Douala: woman detained for attempting to poison children


A woman whose name has not been disclosed by authorities has been detained in Douala, Littoral region of Cameroon for allegedly attempting to poison pupils of Petit Genie primary school situated behind picasso bar in the Ndogpassi neighborhood.

According to sources, she handed the poisoned food to her child and instructed her to share to her friends in class. “She was right here in my shed when she handed the food to her daughter. She complained that her daughter’s classmates had been eating her lunch and she needed to teach them a lesson,” a vendor in the school narrated. She further said that all attempts to dissuade her were abortive.

“I pleaded with her not to do anything to the children because it could cause death but she wouldn’t listen. I even volunteered to give her daughter free food everyday but even this was not enough to convince her this was a bad idea.”

The disturbed lady who preferred to kept anonymous said she decided to alert school authorities and some parents thus November 1. This led to doxens of parents storming the school yard demanding that the woman be taken to the authorities.

“No child was harmed and the lady is currently being interrogated by authorities. The disorder was caused simply because of hearsay. We had to take preventive measures by calling in the authorities,” the school principal of Petit Genie primary school revealed.

The woman has been detained and school authorities have advised parents to educate their children on the dangers of eating food given by their schoolmates or strangers.

Source: Cameroon News Agency