide opportunities to discuss Ethiopia’s National Productive Capacities Gap Assessment (NPCGA) prepared by UNCTAD and its implications for fostering productive capacities in Ethiopia for structural economic transformation and achieving sustained and inclusive economic growth and development. While opening the workshop, UNCTAD Division for Africa, Least Developed Countries and Special Programs Director, Paul Akiwumi said Ethiopia’s Holistic Productive Capacities Development Program is crucial to advancing structural economic transformation and achieve of the 10-year development plan.

“Our intervention strategy focuses on reducing over dependence by tapping the countries comparative advantages,” he added.

“Ethiopia’s Holistic Productive Capacities Development Program has been developed to address the core development constraints. Overall, it aims at advancing structural economic transformation and enables the achievements of the objectives of the 10-year development plan, a pathway to prosperity.”

The six core pillars of the program are agriculture modernization, manufacturing and value addition; international trade and integration; infrastructure; innovation and technology development; human development and private sector; and institutional building and coordination.

Planning and Development Minister, Fitsum Assefa said on the occasion that “the program holds immense significance particularly given the country’s current context. Ethiopia is in the process of recovering from a two-year conflict in the north and actively engaged in revitalizing affected communities and rejuvenating the economy.”

Ethiopia’s resilient recovery and reconstruction framework demonstrates the commitment to addressing the unprecedented recovery needs, the minister stated.

“The government’s recent introduction of Ethiopia’s resilient recovery and reconstruction framework demonstrates the commitment to addressing the unprecedented recovery needs with the ultimate goal of rebuilding a resilient, stable and sustainable society in post-conflict Ethiopia,” she noted.

According to her, the government has already initiated consultations on the second phase of the Home-grown Economic Reform.

For Fitsum, the combination of the Home-grown Economic Reform and the reconstruction and recovery framework exemplifies the government’s determination to keep the economy in high trajectory.

And the holistic program launched holds immense significance, the minister said, adding that “the government is really committed to implementing this important program so that the gaps are addressed and we achieve our highest productive potential possible.”

In order to successfully attain the targets outlined, the sustainable development plan is imperative to Ethiopia to fortify its capacities, she further noted.

Industry Minister Melaku Alebel stressed that realizing productivity and homegrown economic reform need coordination among all stakeholders, enhancing the capacity of institutions and skills, among others.

UNCTAD’s engagement in Asia, Africa and Latin America, have provided UNCTAD with valuable insights into the operationalization of Holistic Program for Productive Capacities Development specifically for Ethiopia, it was indicated.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency