Ethiopia’s Quest for Access Seaport Promotes Mutual Dev’t, Needs to Be SupportedNTLA mourns President Geingob


Addis Ababa: Countries in the east African region should support and cooperate with Ethiopia since the country’s quest for access to seaport is a genuine move to maximize mutual growth, said Ethiopian ambassador to Tanzania.

Speaking to ENA, Ethiopian Special Envoy and Plenipotentiary to Tanzania Ambassador Shibru Mamo said that the Recent Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between Ethiopia and Somaliland is a landmark and a practical response for cooperation and mutual development.

On January 1, 2024; Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed inked a historic MoU in Addis Ababa with the President of Somaliland Muse Bihe Abdi). The MoU for Partnership and Cooperation, between Ethiopia and Somaliland, is intended to serve as a framework for the multisectoral partnership between the two sides.

The deal is also believed to pave the way to realize the aspiration of Ethiopia to secure access to the sea and diversify its access to seaports.

Ambassador Shibru added the MoU is also a remarkable diplomatic success story tha
t the Ethiopian government has achieved under the leadership of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed.

Moreover, the accord would allow Ethiopia to utilize the seaport from the Red Sea, one of the most strategic world trade routes.

The ambassador also expressed belief that Ethiopia’s access to seaport will significantly contribute to develop cooperatively and in solidarity with countries in the region.

‘The biggest thing is that a MoU between Ethiopia and Somaliland would promote the principle of cooperation. This is also aligned with the international rules for access to coastline. On the other hand, this agreement can ensure the economic benefit of Somaliland and allow it to have a proportional share from Ethiopia,’ Shibiru stated.

Beyond accelerating Ethiopia’s growth by increasing its import-export trade, the ambassador is convinced that the deal will gradually change the political, economic and security situation in the region for the better.

According to him, access for additional ports for Ethiopia is crucial
in order to properly accommodate its ever growing economy and population.

In this regard, countries in the region should understand the real challenges of Ethiopia as well as its peaceful approach by supporting its endeavor in getting access to port, citing Tanzania for sharing its ports to its neighboring countries for mutual benefits.

Tanzania, which has eight neighboring countries and seven ports, created a favorable environment around its ports by constructing massive infrastructure in railway and other dry transport, he indicated.

With this, the Tanzanian government has not only donated about 20 hectares of port to Zambia, but also allowed Zambian goods to stay at the port for 45 days without fee, he said.

Therefore, he said, Ethiopia’s neighboring countries should follow Tanzania’s footsteps in this regard to reinforce mutual development for the betterment of the east African region

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

KEETMANSHOOP: Chief of the |Hai-|Khaua Traditional Authority (TA), Johannes Isaack, on behalf of all the Nama clans on Monday expressed his condolences to the former First Lady, Monica Geingos, children, family and the entire country on the death of President Hage Geingob on Sunday.

Speaking at a press conference here on Monday, Isaack, who is the chairman of the Nama Traditional Leaders Association (NTLA) said: ‘It is with faith in our Lord’s declaration and with profound sorrow that we, the NTLA, together with all our Nama traditional authorities and the entire Nama nation, extend our sincere condolences to our First Lady, Monica Geingos, the children and extended family. NTLA also extends our deepest condolences to His Excellency, President Nangolo Mbumba and his wife, the Government of the Republic of Namibia, and the entire Namibian nation. May President Hage Geingob’s soul rest in eternal peace.’

Isaack said even if the leadership style of the late Head of State was sometimes not understood by sosme,
he was an excellent administrator and policy-maker, adding that his caring and commitment towards the elders and the wellbeing of the entire Namibian nation will be remembered and cherished forever.

‘For the Namibian nation, this will indeed be a painful and challenging period. Our nation never experienced the loss of a president, especially not a sitting president. During these difficult times, we are acknowledging that life’s challenges are an unavoidable part of the human experience, which must be approached with calm, patience and fortitude,’ said Isaack.

He added that the Namibian people know about pain because of the genocide and colonisation, but that they endured hardships with grace, and therefore, understand transcending suffering, embracing challenges and the ultimate manifesting of strength and resilience.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency